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Author Topic: [PRIVACY POLICY] - Last Updated 26 Mar, 2012  (Read 18890 times)

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[PRIVACY POLICY] - Last Updated 26 Mar, 2012
« on: March 25, 2012, 08:12:53 pm »
  • Minalien
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The staff of Zelda Fan Game Central is committed to keeping the information stored about its users confidential. The only information that we require be provided in order to maintain an active membership within the community (which is required in order to directly interact with the community through the discussion boards or through project management) are an active email address, display name, IP address and password. Zelda Fan Game Central maintains a strict policy regarding personal information stored on this website, and will never sell or otherwise distribute your personal information to other websites. All passwords are stored only as securely-encrypted information within our databases, and no plain-text password will ever be stored for any reason. Similarly, you will never be asked by a member of our staff for any of your personal information.

Only your display name will ever be publicly available to other users (this will also be visible to guests, users who are not currently logged in or registered). Please note that the IP address of any machine you use to access your account will be logged for security purposes, but will be available only to members of the administration (Administrator accounts only - moderators will not have access to this information).

Any information beyond these items is entirely optional, may be removed at any time through the User Control Panel, and can be customized to display publicly, only to registered members, only to staff members, or only to administrators. This includes information such as your age, birth date, location, and other profile-enhancing information that you may wish to share and are common on other Internet discussion boards.

Zelda Fan Game Central uses 'Cookies' in order to maintain session information between visits to our website. These cookies do not store sensitive information, and do not collect data from your computer or external websites. Because Zelda Fan Game Central uses a secure web protocol (HTTP over SSL, as can be identified by the presence of https:// in our web address/URL), cookie data should be reasonably safe in transit between your computer and our website, and all cookies are deleted when you sign off of your user account. If you are concerned with the security of cookie data, you may choose to browse on a Session-based system by ensuring that the "Stay Logged On" check box is unchecked when signing in to the website.

Messages posted publicly through this website, such as those posted on the discussion boards as topics or replies to topics, are considered to be a part of the website. As such, posts will not be removed in the case of administrative action (such as account restrictions or banishments) or account removal except within special circumstances as determined between a cooperative discussion between the member and the administration. If you have been subject to administrative action, have removed your account from our servers or are planning to remove your account from our servers and wish to discuss the removal of your messages, please contact the community relations email at community@zfgc.com.

Items posted with an implied level of privacy through this website, such as Private Messages shared between two users, are considered to be the property of the respective users. As such, Zelda Fan Game Central takes a hands-off policy with regard to the content of these messages, trusting in the maturity and judgement of the individual users. An exception to this is the case where a user receives material that could be considered offensive, illegal, "SPAM" or otherwise questionable and chooses to report the message to the administration. In this case, the contents of this message will be stored in the administration database until such time as the message has been determined to be of acceptable content (in which case it will be deleted), or potentially indefinitely in the case of material that must be acted upon - in which case the message will be kept throughout the administrative discussion and maintained within an administrative log for future review as necessary. Please note that in the event of a warranted search or seizure by law enforcement acting within the jurisdiction of the United States of America, Zelda Fan Game Central will comply with the extent of the warrant as required by United States law.

To facilitate privacy, users may optionally establish encryption on their private messages. All private messages will be stored in our databases only so long as they remain within at least one associated member's Messages Inbox.

Please note that daily backups of our website may cause such messages to be stored for longer than intended in the case of data loss. These backups are stored on a secure server outside of the community itself, and will not be accessed except in the case of a server system restore - such as in the aftermath of a server crash resulting in damaged or lost data. In the event that information within a backup must be restored, a newsletter will be sent to all registered users including the date and time of the backup to be restored, and you may remove the information after restoration is complete.

This privacy policy takes effect on March 26, 2012. Any time a change is made to the contents of this Privacy Policy, users will be notified through email. It is the responsibility of the user to make adjustments to the information stored in their accounts if they do not accept the terms of the updated policy.
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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