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Topics - Ryuza

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Coding / [Solved] Variables in resource names
« on: February 24, 2010, 04:52:46 pm »
Well, I think that is barely worth making a topic for but I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm trying to figure out how I would go about using the value of a variable as part of a resource name, for example, say I have the variable 'ballcolor' (which can equal "G" or "R") and I have two sprites 'spr_bal_G' and 'spr_ball_R' how would go about using that variable to make the sprite dependent on the variable, I thought it would be something like this but it doesn't work:

draw_sprite(spr_ball_+string(ballcolor), 0, x, y)

So in the end the sprite is spr_ball_R.

Thats the best example I could think of off the top of my head (not a very good one though as you could simply do image_blend, but thats not the point). I'm relatively sure I've used +string()+ in a different programming language, I just need to figure out the GM equivalent, if there is one. I'm sure its rather simple, I've been looking around GM help for an answer but haven't come across one yet. Anyone have any ideas?

OoA/S & LA / [Solved] GB Menu Rips
« on: February 19, 2010, 04:12:26 pm »
Hey, just wondering if anyone had a rip of the menus from ages or seasons, I've been looking around and haven't been able to find them. To be more specific I'm looking for the three parts of the pause menu (equipment, key items, and heart piece/saving) and if possible the items that appear on the menus. If anyone could post them or just point me in the right direction for finding them I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Coding / Zelda GB Basic Engine
« on: February 17, 2010, 05:41:58 pm »
[ - ~ Legend of Zelda GB Style Engine ~ - ]

Well, I started off with messing around with an old GB engine I had when I ran into a small problem on my other project and now I've decided to try and make a GB style engine, I'll be posting my progress as .gmk so everyone can check it out, I want to try and make the engine as easy to use as possible so if you see something that could be done in a simpler way or something that doesn't make sense and isn't needed please let me know.


  • Basic Movement (Goodnight)
  • Swimming
  • Changing Tunics
  • Simple Effects (Grass & Splash)
  • Shield (just for show at the moment)

[-Currently Working On-]
Fixing the push block.

[-Known Issues-]
The 'obj_basic_push' is not able to be pushed, I didn't give the problem too much attention though so it's likely something simple.

[-Last Updates-]
2/20/2010: Added the shield and fixed the HUD a bit.

2/19/2010: Made a bigger room to prepare for later testing, added the effect for moving in a grassy area, and changed around the point that tracks water collision a bit. I also cleaned up a bit of the comments in the create event since I still had some from my old movement code. Added a basic item (flippers) used to test the item pickup, no comments in the code yet and its a bit messy at the moment but I'll be cleaning it up. Also added the HUD, mostly just to see how it would look, I need to fix the view since you can see it if you go to the bottom left corner.

2/18/2010: Added/Modified Goodnight's movement code, the movement is now almost exactly the same as in Ages and Seasons, and I matched Link's collision mask almost pixel for pixel with the one in Ages and Seasons. As far as I can tell Link collides with objects in nearly the exact same way in this engine as he does in the game. The only difference in movement is that he can 'slide' along walls while pushing, something I still need to figure out. Water is also fixed, in the step event for Link there is a var that tracks a single point that makes Link swim when that point collides with water. I also added the splash effect to going into water.

Decided to clean the post up a bit and make it look a bit more like a project.

Coding / [Solved] Text script problem
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:01:43 pm »
~ Solved ~

Well, I have a very small, very simple problem, I'm using Mit's dialog script (somewhat modified and cleaned up) and I can't seem to find which part controls the amount of space between lines, like if I were to want to double space the text or something. So, does anyone know which variable/value controls that? I've been going through testing out different ones by exchanging the values but I haven't found it yet.

Code: [Select]
var i,a,j,h,oc; i=0;a="";h=0;

if !variable_global_exists("font") global.font=font_add_sprite(sprFont,33,1,1) //Load the font if we haven't already
screen_redraw() //Clear the screen just in case

//Step one - wrap the text
for (j=0;j<string_length(argument4);j+=1){ //Go slowly through the text
 if string_width(string_copy(argument4,0,j))>argument2 {  //If the text so far is too long
  for (h=j;h>0;h-=1) { if (string_char_at(argument4,h)=" " or j-h>20) break; } //Go *back* in a loop until we hit a space, then break at that point
  if j-h>20 { while string_width(string_copy(argument4,0,h+2))<argument2 { h+=1 } }
  argument4=string_insert("#",argument4,h+1); //Add the return character, then

//Step two - draw the text
while i<=string_length(argument4) and string_count("#",a)<argument3{
a=string_copy(argument4,0,i) //Take the section of text
sleep((100-(70*keyboard_check(vk_space)))/argument6) //Space - the key to skip text

draw_set_color(oc)//Just to set it back to what it was

//Step three - continue if there's more to say
a=string_copy(argument4,i,(string_length(argument4)-i)+1) //Find remaining text
a=string_replace_all(a,"#","") //Remove new-line markings so it can recalculate them on the next run
if a!="" {
keyboard_wait() //Don't go on yet...
scrTText(argument0, argument1, argument2, argument3, a, argument5, argument6) //Call it with the same but the text
} else io_clear() while keyboard_lastkey != ord("D"){
} //Else it's over and just hold the screen until they wish to continue

Edit: The problem has been solved, for those curious; Niek brought it to my attention that GM sets the distance between lines (the default being 1 pixel between each line) by using draw_text_ext you can set the amount of space GM puts between lines.

Coding / Looping Room & View
« on: February 12, 2010, 01:28:45 am »
So, I've been messing around with lots of ideas with GM and I ran into another minor problem. This time around I'm trying to figure out how I might be able to loop a room, simply put, something similar to the game in this video:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMKAdacxX_E" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMKAdacxX_E</a>
Start at 2:43 and watch the door with the 'E' on it, it reappears at 2:51 as the room loops, I'm hoping to emulate that by somehow causing the view to continue onto the other side of the room along with the player; the player wrapping I can figure out, I just need to find a way to smoothly 'wrap' the view that follows the player.

So, anyone able to help out?

Coding / (Solved) GM8 Help
« on: February 04, 2010, 09:13:54 pm »
Another simple problem I need a bit of help with, does anyone know how I might be able to use all solid objects as a variable? I'm currently using a global variable (global.solids) for collisions with the player. I was wondering if there might be a way to go from having to do "global.solids = par_solid" to "global.solids = 'insert answer here'".

So, anyone know how to use all solid objects as a variable?

Edit: Solved the problem

Feedback / GM8 Icon
« on: February 04, 2010, 02:49:25 am »
I know its a very small thing but I noticed recently when making a help topic that there wasn't a GM8 Icon yet. I know its a bit early considering it hasn't been out too long but I just figured it would be pretty easy to add, I put together a simple icon that matches the others somewhat in style and in size:

Think it might be usable?

Coding / [Solved] 16x16 Grid Movement
« on: January 29, 2010, 06:19:12 pm »

Well, time for another rather small problem. I need a bit of help with working grid based movement into my movement code (Game Maker 8), by grid based I mean in the same style as the older Dragon Quest games or Pokemon, where each step aligns with the grid (16x16). I can't seem to find an efficient way of doing it with my movement engine. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Here is my movement code:

Create Event:
Code: [Select]
image_speed = .15
//Establishes Player's sprite speed

moving = "D"
//Player's current direction
//Used to choose the correct sprites as he moves
//"D" -> Down, "U" -> Up, "L" -> Left, "R" -> Right

Step Event:
Code: [Select]
The following code is used to control Player's Movement
It checks to see if the Player is currently pressing the Up,
Down, Left, or Right arrow keys, then checks for objects and
finally moves the Player in the direction if there are no obstacles.
if keyboard_check(vk_up) {
    moving = "U"
    if place_free(x, y-1)
        y -= 2

if keyboard_check(vk_down) {
    moving = "D"
    if place_free(x, y+1)
        y += 2

if keyboard_check(vk_left) {
    moving = "L"
    if place_free(x-1, y)
        x -= 2

if keyboard_check(vk_right) {
    moving = "R"
    if place_free(x+1, y)
        x += 2

if keyboard_check(vk_nokey)
    {image_speed = .15}
The following code is used to correct Player's Direction
It checks to see if he is moving left, right, up, or down
and changes his 'moving' variable accordingly
if keyboard_check(vk_up) && keyboard_check(vk_right) {
    moving = "U"

if keyboard_check(vk_up) && keyboard_check(vk_left) {
    moving = "U"

if x > xprevious
    {moving = "R"}
if x < xprevious
    {moving = "L"}

if y > yprevious
    {moving = "D"}
if y < yprevious
    {moving = "U"}

Begin Step Event:
Code: [Select]
//The following code determines which sprite should be used based on the players current direction (the "moving" variable)
switch moving {
    case "U": sprite_index = spr_hero_up; break;
    case "D": sprite_index = spr_hero_down; break;
    case "R": sprite_index = spr_hero_right; break;
    case "L": sprite_index = spr_hero_left; break;

I'm hoping to be able to integrate grid movement into the code without having to completely rewrite it.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me solve this problem.


Graphics / 3D Buildings
« on: January 21, 2010, 12:22:40 am »
I'm working on some buildings in 3ds max for my animation class, wondering what you guys think of them.

First Building
Second Building

The first was made off without any reference in about 30 minutes, and for the second I used this as a basic reference (took about 45-50 minutes). This is the first time I've tried to make any type of architecture in 3ds max so I'm not entirely sure how well I did, but I think they turned out well.

Let me know what you think.

Coding / [Solved] Damage Knockback in a Platformer
« on: January 14, 2010, 04:17:22 pm »
Well, need some help again if anyones up for it. Still working on my platformer, this time I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the best way to do damage knockback (being pushed away from the enemy, changing the sprite to a "damaged" one, subtracting health, and then returning to normal). At the moment I have a semi-decent bit of code for it, I'm just wondering if anyone else has any better examples.

I'm using a basic "goomba" style enemy to test with for now (walks back and forth, reversing upon collision with the wall).

Heres the enemy step event that includes the basic movement and the damaging collision with the player:
Code: [Select]
//Moving Left And Right If Possible
if place_free(x + hsp, y) {
    x += hsp
    } else {
    hsp = -hsp

// Colliding With The Player
if instance_exists(obj_player) {
    if place_meeting(x, y-1, obj_player) && obj_player.vspeed > 0 && enemyhealth > 1 {
        enemyhealth -= 1 with (obj_player) {
        vspeed = -4
    if instance_exists(obj_player) {
        if place_meeting(x, y-1, obj_player) && obj_player.vspeed > 0 && enemyhealth = 1 {
            instance_change(obj_enemy_death, true) with (obj_player) {
            vspeed = -5

---------------------------Damage Collision Code--------------------------------------
if place_meeting (x + hsp,y, obj_player) || place_meeting(x - hsp, y, obj_player) {
    with (obj_player) {
        obj_player.hurt = true


if place_free(x, y + 1) {
    gravity = 0.5
    } else {
    gravity = 0

and heres what happens when the variable "hurt" becomes true for the player:
Code: [Select]
if hurt = true  {
    image_index = 1
    image_speed = .2
    obj_hud_health.playerhealth -= 1
    vspeed = -5
    image_index = 0
    hurt = false
    } else {

If you have any suggestions along the lines of timelines or alarms please be aware I'm a bit of a novice in those categories.

I'm currently using GM8 by the way.


Coding / [Solved] Decreasing a value over time in GM
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:55:32 pm »
Well, I'm kinda stuck right now on a project of mine with something really simple. I'm trying to find a way to make a value slowly decrease over time, the value's maximum is six and I want it to decrease slowly to zero over about 30 seconds, so a decrease of one every five seconds.

I'm sure its really simple but for whatever reason I seem to be having trouble with it. Also, I cannot decrease the value by say, .2 per second due to the fact that I have a gauge on my hud that has its image_index set to match the value and if it goes into the decimal range the gauge disappears.

Thanks in advance if anyone can help, all I need is just a bit of code or at least a suggestion of how I might be able to do it.


Other Projects / [Demo] Project Element
« on: December 19, 2009, 07:49:26 pm »
Well, I've been working on a small platform engine for the past few weeks. Decided to turn it into a full game. For now I'm just going to call it Project Element, due to the main character's planned ability to change into different elements. At the moment I have the basic movement engine done with a couple different types of platforms such as conveyor belts, falling blocks, boost panels, etc, all the normal stuff found in common platforming games.

Note: At the moment all of the graphics are placeholders.

*New*Demo 1

Left/Right Arrows -> Move
Up/Down -> Look Up/Duck
Shift -> Jump

Contact Platforms & Boost Panels:

So, let me know if you find any bugs and what you think.

For anyone curious this is being done in Game Maker 8.

Update February 3rd, 2010: Restarted, removed all the old demos and added a new one.

Graphics / Wind Waker 3D Resources
« on: December 11, 2009, 05:43:54 am »
So, with a bit of help from Moldorma and cb43569(Soapy) I got some Wind Waker models, and from Niek's suggestion I decided to put them together here so others could use them.

Cb43569's Wind Waker Rips:
Pack 1 -> Link, Bomb, Small Key, Master Sword, Recovery Heart, Empty Bottle

Pack 2 -> Outset Island, Greatfish Isle, Horseshoe Island, Thorned Fairy Island

Show content

If anyone else has any other WW models (or various other WW resources) they would like to add please feel free to post them here.

Note: I recently found someone who was making a pack that would contain a large amount of models from the game, namely all of the characters and objects from Outset Island. I am currently in the process of contacting him and asking about how much he had finished before stopping work on the project and if I might be able to acquire the unfinished work to be posted here.

Entertainment / Most hours logged in Pokemon
« on: May 13, 2009, 10:09:22 pm »
So, with the recent talk about a new Pokemon game I got to thinking, what is the longest amount of time everyone around here has put into a Pokemon game? Any generation btw.

I feel proud yet geeky in saying I logged 200+ hours on Pearl when I first got it.

Entertainment / Looking For Group Comic
« on: April 18, 2009, 10:35:08 pm »
So, any of you guys read the web comic Looking for Group?
Its pretty funny in my opinion, plus they are working on a feature length movie (they've hit a few bumps but are still working). Heres a clip from the movie [link], the clip has over 4 million views o.o

Graphics / MC Style Sea Urchin
« on: April 17, 2009, 05:19:10 pm »
So, working on the community project at the moment and I was wondering what you guys think about this:

It's the Sea Urchin from LA, now in MC style sorta. Let me know what you guys think, I made two different versions, each with three different colors. I personally like the left middle one.

MC Link's Awakening / Character Sprites
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:42:59 pm »
Well, I'm going to start collecting sprites for the various characters & enemies of the game, I won't be including easily obtained sprites like Link. So, if anyone has any Minish Cap style sprites of Link's Awakening characters then this is the place to submit them.

I'm only going to list things currently needed at this point of the game. feel free to post anything thats not listed though. I'll be going through TSR and some other sites to clear the list too.


Raccoon Tarin
Madam MeowMeow
Dog (the ones that wander Mabe)
Old Man Uliria (spelt wrong :P)
Sweeping Lady
Shop Keeper
Rat (from Syrup's place)
Various Village NPCs (kids playing catch, old lady, etc.)

Finished Sprites:
Mr. Write
Syrup the Witch
BowWow - May need a palette swap to match MC better.

Feel free to edit any sprites if there is something wrong with them.

Entertainment / Nippon Ichi Fans?
« on: April 14, 2009, 12:56:02 am »
So, how many Nippon Ichi fans do we have around here? For those who don't know, Nippon Ichi made Disgaea.

Also, if you are a fan, whats your favorite game?
Mine is Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero (PSP)

Graphics / LA Toronbo Shores 3D
« on: April 13, 2009, 01:46:00 am »
I did this a long time ago, was bored and was messing around with a new program (terrain editor I think) and made Toronbo Shores from Link's Awakening:

Not really for anything and I didn't ever finish it, it's basically just the terrain.
Anyways, decided to post this cause I was bored :). Let me know what you think.

Graphics / Link's Awakening Photo Recolor
« on: April 12, 2009, 02:32:35 am »
Well, I got bored awhile back and decided to do some color versions of the photos from Link's Awakening DX. I stopped working on them when I had about seven done early this year and recently I went back and finished them, Enjoy :)

13/13 Photos Done

Update6: All finished










Let me know what you think :)

Feel free to use them as long as you remember to give credit to me :).

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