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Messages - Nabeshin

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Coding / Re: Tile-Based Collisions and Leveling
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:23:55 pm »
Sounds like a very useful reference to have. I use a ton of touchy diagonals in my game, so I'm sure I for one would find it helpful.

Graphics / Re: Rate my logo.
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:53:17 pm »
Versioning the logo would do nicely. The first on light backgrounds, the second on dark ones. And the logo itself is great.

That said, I think you should make use of a third version that's just the pie (symbolic brand recognition). Then you could also make an animation to go along with it, that transitions from text to just the pie. (Maybe a clockwise rolling animation, which lends itself to the round shape and the point of the V lying in that direction.)

Updates / Re: April Fools Update!
« on: April 02, 2012, 12:00:33 am »
I don't support this at all. [madrassauce] is a constructive member of the community, who consistently contributes to open discussion, spriting threads, coding threads, you name it. ... I know [madrassauce] made that one thread, but everyone has bad days, right?
That said, [madrassauce], I don't know if liking dogs that much is healthy...

Updates / Re: April Fools Update!
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:42:04 pm »
I don't support this at all. [madrassauce] is a constructive member of the community, who consistently contributes to open discussion, spriting threads, coding threads, you name it. ... I know [madrassauce] made that one thread, but everyone has bad days, right?

Coding / Re: Switch Statement Key Checks: Help Request!
« on: March 21, 2012, 02:03:57 am »
I see. But do you understand what I've said about adding or subtracting 0 to something? As I said, my very short version of your code is logically equivalent to yours because it eliminates cases where you were adding or subtracting 0, which is the same thing as doing nothing at all.

Also, you seem to be adding or subtracting 1 for both keys W and S -- do they have the same function? If they do, then I assume WASD are the walking keys, correct? So you just haven't coded other actions yet.

In that case, your switch cases aren't going to suffice, because switches only run one of their case statements every time they're processed. You need to update multiple keys each step (again, an assumption on my part). Also, you'll have to use a different method than you have been, because keyboard_lastkey only records the last key pressed, not keys plural.

Here's a potential algorithm (again, I assume this code runs once per step):
  • Set playerstate to 0
  • Check if any key at all has been pressed since the last step
  • If so, check if any game-relevant keys are pressed
  • If so, add each pressed key's corresponding power of 2 to playerstate
  • We're done! (Do you understand why?)

In code, that's as follows:
Code: [Select]
// --- Let's pretend for now that J and K are keys in your game.

playerstate = 0;

if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
    if (keyboard_check_direct(ord('W')) || keyboard_check_direct(ord('S'))) {playerstate+=1;break;}
    if keyboard_check_direct(ord('J')) {playerstate+=2;break;}
    if keyboard_check_direct(ord('K')) {playerstate+=4;break;}

For example, if I'm pressing W and K, my resultant playerstate is 5. The following step, playerstate will be reset to 0 and keys will be checked again.

Coding / Re: Switch Statement Key Checks: Help Request!
« on: March 20, 2012, 05:16:56 am »
Hey, and welcome. It's been a while since I've touched Game Maker, but let's see if I can help you out. This'll be a bit long, but try to bear with me.

I'm not sure what playerstate does, but moving forward I'm going to assume it's a regular integer and go from there. I'll start from the top. (And I'll stick to your style of coding throughout.)

Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('A')): {playerstate+=0;break;}// --- Should check single keys pressed, to add the proper playerstate
case (ord('D')): {playerstate+=0;break;}
case (ord('W')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}

First, here's a little trick to do with switch statements, when multiple cases have the same associated statement:
Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('A')):
case (ord('D')): {playerstate+=0;break;}
case (ord('W')):
case (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
Here, I've "chained" the cases -- do you follow me? This is equivalent to the previous code box.

Now, I notice that in two of these cases, you're adding 0 to playerstate. But adding 0 doesn't really do anything, does it? (Although I understand if writing down every case helps keep things straight.) You might as well use the following equivalent code:
Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('W')):
case (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}

Let's look at the rest of the first switch statement in full, now:
Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('W')):
case (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('A')) & (ord('D')): {playerstate+=0;break;}// --- Should check double ups of keys pressed, to add the proper playerstate
case (ord('A')) & (ord('W')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('A')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('D')) & (ord('W')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('D')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('W')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
& is a bitwise operator, and I don't think you meant to use it here. What you want is either && or and, both of which are the logical conjunction. Also, let's remove that extra code, and the case where you add 0 in the second half:
Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('W')):
case (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('A')) && (ord('W')):
case (ord('A')) && (ord('S')):
case (ord('D')) && (ord('W')):
case (ord('D')) && (ord('S')):
case (ord('W')) && (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
That's a little nicer to look at, and more efficient too. But there are a couple problems here that become increasingly clear.

  • keyboard_lastkey only ever holds a single value, and that value is the single key that was pressed last. For example, if I press A and Z together, even if I think I've pressed both at the exact same time, the computer will still register that I pressed A before Z, or vice-versa. We can't use keyboard_lastkey to check two values at once.
  • The expression statement1 && statement2 will evaluate to a boolean value, i.e. either true or false. In Game Maker, true and false are actually stored as 1 and 0, respectively. Also, a value less than 0.5 is evaluated as false and a value greater than or equal to 0.5 is evaluated as true in statements that require a boolean value. So (ord('W')) && (ord('S')) (and in fact any && between two ord calls) will return 1, and only 1. Comparing that to keyboard_lastkey isn't going to be of much use.

I'm going to offer a solution here, but pay attention: I don't actually know what your code does or why, so if this solution doesn't help you, come back with more information about your code, or try to solve it on your own.

My solution involves the idea that when, for example, A and W are both pressed, you actually just care about W, because pressing the A key adds or subtracts 0 i.e. doesn't do anything. Using this idea, you'll find a lot of your statements become logically equivalent. As a result, the following code performs more or less the exact same function as the code in your first post (except for potential odd behaviour you might have noticed as a result of using bitwise & instead of &&).
Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('W')):
case (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
if keyboard_check_released(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('W')):
case (ord('S')): {playerstate-=1;break;}
Since the code can be shrunken so much, it seems to me that it probably doesn't yet do what you want it to do. Please come back with some more information about your code's intended function.  XD


Notice as well that the last box can also be written as follows (again in your style):
Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
if (keyboard_lastkey == ord('W') || keyboard_lastkey == ord('S')) {playerstate+=1;break;}
if keyboard_check_released(vk_anykey){
if (keyboard_lastkey == ord('W') || keyboard_lastkey == ord('S')) {playerstate-=1;break;}
(Notice the use of ||, the logical disjunction.)

In this case, using an if statement probably makes more sense, since you're only switching over two identical cases. You follow me?

Coding / Re: [Request] Goodnight's Majoras Mask Clock Engine
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:17:36 am »
I could write it myself, but Goodnight was the one who had it all ready; written nicely and near perfect.

Oh well, I knew it was a bad idea to come here for help.
That's a pretty terrible attitude. Like I said before, did it have other features?

Implementing a clock mechanic is simple enough, and as Min has said, it's a good exercise to build your ability.

Coding / Re: [Request] Goodnight's Majoras Mask Clock Engine
« on: March 16, 2012, 05:25:40 pm »
I vaguely remember it, but don't have a copy.

But it seems simple enough. Get some clock graphics, then implement a system that increments those graphics based on the current time.

You call it amazing though, so it sounds like it had more features than that?

Coding / Re: [Request] Goodnight's Majoras Mask Clock Engine
« on: March 16, 2012, 04:03:03 pm »
What features did it have?

Zelda Projects / Re: [FINISHED] Legend of Zelda: Hall of the Dead
« on: January 20, 2012, 02:01:54 pm »
Impossible! No one finishes Zelda fangames!

Looking forward to trying this tonight.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D FSA
« on: January 12, 2012, 02:22:43 pm »
I'd imagine that the hookshot will be standard, and by extension that the 3D aspect will be carried by the level design. Short of maybe mouse control, I don't know that there's a practical way to extend 2D Hookshot functionality.

That said, in a side-scroll environment you might add the ability to press up or down and shoot at 45's from the plane, which would naturally extend to the bow and the slingshot. But of course that's up to them.

Graphics / Re: The Legend Of Zelda :The Flute Of Elements
« on: November 28, 2011, 01:32:08 pm »
Very cool. I perceive a heavy brow and a non-symmetrical mouth, which are both cool features. And the leafy top is very nice.

Entertainment / Re: I need help troubleshooting Oracle of Ages
« on: November 26, 2011, 07:13:10 pm »
As noted, it's very likely that rather than the battery. It's unlikely to be a visible problem, although it could be. But if other cartridges work in your Game Boy, then at least you know the problem is the cartridge itself.

Artwork / Re: Concept Art Thread
« on: November 24, 2011, 03:10:30 am »
I just wanted something to do this morning, haha. It's good to see some progress in game design. Keep up the fine work, all.

Artwork / Re: Concept Art Thread
« on: November 23, 2011, 02:11:59 pm »
That's a cool concept. It looks like it would be very at home in my game more than this one, haha.  ;)

I was picturing something very simple like this.

We'll make sure teams don't have too much overlap in skill sets, but it'll be random other than that. I'd imagine that this round will include a lot of programmers and people who are already interested in game design, and a lot of conventional games as a result, so avoiding overlap will be important.

I've clarified this elsewhere; I'm not looking for commitments at the moment, or skill sets or otherwise. This here is the concept, and I'm gauging interest in the concept. People are welcome to ask questions, voice general interest in the idea, or interest in helping to flesh it out, and we'll talk.  XD  This competition won't be happening until next summer at the earliest.

Everybody's good at something, especially around here at ZFGC. So first and foremost I want to make it clear that this thread is for anyone and everyone. I am hoping to see as many people as possible interested in participating in this event, and/or in helping develop it. And these two interests aren't exclusive; someone can help develop the contest and participate in it too. I plan to participate in it myself when it gets underway. I am really excited about this idea, and I hope you will be too.

The Proposal

I'm proposing a friendly competition. In this competition, you get randomly assigned to a team of a number of people, and your team's goal is to spend a week collaborating to create a game. The goal of the competition isn't to win, although naturally there is an overall winner. The competition's real purpose is as follows:

  • to foster new relationships between yourself and a number of people you haven't met prior
  • to gain new practical experience working and cooperating with other people in a team environment
  • to flex your creative muscle in whatever way(s) you're best at
  • to learn from the other members of your team and benefit yourself professionally
  • to be a part of a finished project that you're (hopefully) proud of

In short, this competition would be about creativity, collaboration, and cooperation. It's about the beginning of new relationships, and the start of something that can be built on in the future, based on something concrete (a game).

Qualifications for Entry

That's the trick: anyone can enter. Games can be built by people with any skill set, whether they're professional or amateur. The goal of this competition is to best use the skill sets of your assigned team to make a game -- any skill is an asset, from programming to poetry.

Not everyone is a programmer, but we live in the days of easy and accessible development tools. Here are a few examples of ways to make a game:

  • A programming language, or Flash, or Game Maker, etc.
  • A text-based game
  • An online game -- for example, a website with interconnected links
  • A social game -- for example, the Ben series of Majora's Mask videos on Youtube, or a roleplay
  • A physical game -- board games, card games, puzzles etc. that don't require any tech savvy to create

The definition here is open-ended, and as such any skill set can be used towards finishing the task of making your team's game. What's important is the collaboration and cooperation of team members to focus these skill sets into tasks towards creating a final product.

How to Contribute and How to Enter

I don't know when this will take place, and I don't know where it will be hosted. Before that becomes clear, I need other people to let me know they're interested in developing this competition. I'll be circulating it to other websites as well, and everyone who's interested will work in a team of our own to fill out the details of this competition. In a sense, this process will mimic the competition itself! I'm really hoping to find people interested in codeveloping this competition.

If you have any interest in this competition, whether it's participating in it or helping to develop it, or both, you can email me (gdwtaylor at gmail), or private message me here, or message me on a number of social programs. You'll be informed of how to contribute and enter the competition when various stages get underway.

When the time comes to actually enter the competition, you'll give a username. You'll also be asked to talk about yourself when you join; at the very least you'll need to fill out your skill set, but you're also welcome to say a piece about yourself, about your interests, and welcome yourself into the fold. Don't sell yourself short. I don't know what the end result will be, but I'm hoping for this to be a strong social experience.

The Next Step

As the competition draws closer to beginning, each person will be randomly assigned to a team with several other people. Some care will be taken to ensure that each team has a wide skill set, but overall the selection process will be random, and it's very likely that you'll be assigned people you've never met before. Team names will be randomly assigned names from a themed list -- for example movie directors, animals, colours, foods. The team will have a grace period to meet up and get to know one another, and to discuss your skill sets and assign roles as you like.

The First Week

When the competition begins, each team will have a week to fulfill all competition requirements. These include the following equally important things:

  • Creating a design document that outlines the team's plans, and adding to it (not editing) as plans shift or change. This will serve as a presentation of the project when it's all said and done, but it can also serve as an important guide for the team during the competition.
  • Creating some sort of final product, a game of some nature. Any elements of the game will be a result of the team's skill set.
  • Journaling the team's progress in some way. This could simply be public records of communication between you and your team (within a forum or otherwise), or blog posts, or a history within your design document itself.

The Second Week

When each team is done, they'll have some kind of final product to present over this second week. Ideally, this will include a finished game, but the idea process is just as important.

Judging will be very loose, and peer evaluation will play a large factor, since this is a friendly competition. Elements of a game (gameplay, plot, art, music, or anything else that each team accomplishes with their skill set) will be taken into consideration in tandem with the skill sets that each team represents, and people will give praise as well as constructive criticism. Since it is a competition about creativity, originality in concept or execution will be a factor as well. Several awards will be given out based on positive peer evaluation, including an overall award, best in categories, and awards for effective or inspiring collaboration.

Again, private message me, or send emails to gdwtaylor/gmail. Or, let me know about your interest here in this thread!

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: [request] custom alttp-styled broken wall
« on: November 04, 2011, 10:40:55 pm »
For believability, you might consider littering pieces of broken wall around the room, lay broken lights underneath the torches, etc. and/or create an effect of some dust dislodging and falling from the ceiling.

Coding / Re: Zelda II Data/Specifications?
« on: October 04, 2011, 03:52:59 am »
There's quite a bit of documentation for Zelda I, but for Zelda II you're looking at practically nothing. Theforeshadower is the resident Zelda II buff as far as I know, and he might have more to say on the subject.

There's a lot of information here: http://www.romhacking.net/games/753/
In skimming it, I don't see anything directly pertaining to character movement and what-have-you, but this should provide a little insight into the inner workings.

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