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 on: July 14, 2024, 06:36:48 pm 
Started by Martijn dh - Last post by Martijn dh
More progress:
Code: [Select]
v0.28.085 (21-22 juni 2024)
* Contacted new translator
* Added in ghost status for (future) enemies
* Edited and implemented an extra sound effect
* Started work on the final glasses upgrade
* Added another sound effect
* Made small visual improvement to the world teleportation sequence

v0.28.086 (23 juni 2024)
* Fixed last known visual hiccups in to the world teleportation sequence
* Started work on the magic rod item
* Reorganised more hero assets
* Tweaked volume latest sound effects
* Fixed funny glitch turning all enemies into ghosts eventually
* Nope, still had to fix another hiccup in the world teleportation sequence
* Tweaked a few overworld tiles

v0.28.087 (28 juni 2024)
* Tweaked AI of enemies copying the hero movement a bit
* Made more progress on the magic rod item

v0.28.088 (29 juni 2024)
* Reviewed / tweaked new incoming spritework
* Almost completed work on the new magic rod item

v0.28.089 (30 juni 2024)
* Implemented new warp point visuals on world map
* Finished review of the new pixel art package
* Made a lot of progress on the second grimoire item
* Started planning out the third grimoire
* Rewrote container setup to allow for hopping
* Almost finished work on magic rod item

v0.28.090 (4 juli 2024)
* Finished work on magic rod item

v0.28.091 (5 juli 2024)
* Created and implemented additional grimoire use visuals
* Switched around a few sound effects
* Made progress on the second grimoire
* Made small improvements to the first grimoire sequence
* Put together next sound effects commission package (to be executed across july)
* Created mockup sequence for the third grimoire

v0.28.092 (6 juli 2024)
* Further refined third grimoire sequence
* Made a little progress with dungeon tilesets style/pallete choices
* Finished the second grimoire (excl. sound effects and effect on darkness engine)

v0.28.093 (7 juli 2024)
* Added folder structure and placeholder scripts for eventual german demo translation
* More more progress finally reviewing the last existing French translations
* Put out small Steam page translation gig
* Finished interaction between second grimoire and darkness
* Made a little more progress on third grimoire mockup visuals
* Fixed possessed containers being able to hop into (and trap) enemies
* Fixed stone pots on conveyor belts being able to slide into hero and enemies
* Fixed stacked bounce potential when hitting specific enemies

v0.28.094 (12 juli 2024)
* The backer survey reply cap was reached – set up a new survey and contacted remaining backers
* Put out work for 2 new French translators
* Reviewing a few new sound effects that came in
* Processed a few more incoming backer survey results
* Made a little bit of progress on more early wall/floor mockups

v0.28.095 (13 juli 2024)
* Made progress on the various tileset (mockups) walls
* Made a little more progress on third grimoire mockup visuals
* Wrote out part of the next spritework commission package
* Made progress in review process first new French translator's results
* Reviewed more new sound effects

 on: July 08, 2024, 08:27:36 pm 
Started by Zeldamelkan - Last post by Zeldamelkan
took me long enough but i maded ONE frame of arm mimic, and can i ask why hasnt anyone done it before? or the bow wow? i am guessing people just forgot they wanted a LA MC game; i sure hell didn't!
i used SpritingBrad's slime sprites to make this base, looked at the NS remake as well and i think did come pretty close;
its the only frame i did for now but i have a question: is it just me or does it looks chunky? to make base i used og sprites and resized them to link MC then used SpritingBrad's slime to make the rest, and it looks unusual to me.
did i maded it too big? here is the sprite:

sea ya!

 on: July 08, 2024, 07:47:05 pm 
Started by Zeldamelkan - Last post by Zeldamelkan
nah; i'm not expecting that, since it would be a miracle. so i am making them myself. sea ya!

 on: July 08, 2024, 07:30:59 pm 
Started by Zeldamelkan - Last post by MG-Zero
I understand. What I'm saying is, majority of zelda sprites for fan games were made over 15 years ago, and were simply just recolors. A lot of original sprites took their own style starting around 2010, or were made in lttp style prior to that. Don't expect to find original minish cap style sprites for the whole game, as they likely haven't been made.

 on: July 08, 2024, 07:07:01 pm 
Started by Zeldamelkan - Last post by Zeldamelkan
right but this is minish cap style! if it was about just recoloring the sprites we would have all the sprites 5 years ago!

 on: July 08, 2024, 07:03:33 pm 
Started by Zeldamelkan - Last post by MG-Zero
You're going to find that a majority of the sprites created for fan games, are in fact, just recolors from 15 - 20 years ago.

 on: July 08, 2024, 07:01:30 pm 
Started by Zeldamelkan - Last post by Zeldamelkan
when you put it like that it DOES sounds bad, but lets face the facts: that banana is just recolored, but i am guessing its because he didnt updated the sheet since 2015,
cause he maded an better banana, and i sed some of his sprites, not all of em

 on: July 08, 2024, 06:35:56 pm 
Started by Miles07 - Last post by Starforsaken101
The sprites are looking great. Keep it up!

 on: July 08, 2024, 06:35:07 pm 
Started by Zeldamelkan - Last post by Starforsaken101
Did you really just tell him his sprites are bad and then ask him for help making sprites all in the same sentence?

hi fren, your art bad, can you help me with sprite

 on: July 08, 2024, 06:30:29 pm 
Started by Zeldamelkan - Last post by MG-Zero
Did you really just tell him his sprites are bad and then ask him for help making sprites all in the same sentence?

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