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Messages - Martijn dh

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 77
I see what you mean with the swirl. I'll put it on my list. It shouldn't be too much of an hazzle to edit. I need to do some revisions to the character attack means soon anyway.

As for walking speed and enemy speed. Gameplay tweaking is for later. I'm not too worried about that. Besides. You can only see the slowest cyclops gaurd and some weak plants in this demo. It'll become more challenging as I add more.

Thank you.
And now it's back to work to show some new content this month.

Updates / Re: Nominations - February 2010
« on: March 01, 2010, 07:02:33 pm »
Thank you to the people who nominated me. I appreciate it.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: February 28, 2010, 08:07:36 pm »
Nothing much to report this week in the way of new features. I'm still working on grouping together the enemy objects and scripts (just one enemy left to do). It's a lot more work then you'd think but it's getting there. All enemies, hazards, projectiles and bosses should (more or less) use only one set of objects when I'm done. Beyond that is the damage system I'm working on as well. So all in all not progress that can be shown. Maybe next week.

Btw. There are two things that would help right now. I'm still looking for a sound effect for Link walking on metal. And I'm still looking for someone who is willing to done a couple of customized skeleton sprites (I've done some by now, but my spriting skills suck XD). Just thought I'd mention it again. I'll bump the respective request topics in a week or so.

Updates / Re: Nominations - February 2010
« on: February 25, 2010, 07:19:36 pm »
Surface. I already know everything about my own game and progress sure hasn't suffered from it getting the project of the month. XD And I won't vote for my own game anyway. It's more rewarding seeing other people do that. Thanks.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: February 21, 2010, 07:04:30 pm »
Just a little weekly update.
I've redone 3 out of the 5 enemies from the ground up so that we can now do this:

Well. There are more benefits but as it stands right now the colors have become variable. The gray is just a placeholder till NotAlphaMan finishes mapping out all the needed colors.

Redoing the enemies also has the benefit of more uniform (= less complex) object relations. And I'll be implementing a new system to determine the damage Link and enemies do to each other. It'll be pretty much like it was in the original except maybe for the actual stats, but that's up to FrozenFire.

Updates / Re: New Moderator
« on: February 21, 2010, 06:50:39 pm »
Huh? I hadn't even noticed this yet.
Nice going FrozenFire. Congrats.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Almost Complete]GemsOfMystery
« on: February 19, 2010, 08:17:23 pm »
Playing at and I like it. Here are some random things that come to mind.

1. Mention the buttons to use. It was not very clear. I mean, I know now after some trail and error, but a good game is intuitive or tells you outright. Maybe add a character to tell you stuff.

2. In the chesthouse, when I want to talk to the guy with q I can't read the text because it's gone instantly. Wait..no it's still messed up. I got text right for a second there but then it automaticly moved on.

3. It takes a while to get the sword and I don't see the point. Can't Link have had his allowance or something? Or make him do chores or something. Or make the sword cheaper. That would be far more fun then having to repeat throwing bushes.

4. The cutting the grass has a nice surprise.

5. There are some tiling errors near the doors in the first dungeon.

6. There are some glitches / tiling errors need various transitions.

7. There is a large blue block in the dungeon map (underneath 1F, which probably shouldn't be there). The map has a nice way of appearing though. The rooms look good as well.

8. The shadows underneat the arrows you can collect need to move 1 or two pixels to the right to match the arrows.

9. Hhmm, I've collected bombs but I can use them. :huh:

Beaten the first boss and figured I'd need to get back to the village.

Overall I liked it and I might play more of it again some other day. Don't take the above comments as just negative. That's just how I have come to look zelda fangames (including my own  XD). There are some glitches and such here and there, but this is more then what most even come close to so that's okay. Things like the cutscene are also well done. A little more attention to those small details and it'll be great.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: February 14, 2010, 03:50:37 pm »
Here is the weekly update:

I've finished the key you need to ram of a pillar. For now anyway.
And as you can see more enemies have been added. It's just modest for now. I'm redoing all creation coding of the enemies in order to implement enemy weaknesses and immunities. Like these cyclopes being weak towards running into them and obviously arrows.

BTW. These enemies will not stay there. It's just for testing. This room will be a puzzle room just to get into the dungeon. I do hope to implement a lot more enemies in the next demo.

Recruitment / Re: [Recruiting] Room designer
« on: February 14, 2010, 08:17:21 am »
Still looking for a designer.

I have been working on the dungeon a lot myself. The plan right now is to have the designer work on either Hyrule Castle, Hyrule Town or the landscape. Whatever meets their fancy. I do have specific plans for the castle (room layout and purpose, just not the content). The overworld positioning is vaguely predetermined (Hyrule in the center, plains below, mountain above. Stuff like that). The town only has a couple of definitive factors (specific house in the upper right corner, inclusion of some houses with specific purposes etc).

Coding / Re: [Request]: Pausing
« on: February 12, 2010, 06:45:11 am »
This is how I did it:
Create a surface of the screen. Turn it into a sprite and create an object in the top left corner of the view using it in the draw event. The depth obviously should be over all other regular objects. Next deactivate all object and you've paused. Reactivate and destroy the temp surface to unpause. All speeds, direction and alarms get saved for you so (to me) it seems like the most efficient methode. I like using a temporary object because of the flexibility, but doing it all in code should work just as well.

Just reactivate the objects the do need during, like a menu object and have the depth over the screenshot.

Audio / [Request] Sound of walking on metal
« on: February 11, 2010, 07:44:27 pm »
Hello everybody,

Today I'm looking for a sound of Link while he's walking on metal.

At first I figured it'd be easy to get it from http://noproblo.dayjo.org/ZeldaSounds/ but I've actually found something not on there. It's been a while since that happened XD. Haven't found it anywhere else either.

Can somebody on here help?
The sound I am looking for can be found here (at 0:22):

That's not to say that I'm not open for other suggestions btw.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: February 06, 2010, 07:05:59 pm »
Already fixed the HUD after posting. I'm not too sure about the character through. It works if the character stays in the center, but not in the other situations, so I'm still pondering on that.


Tried it out, just to see, and it's okay. The character does however jump if the view is not identical in both locations. I'd have to redesign some rooms to make that happen and that's not really what I'm going for. Maybe I could add in a darkening effect as well making the transition less sudden. Not sure though so I'll try to leave it alone for a bit and ponder on it.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: February 06, 2010, 06:43:52 pm »
Progress update:

>Adding the ability to pushing and pulling movable objects is basically done, except for the sound and a minor detail in the animations. Sound really isn't my thing so I'll leave that for now. The animation is something to look into. In the original game there is no animation for pulling apparently, so I have to make it myself. Only pulling left and right requires an edit so it shouldn't be TOO much work.

>Since I was working on movable object, I decided to implement them right away. Most notable is that movable objects now interact with floor switches. Meaning the next demo will have more rooms to explore since this was needed to advance.

>I've added in a warp tile. It's not exactly like in the original since I'm not really sure how it was done EXACTLY. But it close enough (for now :)). I'm not too confident about the sound though. I seem to recall sounds can get distorted when used while switching rooms. That'll need testing on computers other then my own.

I've attached some sequential screenshots to show how the warping goes right now.

FrozenFire: if you're reading this. I'll post a demo tomorrow. If you could warp around once or twice I'd appreciate it. Testing it fully can wait for later.

Coding / Re: GM8 Help
« on: February 04, 2010, 09:44:19 pm »
I just use pärents for my objects. There is a parent_solid that I use for the objects parent_Solid_Upper, parent_Solid_Lower, parent_Action_Objects etc. Those in turn hold the actual detailed objects like chests, walls, doors etc. So a collision with parent_solid means a collision with anything. Plus, it saves on events if you use parents to check for collisions instead of lots of smaller objects. You can then use a switch to determine the actual object you hit later on.

For me it's more flexibel then pilling all solids onto one pile, but that's because I'm working with two floors.

Discussion / Re: An up coming zelda game
« on: February 03, 2010, 09:40:53 pm »
Woops. My bad then.
Guess I was still a little pissed at the realestate agent that come over earlier today. Arrogant people really turn my mood sour sometimes. ::)

Discussion / Re: An up coming zelda game
« on: February 03, 2010, 07:28:14 pm »
Now now MC-Link. Be a little kind towards King Tetiro. He knows what he's talking about and is only trying to help. Openly saying you don't care what people say isn't a great way to start off promoting your game.
Wow I never saw this coming. :D. We all started off like this remember martijn. I used to deny all crits and praise. Now I accept it.

I'm not bashing him or anything. Everyone starts out like this, including me. Doesn't mean it can't be said. It's just some advise for the guy.

Discussion / Re: An up coming zelda game
« on: February 03, 2010, 05:21:44 pm »
Now now MC-Link. Be a little kind towards King Tetiro. He knows what he's talking about and is only trying to help. Openly saying you don't care what people say isn't a great way to start off promoting your game.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: February 02, 2010, 06:54:26 pm »
Yeah, that's true. I'll just leave it out then. There is always time to add it in at a later date anyway.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: February 01, 2010, 08:22:59 pm »
Just another screenshot to show I'm still making progress:

I've also got a question this time around:
Should Link be able to move blocks (etc) in a sidestepping motion?
Or will pushing ahead and pulling backwards be enough?

It's a little tricky to build, seeing as how the needed sprites of link don't exist yet.
I'm also not really sure if it's needed from a gameplay and/or nostalgic point of view. :huh:

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