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Author Topic: [Rejected] Malon  (Read 9727 times)

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[Rejected] Malon
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:06:50 pm »
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Name: Malon
Age: an year younger than Link
Race: Hylian
Location: gang of thieves

Description: after Talon's death, Malon was left alone. She was found by Link in the city. Link helps her getting some weird items from the farm for her. She has lost her horse, Epona, and may be a sidequest related to this can be done to found her. She's in love with Link, as Link at the beginning. Then Link ended caring about her so much as the beginning, and she gets a bit sad, sometimes.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 05:42:38 pm by Donotfeedthemax »
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 04:57:07 am »
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Having Malon come into the game as a thief is pretty cool :D

A few things, when did Link meet her? Before the game, I assume? I can't imagine Epona being a city animal that just wanders around the city waiting to hear Malon in trouble, and I don't think that this sort of situation would really be IN the game, but maybe she could say that she's escaped from the guards this way before.

I do think having some sort of romance aspect in the story is good.
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2012, 12:46:15 pm »
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Of course Link met her before in the Lon Lon Ranch (if it appears in the game) stealing milk. If not, he has seen Epona around the city, and followed she until finding Malon.

About the romance topic, at the beginning, Link liked her, but Sykes started taunting him more and more, until the point Link didn't care more about her. Although she knows that Link won't love her, she tries to do everything she can to make Link fall in love.
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2012, 01:00:43 pm »
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Well, I can see some problems fitting all this into the game. When do you want this to happen? There isn't really any time before Link sets out on his quest for this to happen, so a story this involved would need to actually be in the game, after Link has split from the gang, and definitely isn't talking to Sykes any more.
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2012, 01:04:56 pm »
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I mean, you never know this happening. You talk with some other member of the gang, and will say "I remember when Malon entered in the gang. She was very shy and you were always with her. I still can't believe what a jerk Sykes was, and is. He was always making fun of you." (to Link). And about the escape with Epona it'd be Link talking to Malon: "I still remember when you saw Epona and followed her until you find me escaping. The next day you asked me to go with you."
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2012, 01:23:43 pm »
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Sorry for the double post, but now that I think about Epona in the city, brings me some doubts. I think that Epona should appear, but not with Malon all the time. Epona appears in certain points of the game, and in some sidequests. I don't know if the player will be able to ride Epona, but being that way, completing a sidequest, the player will unlock the ability of calling Epona.
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 10:23:21 pm »
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Reviewed the post, and I changed some info about it.
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2012, 09:08:44 pm »
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I have to agree with Max. I don't think the romance is a good addition. Not to mention it is a bit confusing about the romance. That part could use some revision.

However even if this entry would not be chosen as a gangmember, it still has some merits to develop it in a different direction.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 09:10:21 pm by Niek »
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2012, 09:21:45 pm »
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I have to agree with Max. I don't think the romance is a good addition. Not to mention it is a bit confusing about the romance. That part could use some revision.

I think you mistook the verb. Max DID like the romance topic.
However even if this entry would not be chosen as a gangmember, it still has some merits to develop it in a different direction.

I believe having her as a thief would be good. It makes the player feel comforted having another common character appear.
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2012, 04:25:49 am »
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I have to agree with Max. I don't think the romance is a good addition. Not to mention it is a bit confusing about the romance. That part could use some revision.

I think you mistook the verb. Max DID like the romance topic.
Okay my mistake. I must have miss read it. In that case I have to disagree with Max.
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2012, 08:50:32 pm »
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The subtle kid romance I'd say is fine.  Let's be honest, that's all it really is:  Subtle kid romance.  I'm more concerned on this with the timing of everything.  We could make it happen before the game occurs, so you're immediately introduced into it.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2012, 12:32:55 am »
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The subtle kid romance I'd say is fine.  Let's be honest, that's all it really is:  Subtle kid romance.  I'm more concerned on this with the timing of everything.  We could make it happen before the game occurs, so you're immediately introduced into it.

Yeah, of course. I was thinking that the player when talk to some other members of the gang they told him something about this. Unless that in the prologue something about the past is talked.


ZFGC's Pariah.
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2012, 12:35:59 am »
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I would be honored to be in relations with Link...really. *grin*
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2012, 10:43:53 pm »
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So, the main thing I'm concerned with here is the timing of introducing this character. It might be able to work if the romance was a small thing and Malon was always one of the gang, because then she could just be there when you meet the gang initially. However, this changes many of the details of your character.
Also, although I don't believe it's official yet, we are also seeming to lean towards the farm of Niek's design, which doesn't really include Talon, but rather a hard-working dude who just can't do it all himself. It's pretty awkward to separate Malon and Talon, and they work together as characters (even though MM did it. I thought it as kind of awkward there.).

So, what I'd recommend (and this is just me speaking, and I, unlike Star, am not the law :P), is maybe working both Malon and Talon in elsewhere in town, unrelated to the gang.
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2012, 12:19:31 am »
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In this case, I'd prefer seeing in making Talon a good friend with Farin, who also helps him raising the kid. He lives with the gang, and when he sees the opportunity of the farm in Niek's submission, he'll take it, and take Malon with him. I'll try to develop this tomorrow, or on friday.
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2012, 11:35:37 am »
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Sorry for the double-post, but I though in a new idea. Malon thinks that Talon is dead, and Talon thinks that Malon is dead. At a certain point of the game, you must complete a side-quest to make them know each other.


ZFGC's Pariah.
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2012, 10:56:25 pm »
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What if the romance was one sided in a kind of way. Like lets say that Malon nursed Link back to health sometime before the events of this game and developed Florence Nightingale Syndrome and fell in love with Link. She would support Link out of love, and while Link certainly cares for her, he's a bit more focused on his own self-preservation.
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2012, 10:59:11 pm »
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What if the romance was one sided in a kind of way. Like lets say that Malon nursed Link back to health sometime before the events of this game and developed Florence Nightingale Syndrome and fell in love with Link. She would support Link out of love, and while Link certainly cares for her, he's a bit more focused on his own self-preservation.

This must be a coincidence! Today I heard an oral exam of Florence Nightingale in school! I really like this, Malon. Congratulations, now you're in a Florence-relation with Link!

EDIT: now that I realize, to this background story, she was ambushed by a couple of monsters, Link came to rescue her, but he was awfully wounded in battle.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 11:04:55 pm by BlazeBigBang »
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2012, 04:36:23 am »
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A one sided romance may be a nice idea and I am not contesting that. There is however one big issue with this. The story has it that early in the game EVERY gang member turns against Link for getting Faron captured and they throw him out. If one of the gang is in love with Link, that gang member would not be against Link and would most likely contest the accussations Sykes makes. Even with peer pressure. My problem is thus the romance between Link and another gang member.

But don't let me keep you from developing this. You have some good imagination Blaze.


ZFGC's Pariah.
Re: [Revise] Malon
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2012, 04:47:19 am »
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Well, who's to say that she doesn't feel betrayed along with everyone else. Emotions aren't a one-way street. She feels betrayed in thinking that Link would do that to one of his own. Not to mention, Florence Nightingale Effect, man...it's 'effin weird.
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