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Author Topic: Legend of Zelda Shattered Dimensions  (Read 10351 times)

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Legend of Zelda Shattered Dimensions
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:02:42 am »
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Legend of Zelda Shattered Dimensions - Legend of Zelda Shattered Dimensions
Here you will find an engine demo for the main portion of the physics of my game.  Also the menu and many of the items are functional.  There is currently no story line or levels in this demo, but I am hopeing to start putting it together before too long.  It has been a long time comming, but I am quite happy with the results of my efforts thus far.  With the up and comming NCFC I have been inspired to push harder to add more content as I would like to enter this year, but as of yet I am not sure if I will be able to.

Currently Functional and Selectable Items:
-Bow and Arrows
-Roc's Feather
-Iron Boots
-Lens of Truth

I have finished a couple more items such as the hover boots, and upgraded equipment, but it was not practical to include them in this engine demo so you will just have to imagin how they work for now...  Which brings us to the notable features this demo has to offer.

Notable features
-Link has some special evasive shield manuvers
-Link can pick up rocks/bushes/ect.
-Pits/Holes are complete
-Cliff Jumping is complete
-Quarter based heart system is complete
-Unique terrain sounds depending on what Link is walking on
-Rolling is complete
-And of course the spin attack
-And More!

Movement - A,S,D,W
Sword - J
Action - K
Shield - L
C1 - U
C2 - I
C3 - O

Now if you don't like these keys very much don't worry about it too much.  While the keys are not currently selectable by the player I have in the works the ability to customize the keys, but that will come at a later date.

As always I appreciate your feedback so please feel free to leave comments/critiques/compliments and/or brownies for me to enjoy.  Thanks again for your time. - Basic physics and menu engine
0 - Most of the physics and items are coded and functional, however there is yet little story coded.
 - A resonable PC

Click here to view on the site.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 05:17:40 pm by MG-Zero »
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2012, 04:44:53 am »
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Hey, unable to download this at the moment, but it looks pretty rad. Can you explain evasive manuvers more? I have no idea what you mean by offensive, defensive, and evasive moves, like, back flipping?

Also, just a curiousity thing, but if you have no story, why are you calling it shattered dimensions, and not, Aero's Zelda GB engine? I assume it's because you plan to bring elements associated with the 3D plane into a 2D game, but thought maybe you had an idea for a story that could be cool.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2012, 05:40:10 am »
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Yes that means back flips, side jumps, and slash attack similar to that of OOT.  Although the shield itself doesn't yet work.  I have considered trying to add a shield bash as well, but I still need to figure how to do it a way that fits in nicely.

As far as the title goes I have some plans for the story and game play, but it is not yet developed enough into an official story.  I can say that my plans are to make the two worlds of the game two different dimensions.  One dimension being a platform based world kinda like Zelda 2, but with GB graphics, and the other being the standard top down view of the GB Zelda games...  These "Shattered Dimensions" are a result of Gannon having taken the triforce of power.  The world split because of his evil intentions leaving two separate dimensions of the same world.

The current demo only shows the top down dimension, as i have yet to program the side scrolling/platform dimension.  In a sense I suppose it would be something like a Paper Zelda, but less gimmicky hopefully.  I have put some serious thought into how to do the transition between the dimensions, and if I can pull if off it will look pretty sweet!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 04:40:07 pm by Aero88 »


Team Dekunutz
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2012, 10:49:58 am »
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It's a great and solid engine, good work!

Now, there are two things I noticed while playing, one thing is that when you are stand too much to the left of anything you're about to slash, you won't hit it even though the sword swings right through. The second thing is not a problem but when you're diving and the air meter goes down, you take damage. IMO it would be better to not take damage and just pop up again, just like in OoT. But overall I must say that the engine is really good! Keep up the work!

King Tetiro

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Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2012, 11:11:55 am »
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It is a good and solid engine but there are quite a few sprites that break the GBC style rules.

I agree with the diving thing. Keep up the work!
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2012, 04:37:02 pm »
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@SinkinDevil:  Thanks.  I have fixed both of those problems you mentioned.  I suppose that you are right about not getting hurt in OOT when your air runs out.  The sword mask should be more uniform now although there is still a little overhang so as to keep you from having too much range.

@King Tetrio:  The sprites you mention are my custom sprites I am sure.  I never was very good at spriting, let alone matching styles while attempting it.  As long as the sprites don't clash terribly and look awful I am not as concerned with following the GBC style 100% as I am with functionality.  I do want it to look good though so if there is something in particular that needs to be changed  let me know and I will do my best to replace it.  Likely some of the sprites will end up changing over time.  Also as I stated above, you no longer take damage when your air meter runs out.  Thanks!

edit:  I uploaded the version with these problems fixed.  Now when the air meter runs out you are forced to come up and cannot dive again until the meter is replenished.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 07:13:47 pm by Aero88 »


Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2012, 01:12:38 pm »
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I downloaded the demo lastnight and... well, I think, friendly, your game is my enemy XD. I'm afraid from your Zelda dude XD

Well, about the demo the engine looks very solid, very good job!! The graphics looks great (I love Zelda LA Style) but I think is weird listening sounds from Oot on a GB Zelda.
Other think that I noticed is the knockback of the enemies. Maybe it should be more... ummm powefull.
And that's all. Seriously very good job with the engine. Bravo, sir!!
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2012, 03:59:40 pm »
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Ha ha!  I didn't intend to strike fear into the player, but I guess that is a good thing.  Thanks, glad you like it!  I don't quite know what you mean by having the knock back be "more powerful."  Do you mean they should be stunned longer?  Or they should be knocked back at a faster speed?  Maybe both?
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2012, 09:05:35 pm »
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Sorry to double post.  I made the enemies get knocked back a little faster and it looks better.

Also in my attempts to try to make this game feel a little more involved I implemented a sound system which fades in battle music when enemies are near and then back out when they aren't.  Wow.  It really makes a huge difference!  I have been/will be re-uploading new version of the game quite frequently so this is in the current version available.  They only problem I have found with it is that the battle music's tempo is based on the background music playing, so in some rooms it plays faster, or slower than it should, but I don't think it is a big problem...  Seems to be an issue with either my sound card, or the way GM handles midis.  Let me know if you have the same issue with it.  Thanks!

edit:  Iron Boots are finished.
edit:  Boomerang is finished.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 12:56:58 am by Aero88 »


Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2012, 12:24:00 pm »
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Great news!! The battle sound system sounds great, dude.
Btw, will you add some arts?? I want to but I need to learn how to draw XD
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2012, 11:59:37 pm »
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Thanks!  Yeah I think it adds a lot to the mood of the game.  As far as progress goes I have been adding items recently, but because there are now more than three I am not going to post a new version of the demo until I have a menu put together to select them.

Here is what I have made recently:
-Slingshot / Deku Seeds
-Bow / Arrows
-Lens of Truth
-Hover Boots

As far as artwork goes, I am not much of an artist unfortunatly...  So I don't anticipate puttig my own art in it...  :(
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 05:21:46 pm by Aero88 »
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2012, 07:32:32 pm »
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Its been a little bit.  Just posting a little update.  I have been working on the menu and items.  I have made a mockup of the menu, but it shows everything so if you don't want to see all the items, then probably best not click on the link.

As you can probably tell some of the items are still place holders, but most of them are finished.  Also the menu looks kinda plain being mostly one solid color...  I was hopping that perhaps someone here wouldn't mind adding some texture to it via photoshop or something...  I don't have any fancy image editors...  Just paint, and the built in image editor in GM.  If you wouldn't mind giving it a go let me know and I'll give you more detail.

Apart from the menu and items, I have also made the game more efficient.  In the past the game was processing the entire room, but now it only processes what is in the view.  Of course I had plans to do this from the beginning, but I just finally got around to it...  I also made dungeon doors that work kinda like they do in OOT.  You will have to wait until I finish the menu and items before you get to try it out though.

So thats about it for the update...  What do you think?
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2012, 02:28:26 am »
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Been a couple of months.  Still no comment on the menu?  Progress has slowed recently, but I have done a few things of note.  All this Attp map stuff is making me want to work on my project more and more so I am beginning to put together some ideas for a demo with some storyline and a level...

-Shield is now fully functional
-Finished Octorok and Moblin Archer enemies
-Improved some behind the scene efficiencies slightly

Doesn't look like anybody has looked at the menu image link so I am just going to add it below.  I am still waiting to upload the next demo until I have the menu coded and finalized.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 04:06:29 am by Aero88 »
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2012, 07:03:19 am »
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THe menu parts seem okay. The background is a bit dull, but it doesn't have to be fancy. You might want to increase the size of the slots in the menu or shrink the items, because icons such as the bow, tunic and net fall outside of the boundaries. And with the other items it kinda looks cramped.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2012, 12:24:50 am »
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Thanks for your suggestions.  I edited some of the things you mentioned.  I added an overlay to add a little character to it and widened each cell as you suggested.  I know it doesn't fit GB Zelda rules, but as long as it looks okay thats fine with me.  If it clashes too much with my sprites then I can try to do something else to keep it from looking too bland.  So...  How's this? 

Uploaded with ImageShack.us
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 02:19:03 pm by Aero88 »
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2012, 01:59:01 am »
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Okay.  I have been putting some serious elbow greas into getting this menu done.  The item menu is now finished excluding any small things you think really should be changed.  The item menu is coded and is functional though not all of the items themselves are coded just yet.  It should be quite soon that I can put a demo out for testing purposes.  Most all of the sprites there are custom and I am not much of a spriter so I am quite pleased with it so far.  Here it is!

There are a few things that I may change so I need some feedback.  For instance the menu is currently just slighly transparent as you can faintly see the room behind the menu...  Personally I kinda like it that way as the menu pops up by fading in, but let me know what you think...

I also swapped the magic beans out for a lantern as I thought it would fit into my game better.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 02:12:41 am by Aero88 »
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2012, 01:05:03 am »
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Okay.  So this upcoming NCFC has inspired me to put some more elbow grease into this project, and so...  I have release the menu demo.  Not all of the items are complete yet, but a good portion of them are.  So enjoy!  Also the Clawshot is now finished which I am quite happy with.  Anyway.  As usual I am open to your comments and critiques.

edit:  Yeah I know that there is now a second topic for this project.  That was not not my fault.  The system automatically added a new topic when I uploaded my demo to the site.  Sorry about that.

Download here at ZFGC: http://zfgc.com/index.php/projects/downloads/index/88

Here is the claw shot in action.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2012, 04:48:01 am »
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The engine is actually pretty solid, which is saying alot. I did notce some lagging when playing the game, which kind of detracted from the experience some. Also, just my own personal preference, I would rather the screen be smaller rather than fullscreen. I never really got why certain developers go fullscreen with sprite graphics, since they don't really have much to show.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2012, 02:18:09 pm »
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Did you notice if you were doing anything in particular when it lagged on you or was it just random lagging?  I have not noticed lag on my computer, but I am programming from a 2 Ghz mac mini.  As far as full screen though, I just don't like looking at small windows, but that is personal preference so I will likely add an option to customize that when I add custom key support.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimen...
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2012, 02:42:41 pm »
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Well, just about anytime really. It was consistent throughout. It does help a bit when I kill off some of the enemies, though. I am using a 2.1 Ghz laptop.
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