ZFGC CP > Artwork
Rules for acceptance of artwork
In order to keep things straight and not make the whole process of making art confusing and what not, there are some rules to follow. As this game uses the graphical style from Minish Cap, the artwork need to be in Wind Waker/Minish Cap style, with that said the technique that is being used is pretty simple.
So, below are the requirements that the artwork must have!
- Each color can only have two shadings, one light and one dark.
- A basic paper texture to bring out the nice look of a Wind Waker styled artwork.
Here is an example:
And here is the paper texture I used.
As long as the rules will be followed, I hope that there won't be any problems! And good luck in making art :)
Good work, Sinkin. :) Hopefully this will make art-based submissions a lot easier to follow.
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