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Author Topic: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!  (Read 12453 times)

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ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« on: January 31, 2013, 05:44:21 pm »
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As some of you may know, there are some plans to revamp this place a bit.  Since you are the users, we are not going to make all the judgements on what should be changed ourselves.  As such, we're asking you what you like and hate about this place.  What can we do to improve the layout?  What functionality do you like and dislike?  What parts of the site are confusing, ambiguous, redundant etc?

Hit us with your hardest, we'll take everything into consideration!

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Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2013, 05:53:39 pm »
Drop SMF. Go with a superior software. After working with the SMF2 codebase so deeply since its early betas, I have come to realize that the SMF Team does not know what they're doing nor do they have any sense of care for security and proper coding. You guys, even if you were updated to the latest version of SMF, are sitting on a ticking time-bomb.

Drop the CMS codebase. Its a piece of !@#$%. In fact, drop the DB with it and start from scratch. I suggest launching a new project that involves ripping assets from the Zelda series individually(and properly doing it, at that). Perhaps write a few tutorials so the users of the community can help out.

Start doing some journalism of sorts. Start creating articles that will help newbies explore themselves as developers and designers. Let community members who are experts in certain fields contribute to this as guest-writers. But you should eventually build a part of the staff that actually does some form of journalism.

As an extension to the idea above, pay more attention to your fan games that exist on the site. Review them. Give public attention. Re-visit them over time and give thoughts on the progress they've made. There's currently no incentive for people to make fangames on this site because there's very little focus given by... well, generally everybody.

Use the wiki more. And redesign the entire site, too. This layout is too outdated.

My last piece of advice? Social Networking. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. ZFGC lacks those three. Why?

To you and Ash, this is going to sound like me regurgitating myself because I've basically mentioned these ideas at least one time along the line.. but figured mentioning them again would help.


Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2013, 06:09:47 pm »
I have a good confidence in the admin team being able to move to another platform, but one aspect has always got me curious.

If a new codebase was used, what happens to the existing user login process? Does the new codebase need to use the same password hashing algorithm as the SMF algorithm? Or do you ask new users to simply re-register? Or perhaps is there some sort of co-existence?


Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2013, 06:20:20 pm »
If a new codebase was used, what happens to the existing user login process? Does the new codebase need to use the same password hashing algorithm as the SMF algorithm? Or do you ask new users to simply re-register? Or perhaps is there some sort of co-existence?
There would be a form of co-existence. The new codebase would have to support the pre-existing means in handling the password hashes indefinitely. There are a few ways in going about transitioning the accounts to the new system:

- Have the software support the old hashing algorithm and continue using it.

- Support decoding with the old algorithm, but update the password entries with a new hash.

- Do #2, but force old/inactive accounts to update passwords by sending a reset code.

Each method has their pro's/con's.. I am not suggesting which one they should do. In my experience, I have tried all three and the one that works best is option #2. SMF's hashing algorithm is very basic as its just two passes in SHA-1, with a salt that's md5(if I remember correctly).

It would be really simple to implement this and I'm sure there are already people who have done it.


Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 06:36:10 pm »
If a new codebase was used, what happens to the existing user login process? Does the new codebase need to use the same password hashing algorithm as the SMF algorithm? Or do you ask new users to simply re-register? Or perhaps is there some sort of co-existence?
There would be a form of co-existence. The new codebase would have to support the pre-existing means in handling the password hashes indefinitely. There are a few ways in going about transitioning the accounts to the new system:

- Have the software support the old hashing algorithm and continue using it.

- Support decoding with the old algorithm, but update the password entries with a new hash.

- Do #2, but force old/inactive accounts to update passwords by sending a reset code.

Each method has their pro's/con's.. I am not suggesting which one they should do. In my experience, I have tried all three and the one that works best is option #2. SMF's hashing algorithm is very basic as its just two passes in SHA-1, with a salt that's md5(if I remember correctly).

It would be really simple to implement this and I'm sure there are already people who have done it.

I agree on #2. Basically each account would have a flag if it has been updated to use the new codebase, and that flag gets set permanently once the user logs in once. They won't see any disruptions in their service. Thanks for your constructive reply


Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 06:40:44 pm »
I failed to note that you can actually detect what accounts have the old/new hash if you hash based on different lengths. SHA-1 vs. SHA-256 length-wise will be different. SHA-1 is _always_ 160-bits long, I forget what SHA-256 is but you get the idea.

But yes, that is correct. #2 basically provides the most seamless transition(and really doesn't add too much baggage to the codebase)

EDIT: Failed to note that some implementations intentionally truncate the hash-values after <x> amount of chars. I know SMF does this for the salt, but that doesn't really matter since its just the salt and the way SMF stores it isn't injected into the password itself(idk why they did this, it really defeats the purpose of the salt but whatever). So keep that in mind and know that the rule of thumb I noted above doesn't always apply.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 06:42:54 pm by gm112 »
Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2013, 12:04:42 am »
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I hate Enchanted Arms, its one of the worst games i have played


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Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2013, 12:37:40 am »
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I hate Enchanted Arms, its one of the worst games i have played

no, prince of persia: The Fallen King. i hate that game.
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Wake the Beast
Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 02:11:24 am »
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I !@#$% hate cockfags who !@#$%-talk people on Facebook.

I also hate it when people think using memes in serious conversations is a good idea.
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Re: ZFGC, tell us what you hate!
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2013, 07:38:48 am »
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I !@#$% hate cockfags who !@#$%-talk people on Facebook.
I hate that too!

I also hate the continued absence of a Goron theme.

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