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Author Topic: A few suggestions  (Read 5589 times)

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The Quiet
A few suggestions
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:30:13 am »
  • The Mad Programmer.
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So I'm pretty new to this website and I thought up of a few suggestions:
  • Select whichever directory you're in by default. By this, I mean if you're on the forums, "Community" would be selected whenever you load a new page. A PHP script like this wouldn't be too hard.
  • Be able to search all types of projects. Just add a dropbox item for "All". I don't know how your current implementation for your projects section works, but it doesn't seem too hard.
  • I also think that the Resource and Projects pages have awkward looking blocks at the end for my screen resolution. http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q440/DaSpirit13/ZFGCAwkwardPosition.png - I think they should be centered. It just makes sense to me. I figured out how to center them. First, turn all project-frames into spans and set display:inline-block while removing it's float. Then just add text-align:center to frame_center_container_content. Firebug FTW!
  • ...any chance of ditching SMF for MyBB? SMF is just too... simple.

And I also have a question. Why are there are no real graphics and new audio uploaded? What is with beta.zfgc.com? Which do you recommend be used?
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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 02:53:07 am »
So I'm pretty new to this website and I thought up of a few suggestions:
  • Select whichever directory you're in by default. By this, I mean if you're on the forums, "Community" would be selected whenever you load a new page. A PHP script like this wouldn't be too hard.
  • Be able to search all types of projects. Just add a dropbox item for "All". I don't know how your current implementation for your projects section works, but it doesn't seem too hard.
  • I also think that the Resource and Projects pages have awkward looking blocks at the end for my screen resolution. http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q440/DaSpirit13/ZFGCAwkwardPosition.png - I think they should be centered. It just makes sense to me. I figured out how to center them. First, turn all project-frames into spans and set display:inline-block while removing it's float. Then just add text-align:center to frame_center_container_content. Firebug FTW!
  • ...any chance of ditching SMF for MyBB? SMF is just too... simple.

And I also have a question. Why are there are no real graphics and new audio uploaded? What is with beta.zfgc.com? Which do you recommend be used?
I'm the one who is currently maintaining the main site and beta.zfgc.com. beta.zfgc.com Was actually a playground for myself as I worked on restoring incomplete/lost features. Most of the theme work was done before I got around, but... I'll take a look at your suggestions in a bit.

As for your other questions, you'll have answers soon. :)
Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 02:55:08 am »
  • Minalien
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Select whichever directory you're in by default. By this, I mean if you're on the forums, "Community" would be selected whenever you load a new page. A PHP script like this wouldn't be too hard.
Not quite sure what you mean by this, can you explain a little better?

Be able to search all types of projects. Just add a dropbox item for "All". I don't know how your current implementation for your projects section works, but it doesn't seem too hard.
Right now, the codebase behind ZFGC is in a frozen state as we work on the new system. We don't plan on sticking with the current iteration of ZFGC for long, though GM may be willing to poke around in Windy's code again for this.

I also think that the Resource and Projects pages have awkward looking blocks at the end for my screen resolution. http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q440/DaSpirit13/ZFGCAwkwardPosition.png - I think they should be centered. It just makes sense to me. I figured out how to center them. First, turn all project-frames into spans and set display:inline-block while removing it's float. Then just add text-align:center to frame_center_container_content. Firebug FTW!
I'll leave this one for gm again. <_<

...any chance of ditching SMF for MyBB? SMF is just too... simple.
We're actually ditching PHP altogether, in favor of a Rails system we are developing in-house.

And I also have a question. Why are there are no real graphics and new audio uploaded? What is with beta.zfgc.com? Which do you recommend be used?
For the most part, the CMS that exists now has been quite turbulent in its upkeep. This is actually a newer system that has been in development by Windy (was what was present on beta.zfgc.com), and since the change in administration has been patched up by gm112. With luck, now that things are somewhat stable users will start using it again - but our new system will have a much more capable resources system in place.
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Wake the Beast
Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 03:12:31 am »
  • www.mouffers.com
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He means that whenever you go back to the site, you're in the previous tab you selected when you last visited. For instance, when you first visit the site, you get the CMS and have to select "Community" to view the forums. If you visit back, you'll still be in community. It's an interesting concept but then the CMS would be skipped and potential announcements/cool stuff could be missed.

I like your suggestions though!
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The Quiet
Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 12:51:13 pm »
  • The Mad Programmer.
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Select whichever directory you're in by default. By this, I mean if you're on the forums, "Community" would be selected whenever you load a new page. A PHP script like this wouldn't be too hard.
Not quite sure what you mean by this, can you explain a little better?
Not sure if Star explained it well either lol. So like if you're looking at graphics or audio, the "Resources" tab will be selected whenever you load a page there. Same applies for if you're looking at projects, you'll be in the "Projects" tab and if you're on the forums, you'll be on the "Community" tab. Right now, it's weird how you always start on the "Home" tab, regardless where you are.
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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 12:55:56 pm »
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He means the subtabs. If you're on the forums, which is a sub of the community tab, the Home tab will still be highlighted and show all the Home subtabs. But if you're in a Community subtab (such as forums), the Community tab should be highlighted by default.
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The Quiet
Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 04:33:34 pm »
  • The Mad Programmer.
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Yeah, hopefully you guys understand me now.

I've noticed the searching function does not work well when you search for resources. Also, clicking anything on a resource (summary, news, downloads, etc) will give you a 404 error. Not sure if anyone said this yet.
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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 08:36:03 pm »
Yeah, hopefully you guys understand me now.

I've noticed the searching function does not work well when you search for resources. Also, clicking anything on a resource (summary, news, downloads, etc) will give you a 404 error. Not sure if anyone said this yet.
Oh crap, forgot to update the resource view. Thanks for reporting this! This was a left-over from the projects page. (the link should hint that actually) ..That being said, I'll have this corrected. Thank you.

In regards to the tabs, that can be done. The tabs really could use a lot of work anyways, they were the one things I hadn't really touched since I started messing with this site's codebase.

EDIT: I went in and corrected that issue. Sorry about that. I went in an added a small condition that stops the mod-commands from drawing to normal users. Though the commands would've errored on them anyways, if they tried using it. But it looks better without them, to the members.

That being said, I'll take your suggestion with the gallery view and center the images. I think it would look better. As far as the menu tab is concerned, I am gonna get to that in a bit here.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 09:27:05 pm by gm112 »
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