« on: April 07, 2017, 11:51:17 pm »
One of the most important qualities that must be in place for any fan game to be made is a passion for the project. Above the initial coding experience, the art skills, or musical ear. If you have passion for the project then a natural process will begin to take place. You will start looking for ways to get it done and in that process you will begin to learn how to code, how to do simple pixel art, and even how to either find, or make simple music.
One of the best ways to encourage people to help with a project is to show that you are passionate and dedicated to seeing it though. That is difficult to do if you don't have a code base, story, or graphics to show. That doesn't mean the passion isn't there, it just means you are in the beginning stages. I know, because that is exactly where I started. No coding experience, pixel art experience, sound experience. Nothing... Just a passion to make something. I started out trying to make a zelda fan game. I asked questions at the GMC, since I was using Game Maker... And I mean a LOT of questions! Not question like "how do you make a zelda fan game?", but instead questions like. "How do you make Link move left when you push the left arrow key?"
Building your game will be a very long list of individual questions such as the example I gave above. As you piece the answers together both by your own research and by asking others for answers, your game will start to take shape.
I hope that this thread does not discourage you from working towards building the project you would love to see finished. If "skyward sword in 2D" is something you feel passionate about than it is exactly the driving force you need to help motivate you to learn. As you work on it you will learn more and more! At some point you may even get to a point where you feel like you learned so much that you need to start over to make it better. That is okay. It is all part of the process.