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Author Topic: Horn of Balance  (Read 595006 times)

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pxl_moon (dotyue)

Team Dekunutz
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1400 on: December 21, 2020, 07:58:28 pm »
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Didn't really play the last two demos but....

Code: [Select]
-very first door/stairway: tiling issue ( Link steps behind the "door" but above the "wall" )

~Minish Cap Style~

Minish Cap Beta:Firerod Icon, Majoras Mask:ChuChu, Ocarina of Time:Gossip Stone, Oracle Series:Link plays the "Herpes of Ages", Impa, Wand Maker: HUD
~GB-Zelda Style~
Ocarina of Time: Deku Caca
Paper Mario Style Zelda&Link, Tetra Trackers HUD-Cleanups

Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1401 on: December 21, 2020, 08:12:09 pm »
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Thanks. Fixed it (on my end just now).


UPDATE: @Miles07
Got around to looking at issue 29, but after testing (and looking at your screenshot) it seems to be working as intended. Or did you mean to say that this puzzle did not trigger consistently?

A29. Heimgartner Manor, Garden. Sometimes the barriers don't fall when they are supposed to? [1]


To save people time listing this issue: I found that the staircase tiling issue is pretty widespread so I'm currently checking all staircases in the game to fix it properly.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2020, 12:03:06 pm by Martijn dh »


Knight of ERA
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1402 on: December 22, 2020, 04:23:07 pm »
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Not consistently. Not sure why, I think it has to do with the enemies not being in the right trigger area for the barriers to go down? Still unclear.

Just downloaded the demo update. With the holidays being what they are, I likely won't be getting back to it until after Christmas at the earliest.
I was talking to my friend last night, and he was mentioning about how in 1980, he thought the internet would become this amazing place where people from across the world would share ideas. I was telling him about how this project [KOT] has worked, lurching along for years and drawn by different people from across the globe, and he thought it was beautiful. And he was right, it's awesome. :D

Zelda Items Spritesheet album (OUT OF DATE) - (link here)
A Link Across Time project - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Metroid) - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Zelda) - (link here)
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Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1403 on: December 22, 2020, 07:51:35 pm »
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I think I found what you meant. On the right side of the garden the soldier pack was able to walk outside the area that is checked before lowering the right blocks, so I've added invisible walls to keep that pack relatively nearby.

Also, I'll work on releasing a new demo in the weekend after christmas so you can skip all the issues I've already patched in the meantime.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance (alpha out)
« Reply #1404 on: December 24, 2020, 09:50:23 pm »
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And that is all the reported issues solved. At least for as far as I can tell. And since I probably won't be working on it this weekend due to the holidays and a leaky roof ::) might as well upload the fixed version already.

Two notes:
- You can name the gamefile "boss" to jump directly to the new content
- In the north part of the mining town is a house with curtains. I'm aware that there is an object overlapping one of the curtains. It's on my beta todo list.

Demo version: 0.22.127
File Size: 19,89 MB (Zipped)
Screen Resolution: 320 x 240 (Changable)
Download (Mediafire): https://www.mediafire.com/file/2ogi444l0bzxf6s/Zelda+0+22+127+alpha.zip/file

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.22.125 (21 december 2020)
* Fixed some more staircase tiling issues

0.22.126 (22 december 2020)
* Went through the entire game looking for (+fixing) other staircases where the tiling might have been messed up. Results not fully tested yet.
* Made button before dungeon 1 consistently pressed down once used
* Fixed animation of correctly positioned rooster statue in left side of the mansion dungeon garden
* Confined enemies in right side of mansion dungeon garden so east blocks always open upon defeating nearby enemy pack
* Potentially solved collission floating point issues in rolling pin enemies (= needs more testing to check stuff didn't break elsewhere)

0.22.127 (24 december 2020)
* Improved winder enemy movement AI to better bypass the gamemaker floating point errors
* Fixed fairy collisions with terrain/staircases
* Fixed collisions with icy floors on moving platforms

Stuff left to do:
Beta components:
- Finish "dual house" room
- Add visuals to make the NPC's look different from each others
- Add bombs / enemies falling from above
- Add interaction (some?) enemies with conveyor belts
- Add (some?) enemies falling into water / endless pits
- Add interaction NPC's with conveyor belts
- Add NPC's falling into water / endless pits
- Finish chickens (+ related enemy)
- Add new enemies (wall shooters / humanoids)
- Add dungeon entrance scene
- Add dungeon end scene
- Add NPC scenes
- Add scene after boss fight
- Tweak boss fight
- Adjust hammer masking (?)
- Add extended boss sequence (potentially)
- Add proper enemies and placements to the dungeon
- Balance container contents
- Add further balance to the dungeon
- Fix bug: Rounding issue in fairy/enemy movements scripts get's them stuck in terrain

Reported issues left to adress:
« Last Edit: December 24, 2020, 09:52:16 pm by Martijn dh »


Knight of ERA
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1405 on: December 27, 2020, 12:53:49 am »
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EDITED -- Still unable to complete.

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A5 new information: If Link pushes the water switches partway, in a manner that causes the "switch movement" animation to pause halfway through the animation (i.e. starting to push the switch, but not completing it, not pushing the switch long enough), then there's a 50% chance that the graphical glitch occurs where the lever is set based on the direction Link is looking (left or right only so far. Haven't observed this glitch when looking up or down.).
A14. Fairies are still getting stuck on terrain.

A41. Cave of Adventure: defeating the Stalfos doesn't get rid of the Boss icon on the map, as it would if any other boss is defeated. [1]
A42. Underwater Prison: scribbles on the wall might need to be proofread. Unless the point was for the text to be rambling? [1]
A43. Soldier Tombs: returning to the room where access is granted to the basement (after lighting the four torches), sometimes the central statue isn't moved. [1] Reloading by exiting the dungeon or using the Magic Mirror solves this, though. [2]
A44. Desert Palace: Incorrect tiles in some of the rooms. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A45. Darkworld, area outside of Swamp Ruins: when going underwater, it looks like one graphic layer is placed on top of Link's sprite in some parts of the room. [1]
A46. Is Mining Town supposed to keep the day-night cycle like the rest of the outdoors areas (like Heimgartner Manor)? Because I entered the Mining Town area at night, and the location is lit up as if it's daytime.
A47. Mining Town: key didn't spawn. Unable to complete, out of keys. Might be similar situation to A29, where the slimes aren't killed in a triggerable area to have the key drop down? [1]
A48. Starting with BOSS name, I load into Mining Town but then am stuck. Similar as in issue A37.
A49. Mining Town: I've only been able to find 3 keys, and 4 locks. One of the locked doors can be circumvented, which leads me to believe there is softlock potential here. Solved. Sometimes the key fails to load. Resetting the game solves it, it seems.
A50. Mining Town: more tiling issues. [1]
A51. Mining Town: warp tile not functional unless the dungeon is reloaded. [1]
A52. Derelict Mine: tiling issue hiding a Weight Crystal switch. [1]
A53. Derelict Mine: I keep getting stuck on some of the doorways. Always need to Magic Mirror or Save&Quit to get out of it.
A54. Derelict Mine: Appear to be stuck here. Unable to get the Weight Crystal to the right side of the room. Unless there's something I'm missing? [1] From what I've been able to tell, saving after flipping the switch, then reloading, will cause the room to keep loading the enemy slimes on the lower level, making it impossible to move the Weight Crystal to the right side of the room.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 09:17:24 pm by Miles07 »
I was talking to my friend last night, and he was mentioning about how in 1980, he thought the internet would become this amazing place where people from across the world would share ideas. I was telling him about how this project [KOT] has worked, lurching along for years and drawn by different people from across the globe, and he thought it was beautiful. And he was right, it's awesome. :D

Zelda Items Spritesheet album (OUT OF DATE) - (link here)
A Link Across Time project - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Metroid) - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Zelda) - (link here)
Boss Keys project Trello Board - (link here)
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1406 on: December 27, 2020, 10:12:42 am »
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Sorry about the amount of issues. I'll take a look as soon as I can.

[44] = Now fixed. I forgot to turn a layer back on.
[54] = Maybe the masking is messed up. I'll have to playtest later. Though I don't understand how the enemies play a part. Are you trying to move the crystal through the upper right doorway?


EDIT: Could you give an example location for issue [53]?
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 12:14:11 pm by Martijn dh »


Knight of ERA
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1407 on: December 27, 2020, 06:14:51 pm »
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Lower right. No matter what, it seems the buttons don't do anything, since the floor keeps alternating up and down.

For A53, I keep getting stuck on the south doorway of the room before the first Helmasarus King battle. The room with the four floor switches you need to put the torches onto.
Secondly, there's the room south of the imprisoned maiden you reach after the first Helmasaurus battle / right after the purple pegs in the room where you get the Master Key. When you walk through a doorway with an NPC following, Link gets propelled forward into the room quite a bit, causing him to get stuck in the railing of that south room (has a moving floor with a pit in it).
I was talking to my friend last night, and he was mentioning about how in 1980, he thought the internet would become this amazing place where people from across the world would share ideas. I was telling him about how this project [KOT] has worked, lurching along for years and drawn by different people from across the globe, and he thought it was beautiful. And he was right, it's awesome. :D

Zelda Items Spritesheet album (OUT OF DATE) - (link here)
A Link Across Time project - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Metroid) - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Zelda) - (link here)
Boss Keys project Trello Board - (link here)
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1408 on: December 27, 2020, 10:27:00 pm »
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So it was quit a productive day today. (I didn't intend to work on the game even, but I couldn't help myself). Only 4 issues remain. The problem though is that 3 of those are real headscratchers.
[14] is caused by floating point errors and might take a longer time to solve.
[53] and [45] are simple enough problems, but fixing them also affect lots of other places in the game so I'll have to thread carefully.

I'll release the updated demo when at least [53] is solved since that's the one game breaker. Not sure yet when that will be.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.22.128 (27 december 2020)
* Fixed tiling issues desert palace
* Fixed tiling issue derelict mine
* Fixed tiling issue cell house in mining town
* Edited wall text in underwater prison
* Fixed spawn location if filename is “boss”
* Added day-night cycle to mining town
* Fixed mining town dual house to require master key
* Fixed mining town key overlapping indexes
* Naming gamefile “boss” also gives silver gloves
* Fixed tiling issue in mining town (door to house before cave entrance)
* Fixed trigger of mine entrance scene triggering exiting the house before through the south exit
* Fixed mining town shortcut warp not being useable before leaving the room first
* Fixed error when walking down rare type of stairs to another room with an NPC following
* Fixed more tiling depth issues in mining town if you have NPC's following you.
* Fixed starting visuals of torches in dual cell cave in mining town (upon returning after solving the puzzle)
* Fixed serie of issues with boss icons not being present or not dissappearing
* Fixed depth issues near first ore dispenser in the derelict mine
* Breakable wall in mining town dual house now better hidden
* The conveyor floor in the B2 south east corner of the derelict mine can now still be operated after returning from leaving the floor
* Visuals for pushswitches are now better determined

Remaining reported issues:
Show content
A14. Fairies are still getting stuck on terrain.
A43. Soldier Tombs: returning to the room where access is granted to the basement (after lighting the four torches), sometimes the central statue isn't moved. [1] Reloading by exiting the dungeon or using the Magic Mirror solves this, though. [2]
A45. Darkworld, area outside of Swamp Ruins: when going underwater, it looks like one graphic layer is placed on top of Link's sprite in some parts of the room. [1]
A53. Derelict Mine: I keep getting stuck on some of the doorways. Always need to Magic Mirror or Save&Quit to get out of it.


Knight of ERA
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1409 on: December 27, 2020, 11:16:00 pm »
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Just as you posted, I was about to report another bug that crashes the game:

A55. Soldier Tombs: Fighting Guardian VanMol sometimes crashes when a blow is given while he's beginning to swing his flail. Able to do if I immediately run up to him and swing the L.1 Sword as fast as I can.

Show content
action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object obj_Enemy:

Cannot apply sqrt to negative number.
at gml_Script_scr_AI_Boss_Soldier_Flail_Chain
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_AI_Boss_Soldier_Flail_Chain (line -1)

Maybe at some point I need to stream myself playing the game to show you what's going on. Maybe on Discord, one of these days.
I was talking to my friend last night, and he was mentioning about how in 1980, he thought the internet would become this amazing place where people from across the world would share ideas. I was telling him about how this project [KOT] has worked, lurching along for years and drawn by different people from across the globe, and he thought it was beautiful. And he was right, it's awesome. :D

Zelda Items Spritesheet album (OUT OF DATE) - (link here)
A Link Across Time project - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Metroid) - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Zelda) - (link here)
Boss Keys project Trello Board - (link here)
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1410 on: December 28, 2020, 09:10:21 pm »
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Just give me a sign when (and how) I can view the stream.

EDIT: Found and fixed the subboss issue.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 09:54:41 pm by Martijn dh »
Alttp - Horn of Balance (alpha out)
« Reply #1411 on: January 03, 2021, 11:12:47 am »
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Demo version: 0.22.134
File Size: 19,89 MB (Zipped)
Screen Resolution: 320 x 240 (Changable)
Download (Mediafire): https://www.mediafire.com/file/xnz35aancfviokn/Zelda+0+22+134+alpha.zip/file

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.22.129 (28 december 2020)
* Tweaked depth of (normal and locked) overworld house doors
* Fixed error when getting too agressively up close in subboss 1's face
* Added extra failsafe to dungeon 1 basement opening

0.22.130 (29 december 2020)
* Added more failsaves display correct torch states near to dungeon 1 basement opening
* Made progress finishing the mining town dual house

0.22.131 (30 december 2020)
* Extended functionality of cuttable curtains

0.22.132 (31 december 2020)
* Finished mining town dual house
* Streamlined code for connected breakable walls that have different indexes

0.22.133 (1 januari 2021)
* Edited tiling depths concerning water/diving areas to fix depth issue in darkworld poisoned swamp area

0.22.134 (2 januari 2021)
* Edited room transitions while NPC is following you
* Tweaked NPC follow scripting

0.22.135 (3 januari 2021)
* Tweaked mine tiling issue when NPC's are following you
* Further tweaked NPC follow scripting

Stuff left to do:
Beta components:
- Finish "dual house" room
- Add visuals to make the NPC's look different from each others
- Add bombs / enemies falling from above
- Add interaction (some?) enemies with conveyor belts
- Add (some?) enemies falling into water / endless pits
- Add interaction NPC's with conveyor belts
- Add NPC's falling into water / endless pits
- Finish chickens (+ related enemy)
- Add new enemies (wall shooters / humanoids)
- Add dungeon entrance scene
- Add dungeon end scene
- Add NPC scenes
- Add scene after boss fight
- Tweak boss fight
- Adjust hammer masking (?)
- Add extended boss sequence (potentially)
- Add proper enemies and placements to the dungeon
- Balance container contents
- Add further balance to the dungeon

Reported issues left to adress:
- Fairies get stuck in terrain (floating point error issue)
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1412 on: January 08, 2021, 06:58:55 am »
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It's been too long since you popped out one of these bad boys.
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Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1413 on: January 08, 2021, 01:56:00 pm »
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Thank you. Makes me want to double my efforts next weekend. XD
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1414 on: January 10, 2021, 09:42:18 pm »
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Not too much progress this week as I got a little ill, but I did make progress on the new custom hostage sprites. (5 of the 6 hostages will be these children - the 6th will remain the maid looking NPC).
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1415 on: January 10, 2021, 09:54:51 pm »
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So, Link finally gets to rescue hostages?
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1416 on: January 17, 2021, 09:42:28 pm »
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Weekly update: Lots of tweaks have been made after Miles07's streaming session. Expect more tweaks as I continue going over the footage.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.22.136 (9 januari 2021)
* Sprited custom sprites for hostages

0.22.137 (15 januari 2021)
* Implemented custom hostage sprites

0.22.138 (16 januari 2021)
* Fixed basement entrance in soldier tombs not triggering if last trigger torch was on the same floor (+fixed related misalligned statue in final dungeon room)
* Fixed a few typo's in dialogue
* Added some missing shallow water objects in mining town
* Fixed a few tiling issues in mining town dungeon
* Fixed misalligned room transition for first house encountered in mining town
* Altered breakable walls in mining town mine B3 – lower right area
* Fixed chest index in mining town mine B2 lower right room
* Shortened hookshot-able gap and adjusted masking in mining town mine B2 room
* Fixed enemy arrows changing colors when blocked
* Adjusted flying tile enemies to properly respawn after subboss in dungeon 1
* Added and used extra tiles for showing when conveyor transport items to the room above/below
* Fixed slowdown during some staircase transitions
* Adjusted type of rocks separating the two halfs of the desert dungeon
* Light blue rocks can no longer be blown up by bombs
* Almost finished implementing new hostage visuals

Stuff left to do:
Beta components:
ALMOST DONE - Add visuals to make the NPC's look different from each others
- Add bombs / enemies falling from above
MIGHT DROP - Add interaction (some?) enemies with conveyor belts
MIGHT DROP - Add (some?) enemies falling into water / endless pits
DROPPED - Add interaction NPC's with conveyor belts
DROPPED - Add NPC's falling into water / endless pits
- Finish chickens (+ related enemy)
- Add new enemies (wall shooters / humanoids)
- Add dungeon entrance scene
- Add dungeon end scene
- Add NPC scenes
- Add scene after boss fight
- Tweak boss fight
- Adjust hammer masking (?)
- Add extended boss sequence (potentially)
- Add proper enemies and placements to the dungeon
- Balance container contents
- Add further balance to the dungeon

Other reported points left to adress:
- Fairies get stuck in terrain (floating point error issue)
NEW - Can't bring one of the hostages to the target location
NEW - Various minor issues
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1417 on: January 23, 2021, 09:03:02 pm »
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And here is the weekly progress report. The one gamebreaking issue Miles07 found has been solved. There are now (for the most part) only floating point error / collision issues left to solve after the last recording session. As it stands right now I'll likely wait a few more weekends to get those sorted as well before releasing the new demo.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.22.139 (18 januari 2021)
* Switched around some chests in the mining town
* Improved sewers dungeon map
* Fixed being to use powder with only the mushroom collected

0.22.140 (19 januari 2021)
* Finished adding new hostage visuals
* Significantly lowered item spawn chances from bushes, grass, digging and pots with random items
* Fixed Leevers detecting you during screen transitions
* Fixed graphical glitch with waterfall near last water switch in underwater prison during east transition

0.22.141 (21 januari 2021)
* Randomized mansion magical maze
* Tweaked mansion garden tiling (+diggrid) a little

0.22.142 (22 januari 2021)
* Added mining town dungeon intro scene

0.22.143 (23 januari 2021)
* Dropped room in mining town mine (+ moved a locked door)
* Redesigned a mine room to allow all hostages to their target location
* Added new enemy: Arrow trap

Stuff left to do:
Beta components:
DONE - Add visuals to make the NPC's look different from each others
- Add bombs / enemies falling from above
DROPPED - Add interaction (some?) enemies with conveyor belts
DROPPED - Add (some?) enemies falling into water / endless pits
- Finish chickens (+ related enemy)
- Add new enemy (humanoids)
DONE - Add new enemy (wall shooters)
DONE - Add dungeon entrance scene
- Add dungeon end scene
- Add NPC scenes
- Add scene after boss fight
- Tweak boss fight
- Adjust hammer masking (?)
DROPPED - Add extended boss sequence (potentially)
- Add proper enemies and placements to the dungeon
- Balance container contents
- Add further balance to the dungeon

Other reported points left to adress (after the beta):
- Fairies get stuck in terrain (floating point error issue)
DONE - Can't bring one of the hostages to the target location
- Various smaller issues

- Arrow trap
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1418 on: January 27, 2021, 10:39:40 am »
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Guys can you help me? i downloaded the demo but the Resolution of the window is so small i can't see anything. Is there a way to fix that?
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1419 on: January 27, 2021, 11:29:31 am »
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Guys can you help me? i downloaded the demo but the Resolution of the window is so small i can't see anything. Is there a way to fix that?

On the file select screen you can navigate to the options. You'll see the option to adjust your screen size. (If you have trouble finding it let me know).
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