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Messages - ocarinaplayer

Pages: [1] 2
Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: November 15, 2011, 11:10:31 pm »
i finaly figured out how to make a battlecharset and i started on vaati's battle sprite

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: November 13, 2011, 05:20:03 pm »
another screenshot of realm of memories

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: November 12, 2011, 02:02:55 pm »
second demo
same thing as last demo exceept some of the realm of memories added
note if you find realm of memories save on a sepret save file the realm is incomplete  and if you save on your main save file you will be stuck in the incomplete realm

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: November 12, 2011, 02:50:30 am »
after a month of work i managed to get a lot of work done and found a way to easly fit 20 dungeons THE REALM OF MEMORIES the realm is in a hidden area find the area and you will activate what's simmilar to second quest with a complately new storyline and once second quest is activated you cannot deactivate it second quest will feture fammiliar areas as seen below

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 25, 2011, 05:50:48 pm »
a downlad link i hope will work
if you like the game demo tell me if you don't like the game tell me witout insulting me als the beta dugeon in the demo is not close to done i have nt put int puzzles to the dugeon so when you get to the dugeon just find the mini boss and boss i promise i'll make the dungeons challenging

p.s. sucky trailer

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 24, 2011, 12:44:02 am »
why did no one posted any comments while i was on vaction :'(

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:34:31 am »
more of storyline for game

continue this from the first part of the story i posted

each of them encounter nightmare link gets nightmare to tell some of his plan to get stronger by eating off of the dreams and desires of people killing thse people in the process link encounters malon on a path she says that she just saw nightmare link and malon go to clocktown (witch is now a large city) however when they get there they find the city completely deserted they find nightmare killing more citizens link and malon try to stop him but nightmare easly beats them saying that he was only using a fraction of his power and that the more dreams he feeds on the stronger he gets leaving the town nightmare says that if link is ready to dye him and his team will come to goponga swamp link and the others say that they should train the team knows that once they fight nightmare will waste no time to rule the world vaati then awakes and says that if they collect the four elements that were yous'ed to defeat him they would have a chance

here let these awnser your questions

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 11, 2011, 12:06:35 am »
It's fine if you don't want to change anything, I'm just making suggestions that I think might help your game. If you think they won't help or aren't worth the trouble, I respect that, it's your game, after all  :)

I still don't understand what you mean by a clock town chipset. Obviously, you can't create something identical to clock town, as it's in 3D, so there is no clock town chipset. I've made a couple chipsets that I've used to recreate clock town, or an interpretation thereof, but these were just modified tiles from different games. Is that what you're looking for? I might be able to help your request better if you used punctuation, it's very difficult to read your sentences.

As for your poll, you should create exactly the number of dungeons that suit your game's plot, where they can all be unique and fun without becoming redundant. And if you're sticking to standard Zelda format, you're also limited by the number of items you can program. My opinion is that twenty seems a tad lofty.
i ment modified chipsets sorry for the confusion and as for temples i want the poll to stay i will be making secret temples as for the items if you get an item you get a new skill move
ex. bow and arrow=bow skill

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 10, 2011, 10:01:16 pm »
and another screenshot

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:33:44 pm »
Especially if you want other people on the Internet to play this, you're gonna have to do something about the graphics. I don't know how much time you're willing to invest, but turning the red tunic sprites green is not difficult. Either open it in paint and use the bucket tool, or download gimp (which is free), and use the color exchange tool to change the red to green. Also, I think it would be a great idea for you to play a Zelda game that uses the tiles you're using, either Minish cap and LTTP, or else some fan games, and take time to learn how the tiles you're using fit together. Or just look at some screen shots. But things like three fourths of a tree do not look good and are distracting, and I'm not entirely sure why you used what appears to be the corner of a cliff or something as grass.

Personally, I would also recommend ditching the RTP graphics for the most part, too, but again, that depends on how much time you're willing to put into this. If you're just doing a little game for fun for yourself, and you don't expect anybody else to play it besides maybe your friends, then you can go ahead with what you're doing. But if you want people on the Internet to help you with graphics and stuff, it might be a good idea to study other games, particularly their graphical style. If this is your first game, though, I bet you'll definitely learn a lot, but I wouldn't start with a game as ambitious as this sounds, it will be a little boring. Starting games should be small and easy to finish, I've learned from experience, you'll learn more that way and have more freedom.

Also, I've worked with rm2k3 for more years than I care to count, so if you have any questions pertaining to that, I can probably help. But what on earth do you mean about those clock town sprites? If not building clock town in 2d (such as Minish cap) sprites, what do you mean by 2d Majora's mask sprites?

i'll awnser that with this
for the tiles and 3/4 of a tree i've spent all day fixing i have to many maps with rtp graphics to change them link is in his green tunic now and for the clock town thing i ment chipsets and the reson i want to put clock town chips in the game is i want to make an area in the game that's identicly to clock town and possibly put a temple there i hope that awnsers everything

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:14:53 pm »
green link is back

p.s. does anyone bother to awnser the poll

Recruitment / Re: [for hire] Spriter, Storywriter, and Audio.
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:57:13 pm »
you still for hire

Spriter's Resource is your friend:

Just use the search on there and you'll find all of that, I'm almost certain of it.

Search "Zelda" under "games", and you'll also find practically every sprite from any Zelda game.

hope that helps.

OR did you mean you need a custom sprite of those or something?
that site doesn't work for me or it just doensnt work for rpg maker 2003

so can someone get theses zelda graphics
king dondongo monster and sprite
kesse sprite
nightmare sprite
techtite sprite
wallmaster sprite and monster
aqamentus sprite

i'm using rpg maker 2003 battle system

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 10, 2011, 12:04:58 pm »
more screen shots

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 10, 2011, 12:10:53 am »
once again post your email and i'll mail you demos plese i want people to play this

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 09, 2011, 11:36:50 pm »
fixed glitches and background that homegrownpwn mentioned and grass tiles

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 09, 2011, 10:17:01 pm »
No offense, but that looks pretty bad.  Mainly the tiling.  You seem to be using the wrong tiles from grass, as the ones in the first screenshot are tall grass from LTTP, and the one in your latest screenshot...I don't even know what that is...

Also, the battle sprites don't fit at all, and you didn't remove the background on Link's sprite (Why is he Goron Tunic Link, when his portrait is normal Link?).

You should definitely polish up the game before you release the demo.
i ment to put tall grass
i said in my first post i need help with battle sprites
and you try to find a normal green link battle graphic
p.s. i aggree with you on the grass on my latest screen shot
EDIT i fixed the grass but i can't fix the battle sprites you want to help with that

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:56:06 pm »
for some reason the site won't let me post demo
so tell me your email and i'll mail you the demos and full game whenit's done

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