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Author Topic: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver or Gold Chest on the overworld  (Read 7074 times)

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[Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver or ...
« on: November 13, 2012, 01:06:10 am »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Just a quick idea, still needing a few details here and there, anyway what do you guys think?

Silver Chest & Gold Chests

These chests contain rare items and or upgrades to Link's current inventory. They can be found in parts of the overworld, and or locked away in small and yet secret parts of houses, with or without residents living in the house.

Opening them

The only way to open them is by finding extremely rare silver/gold keys to open a chest of your liking. The keys are given to the player via side-quest and or found in game. They are also rarely given to players by completing a Mini-Games and or auction(if it is in KoT).

Obtaining a Gold/Silver Key

When obtained, it's true useage is not explained in text, so the player needs to figure out what the key is capable of unlocking.

*Side_Quests - Completing a side quest at times, NPC rewards the player with a gold and or silver key.
*Mini Games - It will be a prize which is given and or chosen by/to the player.

*Found in small insignificant chests that are well hidden scatter in the world of KoT.

*Hidden well within the overworld and or dungeon/cave/house areas (Kinda like in the Fable Series).
The keys can be found in hard to reach areas within the overworld and or inside a dungeon. This gives the player a "come back later feel" so that the dungeons are not always a finish and forget about it kind of thing.


Like I said, they will contain items such as high amount of rupees, and or special extended upgrades to the player's current inventory. For example, if there is no upgrade for deku nuts, and will likely find one within a gold/silver chest.

Origin of this Idea

*In the Fable series on Xbox, The silver Chests can only be open by using a silver key to unlock them.
*LTTP Big chest idea by using a big key to open it. The key severs as a boss key as well.
*They are similar to Chrono Trigger's black chest(s).
*Also other RPG games that show locked chests and they can only be unlock via special key.

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Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2012, 04:25:18 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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What is the advantage of this compared to just finding regular chests, just as well hidden, that you can open without a key?


Landscape Police
Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2012, 02:06:37 am »
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Well, Skyward Sword did something similar with the Goddess Cubes and Chests, though it tied specific chests to specific cubes, and Minish Cap kinstones sometimes caused access to be gained to a chest.

Max, as far as any advantage goes, it's like a big tease; it's right out there in the open, but you can't get at it. It's an anticipatory mechanism.
Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2012, 10:13:33 am »
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I think it might be interesting. However I don't think this is a decision we should do already. I'm bit reluctant when making a sidequest or minigame to assign a price to it. Everyone wants give away a piece of heart or teach Link new moves, but prices are limited. And by the end I think when we have all the minigames and sidequests, we then decide where goes what price. Otherwise we could end up with the most difficult of parts giving a 100 ruppees, while the easy games give away pieces of heart.
Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 04:58:37 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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I agree with you, Niek. And since like EVERY NPC has a sidequest with them, it's a little ridiculous the amount of rewards we'll need. As such, I think that these keys might prove useful in that they're a more interesting reward than just a bunch of rupees. But we have to make sure that finding a place to use the key is fun enough that it's not just instead of:
A- thanks for solving the quest! Here's 50 rupees!

It's just:
B- Thanks for solving the quest. Here's a key to a chest with 50 rupees!

So that it's exciting when you find a gold key instead of just finding 50 rupees.

Also, I think at some point, when we're getting ready to assign side quest rewards, we should make a list of how many pieces of heart we can hide, what items we can upgrade / what optional items we can have, what abilities Link can learn, etc, and then look at the NPCs/Sidequest we have, and pick the strongest sidequests and probably drop some of the weaker ones to match everything up.
Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2012, 03:04:24 pm »
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A suggestion for the keys, just so we dont have too many side quest key items.  What if the keys to these chests were the secret seashells?

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Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2012, 04:31:27 am »
  • It's just Max.
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Like each seashell could unlock a chest? Or like keys instead of seashells?

I think the thing with the seashells, and maybe we should just discuss it here, is that the way MC did them was a little silly. There were kind of an infinite number and you found like 20 at a time, they were just a second currency that was inconvenient. So if we're doing seashells, we should nail down a use for them. Link's Awakening had I think 10 or 20 seashells total. You collected them all to get into a place with a better sword. I think the second route is better, I really dislike having tons of seashells.
Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2012, 05:11:44 am »
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Yea, I was thinking of making them the keys for the chests

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2012, 02:34:56 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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In that case, we should stop calling them secret seashells and start calling them silver keys! :p

The thing is in that case though, is that they wouldn't work together. What I mean is that instead of collecting all 10 or whatever secret seashells for one reward, you'd find a couple keys and get a reward here, one over there. Which isn't necessarily bad, it's just different, and personally, I prefer the other way. But that doesn't mean this way isn't good.


Re: [Submission] Secret Overworld Chests/ Silver...
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2012, 07:00:55 am »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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In that case, we should stop calling them secret seashells and start calling them silver keys! :p

The thing is in that case though, is that they wouldn't work together. What I mean is that instead of collecting all 10 or whatever secret seashells for one reward, you'd find a couple keys and get a reward here, one over there. Which isn't necessarily bad, it's just different, and personally, I prefer the other way. But that doesn't mean this way isn't good.

I know this is a bit random, but if there are any blacksmiths in game, the player can sometimes find a broken silver key that is in 2 pieces, the blacksmith can fix it if you run and do errans for him.
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