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Author Topic: [Submission] Boxelder, Mountainash, and Hickory, Deku Craftsmen  (Read 5071 times)

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[Submission] Boxelder, Mountainash, and Hickory,...
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:54:36 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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Name: Boxelder
Age: 46 in deku years
Race: Deku
Location: Deku Village

Boxelder runs a workshop in Deku Village where he manufactures wooden crates, barrels, boxes, and fences, among other common zelda objects made out of wood. He's run the workshop since he inherited it from his father years ago, and is very concerned that everything be run properly. He comes off as a hard-ass because of this, but he's really just concerned for the shop and the quality of the products. The fact that he naturally has a very gruff tone to his voice doesn't help.

In appearance, he is a smaller Deku, but well built. Short and stout. He has mossy scruff around his face, and is often scowling.

Name: Mountainash
Age: 45 in deku years
Race: Deku
Location: Deku Village

Mountainash is a gentle giant among Deku; not nearly as big as the circus deku Noko, but still large. He has a wild beard and hair, and wide eyes at all times. Despite his fierce appearance, he is a very quiet and careful craftsman in Boxelder's workshop. He is very careful in all his measurements, perfecting every angle and bevel, sanding surfaces until they're as smooth as silk. His intelligence is visible in all his works.

Whenever the workshop needs a material from the wild environment of the swamp of the mystery of the kokori forest, Mountainash calmly goes and gets it, coolly facing any dangers or challenges.

Name: Hickory
Age: 11 in deku years
Race: Deku
Location: Deku Village

Hickory is Boxelder's granddaughter. She grew up around the workshop, being taught various tidbits about this and that in woodworking by Boxelder and Mountainash, but also being often told to get out of the way. It came from Boxelder's worry about her getting smashed by a big beam or something, but Hickory developed ways of staying well out of sight and out of the way.

When Link visits her, she will teach Link how to sneak in barrels. With this new skill, Link can sneak around Boxelder into a back room where Hickory will show Link her own project, a big wood sculpture.

Basically, I invented the other two in order to contextualize Hickory, whose purpose is to teach Link to sneak in barrels. We can ignore them if we decide Link should be able to sneak in barrels from the start or whatever. They're all named after trees that look really similar, I was really confused when I started building a treehouse in what turns out to be a Boxelder tree. It looks a lot like an ash tree, but has the propeller seeds of a maple, so I learned the difference between these trees :p
Re: [Submission] Boxelder, Mountainash, and Hick...
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 05:03:38 am »
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I think that sneaking in barrels is something we will have from the start.  However! The barrel ambush is not!  We could use that here instead.

I like the characters overall.  Should be an easy approval here since they don't have a huge impact on anything.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: [Submission] Boxelder, Mountainash, and Hick...
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2013, 10:24:06 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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Well, I was thinking that the barrel ambush would make more sense coming from somebody with combat experience, rather than a child Deku?

If we decide to have barrel sneaking from the start, then lets get rid of these guy's function and just have them as filler for the Deku Village.
Re: [Submission] Boxelder, Mountainash, and Hick...
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2015, 05:21:38 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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So, these guys are worth revisiting as sort of filler characters for Deku Village, maybe they could be involved in a sidequest at some point but anyway, do they seem good to everyone as just inhabitants of the village?
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