I said stick it in main because this is what my Update code looks like in my engine:
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
gamedata.cam.Update(gamedata.input.p_up, gamedata.input.p_left);
and because this is what it looks like under draw:
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
GraphicsDevice.Viewport = new Viewport(
(graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2) - ((graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / (int)gamedata.resolution.X) * (int)gamedata.resolution.Y) / 2,
(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / (int)gamedata.resolution.X) * (int)gamedata.resolution.Y
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null, null, gamedata.cam.GetTransform() * Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3((float)graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / gamedata.game_width, (float)graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / gamedata.game_width, 1.0f)));
gamedata.screens[gamedata.current_screen].Draw(spriteBatch, textures, gamedata);
gamedata.writer.Draw(spriteBatch, textures[7], new Vector2(0,0), gamedata);
and it probably won't be changing a whole lot. If it does change, it'll be a line or two. GameData contains stuff like different screens, save data, camera, etc.
Personally, I don't think it'd be a crime if these things were side-by-side. That was my point. Not that you should badly structure code, but that creating a class just so you can have three functions didn't seem necessary to me.
About the memory management. Just like in the issue before, we're apparently talking about different things. I'm just saying that, when I used C++, a variable in my class was apparently being overwritten or something, somehow, causing very undesirable results. At least, that's what someone told me when I talked to them about it. I was quite new to C++ at the time, so the idea that my variable could just be overwritten willy-nilly in the memory because of something that was going on in the background that I didn't know about turned me off of it. Was this what was really happening? Idk. But I switched to C# because it was recommended to me, and I prefer it.