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Author Topic: [W.I.P]Dragon Diary - Cybernetic Threat in Japan (Reign of White Dragon)  (Read 4371 times)

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[W.I.P]Dragon Diary - Cybernetic Threat in Japan...
« on: April 08, 2013, 02:31:17 pm »
  • L'homme avec beaucoup de noms.
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Dragon Diary - Cybernetic Threat in Japan (Reign of White Dragon)
Dragon Diary - 日本におけるサイバネティック脅威 (Reign of White Dragon)

Genre: Beat em Up, Adventure; Platform/Scroll-based
Graphics: Most likely Megaman like graphics, the 8bit one
Gameplay Style: Megaman, Cave Story like
Created: Story wise , 2006, wasn't a coder back then, so made the story instead.
Engine to create it in: Game Maker, formerly rpg maker
*This game will be made, will be short, noting to insane, I am still making my Zelda game, just wanted to put out something of my own for once.*

Stuff added:
V Characters and Locations below this  V

*sorry for the wall of text XD, but anyway*

This story was created as a quick mock up before I worked on Zelda. Keep in mine, I've gotten pretty far in development of my Zelda game, however, I do find myself going back to my original concept to edit the story a bit more.

This is just the very beginning of what happened, the actual story takes place 200 years from what is shown below.
The prologue is something completely different from the actual story, but some key factors within the full prologue is sort of linked in a way.
The story is also like a Teen Titans meets Kick-Ass kind of thing, with some young teens to adults+ either fighting for good or doing crime.
But among them are a few with actual powers to use against an opponent.

I "Might" be working on this soon after I get dungeon 6-7 in Zelda completed. If I do make it into a game, it will either me a short RPG or a Side Scroll adventure similar to the Naruto games on GBA.
The game will take place in Old Japan locations such as Kyushu, Tokyo, Unzen, Nagoya and the Gato Islands where the player must not only help the Japanese build a rebellion against the virus spreading gang, but to take back Japan and destroy the source of the virus.

The prologue the player plays as the mysterious rookie, however, the actual story, the player places as James Konta of Kibou, New Japan. A 16 year old swordsman, trained since age 3, born into the newly reformed Yakuza, baring the yin dragon birthmark on his back, in addition, using his superhuman strength and speed in battle due to his bloodborn trait.

Plus down below shows a very old concept/picture of an enemy encountered in the story, my drawing sucks, but you get what I mean.

So tell me what you guys think of this.

Prologue in story:

March 23, 2125
Warehouse of BioTechnology Inc., New Kyushu City in Kiatkyushu - Old Japan

"News Anchor: Breaking news, Leon St. Marc II, The director and chief of biotechnology, has been taken hostage within his own faculty by a booming gang known as The White Dragon. SAT in Tokyo has already underwent protocols to send in SWAT teams to deal with The Whit*cut transmission*

Vitarius Mei'Leon: Send us your pathetic police and little SWAT. For mere tactic you attempt against us, will only result bigger problems that you all cannot bare... You people should know better not to dealt with us, we are the future of Old Japan...*end transmission*"

SAT of Tokyo sends 1 of 3 of their highly trained SWAT team lead by Ayumi Saito (U7 group). Among them is an unnamed member they called the Rookie(Other members being Zantao, Tanaka, Yula Steebound, and Brutus).

On the station, the team can here Japanese anchors address the issue with incoming threats from the gang holding up the warehouse.
Ayumi sends The Rookie along with an American recruit named Barret Steelbound. The 2 used stealth tactics to clear the route of gang members and meet up with Ayumi and her crew.

The Rookie and Steelbound accompanied by Ayumi's crew, along with Japanese SWAT raided a warehouse of a gang known as The White Dragon and defeated the major threats found inside, Vitarius and Fe'Lora MeLeon, Japanese/French natives in Kyushu. After their defeat, the SWAT team made their way into the storage room where the so-called hostage, Leon St. Marc II is found, but heavily injured from plasma induced weaponry to the side of his belly.
SWAT did not only recover Leon, who died shortly after, but a futurist device feeding information to a bio-engineered android marked as S011. The crystallized data, along with everything connected to the Android had been transported to an old faculty that is used to destroy technology to prevent landfills. After the death of Leon, all documentation, holograms, etc. where later destroyed, leaving the raid, along with the events that occurred a history.

The game will be a scroller, very short, using classic mega man graphics. The only thing will be missed is the ability to team up with other heroes, instead, you play their story, it can be short or long depending on the character.

Below are the characters in the story, and their race, will add information about them soon in form of a summary.

Present Day Characters
Main Protagonist:

James Konta
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Other names: Jamie
Race: Japanese - Kibou, New Japan
Age/DoB: 16, just turned 16  a bit before this story
Siblings: Lucas-10, Joel-21
Affiliation: Born into reformed Yakuza(Yin)
Warriors of Kibou
Team Emerald - Small group of swordsman originated in New Japan, former months after story
James, Garret, Cladd, Mia, and later on Caveboy, Kyuza, Martin, Bugsbi

Main Enemy: Boshiku & the rest of White Dragon; Black Shadow Gang ;Yakuza(Yang at times it depends) ;Professor Kervel ;Lord Sheer ;Shang

Info: Born in the new western island next to Japan, named New Japan, James was born in Kibou and raised by his cousins. James and his relatives started their physical training at age 4 and worked their way up to learn the way of the sword. James also had a younger brother by the name of Lucas, and an older brother named Joel who trained along with him. Joel took his leave due to his brother besting him in every type of training. James was left to not only train, but care for Lucas.
As he got older he moved to New York to visit his uncle. There James dated Miranda, and also shown his first act of heroism helping Darkskull chase a man named Rashad Rose. Rashad shot James only to be surprised that the gunfire didn't kill him, in fear, Rashad fear for his life and ran into a huge cabinet full of chemicals that crushed him, apparently dying.
After this James blamed himself that he killed Rashad, but Darkskull told him it wasn't his fault.
In order to grow stronger, James isolated himself and trained, only getting contact from Team Emerald for operations.
At age 14 James discovered his special trait, being a Full blooded Dragni, this deemed him strength, sense and speed, and somewhat invincibility to most weaponry.

Other Confrontations
Vs. Bianca
James chased a criminal by the name Kaddak who was causing trouble in Soho. Kaddak had already placed a trap in an abandon warehouse and tried to enable it, only to have his second pursuer show up, which is Bianca. Bianca captured and cuffed Kaddak, and attempt to fight James, seeing that he is part of Yakuza, she is unaware of the clans at this point. After the fight, Kaddak was able to escape triggering bombs in the warehouse and diving into the opening in the ground to swim away, James carried the defeated Bianca and saved her life, only to have her threaten him and spit in his face.

Vs. Kaddak
A young Scottish man who processes the ability to form into a creepy figure, kind of like jackal and hyde, in order to use shadow-like abilities against his foes.
He worked for Kervel and at times had a few run ins with not only James, but others as well. He is fairly weak, but his actions do a lot more damage. He was the one who kidnapped Sakura and gathered supplies for Kervel. Later on.
On his good side, Kaddak is ruthless, yet, shows respect for his foes whereas his other personality will do anything to harm them.
So this villain has a dual personality that often puzzles others. His past is very dark and it is reveal when he is taken into an asylum.

Vs. Dr. Kervel
The surrogate father and mentor of Walkner, a discharged scientific who worked for the military goes underground and uses his intelligent expertise to mess around with James and Co. He was successful able to capture a yound hero and turn him into a weapon, which was captured and stored away in a base. He met James when he kidnapped a student from a High School in order to repteat what he did before, this person was Sakura, friend of James and adopted sister of Kai. James was able to locate Kervel, who tried to kill him with machines within his lab. James defeated Kervel only to find out that it was an android posing as him and set to self-destruct in 5 minutes. James saved Saurka and fled the area, before the building blew up, the real Kervel watched the whole event from a hovering camera bot in the room, and plot his next move against James.

Kervel at some point was able to capture and clone James, resulting in the creation of Jmare, only creating a new enemy for James and himself in the process.

Vs. Walkner Vile
James along with Team Emerald chased the 14 year old troublemaker who was using robots to steal supercomputers from a corporation in New York. James easily took down Walkner's robotic suit and took him to the police. After this, James was informed about Darkskull and later on, the situation in Old Japan.

Vs. Rashad Rose
Singer and Artist turned criminal, attempted to rob a store nearby James' school, he was already being pursed by Darkskull and later on, spotted by James. James helped Darkskull and chased Rashad into a laboratory building. Rashad push scientist out of the way to give him distance from James and Darkskull. In the cabinet room, Rashad threaten James and shot James in the head with a revolver like gun. James tilted slightly and said "Ouch that hurts". Rashad in fear started running and hit a nearby cabinet, trying to hold it up, his arms gave out and the huge chemical fell on him apparently killing him.
The event didn't kill Rashad, but formed him into an oozing monstrosity. Rashad, known codename Purple Goo commits many crimes to fish out James in order to get his revenge on him. There has been many fights that Rashad has bested James in battle, until his weakness was found out by James.

other unimportant confrontations
Lizo - After Story
NeoNinja - Mention before, met after story
NeoRose - During, after story
Sheer -After Story
Shang - After story

Main characters:

Kyuza Airealo
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Other names: Sky
Race: Japanese/Egyptian was an orphan in Egypt, wanted to go to China
Age/DoB: 18
Affiliation: ???

Main Enemy: Neutral, but fights to keep evil at bay

Info: Just like James, Kyua is a Full blooded Dragni. He used a Zanbato and is wearing old armored and a long red scarf to cover his face. Kyuza is mixed, being Japanese and Egyptian, however, he was taken in by an old Chinese monk into a temple and started his training. Kyuza thought himself how to use a sword and the Chinese man gave him a Zanbato as a gift. With it, Kyuza practice using the heavy sword, and later on, it was like nothing to him when his Dragni abilities awoken in him. During meditation, Kyuza wondered about his Egyptian heritage and went off into Egypt to find the truth. He wasn't able to find anything, however, he found a sturdy set of armor bearing his father's name in a shop. The armor led him back to an old battered hut, where he found nothing, but a scarlet scarf in it's ruin, he knew nothing of his parents were to be found so he took the scarf in remembrance of his effort. The quite Kyuza joined James after helping him deal with some criminals during his visit to America. He was about to leave, however, James' hospitality and his caring friends made him stay, despite not being use to technology and other stuff. His caretaker insist that he stays, that people may need his help here.

Jared - USA
A young american boy who was granted electrical powers by being hit by black lighting during a storm. He teams James, but later on, with Core's group. Even thought he has these powers, it puts  a strain on his body if overused, thus, Jared, also know as JL, needs to rest for long periods of time to recover.

Miranda - USA
The former girl friend of James, she uses some fighting styles in order to fight crime. Despite being a flirt, she is a very kind person and does what she can to help out.

Jordan Wayne - USA

Bianca Aries
"All criminals deserve death, it is the only way to keep these streets clean, wouldn't you agree?" ~ Bianca Aries
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Other names: Aries, The Steel Maidan
Race: Chinese/Thai, from Thailand raised in Beijing, China
Age/DoB: 19
Affiliation: Founder of Maiden Society

Main Enemy: Former Rival of James Konta ; Enemy of the late Borojei

Info: A young woman from China who took up the name Steel Maiden after training herself to the fullest, physically and mentally.
She became an assassin and avenge her long time friend who helped her escape human-trafficking run by Borojei. Her influence empowered China, while other parts of China disliked the idea of vigilantist, let alone an assassin deal with criminals.
After discovering a rare type of metals and technology, Bianca was able to create newer suit, which enable her to teleport short distances, also transferring her suit to her when needed. Without the suit, she carries light weaponry and uses heavy gloves and boots to cripple her foes. She has contacts to scan and observe objects or people, even locate them.
Bianca detest criminals and often kills them up until she met James, to this day she only kills when it feels right, also considering her ways of dealing with criminals a type of judgement.
Bianca soon created an android wolf to assist her in her battle against criminals.

Origin of the Steel Maiden name came from the people of China, when she was spotted fighting Black Shadow members while the news recorded it.

Neo x Rose
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Other names: NeoRose, real name unknown
Race: Japanese, she is also from Kibou, New Japan
Age/DoB: ???
Affiliation: Unknown Shinobi Clan, by NeoNinja;  Part of Maiden Society

Main Enemy: Current enemies, a rival of James and NeoNinja

Info: Mysterious girl who is with Steel Maiden. She is armored with new version of the Ii Naomasa swords x2 and dressed in a shinobi tech suit, which makes her a bit lighter in her step. She often gives rude remarks to James as if she knows him. She helps James and Kyuza defeat Danik in the story. She also has bracers that produce small disc that turn into energy shrukens and when it contacts something it burst into light, like a flashback, also break the disc into sharp particles.
She mention her former mentor to be NeoNinja and now Steel Maiden. Like James, she doesn't like the killing of enemies unless time calls to it.

Leon St. Marc the 5th
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Other names: Lance
Race: French/Japanese
Age/DoB: 18
Affiliation: bio-tech cooperation

Main Enemy: White Dragon

Info: he young and handsome CEO of a bio-tech cooperation in New Kyushu City. He at times help Japanese SWAT deal with White Dragon Gang. He keeps Kyushu and other part of Old Japan safe. Leon is possibly a half Dragon due to baring the eye diamond eye structure, being a bit stronger then red eye Dragnis, being James and Kyuza.

Leon from time to time contacts SWAT about their progress and insist on helping them or often he is in need of their help.
Leon in the story tends to be generous towards one of the members in James' team, Miranda.
Leon also knows James' Dragni heritage and often reminds him, which one of them is stronger.

Kengi - ???
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Other names: Ken, Kenneth
Race: mixed/Japanese
Age/DoB: 18
Affiliation: Japanese Rebellion against White Dragon

Main Enemy: White Dragon

Kengi is a young fighter who organized a rebellion against White Dragon after they took over smaller homelands and slums in Old Japan. With the small amount of people he had at his disposal, Kengi was able to shake the crazed gang long enough for police and SWAT to intervene.

James and Co. joins Kengi who is currently dealing with Yoroshima, who is basically controlling San'ya Japan. After this Kengi and friends made their way to Miyazaki to stop Danik.
Kengi and his company aids SWAT along the way, even trying to take down the generals of Danik in order to save the captured Japanese civilians.

Kengi knows many languages including English, he is fluent in French and Japanese, unknown to where he had learn French.

The Bad Guys:
Well the guys in the story

Lee Song
"Big guy tryin' to act tough, lets go at it then brah!" ~ Lee Song
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Other names: LS, Lil Boy Lee, BeastLee
Race: Chinese, from Lhasa Tibet
Age/DoB: 15-17
Affiliation: White Dragon
Main Enemy: None
Info: A Chinese teenager who turned to crime due to being rejected by his own society. In order to hide his grey furry persona, he wears a dark blue hoodie, and hides his ears underneath a set of headphones. Lee has join a few petty criminals and gets into trouble.
Lee later learns about White Dragon, and thought to himself that he may have a chance to join them. So he too a shuttle to Old Japan, avoiding the many dangerous ahead just to join White Dragon.
He success, and proved himself well enough to be a high ranking member, now giving his own orders and having people follow him; members that follow him all wear blue hoodies as a symbol of Lee Song.

Lee quickly befriends NaDi and Zegma, for the 3 of them have a common interest in music, also the reason why Lee speaks the way he is, due to listening to many songs.

Lee knew English before he spoke Chinese, his father taught him this before he ran off.

Danik Tomoshi
"You came to the wrong neighborhood..." ~ Danik
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Other names: The Recruiter 2nd. took over for Yoroshima
Race: Japanese, born in Unzen
Age/DoB: 40 (Half Dragon - White Eyes)
Affiliation: White Dragon
Main Enemy: Most likely Kengi
Info: A criminally insane convict, who was in for assaulting and attempted murders and theft. Danik himself is a half Dragni baring the White diamond pupils. He dressed himself up in a samurai like fashion, due to all Dragni's basically samurai or swordsman, he wields two katanas. Danik is stationed in Miyazaki, fighting off rebels with his generals. When confronted by James and Kyuza the fight ended in a draw, however, Danik recovered forcing Steel Maiden and Neo to aid James and Kyuza in battle. Steel impaled Danik, dropping him in seconds, after this James and co. fled the scene rescuing the little children Danik held captive.

It is unknown if that blow killed him or not, but before police were able to recover his battered body, it was already gone. Witnesses spotted a small group of people rushing away with him.

Yoroshima Aurama
"White Dragon shall prevail, look around you... You've already lost." ~ Yoroshima
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Other names: The Recruiter 1st.
Race: Japanese
Age/DoB: 47, death at that age; 2325
Affiliation: White Dragon
Main Enemy: None
Info: An intelligent mind who became a convict, now sides with White Dragon to take over Old Japan. Yoroshima and his men took over the slums of San'ya and Miyazaki. He uses a beam sword and a laser-like weapon to overpower SWAT and police that are using old fashion weaponry.

After James and Yuna chased him inside of an old slum building, Yoroshima called up a helicopter in order to escape back to base. He spotted James and shot him in the stomach. As his copter flies away, Yuna shows up and shoots the pilot with a Plasma Rifle, causing the helicopter to spin out of control and crash down below the slums, destroying a few old homes and buildings in the process, after this, Yoroshima was presumed dead on sight. His death crippled White Dragon, forcing Danik to take command after Yoroshima.

Nadila Domashevich
"Within the boundaries of Russia, music like this literally controls you!" ~ NaDi
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Other names: NaDi, Krystel
Race: Russian, from Saint Petersburg
Age/DoB: 17
Affiliation: White Dragon
Main Enemy: KGBRusko
Info: A Russian punk band member who was kicked and turned to petty crimes to survive. She suffers from a disorder the makes her somewhat unaware and insane, shockingly, music calms her. She turned to stealing to purchase her equipment only to be caught by KGBRusko and brought to an asylum. She broke out and was also kidnapped by Black Shadow gang who plan to use her for human-trafficking, however, she was saved by KGBRsko and thrown into the same asylum. Nadi wised up a bit and wanted to leave Russia, and just her luck, White Dragon recruited her and created an old fishing warehouse into a club/housing area for Nadi, which she named it Blacklight.
In return Nadi's job is to recruit more members using a virus mixed in with her music, resulting in some clubgoers gone missing and or losing it in Blacklight. White Dragon also created robots known as Red-Russian-Guards to protect Nadi.

Jona Barotelius
"Mis amigos encantadores, make yourselves comfortable, you won't be leaving here tonight..." ~ Zegma
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Other names: Zegma, Morty, Scar
Race: Guerrero, Mexico
Age/DoB: 23-25ish
Affiliation: White Dragon
Main Enemy: None
Info: A troublemaker from Guerrero, Mexico. He often gets himself in trouble and nearly killed due to his appearance. He adopted the Undead like fashion due to listening to old Mexican tales, and ending up one night in a cemetery. After this experience, Jonas life had changed.
He was also a musician, and often played music in cemeteries in order to scare passerbys from his hideout. Due to his new life style, Jonas family dishonored him and didn't care about him unless he changes his ways. He was recognized by White Dragon and was transferred to Japan to cause some trouble.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen... I am in a bit of a rush, and it seems you possess a small piece of property of mine..." ~ Boshiku
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Other names: Odd One, 仲間外れ
Race: Probably Japanese, Origin unknown
Age/DoB: ???
Affiliation: White Dragon
Main Enemy: ???
Info: An ominous, slender looking figure who is only spotted when retrieving Zegma from the SAT headquarters in Tokyo. He/It is dressed in a pure white suit, and appears to be wearing sunglasses, but later it is reveal that his eyes are pitch black, with no pupils. He easily defeated Hima and his crew within the base, also vandalizing the building in order to free Zegma. Hima described the figure to Yuna, and considered Boshiku a high value threat and a possible link to the cause of this cyber virus and corruption in Old Japan.


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Other names: none
Race: Japanese from the Sendai, Japan
Age/DoB: 22
Affiliation: none
Main Enemy: White Dragon and or other criminals
Info: A huntsman who uses old weaponry for fishing, trying to maintain the old ways of her village. She captures James who shows up on shore and imprisons him. When she figures out James had escape, she had her men go to various parts of her village in order to prevent him from leaving. James made it into the forest her Makoshi placed barriers and other objects to prevent James' escape. Finally she confronts him assuming he is part of White Dragon and fights him. James defeats Makoshi who runs falls back and hopes of seeking out her father. Her father told her that James isn't the enemy and lowers part of the force-field that protects the village and the forest from White Dragon and or the virus. She is later recruited by Kengi in order to assault Danik's generals.

Hima Saito - JPN

Yuna Saiya Steelbound
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Other names: Ms. Steel, Yu, Saiya(nickname)
Race: Japanese, American, born in Ohio
Age/DoB: 26
Affiliation: JPN SWAT / SAT of Tokyo former officer in USA
Main Enemy: Evil doers, including White Dragon
Info: A Japanese American girl who followed her roots by becoming a cop, and later on took her leave to Japan to join SAT's SWAT team in Tokyo. She is at her peek and takes crap from know one. During the crisis she does her best to trained the rookies and aid SWAT with operations to deal with White Dragon. Ever since James and Kitty's Arrival, she took interest in James and tried to mentor him about his bloodline, often making James wonder if she is the same as him. Yuna is a weapon specialist and his only kills targets when the time calls to it, for example, the shoot out with Yoroshima. This even reveal that Yuna is a highly trained sniper, using high tech rifles to kill, tranquilize her targets. She is Hima's 2nd in command and often takes the initiative to deal with certain situations.

Mr. Sherk - UK
Walker Vile - USA/Germany
Ivan "Caveboy" - Switzerland/USA
Panther - S. Africa/USA

Past Characters
in the Year 2150 (Prologue)

Kyo " The Rookie"

Ayumi Saito

Barrett Steebound
"Hell's about to break loose, Rookie. You best prepare for what is about to go down, there's no telling what about to go down in that warehouse..." ~ Barrett

Yula Steelbound


Tanaka Mashi

Amy was at the warehouse of the time, probably forced to do White Dragon's bidding by going against the police. Amy had been halted by Zanato and she confessed that a few members in the warehouse are forced into or brainwashed by members of White Dragon. This prompted Ayumi for the Rookie to be caution of his targets, however, before this, The Rookie used ninjutsu to disarm or render his victims unconscious, despite carrying a P90 substituted with a different kind of bullets that don't kill, but harm and a short sword-like weapon, unlike other members using mostly real weapons to deal with the threat.


Vitarius Melion
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Other names: Lord Vita, Lord of The Warehouse, Sr. Melio-ne
Race: Japanese/French
Age/DoB: 50-53, death at that age; 2150
Affiliation: White Dragon
Main Enemy: The Law
Info: In the prologue, he threaten police that anything they do will result in Leon's death, and often place his transmission in front of the News. He orders White Dragon around to prevent the police from breaking through in order to buy time, most likely he needed St. Marc II alive for something. Vitarius confronts Kyo and co. in the basement and nearly defeats them until more White Dragon storm the room to continue the shootout, having Vitarius flee from the fight. On the final confrontation with him, he teams up with his sister to fight Kyo and co. only to be defeated again after a brutal battle with Kyo, who basically took the duo alone.

After his sister's death, the fallen Vitarius crawls towards his sister and threaten the team before he died, stating that in the future, there will be one who shares his qualities to disrupt Japan, revealing that a relative of his may avenge him and his sister.

Fe'Lora(Fel Ora) Melion
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Other names: Mistress Lora, Lora
Race: Japanese/French
Age/DoB: 44, death at that age; 2150
Affiliation: White Dragon
Main Enemy: The Law
Info: In the prologue, she forces White Dragon to cut the power in the warehouse, leaving SWAT in the dark. She confronts Kyo and co. only to be easily defeated, the second confrontation is exhaust herself in battle, alongside her brother, only to be killed. The battered Vitarius was shocked by his sister's death and puzzled to out the bullets penetrated her, he thinks this was the SWAT doing, but it was White Dragon member's bad aim.

She is the first to collapse after the fight, due to using up her powers. She was about to be detained by SWAT, but is killed by random gunfire whizzing by, shockingly she was a Half-Dragni, unknown as to why the bullets killed her.


New Japan(West JPN)
Village of Kibou (Chilled Blossom region)
Village of (Joelan) Kitamaro, Port City

Old Japan (East JPN)
New Tokyo City
Kakureta, the shorelines of Kesagi
New Kyushu City
New Kyushu City - Fukuoka

New Kyushu City - Blacklight
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A former fishermen warehouse turned into a club hang out. This area is not just a club, but a home to NaDi.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 05:17:27 pm by Zhello »
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