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Author Topic: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZNB)  (Read 156309 times)

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Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.6 (LoZN...
« Reply #240 on: March 06, 2017, 06:46:37 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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It's been a while since I posted as well, so we are both on the same boat. Concerning Epona, I have one question: Will she be earned?

Yes, but earning her will be difficult, despite her being near the beginning of the game after the first dungeon. Link had lost her several hours ago before the story starts due to being captured by Moblin King Mobi, only to escape afterwards, during his capture Epona had fled the incoming Moblins. She had later been recovered by a group of soldiers who decided to send her off to Flora Town Farm, for they knew the town is known for taking care of horses.

When she is obtained she can be summoned via Epona's Song (If you got your Ocarina of Time back) or if you happen to get lost from her, she can be found at a stable in a village or town.
You can also take her overseas if you by a boat ticket to another area (This I'm still working on).
What I'm also working on is 2 weapons can be used while on horseback: Either your Sword or your Bow. If you take enough damage, you'll be knocked off Epona for a short time, but pressing S next to work you can mount her again. Plus you can only go on horseback as Young Link, cannot go on as other forms such as Goron, Zora, Deku, etc and will get the error sound when attempting to do so.

Attempt 1
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Epona had been taken in to recover from injuries since the forest fight. The Farmer's will help you get your horse back from the mean owner of the farm. You can buy her out for 375 rupees or get help from the farmers.

They will grant you access to the main farm house to find a key, which is in a random area in the house, that unlocks the barn house where the horses are being kept. You will have to sneak in and get the key without alerting the farm owner; if done at night, you have to move slowly in order to not wake up the owner and be caught. The player will have 4 tries, and if done for the 5th time, said farmers who helped will be suspended, and you will be banned from the farm.

If no action is done, she will be moved to castle town in 4 days after you obtain the clock.

Another way to get her back is to help the farm owner's brother take back his farm by doing a side-quest, this way you gain acess to the farm and be reunited with Epona.

Attempt 2
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If Epona is gone from the farm, she will be at the castle town training grounds. Link can recover Epona by running some errands for an off-duty knight who is friends with the lead trainer. Probably the easiest way, however, this does not free the Flora Town Farm from the cruel boss.
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Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #241 on: April 15, 2017, 08:20:34 am »
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My focus right now is getting more actions for Transformations completed.
Before I only show movement, but this time I added some functions for the forms the player can use, the only two forms that have come close to completion is Fierce Deity Link, and Zora Link. Most actions are implemented, but need to add more sprites.

Deku, Goron and Twilight Link will need more time to be completed, and these forms have more actions than the other forms that are almost done since they're mostly offensive forms.

Deku is the least powerful one, but grants hovering/floating and access to secret zones.

Goron is defensive form, grants Link ability to power roll into areas bombs cannot break through, and freedom to travel in lava and fire.
Zora form is offensive and capable of generating electrical attacks based of Sol collected.

Fierce Deity Link is both offensive and defensive and the most powerful in Link's arsenal. The mask can be used, but takes a toll on Link if used for a longer period of time.

Twilight Link is a new form, a bit more powerful than FD Link form because this power was design to defeat extremely strong and dangerous foes from NADI such as Okari and high ranked NADI members who had been occupying fortresses. Without this form while fighting high ranked NADI foes, Link will be completely obliterated without using this power.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNervE6NGNY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNervE6NGNY</a>
« Last Edit: April 15, 2017, 08:26:37 am by Zhello »
The IT Guy
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The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

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devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/
Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #242 on: April 17, 2017, 04:13:47 am »
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Looks like you'll have to be extra careful when you using the Fierce Deity mask. Does this mean that more mask will be available?
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Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #243 on: April 20, 2017, 10:57:28 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Looks like you'll have to be extra careful when you using the Fierce Deity mask. Does this mean that more mask will be available?

The mask have been taken from Link before the actually he is in Orlo Gale Forest. The masks were taken by a greedy Moblin known as King Mobi who defeated him, and after being saved by Gemmy, the two escape, as for Mobi has bases in a few places in the over-world.
Once you get one of the masks, it can be used to access some areas Link, while in normal form, couldn't go to before. The Fierce Deity Mask is the only mask the player gets back from Mobi when he is confronted; and this mask is mandatory.

FD Link or any powerful ability will take up Sol Energy when uses, however, FD mask will consume Stamina in big numbers if there is no Sol to pull it's power from; in a sense, it will make Link more powerful, but at risk to black out from using such an ability for way too long.

Unlocking all forms makes it easier for the player to access phase 2 of the game.

Each masks has an offensive/defensive ability attribute to them and some items in the inventory is effected due to which mask is used. Twilight Link isn't a mask, however, it is an ability given to Link in order to survive the strongest of enemies from NADI, and it is needed in order to survive for NADI forces are unspeakably strong if Sol or Twilight based abilities isn't used against them.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 12:27:29 am by Zhello »
The IT Guy
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The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

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Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #244 on: October 13, 2017, 07:06:27 am »
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Been working on some things for sometime now (when I had the free time  8)).

The player can see whether they can load a save or make a new one. The basic load/new file will text will be changed. Game can check for a saved file in your game folder now. Other options regarding Achievements or hidden unlockables will also be added soon.

*Note* The player can cycle through the 5 menus using ALT or CTRL keys, some screens show Shift left and right, this has been changed.

That achievement system I had an idea about a while back, managed to create own that pops up smoothly and fades out. The achievements awarded to the player can persist in current and new game, as long as A: the file for the save is visible and B: the player saves at some point to keep the achievement permanently. There is an option to wipe the achievements earned in the title screen.

The achievement inventory screen needs a bit of work, it is just the first page, each page will have a total of 20 achievements, total being 60 for now.

Collectible Inventory, items, mainly minerals the player has found so they can take to a blacksmith to upgrade some of their equipment. Hammers and a Lv. 2+ bomb allows the player to collect minerals while an upgraded hammer will allow the player to find the best minerals possible, i.e. diamonds and steel. Inventory remains locked until the player gets a Mineral Backpack in game (which can be upgraded). Golden Leaf Tokens can also be found if you have this item, and Golden Leaf Tokens can be donated in Mailboxes so increase unlockables in shops, stores, inns, etc.

All items that appear after player gets the Mineral Backpack

Epona works perfectly now. What has changed is some strong attacks can cancel the player's use of Epona, and the player can use Epona via button key on the keyboard, if they have her unlocked. Epona can only be used in large field areas, not inside caves, houses, etc. Epona no longer has infinite run speed, and when she reaches 0, the player has to wait until the bare fills back up in order to gallop faster using S key on keyboard. (Galloping into the water will cancel the effect immediately).

Player deaths will now count every time you die, but this will show after the game over and will only affect an already saved file, not a new one.

The map can no longer be used as it was before (unless indoors) when it comes to overworld. The map now zooms WAY out, showing the room and the player's location in the room. That route I took spriting the rooms individually I stopped, and decided to just zoom out the room. Just need to tweak it a bit because it has a funky vibe on "in view" objects.

Free-View-Mode is also added. Pressing J will hide your HUD and allows the camera to move slightly in front of the direction the player is going. It cancels out the player's ability to pause the game unless they toggle the mode off using J key.

Player can now get double defense from eating food, but eating is limited for a period of time after eating 3-4 times. courage points is a hidden value for the player who gains double defense so every 25 seconds if the player takes damage, they can heal, as long as double defense is active. An indicator is the blue overlay bar on the stamina bar that shows the player how much double defense stamina they have left.

Gold and Silver Treasure Chests. These chest contain special items and they can only be opened using keys respective to their colors. Keys show up in your collection inventory along with the minerals and they are very hard to get ingame. They can be found by completing side-objects that is found by the player, it is not given by an object or npc, so these keys are found by mere chance.

Other then that, tons of bug fixes and a lot of stress testing. Game no longer crashes on Windows 8/Windows 8.1 due to sound issue.
Some graphics changes too. Still working on some other sprites that take time to make and so forth.

As a new demo, I may be able to showcase it for NCFC, but like a portion of it for just the dungeon only. I have NPC object parent running unique codes that react to the setting and day ingame, and it will take some time to get them going for small side-missions leading to the dungeon. The revamped dungeon 2 and 3 now have multiple endings (2 good and 1 perfect). Dungeon 4 and 5 still being tweaked a bit with a new story and layout.
The IT Guy
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Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #245 on: October 15, 2017, 01:29:39 pm »
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Looks great. Nice work.
I'm too bound for time to play myself but I'm looking forward to see the livestream during the NCFC.


Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #246 on: October 15, 2017, 11:09:36 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Looks great. Nice work.
I'm too bound for time to play myself but I'm looking forward to see the livestream during the NCFC.

Yeah, trying to workout the lead ups to the dungeons, with multiple ending outcomes, it takes time, if anything I might just have the player skip to the dungeon using the load save option. The good thing is there is several people I got comments from who is interested in any zelda fan games from zfgc, so they will flock to ncfc.  XD

My demo may not be done in time for ncfc, probably will have it up after.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 02:44:23 am by Zhello »
The IT Guy
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The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

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devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/
Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #247 on: October 22, 2017, 10:18:12 am »
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The currently released demo isn't good enough yet?


Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #248 on: October 22, 2017, 01:18:15 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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The currently released demo isn't good enough yet?

The older demo that is out right now is good, but the current version I am working on has a lot of fixes and improvements, but there is 3-4 non-linear paths that need to be finished and the new 5 inventory system for the player that almost done. Cutting close to see if I can get it done, but if anything it may come out during or after ncfc.
The IT Guy
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The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

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devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/
Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #249 on: October 30, 2017, 07:48:45 pm »
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I hope we see it  at Nintendo Community Fangame Convention 2017.
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Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #250 on: October 30, 2017, 09:37:24 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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I hope we see it  at Nintendo Community Fangame Convention 2017.

Not this time lol, but I will put out a demo with fixes from the previous one with new features on it in the next 48 hours. I will be supporting Martijn dh project on NCFC and others.
The IT Guy
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The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

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ZFGC is like the Hotel California.  You can come in but you can never leave!

devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/


Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #251 on: February 15, 2018, 02:19:01 pm »
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Hello, I am back, was out due to IRL issues that needed my attention.

I haven't dropped an update yet, but I will have something up very soon, things such as an actual working quest log system that focus on the player's objective in the main story quest and 2 side-quest other slots for major and minor side-quests. I also made a working achievement system that works now so I will showcase that soon since I didn't get the chance to do so before I had to pause on my project.
The IT Guy
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Linux is a wonderful thing

The Legend of Zelda - New Beginnings

1.6 Demo -

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Dragon Diary - Cybernetic Threat
Story: http://wiki.zfgc.com/Cybernetic_Threat

ZFGC is like the Hotel California.  You can come in but you can never leave!

devianart: http://linkwolf48.deviantart.com/
Re: [W.I.P.] TLoZ: New Beginnings ver. 1.7 (LoZN...
« Reply #252 on: February 08, 2022, 05:32:04 pm »
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It's been less than 4 years since your last declaration. I hope the current global situation hasn't quench your fountain of creativity.
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