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Author Topic: [Submission] Lighthouses  (Read 8796 times)

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[Submission] Lighthouses
« on: November 23, 2012, 01:07:30 am »
  • It's the grineer
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First of all, this is a total reference to Golden Sun.

Name: Venus Lighthouse
Location: Goron Mountain
Function: the Venus Lighthouse will improve Link's Earth Cog
Description: a huge green lighthouse that holds the power of Earth in its sphere on the top. The Earth Sphere used to guide lost travelers on its way to find the Deku Swamp, as well as to keep the the Wind Cog strong. It has now lost its power, and the Wind Cog is weakened.

Name: Mercury Lighthouse
Location: Lake Hylia
Function: the Mercury Lighthouse will improve Link's Water Cog
Description: a huge blue lighthouse that holds the power of Water in its sphere on the top. The Water Sphere used to make the Rivers flow calmly, as well as to make the Water Cog be strengthened. It has now lost its power, and the Water Cog is weakened.

Name: Jupiter Lighthouse
Location: Wind Forest
Function: the Jupiter Lighthouse will improve Link's Wind Cog
Description: a huge violet lighthouse that holdes the power of Wind in its sphere on the top. The Wind Sphere used to make the winds blow from North to South, as well as from East to West. It has now lost its power, and the Wind cog is weakened.

Name: Mars Lighthouse
Location: Valley of Death
Function: the Mars Lighthouse will improve Link's Shadow Cog (it doesn't make sense, does it?  XD)
Description: a huge red lighthouse that holds the power of Darkness in its sphere on the top. The Shadow Sphere used to darken the Gerudo Desert, as well as the Valley of Death. It has now lost its power, and the Shadow cog is weakened.


The Wind Forest is a Forest located at the right of the entrance of the Forest Temple. However, it can't be entered there unless the player has the Wind Cog, as its needed to open a path. Here it's the Jupiter Lighthouse.
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2012, 02:01:44 am »
  • It's the grineer
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Any comments on this?


Wake the Beast
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2012, 03:56:00 am »
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Well, I'm just not really sure of the significance of the planet vs. the area....to me I feel like it's a little mixed up except for Mercury and maybe Jupiter since it's a huge ball of gas. Why isn't Mars the Goron Mountain lighthouse? It just doesn't really make sense. If anything, something like Pluto would be the Valley of Death one since it's so far away and cast in shadow or something.

I do like the concept though. Do we really need them? What exactly are these for? Are they there for decoration?
  • Starforsaken101's DeviantART
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2012, 05:59:56 am »
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In all honesty I don't have a good feeling with it. The Light houses are way to much a reference to Golden Sun, especially because it seems like ancient power generators for the cogs. Second, a lighthouse on land does not make much sense either in a Zelda game, unless the area previously was a sea or something. Third, I don't think the cogs need powering up. These things are already powerful, because they have a range of attack, which allows you to fight of being surrounded by hordes of enemies already. Powering them up even more would make the cogs a bit of a deus ex machina device to easily get through the game, without a scratch.
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2012, 04:35:38 pm »
  • It's the grineer
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Star: putting each lighthouse in each zone was hard. More than nothing, because just the Jupiter and Mercury had an only place to be. The other two were hard to decide where to put them. However, we can change the location if neccesary. And, apart from powering up the cogs, they're just something to add to the game. And also, not neccesarily a sphere, I was basing myself in Golden Sun  XD. It could be that Link puts the cog there, and a beam of light appears from the top, and since that moment, the cog is powered up.

Niek: this brings a question to the admins of the project. Do the cogs use magic to attack? If they don't, then, the player would be using them all the time to defeat every single enemy instead of fighting with the sword or any other items. Back to your post, they used to power up the cog. Now they're not lit, so they don't anymore. And in Golden Sun it was never stated that the area was before a sea, or something; they just were there, created by mankind to protect the planet. The same happens with Zelda: they were created to protect the cogs.

Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2012, 04:53:57 pm »
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Yes the cogs use magic and quite a bit of it in order to balance them.  You didn't think we wouldn't take that into consideration, did you? ;)

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2012, 05:20:43 pm »
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Actually the lighthouses were near the sea or on an island. Still, I think it is a big slap on the Golden Sun franchise. It isn't an easter egg anymore or even a reference. Seems more like making a fangame of one franchise inside a fangame of another franchise. I'm sorry, even though the parts work separately they do not necessarily work together.

How do these lighthouses even protect the cogs?
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2012, 08:33:48 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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I've never played golden sun so I don't know how much is just stolen from there, but although these sound cool, what do they do? Right now, they feel like something just slapped into the game that doesn't integrate well. We've already got dungeons in each area, as well as mini dungeons for the Deku nuts in several places. This feels really tacked on and disseperate, maybe you could make it make more sense and flow better.

Also, your first post feels messy or mixed up, the wind cog is powered up in two dungeons and you mention that the Goron mountain lighthouse guides travelers in the Deku forest...
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2012, 08:57:32 pm »
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I've never played golden sun so I don't know how much is just stolen from there,...
Pretty much the main plot. The first two Golden Sun games was about going to the 4 lighthouses and revive Alchemy (some ancient magic power) into the world.


Wake the Beast
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2012, 10:04:37 pm »
  • www.mouffers.com
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Hmmm...in that case I'm not sure how comfortable I feel about using something from another game. Equally, I emphasize my point: what is the purpose of these lighthouses?
  • Starforsaken101's DeviantART
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2012, 01:23:24 pm »
  • It's the grineer
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Hmmm...in that case I'm not sure how comfortable I feel about using something from another game. Equally, I emphasize my point: what is the purpose of these lighthouses?

Its only purpose in the game, is to power up the cogs.

And back to the thing of Lighthouse, I can change it. I used Golden Sun as reference, as it contained the elements, but I can change it to another kind of building.
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2012, 02:38:53 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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Well, even if its a different structure, there still the fact that the cogs don't need to be powered up. Link can use them right after he gets them.
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2012, 02:58:01 pm »
  • It's the grineer
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Well, even if its a different structure, there still the fact that the cogs don't need to be powered up. Link can use them right after he gets them.

Not to make the cogs usable, but to make them stronger.


Wake the Beast
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2012, 03:23:21 pm »
  • www.mouffers.com
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Well, even if its a different structure, there still the fact that the cogs don't need to be powered up. Link can use them right after he gets them.

Not to make the cogs usable, but to make them stronger.

Well, is there really a purpose to making them stronger?
  • Starforsaken101's DeviantART
Re: [Submission] Lighthouses
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2013, 03:19:26 am »
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I would change names for:

- Ordona lighthouse
- Faron lighthouse
- Eldin lighthouse
- Lanayru lighthouse

I would use part of the existing mythology.
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