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Author Topic: [Early Development] Tears of Dragons  (Read 10463 times)

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[Early Development] Tears of Dragons
« on: April 25, 2017, 02:13:16 am »
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Current State Screenshot:

WASD - directional movement
K - swing sword
T - triggers game over
Q/E - cycles through command menu
I/L - opens/closes a dynamic menu background

Current iteration:
-features some generic baddies
-can aggro all enemies if you wanted to
-camera/targetting focuses closest enemy
-enemies can be killed
-you cannot be hurt
-"dynamic" camera
-can move while in combat(cannot run away though)
-dynamic music
-command menu system
-game over
-full movement while in battle
-some basic corner cutting and collision system
-HP/MP with related bars/numbers on battle HUD
-combo system in combat(only 2 hit combos for the moment)

Excuse the Chrono Trigger art.  Couldn't make anything of my own, so I stole, erm "borrowed" some art.  Also, using FF7 and OoT Sound effects for the moment.  Just looking for feedback on the basic concept. 

I guess the idea I am working toward would be a LttP x Crisis Core FF7 x Chrono Trigger x Kingdom Hearts combat system?  Won't really feel that way until further iterations.
Let me know what you guys think.

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« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 09:49:14 pm by Theforeshadower »
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Re: [Early Development] Tears of Dragons
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2017, 08:43:22 am »
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Will be sure to try it out. Just a note tho, I'm not used to wasd. :P

(Just tried it. It glitched with the first enemy overlapping with me. Couldn't move or swing sword. Will be interesting to see though. Worked fine on my second try tho.)
« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 08:56:27 am by Mariotag »
Re: [Early Development] Tears of Dragons
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2017, 07:53:08 pm »
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I can only assume the glitch was because you attempted to swing sword before it was completely out.  That glitch has been fixed.
-added dynamic music transition for battles
-added selectable command system
-added a working game over state
-added a single spell - Lighting 1
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Knight of ERA
Re: [Early Development] Tears of Dragons
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2017, 02:44:21 am »
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Seems similar-ish to Secret of Mana. That's all I really have to say on it.
I was talking to my friend last night, and he was mentioning about how in 1980, he thought the internet would become this amazing place where people from across the world would share ideas. I was telling him about how this project [KOT] has worked, lurching along for years and drawn by different people from across the globe, and he thought it was beautiful. And he was right, it's awesome. :D

Zelda Items Spritesheet album (OUT OF DATE) - (link here)
A Link Across Time project - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Metroid) - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Zelda) - (link here)
Boss Keys project Trello Board - (link here)
Re: [Early Development] Tears of Dragons
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2017, 03:25:22 am »
  • It's just Max.
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I liked it. The combat felt pretty good, like the sword felt pretty impactful, and the auto-targeting of the nearest enemy worked well for me, I liked that, felt like the sword had a generous range. Was the flask item supposed to do anything? I figure not.

Also this happened once, I was maybe swinging at an enemy or something:

action number 1
of Destroy Event
for object objDamagePopup:

Unable to find any instance for object index '100006' name '<undefined>'
at gml_Object_objDamagePopup_Destroy_0

Re: [Early Development] Tears of Dragons
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2017, 03:56:48 am »
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Seems similar-ish to Secret of Mana. That's all I really have to say on it.
That's a compliment.  Though, as I expand on combos in battle, it might end of feeling closer to Sword of Mana/Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.  I expect the attacking part of battle to speed up once I implement combos.

I liked it. The combat felt pretty good, like the sword felt pretty impactful, and the auto-targeting of the nearest enemy worked well for me, I liked that, felt like the sword had a generous range. Was the flask item supposed to do anything? I figure not.

Also this happened once, I was maybe swinging at an enemy or something:

action number 1
of Destroy Event
for object objDamagePopup:

Unable to find any instance for object index '100006' name '<undefined>'
at gml_Object_objDamagePopup_Destroy_0

Yeah, no flask stuff yet.  It's just there for show.  There will end up being a spell menu as well.  I am thinking that a maximum of five equippable spells is plenty - I am even leaning more toward only three.

I have not been able to reproduce your crash.  I have fixed some bugs here and there that I find on my end, so maybe it is fixed.  MIght have something to do with hitting an enemy when they are dead.  This has been fixed on my end but not in newest uploaded version.

I will be working on the sword range even more.  If the enemy gets too close, the sword no longer works.  Might just make a collision with player while they are in attack animation if the enemy is in your face.  Right now, the system checks based on the sword swipe sprite, not the player.  WIll look into it.

-changed some tunes and added CT Guardia Forest for regular music
-added HP and MP
-implemented HP/MP bars and numbers on battle HUD
-added collision(only works on enemies and your regular movement, not battle movement)
-added some tiles from Chrono Trigger and removed the repeating background
-various small fixes

« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 04:03:09 am by Theforeshadower »
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Re: [Early Development] Tears of Dragons
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2017, 10:34:02 pm »
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-various bug fixes(including the crash bug)
-changed tileset to a cc0 tileset
-added collision checking while in battle
-greatly improved enemy aggro when in battle(enemies now group up on you much easier/faster)
-enemies can now attack you and deal damage to you based on touching you or actually hitting you with the spin attack
-game over can now be triggered by running out of HP
-more improvements to sword detection
-WIP dynamic menu I to open, L to close

« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 02:54:36 am by Theforeshadower »
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Re: [Early Development] Tears of Dragons
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2017, 09:48:39 pm »
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-Game/Project has a name
-Has a working title screen
-about a dozen fixes on enemy AI (weird double sounds, attacking while dead, etc: things such as that are fixed)
-COMBO SYSTEM!!!!  Yay!  You can now double swing if you land the first sword swing on an enemy(this was actually quite a bit of work)
-reworked the damage popup system

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