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Author Topic: RE: i need a spriter for my game  (Read 1900 times)

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RE: i need a spriter for my game
« on: October 17, 2007, 01:24:26 am »
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ok well i already tried spriting the clock tower in MC style and wasnt very successful..does anyone want to help me out? i need it 2x...clock tower in mc style..big thanks and credits will be given in my game
  • Freak GFX
Re: RE: i need a spriter for my game
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 07:21:59 am »
  • Insert smartass remark here --->
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Off topic.
May I suggest you start smaller? The Clock Tower has been done before by experts but in GB or LTTP
You should start out by editing colors then editing link to a new pose or new shield for him.

On topic.
I think you won't get much as replys as you havn't posted any info on your game nor much on other topics.
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