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Author Topic: Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*  (Read 2585 times)

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Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*
« on: June 02, 2013, 04:40:57 am »
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In case you missed it in the subject line this post contains spoilers so I'll put in another spoiler tag.

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So I went to see the new star trek movie the other day and I was quite impressed.  The original star treks are quite before my time, but I have since gone back to re watch them so I am familiar with the star trek universe including the original series.  This new star trek had quite a few tie ins to the original which I found to be really interesting.  For instance the tribble scene tied in with the original series and of course the whole part about Kirk dieing the save the crew being an exact mirror of Spock's experience.  Some people complain that it was a lame ripoff and un-original while I would contend that in fact it was nothing of the sort. Considering that this show traverses an alternate timeline it was interesting to me to see how Kirk would have indeed been willing to sacrifice his life in much the same way Spock was.  To me it makes sense and I found it to be an extremely enjoyable show.  Perhaps even better the first one in this timeline.  I must say that I have enjoyed Zachary Quinnto's interpretation of Spock as well...  Anyway...  Agree, Disagree, or agree to disagree?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 04:43:18 am by Aero88 »
Re: Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2013, 06:00:58 am »
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This is not exactly related... I don't think any way I refrained from reading the because I have not seen the movie...  Anyways I thought you all might find it interesting that the composer for the Into Darkness game is also the composer of Symphony of the Goddess; Chad Seiter.  He actually re tweeted my post about me putting together an ensemble to play a by ear transcription of Gerudo Valley I did for my High School senior project.

Edit: to say... ass it turns out... which is news to me, the StarTrek game was... uh, well unperformed, in respect to the game itself, but I still enjoy the music very much.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 06:14:04 am by jonj2040 »
Re: Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2013, 10:24:49 pm »
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It was a nice movie, but contains very little of what, in my opinion, makes Star Trek special. It has too much action; not enough science and discussion. But this goes for most previous Star Trek movies as well. The tv series is really where the franchise shines, especially in The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. I never cared much for The Original Series to be honest.
Re: Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 03:53:14 am »
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I suppose you are right.  It is definitely a different animal than the series have been.  I am currently going through the next generation for the first time though I am just barely into season 2, I must agree that I really enjoy the thought provoking scientific discussions and events, but really it is much easier to spend time in a series doing that kind of thing since there are so many hours of screen time to work with.  I don't think it could be developed very well in the limited scope of a movie thus as you said many of the movies have been more focused on the action rather than the science.

As far as fitting in the other star trek movies though, I think it does very well.  I could understand though why some die hard fans of the series may be disappointed, but considering that they make movies to make money it wouldn't make much since for them to make a movie that could only be marketed to that limited audience.

As far as being an entertaining film it definitely gets high marks from me.
Re: Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2013, 05:08:15 am »
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Best series of the all, IMO, was Voyager.  I love TNG, but Voyager is still my favorite.  TNG had too many "silly" episodes.  Voyager had lots dark themed episodes as Captain Janeway has to decide between the Prime Directive or getting closer to home.

Also, fun fact - all Star Trek shows and episodes are available at startrek.com for free from CBS.  Use Adblock to turn off the commercials and enjoy :)
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Re: Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2013, 11:06:39 pm »
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Trust me, DS9 is far, far better than Voyager.
Re: Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2013, 08:13:11 am »
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Trust me, DS9 is far, far better than Voyager.
I can honestly say no as I have watched 10 episodes into DS9 and the commander's acting is just awful.  His face has only like 3 poses regardless of his emotional state...it's bizarre.  I will continue to watch so I can get the full story, but I am not in a hurry as I enjoy Enterprise more than DS9(been watching Enterprise lately).

To each his own :)

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Re: Startrek: Into Darkness *Spoilers*
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2013, 12:14:29 am »
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Yeah, DS9 doesn't start to get really good until like Season 4-7.

Honestly, you could just skip everything and just watch all episodes related to the main story arc. There are lists out there that have the relevant episodes in it. Unlike Enterprise and Voyager, this series actually had decent character development and truly expansive stories.
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