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Topics - LorentzChronon

Pages: [1]
Updates / Resignation of Administration
« on: May 11, 2015, 02:32:06 am »
I know I'm not particularly active here, but I'm moving my focus onto personal projects.
My goal joining ZFGC was to improve some of the core technical issues regarding this website, primarily regarding organization and infrastructure. It wasn't an easy task, and took a lot of time. But it was worth it. You guys who have kept ZFGC alive over these years have truly carried a passion with what you do. Between the art,the programming, and the relationships with one another -- you guys deserve this effort for a place you call community.
Continue to move forth and grow more and more skilled in your passions. Never let anything stop your dreams.

It is now my turn to focus all of my energies into reaching my dream.

This legendary quote from the gentleman Ron Swanson explains it all.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl-HalherjQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl-HalherjQ</a>

Updates / Menu Standardization
« on: April 15, 2015, 03:09:08 pm »
The ZFGC.com menu should now be standard across all available themes for both the CMS and forum. This is mostly an update for fellow admins who have access to edit the menu. Now it only needs to be edited in a single place instead of twice for each theme.
If you notice any graphical glitches, send us some feedback.

PS: Worth noting, if you get something like this guy did http://zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=41310.msg448889;topicseen#msg448889
Fix the issue by refreshing. Your browser has cached the old CSS.

King of Thieves / Linux Support
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:49:09 pm »
There's now a linux branch that has been tested to work with Ubuntu 14.04.
The only features that will be missing from this branch (as far as I've tested so far) are Windows Forms features (including the Map Editor) and the High Performance benchmark utility (which uses windows Kernel32.dll).

Check it out! Test it out!
(edited branch name to master now that linux branch no longer exists as it is merged to master already)

If you have questions regarding the setup, let us know and we'll try to help out. The most important part is setting up MonoDevelop and MonoGame and their dependencies properly.

Updates / Resources Being Removed From CMS
« on: June 05, 2013, 08:44:38 pm »
Hi guys, just a followup to the original heads up found at http://zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=40676.0
We are taking the resources off of the CMS in our motion going forward so that we can replace the CMS.


Updates / CMS Changes
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:46:34 pm »
Hey guys, hope all's going well.

The website UI changes so far have been progressing. Those using experimental themes can see that, and have messaged me about it with their questions and thoughts.

But anyway, the point of this post is to explain that we're unhappy with the current CMS. We are in the process of migrating content off of it into the Wiki (the projects being a great example). Once the content is fully off the CMS, we will begin the process of replacing the software behind it.

In addition to projects being migrated, the resource section will be removed. We'll have a backup of it and everything, but it won't be on the site anymore. This is your opportunity and fair notice, if you want to get something from the resources, to get it for yourself now.

The team feels that the goal of ZFGC going forward is to shy away from being a CDN for images and resources, but focus more on the social, educational, and community aspects.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Coding / For Mercurial users who still want to use github
« on: May 17, 2013, 02:50:40 am »
Saw this protip, had to share.

"Know anyone that prefers Mercurial? They can use GitHub with our hg-git plugin"

Updates / Website UI Changes
« on: April 23, 2013, 07:19:59 pm »
Hey guys --

Coming up shortly, you may notice some changes being applied to the overall website layout.
This may include changes to the menu/navigation bar, and in general thematic changes as well as mobile support bit by bit.
It won't all happen at once, as to make the transition gradual (and the work easier on us admins).

If you have any questions about the changes please feel free to leave a message in this thread. If you find that something you normally use is now missing, please include as many relevant details as possible and we can either help you find it again or explain why it was removed. This mostly applies to the navigation, as many pages are being consolidated or moved to the Wiki.


Pages: [1]

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