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Author Topic: [submission] Drius, the Cloaked Abductor  (Read 6813 times)

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[submission] Drius, the Cloaked Abductor
« on: November 05, 2012, 08:41:00 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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So, going off Linkwolf's idea, I made a Miniboss also, before his got moved into this forum. Didn't get to posting it before his moved here, but I had a totally different idea of how the battle would flow anyway. So we can kind of have options of how the battle would work:

Edit: I just saw a video of a boss from a game KingMob was working on ages ago, and my vision for this dude is actually really similar, with the shadows. Dunno how I feel about it, I arrived at this Miniboss independently, but a good idea is a good idea, and I feel like both bosses would be fun.

Name: Drius, the Cloaked Abductor
Location: Shadow Temple

*Credit to Linkwolf for this idea

Drius is a huge, cloaked figure with one red eye who lurks eternally around the depths of the shadow temple, smokey shadows oozing like dry ice from under its cloak. It is a similar color to the walls and floor, and often doesn't stand out until it moves. It glides slowly through the twisting passages, but attacks quickly (Drius moves at a speed such that you can get away from it, but if you lolly gag or get caught up staying in one place for very long, it'll catch you.). Some say it used to be a Shiekah Shaman who, in his experiments with dark magic trying to find a way into the spirit world, found a way into the very nightmares of the people and became a monster, with one red eye that sees both men and spirits and never sleeps, endlessly roaming the corridors of the Shiekah Temple.

You will encounter it three times in the shadow temple:

.   .   .

The first time, it will be waiting for you in the room you walk into, and will start gliding toward you. The door you just came in will have locked, and you will have to find another exit, which will involve solving a small puzzle to get another door open. Once you leave the room, Drius will have disappeared and you will be safe.

Drius' Attacks:
Abduct - Drius will constantly glide toward Link. If it is allowed to get close enough, its cloak will open, swirling shadows extending out. Link will get caught in the shadows, and an action button command, "escape", will pop up. Pressing it will cause Link to use a spin attack and backflip out of the shadows, temporarily stunning Drius and allowing Link to escape. If Link fails to press the escape button quickly enough, he will be sucked into the cloak, and the screen will black out, Link waking up at the entrance of the dungeon, wondering if it was a nightmare.

.   .   .

The second time you encounter it, you will again be locked in a room and must solve a puzzle to open a path. However, Drius will chase you down the path you just opened, which will be an obstacle course of sorts, requiring you to climb obstacles and slve puzzles quickly, as Drius is right behind you. You will escape by reaching the end of the corridor.

Drius will have the same attack as the first time you met it, but it will move a little faster.

.   .   .

The third time you encounter Drius, you will walk into a larger room with a large crystal on the north end. Grey circuit-like lines reminiscent of the Twilight Realm or that Floating Head boss from TMC and WW will connect the crystal to three or four torches scattered throughout the room in various locations, not all necessarily accessible, meaning you must shoot them from a range. This is the true Miniboss fight.

You must light the torches to activate the crystal, which will make Drius vulnerable. You must attack while Drius puts the torches out. It will then summon monsters to attack you while you relight the torches, giving you another chance to damage it. He will keep putting torches out until you defeat it during its vulnerable state.

Wile Drius is invulnerable, that is, when the crystal is not lit, the hookshot, bombs, and boomerang make it pause for 1 second, but not stop. All other items have no effect.
While Drius is vulnerable, that is, the crystal is lit, the sword, arrows, and bombs all damage him. The sword is the most effective means of attack due to the number of hits you can get it, but bombs do a little more damage, though they're slower.

Abduct - Drius will constantly glide toward Link. If it is allowed to get close enough, its cloak will open, swirling shadows extending out. Link will get caught in the shadows, and an action button command, "escape", will pop up. Pressing it will cause Link to use a spin attack and backflip out of the shadows, temporarily stunning Drius and allowing Link to escape. If Link fails to press the escape button quickly enough, instead of being teleported out of the dungeon this time, Link will take two hearts or so of damage and roll out of the cloak.

Battle Flow:

Phase I
Drius will float around the room, slowly perusing Link to try to use its Abduct attack. Link must shoot the torches with fire arrows. When a torch is lit, the grey lines connecting it to the crystal will glow violet. When all the torches are lit, the crystal will glow brightly, turning the screen kind of inverse colors.
While the crystal is lit, Drius' cloak will be see-through and Drius' true form will be visible as a floating corpse-Redead thing with an obvious weak spot on his torso. It will move more quickly, but won't use its abduct attack, and while the crystal is lit, it will be vulnerable to Link's weapons. After lighting all four torches, the room turns inversed colors, and Drius becomes vulnerable.
He will be stunned for X amount of time, then drift towards the center of the room, which will take him Y amount of time based on his distance from the center. X+Y=a constant, like 10 seconds or something, so no matter where Drius is when you light all the torches, you have the same amount of time for him to be vulnerable. Once Drius reaches the center, he will raise his arms and send out a wave of shadow, returning the room to normal colors and coating the torches with black flames. The crystal will go out and Drius will no longer be vulnerable.
Drius will then summon a couple monsters, bubbles, poes, Keese, etc., which Link will have to deal with. Drius will go back to its Abduct attack, but will be a little faster. Enter phase II.

Phase II
Link will again have to light the torches. However, to light them, he will first have to use ice arrows to put out the black flames. To make this more difficult, Link will have to deal with the monsters Drius summoned, and furthermore, Drius may re-shadow a torch Link has lit if he takes too long. Once all the torches are lit, the crystal will relight and Link can again attack Drius directly. Drius will put out the torches again, and then summon monsters again. Enter phase III.

Phase III
This is the same a phase II, but now, Drius will summon more monsters whenever Link kills every monster on the screen. It will continue to put out torches Link lights and try its Abduct attack, just like the last phase.
If Link doesn't do enough damage to kill Drius when it is vulnerable in this phase, it will simply repeat phase III until Link does enough damage.

Typically, you will defeat Drius during the third time you activate the crystal, but depending on how many hits you get in, it might take until the fourth lighting of the crystal (thereby necessitating a repeat of phase 3).

Upon his defeat, Drius will collapse into a plume of shadowy smoke. A treasure chest will be left, containing the Cloak of Drius, also called the Shadow Cloak.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 12:44:21 am by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [submission] Drius, the Cloaked Abductor
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2012, 10:28:31 pm »
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Before I get to my main questions, I just want to say I absolutely love this idea for a mini-boss! I don't think many Zelda games have done this sort of thing before, at least 2D ones, and so this would add a lot to the shadow temple.

My first question (a small one): Is there/is there going to be any sort of explanation for the relation between Drius and the crystal in the last room? Does it have a story, or at least something which can be explained in-game?

Now to my bigger question: So in the final fight with Drius (3rd phase), how will his prioritization work between attacking Link and putting out the torches? If he prioritizes putting out the torches, which is what I assume he does, then I don't imagine that you would get much time to hit him, because as soon as you light all the torches Drius would probably already be about to extinguish one, resulting in an endless loop of you lighting the one he missed and quickly trying to hit him once, maybe twice. Could you either elaborate or maybe alter this part?

If I could make a suggestion for it, then how about once all the torches are lit, he will prioritize summoning monsters/attacking you for a little bit? It would probably make it seem a bit more like a fight, and less like a puzzle (which is unique for a mini-boss, like I said, but the previous two times you encounter him his fight has been focused mostly around solving puzzles, and there're still puzzle elements to this final phase as well). I think it would be more satisfying to have the player wail on Drius and his minions for a bit before he starts to extinguish torches again.

Also (I'm really getting into this; I love the whole concept!), how about after you hit Drius enough times with the crystal lit, he's somehow able to extinguish all of the torches at once/the torches go out all at once on their own, making the player go through the whole process again instead of lighting just one or two which have gone out by that time normally.
"Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you."
Re: [submission] Drius, the Cloaked Abductor
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2012, 12:39:58 am »
  • It's just Max.
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Hey, thanks for the compliments. I didn’t actually come up with the idea, it was Linkwolf, I just modified it a little before he post his version here. About the crystal, it’s just a gameplay mechanic, and most minibosses aren’t explained in Zelda, but I suppose you could say that the room in which Link fights Drius is a tomb, and the crystal is a relic that the person buried there was entombed with. The deceased was a Shiekah shaman, so he/she had created this crystal in their life as a means to combat bad guys. Something like that?

Good question about prioritization, I’d been imagining something I neglected to explain. When you activate the crystal, Drius will prioritize putting the torches out. However, Link will not be able to re-light them until all 4 are out.

What you mentioned might be better though. After lighting all four torches, the room turns inversed colors, and Drius becomes vulnerable. He will be stunned for X amount of time, then drift towards the center of the room, which will take him Y amount of time based on his distance from the center. X+Y=a constant, so no matter where Drius is when you light all the torches, you have the same amount of time for him to be vulnerable. Once Drius reaches the center, he will raise his arms and send out a wave of shadow, returning the room to normal colors and coating the torches with black flames. The crystal will go out and Drius will no longer be vulnerable.
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