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Topics - Retro

Pages: [1] 2 3
Other Discussion / Help I need Gm16.dls
« on: July 17, 2007, 06:10:54 pm »
It seems my sound card is corrupt and I need this file, and I have no idea where to get it, I searched Google but had no luck.  I don't have my Windows CD either, can anybody find theirs and upload this file?



Entertainment / Zelda Shield!?
« on: June 24, 2007, 03:48:13 pm »
I visited my local parliament building the other day and found this on one of the walls.

Interesting is it not?

Sorry for the crap photography.

Entertainment / Rejected... o_O
« on: April 29, 2007, 11:11:35 pm »

Your not very helpful.

Graphics / Ganondorf Sig
« on: April 04, 2007, 01:28:44 pm »


Lol made in GIMP ^  Yeah it sucks, but it's been awhile.

What do you think?

Other Discussion / HELP! Firefox Problem
« on: April 03, 2007, 07:08:38 pm »

Solution for future reference (By Weapon)

guys, it's a profile problem.
I've had the exact same problem before.
Somehow, Mozilla creates a new profile and abandons your old one, and that creates a couple of faults...
You need to find your Mozilla Profile directory and delete your old profile.
If you go to Tools and Error Console in Mozilla, you'll probably find the directory there along with the problem you're having.

The files may be hidden, so do the "View hidden files" thing, and search for somewhere in Documents and Settings.

My directory was; "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\default" - so you should have something like that, or not.

That there had the folder/file I needed to delete, but I can't remember if I deleted the profile folder or a file inside it.
I think you delete the folder.

Next time you open up Mozilla again, it'll create a new profile and everything will be in order.


Alright so yesterday I was browsing the web and I got the evil blue screen of death.  No problem right?  I restart the PC and when I open up Firefox, it opens up like this:

Notice it's not maximized (It always had been before) but it's not just when I first open the program it's whenever I open a link in a new window.  I want every window I open to be maximized.  CAN ANYBODY HELP.

And no I'm not maximizing ever freaking page that pops up. :P


Feedback / [fixed] GGE Badge Code Needs Updating
« on: March 17, 2007, 06:40:05 pm »
Like the topic says:

I guess it's pretty simple, just paste the code from the site :P

Discussion / Torque? Moving Form Game Maker To C#
« on: March 16, 2007, 08:12:10 pm »
I'm moving from GM to C# now and well I have been for awhile, it just has taken me quite awhile to get started up.  I have figured that I never really want to become a professional programmer and I really would rather not learn the whole of a language like C#.  Though I would like to continue to make games and be able to know the basics of a language like C#, but not have to rely fully on it.

I've herd about Torque and seen some great games made with it and I was wondering if it was right for me and if so what version should I use?  If you know of other alternatives, that would be great to.  I'm a visual person, so the more visual the editor, the better.


Graphics / Space Shooter/Rhythm Game Needs C+C
« on: March 12, 2007, 02:28:27 pm »
TomPel has joined the team as the lead spriter, feel free to continue to crit my sprites but it is likely he will have some new ones up in the next few weeks.

I posted that I was looking for a spriter a while back, but it seems nobody was interested.  I took on the task myself and well I'm no spriter but I wanted to see if you guys could at least give me some C+C so I could make them myself.

If you want to know more about the game, I posted some info here:  http://www.pixel-arts.org/pixelation/index.php?topic=3269.msg41300#msg41300

Screenshot of it all in action.

So this is the ship the player controls, I hope to animate the outline later on.  It's supposed to look like a guitar pick.

This is the first enemy I have finished, it's supposed to resemble and eight note, with two of the, line things (I don't know the name of the line).

This is what the ship above looks like with it's shield on (this comes on when the player is not supposed to play the beat, and off only for a second when the beat needs to be played).

The (bullet) that the enemy ship shoots.

The (bullet) that the ship you control shoots.

A badly drawn arrow that comes up when a enemy ship is about to appear.

One of the two layers of the background.  Not sure if I should animate the start to make them spin, or get bigger and smaller, or not.

I'd like to be able to add some color but I really just don't know how, as choosing a pallet is not my specialty.

Any C+C would be great, I hope you can help make this game a better one to look at.

Recruitment / Space Shooter/Rhythm Game Looking For Spriter
« on: February 03, 2007, 02:11:45 pm »
Hello, fellow members of ZFGC this is Retro here and I want you to be part of my next game.  Still in early beta and planning stages the game is already taking shape.  What I need though is a spriter who would be able to make ship sprites, backgrounds and effects.  The style has not been decided so if you have a style that interests you I would love to take a look and perhaps use it.  I won't be needing any sprites right now or even this month, as I don't plan on having the game out until around November of next year.  I am an experienced programmer who has already finished one solo project http://www.binaryphoenix.com/?action=software&step=view&id=12 and am already well on my way with this project.


Songs by the amazing Q.K.

The game is a vertical scrolling space shooter, combined with the fun of a rhythm game, like DDR and Guitar Hero.

The game will be on the shorter side, I'm thinking 3 "levels" with 3 "sub-levels" in them.

You as a spriter would be able to beta test and have input into the game, as far as story, game play and level design.

The game will be entirely coded by me and will not be intended to be sold.

Who You Are:
Why You Want To Help:
Examples Of Work:

Please fill out the above me and send it to me in a email.  My email address is
retro.manu (AT) gmail.com

Thank You,

Other Projects / [Completed] GridBlast {Featured In GM Tech Magazine!}
« on: November 27, 2006, 09:13:06 pm »
Developer(s) Name :  Retro (RE7OFIT Studios)
Publisher(s) Name :  Binary Phoenix
Players : 1 Player (With Online High Score Table)
Rating : E "For Everyone"
GM Tech Mag Review:http://www.box.net/public/u77ry6qd05

In the age of long loading times and 3D graphics, it's hard to really just lay back and play a simple and fun game.  Those days are over thanks to:


.:Game Play:.

GridBlast plays like nothing you have ever played before, it uses the WASD keys to control bombs that explode in beautiful particle effects and the space bar to clear the screen with a giant blast. Move a missile shooter with the mouse and shoot with the left mouse button. There are tons of ways to play the game. The game's graphics are very modern and clean but stay true to their old-school looks. The music will keep you enchanted for hours on end, as the game can be played for two minutes or two hours. This game never ends, more and more enemy's come with increasing speed and variety, until you stop. Millions of possibilities, you can play the game only using the missile shooter, or not at all. Will you upgrade your missiles to heat seeking and super speed? It's all up to you. Compete for the highest score in the world by sending your high score at the end of a playing session.


Current Version 1.4
Download Page (Do Not Save Link As)





Motion Blur and Stars!

The Ship follows your every move for ease of control.

Code: [Select]

.:Binary Phoenix:.

Code: [Select]

Thank You For Visiting The GridBlast Topic.

Discussion / Least/Favourite Aspects of Games
« on: October 24, 2006, 08:56:35 pm »
As the topic states what your favourite aspects of games?  The story, and what about it?  The shooting of huge Female puppyin alien monsters and why?  The graphics and why an what kind and style?  Also what don't you like and why?  Etc.

Just tell me what you like, as I'm trying to piece together some thoughts on why people don't like certain things as opposed to others.

Such as, you love 3D graphics, but only very stylized kinds, not hyper realistic, because you like to escape from the world when you play, or such.

Any thoughts would be great.


Other Discussion / HELP *Que Wedding Music
« on: August 22, 2006, 02:21:43 pm »
Alright today is the day I am finally buying my new graphics card and power supply, what do you think?  Are there any objections?  Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Graphics Card:

Power Supply


Other Discussion / Hoilsrncec fo Naigra
« on: August 12, 2006, 08:42:34 pm »
Wow, my friend just told me about this site he herd about from a friend of his.  Sounds like some freaky story. XD

Anyways it looks sorta cool, and Zorafan and I are trying to figure out what the stuff says now.


Could be another eon8.  Odd guess we wait.  o_O but we just found out Ekew Neo means Week One.

Graphics / Retro's Sprite Collection
« on: August 12, 2006, 05:36:34 pm »

Here are a collection of my Zelda themed sprites from across time.  Some are not for Zelda games but based/made for Zelda spin offs.  All free for use if you post in this thread and tell me which ones you will be using and for what game.

Teen Ganondorf

Sage Rauru  (The Original, Don't Be Listening To Those Copy Cats Elsewhere)

The Time Master From Chain of Time

Link Statue (Proudly Being Used In The Legend Of Zelda: The Spirit World: Master Quest By Aab.  H1 = Hilltopper1 = Me On Nintendo Forums

Gao-Cho For An Old Zelda ORPG

Grass Tile (Character Not Mine)

Isometric Grass Tile (Character Not Mine)

Sand Tile (Character Not Mine)

Isometric Sand Tile (Character Not Mine)

Me In Sprite Form (Unfinished)


Graphics / New Sig Fo Realz
« on: August 12, 2006, 05:25:26 pm »
How do you like it?

Matching Avvy as well!

Entertainment / Farcry On The Wii !@#$%
« on: August 03, 2006, 08:02:57 pm »

That's right Seven launch titles.  Is this going to kick or is this going to kick?

Discussion / 3D Game Creator
« on: August 02, 2006, 08:32:37 pm »
I am currently looking at way to make a 3D game, no I am not interested in C++, this will just be a small project for fun.  I was wondering if there were any Windows programs like Unity 3D, that have level modelers and character modelers built in?  Also one with a easy to learn language like Gamemaker would help a lot.


Other Discussion / HELP QUICK (Video Card)
« on: August 01, 2006, 12:47:58 am »
Alright tommorow I will be ordering/buying one of these cards, but which one is better?

ATI Radeon X1900GT 256MB PCI-E


XFX GeForce 7600 GT XXX / 256MB GDDR3 / SLI / PCI Express / Dual DVI / HDTV /

Please help.


Other Discussion / Nintendo Wii Fanboy Reads Codename Revolution
« on: July 27, 2006, 10:30:25 pm »
In short, Nintendo Wii Fanboy reads a site I write at called Codename Revolution.  Is it really a big deal?  No.  Do I own you?  Yes.


Discussion / Project Beta (QUESTION)
« on: July 19, 2006, 07:54:21 pm »

I am thinking about making a game called Project Beta, it would put you in the place of a hacker working for an unnamed organization.  In levels you would have to heck into computers to get codes and information, use weapons to infiltrate top secret areas all using technology (no guns).  Think of using a laptop to take control of a nearby turret gun to destroy your enemies.  Also upgrades such as better computers, RAM and such to build the ultimate hecking PC.  What do you think, would you play it?

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