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Author Topic: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style Project (Great Deku Tree Finished!)  (Read 270708 times)

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Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #660 on: May 03, 2012, 04:03:39 pm »
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So are you actually coding this as a game? Or just spriting everything?
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #661 on: May 03, 2012, 04:06:20 pm »
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I plan to. As of now I am just producing graphical resources that I'll need.
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #662 on: May 03, 2012, 04:07:49 pm »
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Gotcha. If you do, make sure you do it properly :D. Be a shame to let this amazing sprite work go to waste!
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #663 on: May 03, 2012, 05:21:53 pm »
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I plan to. As of now I am just producing graphical resources that I'll need.

Would you first sprite every single thing you need + the maps? Or are you giving yourself a decent base then going into programming?
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #664 on: May 03, 2012, 10:15:32 pm »
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Most likely spriting a decent base and then programming. I'd like to complete most of the overworked for exploration on a first demo. Basically have your first dungeon and then the ability to explore the earliest accessible areas in the game.

As of now my computer won't even run a gamemaker file, so I either have to fix it or purchase a new system before I can begin creating my engine. Also, I have minimal experience at it, so it will be a long process to achieve what I'm desiring.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 10:19:43 pm by Master Yoshi »
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #665 on: May 08, 2012, 03:04:29 am »
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I know Ive said it before, but that deku tree is !@#$% awesome!!! LOVE your take on Kokiri Forest too.
I have a few questions and suggestions about the lost woods area but will ask later as I need sleep lol
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #666 on: May 13, 2012, 11:54:25 pm »
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Hows this project working out? im loving the work in this and just wanted to say congrats. this has been a big heap of work. great job.
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #667 on: May 22, 2012, 10:33:32 am »
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Now that Ive finally found out how to make and upload animations, I had a go at animating your running sprites hair like you asked. Only problem is that I couldnt do it without changing the look of his hair :(



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Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #668 on: November 02, 2012, 04:24:29 pm »
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Did the Deku Tree have Gossip Stones as earrings? Or are they just awkwardly placed.
This was hilarious
I joined for the sake of an engine i saw on the forum, it got me quite excited to see it in use! I had found this forum some while before that, but it is only now that i see the pure awesomeness of it! XD

I cant wait to see some fanmade zelda games, nevertheless support the ones who program them :D I sure can cheer people up!

My profile picture is Tonae, a character from my fanfic. She is a sheikah, who are teamed up with Link against her will to restore the balance of time. She is named after my aunts username in Guildwars 2. They have a guild called Hellfire bunnies.

Heres my Deviantart: http://arceusrules98.deviantart.com/

Wiki page:http://wiki.zfgc.com/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Time_Collapse
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #669 on: November 02, 2012, 06:28:50 pm »
  • Majora Link
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Awesome! You are a great spriter and i think this project is going to be amazing! I like the way how you sprited link, they are detailed well and the positions are correct. Keep up the good work! :-)
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #670 on: November 20, 2012, 12:21:46 pm »
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A little bit Southwest of the entrance to the Deku Tree area, you missed a square of tiling, it's on the above hill, look on the slanted area which would be a drop down in ALTTP.

Everything looks great though! :D
  • RPG Empire
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #671 on: November 29, 2012, 01:30:50 am »
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Hey, new ZFGC member here. I've just finished reading through this whole topic, and I am absolutely stunned by everything being posted here! I've been toying with doing some serious sprite-work for a while, and all of this is really inspirational to me.

I, too, share an absolute love for ALTTP (especially the unique art style) because it was one of the first real games I'd ever owned when I was a kid, and seeing these most recent mappings you've [Yoshi] created is stirring up some of that original magic I'd experienced when first playing the game.

Stupendous work overall! And the little bits and bobs other people have posted have been wonderful as well. I really look forward to seeing where this leads in the future!
"Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you."
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #672 on: December 05, 2012, 03:21:32 pm »
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Aaaaand I'm back.
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #673 on: December 05, 2012, 03:50:20 pm »
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Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #674 on: December 07, 2012, 09:42:48 pm »
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Finally corrected my Zelda sprite. Basically began from scratch on her, using the older one as a reference.


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Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #675 on: December 08, 2012, 10:43:15 am »
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That Zelda is outstandingly beautiful! Awesome work!
I joined for the sake of an engine i saw on the forum, it got me quite excited to see it in use! I had found this forum some while before that, but it is only now that i see the pure awesomeness of it! XD

I cant wait to see some fanmade zelda games, nevertheless support the ones who program them :D I sure can cheer people up!

My profile picture is Tonae, a character from my fanfic. She is a sheikah, who are teamed up with Link against her will to restore the balance of time. She is named after my aunts username in Guildwars 2. They have a guild called Hellfire bunnies.

Heres my Deviantart: http://arceusrules98.deviantart.com/

Wiki page:http://wiki.zfgc.com/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Time_Collapse
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #676 on: March 17, 2013, 09:52:06 pm »
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So I am a new user here and I was greatly inspired by the the art here. In fact, I made a Wolfos and a Chilfos (I know Chilfos is Twilight Princess) based on the sprites you already had here. Hope you like them

« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 05:05:05 am by DuskWolf »


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Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #677 on: March 18, 2013, 08:52:45 pm »
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I think im allowed to step in and say that i dont think these users have been active in a while, i might be wrong though.
I joined for the sake of an engine i saw on the forum, it got me quite excited to see it in use! I had found this forum some while before that, but it is only now that i see the pure awesomeness of it! XD

I cant wait to see some fanmade zelda games, nevertheless support the ones who program them :D I sure can cheer people up!

My profile picture is Tonae, a character from my fanfic. She is a sheikah, who are teamed up with Link against her will to restore the balance of time. She is named after my aunts username in Guildwars 2. They have a guild called Hellfire bunnies.

Heres my Deviantart: http://arceusrules98.deviantart.com/

Wiki page:http://wiki.zfgc.com/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Time_Collapse


Wake the Beast
Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #678 on: March 18, 2013, 09:07:44 pm »
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Actually, that's our job as moderators and admins :P, but it's okay.

Welcome to our community, DuskWolf! I just want to politely remind you that it's generally not a good idea to post in super old topics. Feel free to make your own graphics topic if you want to show off your talent!
  • Starforsaken101's DeviantART


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Re: Ocarina of Time to A Link to the Past Style ...
« Reply #679 on: March 18, 2013, 09:32:20 pm »
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lol, sorry, I forgot, I thought I'd follow your example ^-^ No gravedigging that is :)
I joined for the sake of an engine i saw on the forum, it got me quite excited to see it in use! I had found this forum some while before that, but it is only now that i see the pure awesomeness of it! XD

I cant wait to see some fanmade zelda games, nevertheless support the ones who program them :D I sure can cheer people up!

My profile picture is Tonae, a character from my fanfic. She is a sheikah, who are teamed up with Link against her will to restore the balance of time. She is named after my aunts username in Guildwars 2. They have a guild called Hellfire bunnies.

Heres my Deviantart: http://arceusrules98.deviantart.com/

Wiki page:http://wiki.zfgc.com/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Time_Collapse
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