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Author Topic: Horn of Balance  (Read 595014 times)

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Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1440 on: May 09, 2021, 01:58:42 pm »
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Looking good.  I am curious to how you faked mode 7.  I know I ended up just putting the map on either a plane/cube then putting it at an angle to the camera similar to an appearance as mode 7.
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Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1441 on: May 09, 2021, 08:49:54 pm »
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Sure, though it's a little bit less elegant than I would have liked.

First I defined some variables in a create event:
Code: [Select]
// Map menu camera settings
cameraModeOn = false;
iX = 160;
iY = 120;
cameraViewMap = matrix_build_lookat(iX, iY+10, -70, iX, iY, 0, 0, 1, 0);
// cameraViewNormal; <-- This is not needed because views reset this value by default
cameraProjMap = matrix_build_projection_perspective_fov(100, global.view_w/global.view_h, 1, 1000); // Draw distance, aspect ratio, near, far
cameraProjNormal = matrix_build_projection_ortho(global.view_w, global.view_h, 1, 100000); // Draw distance, aspect ratio, near draw distance, far draw distance

Basically I'm defining a special camera (which is hardcoded to always display the top left op the room) and a recreation of the default cameras.
Next I override the camera of the main view I'm using with these stored values

Code: [Select]
cameraModeOn = true;
camera_set_view_mat(view_camera[0], cameraViewMap); // Values get reset on map menu object destruction
camera_set_proj_mat(view_camera[0], cameraProjMap); // Values get reset on map menu object destruction

Then I draw what I want to draw above all other visuals in the top left corner of my screen. And when I am done I reset the camera back to the normal settings.

Some things to note:
- This messes up some surfaces (= they get drawn upside down). Compile take up to 10~15 minutes so I didn't feel like spending the time to problem solve further and just drew without them.
- I move the map, rather than the camera. When drawing there are some simple xCorrection and yCorrection variables. This way I don't have to consider the actual roomsize (not sure if it was needed though - didn't want to spend the time to find out).
- By default my game draws views to a surface rather than to the screen. And then I expand that surface to the fit screen (or whatever screen size the options dictate). This didn't play nice with custom cameras so I had to turn those off while in mapmode.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1442 on: May 09, 2021, 11:01:38 pm »
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I still dunno code, so it all looks confusing to me.
But props!
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1443 on: May 10, 2021, 08:38:28 pm »
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Thanks. But it's fairly easy if you want to try it out for yourself. (*cough* Says the man that a few spend hours researching *cough*) The actual complex stuff is done by gamemaker for you, so you can get a long a way with just experimenting if you get the general gist.

I like teaching so, let me see if I can explain (without going into too much detail):
Consider your game as having phones floating above your rooms to determine what gets drawn on your monitor/screen. We'll call the phone we normally use "view[0]". Normally the phone copies (=not films) a little part the room directly below it and then resizes it like you would a screenshot.

Now, you can tell gamemaker to stop making things easy for us and just turn on the phone´s camera instead to get the image. The phone will record like in real life: with depth and perspective.

First you tell the phone you want to display with this perspective.
Code: [Select]
camera_set_proj_mat(view_camera[0], matrix_build_projection_ortho(global.view_w, global.view_h, 1, 100000));
You don't have to understand the functions really. Just know that view_camera[0] is me telling gamermaker the reference to the phone, which was view[0]. Next there is a specific function to tell the game that we want to display stuff with perspective. Again, you don't have to understand what it does, just that it needs 4 pieces of information from you: how wide and tall the image should be (= I use the screen width and height), and what the draw distance should be (= I want to display everything between distance 1 and a milion away from the camera - so I basically just want to see everything). The distance thing is more relevant for 3d games where you don't draw people very far away from you, or the wall directly in front of the camera.

Next you need to tell the game how your phone is pointing to your room.
Code: [Select]
camera_set_view_mat(view_camera[0], matrix_build_lookat(iX, iY, -70, iX, iY, 0, 0, 1, 0))
Picture the room as a piece of paper on the floor. First I again tell the game that I want to adjust something about my specific "phone" by referencing it with view_camera[0]. Next I need to tell it how I'm holding it with 9 values. The first 3 values represent the point you want to look from; meaning the x,y,z position. I want to display from height 70 above room position iX, iY. The next 3 values represent the point I'm looking towards. I want to look directly down so I'm looking at the same iX,iY room at height 0 because I'm looking AT the room. Finally it is asking me how I'm holding my phone in x,y,z terms. (0,1,0) means I'm holding it like normal. (1,0,0) means I'm holding it sideways. And (0,0,1) means I'm standing on the room like it was a piece of paper and then start looking at a wall or something rather then down to the floor. I want to look at the room normally so I´m using (0,1,0)

And finally:
Code: [Select]
camera_set_view_mat(view_camera[0], matrix_build_lookat(iX, iY+10, -70, iX, iY, 0, 0, 1, 0))
Now I'm slightly changing the location I'm holding the phone at (by adding +10), while still looking at the same point in the room. So instead of looking straight down I'm looking at an angled. And voila. You're done.

All the other code is just to tell the phone to go back to it's default settings when you're down. And you can play around with the values to adjust the angles and stuff.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1444 on: May 14, 2021, 02:56:42 pm »
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Quicky update:
Finished the world maps sprites.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1445 on: May 16, 2021, 08:26:04 pm »
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The world maps have now been fully finished. I considered starting work on the cathedral / graveyard level but choose to work on a new boss instead. (Level design notes are still continuing but that's generally an ongoing process on the side). Given that I want to enter Sonic Expo this year it seems smart to work on smaller features and tweaks for now.

Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.23.10 (8 mei 2021)
* Finished LW worldmap spriting

0.23.11 (9 mei 2021)
* Made progress on the DW worldmap spriting

0.23.12 (14 mei 2021)
* Finished DW worldmap spriting
* Started early work on new boss
* Reorganised how boss item drops are set

0.23.13 (15 mei 2021)
* Made progress on new boss
* Hp value after continuing increased to 3/4 of full health

0.23.14 (16 mei 2021)
* Remove some obselete dev rooms
* Implemented system to show player (and return warp) position on the worldmap
* Finished implementing worldmaps
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1446 on: May 24, 2021, 03:10:10 pm »
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Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.23.15 (19 mei 2021)
* Made health alarm less annoying

0.23.16 (24 mei 2021)
* Tweaked dungeon 1 (=Tombs) a little for better flow
* Started work on new item: flute
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1447 on: June 06, 2021, 09:21:13 pm »
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Nearing the completion of the final equipable item: the ocarina. I'll likely release a new demo pretty soon for anybody wanting to help out with testing.

Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.23.17 (29 mei 2021)
* Made progress on the map displayed after using the flute
* Fixed incorrect goals displayed on the game select screen

0.23.18 (4 juni 2021)
* Fixed error with negative flute target selections
* Made progress with flute transitions

0.23.19 (6 juni 2021)
* Tweaked map goal visuals slightly
* Almost finished implementing flute
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1448 on: June 11, 2021, 09:44:40 pm »
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A screenshot showing the birds from the ocarina fast travel system I've almost fully implemented. You'll have to wake them up first so you will need to reach a location before that fast travel spot becomes available.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1449 on: June 13, 2021, 09:24:39 pm »
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Made decent progress this weekend. I'll likely release a new demo at the end of the next weekend (after tweaking the mining town difficulty a little). The map and Ocarina will be accessable at/near the start of the game so you will easily be check out the new content for yourself.

Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.23.20 (8 juni 2021)
* Implemented bird variants

0.23.21 (11 juni 2021)
* Finished implementing flute
* Added new terrain / mechanic: Overworld locations where you play the flute in order to remember it as a flute destination

0.23.22 (12 juni 2021)
* Tweaked bird activation sequence
* Added special DW ocarina transport
* Tweaked tilesets slightly

0.23.23 (13 juni 2021)
* Overhauled setup surrounding enemy defense values
* Added seperate damage classes for the hammer and thrown objects
* Tweaked defense stats for a few enemies
* Mini helmasaurus and taurus enemies slightly easier to kill
* Hitting enemies with the hammer results in a slightly larger enemy pushback
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance (demo 24 out)
« Reply #1450 on: June 21, 2021, 11:10:51 am »
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And here is the inbetween release: demo 24 is now out

You'll find the new worldmap and ocarina (birds) at the start of the game. Aside from that some time has been spend on streamlining the mining down dungeon (based on the earlier feedback).

As for the next steps, I'll likely first finish adding the final boss and move on to more bosses or the voted on graveyard dungeon. Also, I'm cautiously looking into setting up a kickstarter to turn this into an original work. Maybe set a year from now, if the game is received well enough within the SAGE event. I don't suppose any of you already have experience with the business side of kickstarter and/or indie development? (As in: setting up the company, advertisement and selecting suitable hires)

Demo version: 0.24.00
File Size: 24,85 MB (Zipped)
Screen Resolution: 320 x 240 (Changable)
Download (Mediafire): https://www.mediafire.com/file/jzzwd6tz4u1x8te/Zelda+0+23+027+(public+demo).zip/file

Differences in v24 compared to v23:
* Added overworld map
* Added new item: Ocarina
* Added fast travel creatures to work with the ocarina
* Tweaked soldier's tomb dungeon a little for better flow
* Tweaked mining town dungeon and enemies a lot for better flow
* Enchanted boomerang can be called back on demand
* Health warning has been significantly lessened
* Dying respawns you with more health
* Hammers and thrown objects now have their own damage stats
* Upgraded to the latest Gamemaker version
* Cleaned up the coding practices more

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.23.24 (15 juni 2021)
* Cleaned up coding style

0.23.25 (18 juni 2021)
* Cleaned up coding style more
* Made changes to a large number of mining town dungeon rooms for better flow
* Tweaked death signal further
* Fixed some doors not opening after boss ecape scene

0.23.26 (19 juni 2021)
* Cleaned up coding style more
* Made changes to more mining town dungeon rooms for better flow
* Fixed endless collisions with water in some situations while not having the flippers
* Tweaked dungeon map blinking
* Tweaked taurus visuals moving north
* Tweaked mini-helmasaurus movement speed and masking
* Lv2 boomerang can now be recalled at will

0.23.27 (20-21 juni 2021)
* Stopped health alarm during scenes
* Started researching kickstarter idea's
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1451 on: June 24, 2021, 01:41:53 pm »
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Pouvez-vous m'expliquer comment arttraper le crane avec le filet car je n'y arrive pas .MERCI
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1452 on: June 24, 2021, 01:52:00 pm »
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"Spoilers" for the fasttravel points:
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Vous utilisez la flûte devant les oiseaux (= debout sur le bloc de notes de musique devant). Après cela, vous pouvez utiliser la flûte pour fasttravel à ce point. Dans le monde sombre, vous avez besoin d’un élément différent pour activer le point de voyage rapide.

You use the flute in front of the birds (= standing on the music note block in front). After that you can use the flute to fasttravel to that point. In the dark world you need a different item to activate the fasttravel point.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1453 on: June 24, 2021, 01:59:38 pm »
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je ne parle pas de la flute c'est comment attraper le crane pou ravoir la clé et avoir la flute car je n'y arrive pas avec le filet
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1454 on: June 24, 2021, 02:08:37 pm »
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Peut-être que les sites de traduction sont médiocres, mais je ne comprends pas de quoi vous parlez. Pourriez-vous le décrire différemment. Peut-être que cela peut aider.

Maybe the translation sites is poor, but I do not understand what you are talking about. Could you describe it differently. Maybe that can help.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1455 on: June 24, 2021, 02:20:42 pm »
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au début de la nouvelle démo il y a un premier petit boss qui faut détruire pour avoir la clé qui ouvre la porte pour avoir l'ocarina c'est le boss qui je n'y arrive pas  avec le filet .
Peux tu m'expliquer comment détruire le boss avec le filet car j'ai bon essayer je n'y arrive pas .Merçi
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1456 on: June 24, 2021, 02:24:46 pm »
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Vous devez l'endommager suffisamment jusqu'à ce qu'il se retire. Ensuite, vous utilisez le net. Faites cela 3 fois.

Le combat est essentiellement un jeu entre amis jouant à faire croire. Mais il triche les 2 premières fois. Faire des excuses pour lesquelles il n'a pas été "vraiment" touché. Comme la « personne » enfantine qu'il est.


You need to damage him enough untill he retreats. Then you use the net. Do this 3 times.

The fight is basically a game between friends playing make belief. But he cheats the first 2 times. Making excuses why he wasn't "really" hit. Like the childish "person" he is.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1457 on: July 04, 2021, 07:42:57 pm »
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Hello all.
With demo 24 now out I have decided to focus on adding more bosses. Starting with the final boss (cause I felt like it). And later getting to the cathedral boss (cause the cathedral dungeon design centers around getting help for that fight - so it needs to be stable before adding actuals rooms etc).

Final boss teaser image (WIP)
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Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.24.01 (25-29 juni 2021)
* Made progress building a latest boss
* Cleaned up coding practies a further
* Calculated various kickstarter business cases

0.24.02 (30 juni 2021)
* Made progress building the new boss
* Made small amount of changes to some tilesets
* Cleaned up coding practices further

0.24.03 (1 juli 2021)
* Finished most recent plans for coding clean up

0.24.04 (2 juli 2021)
* Made progress on the final boss attack patterns
* Improved Helmasaurus king flamethrower attack pattern
* Bounced back boss projectiles are now seperated into a seperate damage class
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1458 on: July 11, 2021, 09:23:55 pm »
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Weekly update:
The final boss scope is creeping bigger again, but at least all the attacks are now finished. Next weekend will be all about playtesting those and locking in the stats and weaknesses.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.24.05 (3 juli 2021)
* Solved visual issue when electricuted while endless depths are on screen
* Added more attack patterns to final boss

0.24.07 (9 juli 2021)
* Tweaked existing final boss attack patterns
* Expanded darkness engine
* Added glowing eyes to boss
* Added more boss attack patterns

0.24.08 (10 juli 2021)
* Fixed error when defeating floating skull heads
* Tweaked collision making for thrown containers
* Fixed issue with enemies being pushed back in wrong direction when hit with stun while airborn
* Added additional boss attack pattern
* Added one more enemy type (=boss related)

0.24.09 (11 juli 2021)
* Added wall master enemy variant (= boss related)
* Finished final boss attack patterns

- Undead kees
- Wallmaster (special edition)
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1459 on: July 18, 2021, 09:42:16 pm »
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Weekly update:

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.24.10 (13-14 juli 2021)
* Upgraded to latest Gamemaker IDE and runtime versions --> FPS tanked from 60 to around 43. The MyCode part accounts for 2-3% of that.
* UPDATE: Found the issue to be only with the new runtime update (=the IDE/compiler update is fine). Rolled back and will look to see if things have improved sometime in the future.

0.24.11 (16 juli 2021)
* Final boss stun state now given visual effect
* Added boss stats and weaknesses
* Finished implementing building the new boss

0.24.12 (17 juli 2021)
* Added (placeholder) familymembers for Murray
* Tweaked boss death scene
* Tweaked boss stats
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