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Messages - Nabeshin

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Discussion / Zelda Future
« on: August 25, 2008, 04:14:14 am »

I'm sure it's not hard to put together that Zelda Future is a Zelda game set in the future.  Something that might've popped into your head is the image of Link, riding a motorcycle with the word EPONA branded on the side, blasting wildly into the dark night air with his assault rifle, littering the ground with gore as Ganon collapses from his wounds - and at the last moment, the missile launch sequence is stopped, and Link has saved Hyrule from nuclear winter.

Well, unless that brief narrative sounded appealing to you, you are in luck.  That is absolutely not what this game is going to be.  You can certainly look forward to more than a few technological advances in the land of Hyrule, but at the end of the day, this is still the Hyrule you remember.

This project has been a few years in the works, and has probably been on paper since 2005; that said, the majority of those few years saw little to no work.  Now that I suddenly have a team of five people, it's fair to say a little more is getting done. This seemed like as good a time as any to bring the project to a few more ears, so here I am.

It's being created in GM, in Minish Cap style, however edited and future-y it may be.  No screens yet, due to lack of tiling, but I'll work up a title screen, menu shot and other HUD stuff in the next little while.

Mainly, the purpose of this thread is to gauge fan reaction to the concept, which since its inception has been somewhat negative, particularly when it was all brought to light during that period with the April Fool's video of a futuristic Zelda.  I'd like to go out of the way to separate this project from that if I can; this project isn't about milking a technological Hyrule, it's about providing a satisfactory conceptual ending for the series.  That said, I'm sure you'll excuse the occasional gratuitous technology along the way.

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