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Author Topic: [Rejected] Duro The Knight  (Read 5225 times)

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[Rejected] Duro The Knight
« on: September 24, 2012, 12:20:54 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Duro Val'dol
(Duro may be human, but has some resembles to a Gerudo. His hair is dark orange/brown. He has a dark green eyes.)
Place of Birth:
Duro is a knight who detests Theives. He doesn't care who they are, or where they came from. His only mission is to rid of them all by(arresting, killing,etc.)
Long time ago, when Duro was the age of 7, he lived in The Hyrule Castle Town, however, when his parents began to lose money they had to move out. Duro and his parents moved into a local village far from the castle town. When Duro turned 8, his life has changed. When Duro and his parents were taking an evening walk at the village, a man approached them. The man demanded money and their valuables. Duro's father tried to talk with the man, however, after this thief took their belongings, he began to stab Duro's father, then his mother. Duro watched in horror has the thief killed his parents. When the thief approached Duro, the guards finally decided to show up and chase the thief. As for Duro, he watches over his parents corpses, already mourning, but he also develop a sense of rage inside of him.

Duro was now an orphan. He tried to survive with the other orphans, however, he knew that his life cannot be like this forever. When Duro became the age of 14, he decided that he wanted to leave this homeless life and try to avenge his parents. Duro suddenly ran off, never too be seen again.

Many years have past, Duro reappears. Now Age 37. He is Stronger, Bigger and faster. Due to his strength and courage, he was assign as a Knight for Hyrule. Duro knew that with this new title, he can not only avenge his parents, but make a personal vendetta to rid the world of thieves. Duro, at the time, did have a bit of insanity in him, even going as far as killing a thief, and lying about some of the crimes they have committed.

When the higher knight knew of what Duro was doing, they disband him from Hyrule. Duro had to leave, but he took a few men with him. Duro went mad with catching and killing thieves, that he has made small camps throughout the land in order to stop them. When Duro and Link meet, Link defeats Duro, only to be taunted by him, saying that he will hunt Link down for the rest of his Life.  Duro and Link will clash with each other numerous times, as a result, Duro not only went mad some more, but made it his goal to ruin Link's Life, doing whatever he can to stop him.

Link actucally feels sorry for the man, and tries to have a truce. But Duro didn't care and trys to attack him, this can be because the numerous times Link has defeated him, thinking that he wasn't going to let a kid beat him like that.

Duro can be like a rival for Link(Similar to Link from TP and the Bulbin Lord's rivalry)*When Link encounters Duro for the Last time, he will not only die due to the wounds he sustain from monsters, but confess his sins, his madness will finally be gone*

Duro is spainish, but in english it means Tough.

Duro's story resembles Bruce Wayne from Batman, Javert from Les Merserables, and Maiev endless rivalry to Illidan in WoW.

Duro will bare a resembles to a Darknut(His armor color will be blue, outline yellow)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 05:55:14 pm by Donotfeedthemax »
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Re: [Submission] Duro The Knight
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 01:33:54 pm »
  • It's the grineer
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Where would you meet him? He'd be involved on a side-quest or on the Main quest?


Re: [Submission] Duro The Knight
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2012, 03:45:35 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Where would you meet him? He'd be involved on a side-quest or on the Main quest?

I was thinking that there should be a quest where Duro has a former thief's daughter taken away until the thief turns himself in. Knowing that if he turns himself in Duro would kill/arrested him. Link offers to help the ex-theif rescue his daughter.  Link has to infiltrate one of Duro's camps, confronting Duro himself. Duro underestimates Link by leaving him to his grunts. Duro leaves the area. When Link defeats all of Duro's grunts, he is able to get a cell key to release the thief's daughter. The quest reward will be a Heart Piece, afterwards the thief and his daughter relocates.
Despite Duro's absent at the camp, he heard about Link defeating his grunts, and he is anger by this. Duro then leaves the camps under his grunts control, and sets out to find Link himself.

He will appear multiple times in different areas, trying to best Link in battle.
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Re: [Submission] Duro The Knight
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2012, 05:49:35 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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I think we kind of already have rivals for Link in the form of Maple and Sykes. Another one might not be good...Particularly one where you have to explain so much backstory. I'm voting rejection.


Wake the Beast
Re: [Submission] Duro The Knight
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2012, 05:54:23 pm »
  • www.mouffers.com
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Agreed. Rejected.
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Re: [Rejected] Duro The Knight
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2012, 07:23:41 pm »
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Linkwolf, I appreciate your contributions. But sometimes they become rather complex. Also you might want to check out the races that are acceptable.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 07:25:26 pm by Niek »
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