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Author Topic: Horn of Balance  (Read 595008 times)

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Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1500 on: January 16, 2022, 08:54:45 pm »
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I won't be posting the more finished rooms in the new dungeon because of potential spoilers if you have all the information together, but here is another "work in progress" image for one of the dungeon floors that is progressing nicely.

Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.25.52 (15 januari 2022)
* Tiled more rooms for the ice mountain dungeon
* Masked some of the ice mountain rooms

0.25.53 (16 januari 2022)
* Fully finished some of the rooms for the ice mountain dungeon
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1501 on: January 24, 2022, 12:24:45 pm »
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Weekly progress report:
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0.25.54 (22 januari 2022)
* Fully finished some more rooms for the ice mountain dungeon

0.25.55 (23 januari 2022)
* Made more tiling progress
* Added all keys, doors and chests to the ice mountain dungeon
* Finished ice mountain map
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1502 on: January 30, 2022, 10:08:36 pm »
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Lots more tiling progress got done this weekend. I've added some more images for people that like to see how these maps are put together. The actual progress is further along than this though. I'm omitting the final screenshots to keep parts of the dungeon a full mystery for when you get to play it in future dungeons.

Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.25.56 (29 januari 2022)
* Fully finished tiling ice mountain dungeon

0.25.57 (30 januari 2022)
* Added additional enemies and logic to the ice mountain dungeon
* Fixed triggered blade traps AI movement on return trips
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1503 on: February 06, 2022, 07:49:40 pm »
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And here is the latest update. I'm still heavily editing the ice mountain dungeon based on early feedback and selfcritique. So that's going to take a little while longer them expected.

Also, slowly but surely early progress is being made on the first sprites, music and coding to turn this project into an original IP. It is my hope to open up a dedicated discord server on the topic by the end of the month, depending on demand and progress. So look forward to that XD

Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.25.58 (5 februari 2022)
* Finished tiling ice mountain dungeon expansions

0.25.59 (6 februari 2022)
* Added pushswitches to ice mountain dungeon
* Added hidden stairs to ice mountain dungeon
* Fixed series of tiling depth issues in ice mountain dungeon
* Added a few more chest to ice mountain dungeon
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1504 on: February 08, 2022, 05:26:06 pm »
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Good luck with that. I'm sure more eyes will be opened to this fanwork.
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Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1505 on: February 13, 2022, 09:45:00 pm »
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Thanks. Hope to see you there as well ;)


As for the regularly schedule progress report.

Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.25.60 (12 februari 2022)
* Finished masking the ice mountain dungeon
* Added all the entrances and remaining chests to the dungeon map in the ice mountain dungeon

0.25.61 (13 februari 2022)
* Replaced two pressure plates puzzles in the mining town dungeon
* Made numerous tweaks to the ice mountain dungeon while playtesting
* Changed AI of green kodongo enemy
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1506 on: February 20, 2022, 10:08:58 pm »
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Weekly progress report:
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0.25.62 (18 februari 2022)
* Added kill triggers to ice mountain dungeon
* Big code rewrite to make staircases appear
* Improved bladetrap movement AI to handle more situations
* Updated to GML januari version (without the new collision settings)

0.25.63 (19 februari 2022)
* Edited two of the mining town dungeon rooms inside the mine
* Added extra type variant enemy projectile
* Connected the new ice mountain dungeon to the overworld (and deleted placeholder assets)
* Fixed final boss projectile destruction error that can occure rarely
* Added breakable wall visuals for icy cave lower floor
* Fixed all dungeon backgrounds (= yet another GML update breaking stuff)

0.25.64 (20 februari 2022)
* Playtested new dungeon and fixed a large number of small issues. Dungeon now more or less finished (excluding some unimplemented enemy types)
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1507 on: February 27, 2022, 09:40:19 pm »
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Lots of progress has been made this week. :)
Also, like I announced: I have been setting up a Discord channel. It still needs some testing and tweaking, but I'll likely open it up shortly (=at the end of the next weekend, hopefully).

Weekly progress report:
Code: [Select]
0.25.65 (21 februari 2022)
* Painstakingly fixed bugged room background settings, since GM update (again)

0.25.66 (23 februari 2022)
* Started work creating new dungeon maps for all area's

0.25.67 (25 februari 2022)
* Tweaked dungeon progress order just a little bit
* Fixed bug in options menu
* Made a ton of progress creating a custom tileset (with the help of earlier commissions)
* Fixed a few bugs in the latest dungeon

0.25.68 (26 februari 2022)
* Fixed staircase visual bug in the latest dungeon
* Made a ton of tiling / masking / logic changes to the latest dungeon
* Standardized code how enemies are spawning falling from the ceiling
* Did another full playtesting sweep of the newest dungeon (and fixed a whole range of minor oversights)
* Fixed new error when breaking stoned/frozen enemies
* Removed potential for enemy death sounds from playing multiple times simultaniously

0.25.69 (27 februari 2022)
* Finished adding in the options menu into the ingame menu (placeholder menu visuals for now)
* Fixed broken and overlayed sound effects in starting menu options menu
* Recoded data structures behind item menu equipable items
* Started work on new style of item menu
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1508 on: February 27, 2022, 10:06:29 pm »
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I wish I could say something more substantial other than awesome job on all the effort you make and progress you do.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1509 on: February 28, 2022, 02:06:32 pm »
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Would I be allowed in said discord channel to admire progress?
Also, nice work!
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1510 on: February 28, 2022, 05:55:44 pm »
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I wish I could say something more substantial other than awesome job on all the effort you make and progress you do.

Thank you very much!

Would I be allowed in said discord channel to admire progress?
Also, nice work!

Ofcourse! I just need a little bit more time to split off developer channels; add a small welcome text. Those types of things. After that the discord will be free to join.
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1511 on: March 06, 2022, 07:45:05 am »
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And here is the invitation link to join the new Discord server: https://discord.gg/redHXyZ2Gc

It's open for anybody to join. Feel free to send me some feedback on the set-up, once you're there, if you have tips to improve it further. Also, I will be slowly sharing the link on a few more sites in the coming month, so ZFGC has the scoop on this one ;).
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1512 on: March 07, 2022, 09:00:06 pm »
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So today marks the TRUE beginning of project Horn of Balance, as I have finally actually started removing existing Zelda assets to make room for the new code and resources. The point of no return, you could say.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
Switched over from fangame to project “Horn of Balance”
(=point of no return)

v0.26.00 (2 maart 2022)
* Finished new item menu page (+ split off parts for later quest menu page)
* Fixed HUD displaying “space” when one of the equippable items is mapped to the enter key
* Started work integrating dungeon map menu into general ingame menu

v0.26.01 (3 maart 2022)
* Made progress integrating dungeon map menu

v0.26.02 (4-5 maart 2022)
* Started massive rewrite of map roomdata setup (behind the scenes)

v0.26.03 (6 maart 2022)
* Finished map roomdata rewrite
* Started expanding types of information found on map menu
Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« Reply #1513 on: March 07, 2022, 10:40:16 pm »
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So, is the fangame complete, and just the original project needs to be finished?
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1514 on: March 08, 2022, 08:31:53 am »
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Progress on the fangame has "stopped" and only work on the original project will continue.
Meaning, I will no longer add things straight out of Alttp and will work to replace all visuals and audio already copied from the original. Additionally, I'm also reconsidering some design choices from aLttp to make the original game stand more on it's own. Combining the menu's, and integrating the options into them, is an example of that. Same with the earlier autosave functionality. So to in short: the game will stay mostly the same, but with a different coat of paint and design improvements.

It is my intention to now first focus on a new demo with all new assets, in order to launch a kickstarter in the second half of the year. This demo scope will be set to the first dungeon (=soldier's tomb). Possibly with some dungeon tweaks, if time allows it.

A minimal kickstarter success will be used to rework all the existing dungeons (=incl the cathedral and ice caverns not yet released) for a steam release. This route allows me to hire artists for assistance and lets me justify spending more of my own time and money on the project. So you would get the existing game with all new visuals, audio/music, 2 new dungeons and various design improvements.

A more successfull kickstarter will be used to, well basically end up making the full final game I always invisioned. Depending on the amount raised I could add all the remaining dungeons I had planned, with much more custom music, a massive overworld, various translations and so on. Hopefully we'll even reach enough for a physical release. I'm not one for self promotion or sales pitches, but I hope it's coming across how excited I am about this possibility. A lot of current restrictions on development would get lifted.  XD XD XD


Also, the new discord server just opened to join: https://discord.gg/redHXyZ2Gc   ;)
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1515 on: March 14, 2022, 12:16:47 pm »
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Progress report:
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v0.26.04 (9 maart 2022)
* Made more progress to the new dungeon map menu
* Map button now reroutes to the new menu, while in dungeons

v0.26.05 (11 maart 2022)
* Recoded parts of the new item menu for more intuitive navigation
* Started work on displaying detailed dungeon map information (= adding boss, fairy ponds, entrances)

v0.26.06 (12-13 maart 2022)
* Started work on displaying more detailed dungeon map information (= adding chests, entrances)
* Combined variables behind locked doors, cells and blocks
* Added more detailing to dungeon map room shapes
* Added in more information to dungeon maps (= locations of goals and locks)
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1516 on: March 21, 2022, 07:22:18 am »
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And here is the latest progress update.

Really spend a lot of time developing. It's giving me a lot of energy currently, so that was nice. Hope you like the various pieces of extra types of information I managed to add into the dungeon maps. (Everything is still very much work in progress btw - some visuals for example are still placeholder).

Overall the time needed to fully complete the new menu's (and especially the systems behind them) is taking a bit longer then expected however. I feel it is best not to rush this part though. Menu's should feel good to navigate; especially given the time players will be in them in-game. The good news is that I have some days off from work coming up, so I guessing one more week or work should be enough to get the setup and coding fully wrap up.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.07 (15 maart 2022)
* Added quest menu navigation logic

v0.26.08 (16 maart 2022)
* Cleaned up coding behind permanent upgrade items
* Quest menu item display logic now added

v0.26.09 (18 maart 2022)
* Spend a full day adding staircase indicators to the map, but ended up scrapping it because it got too cluttered and problematic in the later dungeons
* Tweaked map menu controls again for better feel
* Finished converting all existing dungeon maps to the new format

v0.26.10 (19 maart 2022)
* Replaced static quest menu visuals with conditional ones
* Experimented a bunch with font usage in the ingame menu's
* Tweaked menu tab positions and size

v0.26.11 (20 maart 2022)
* Can now switch between swords and tunics in new menu
* Escape button now also rerouted to the new menu (=options page; save&quit option pre-selected)
* Completed replacement of menu font usage
* Fully finished integrating dungeon map menu into new menu
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1517 on: March 28, 2022, 11:45:02 am »
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This week has had some good and bad news.

Sadly, Micah has decided to leave this project (and others) for personal reasons. Making this once again a solo effort. While this is disheartening and will have a negatively effect on the timetable, obviously life is more important than hobbies and work. I once again wish him the best.

In practical terms I will need to take some time to properly re-evaluate the full effects. Finding pixel artists that are skillful (and communicative), has proven to be a bit time consuming. So I'll likely focus on additional music and sound commissions later down the line. Although, if anybody already has connections that are interested in payed audio work, I'm all ears. Same goes for pixel artists; there's plenty of work to go around.

On a more positive note; the new in-game menu is now fully functional and feature complete! Which also applies to the coding behind the scenes. Feel free to share any feedback you might have.

Progress report:
v0.26.12 (21 maart 2022)
* Logic behind bomb and arrow (upgrades) values restructured
* Redirected old menu button to new menu (and cleaned up obselete coding and other resources)
* Finished adding movement logic behind quest & items menupages
* Menu items (like bombs and the bow) now dynamicly show the collected amounts on their spriteture behind journal menu page

v0.26.13 (22 maart 2022)
* Implemented additional font for menu's
* Edited the set-up behind the journal menu page

v0.26.14 (23 maart 2022)
* Extended on journal entries (and added scroll option for larger numbers of entries)

v0.26.15 (24 maart 2022)
* Fixed error in new placeholder world map menu page

v0.26.16 (25 maart 2022)
* Further tweaked journal menu page set-up
* Information on journal menu page is now only displayed as you encounter/kill more enemies
* Added a WIP disclaimer text to the game's debugmode (so I it's clearer that I'm not sharing final product screenshots)
* Reskinned HUD area welcome text

v0.26.17 (26 maart 2022)
* Replaced more sprites in dungeon map menu with custom sprites
* Replaced visuals for the first ingame HUD components
* Updated font for area floor indicator
* HUD no longer slides down as the ingame menu appears
* Fixed some surfaces breaking while changing screensize while in the ingame menu
* Added Murray to some of the ingame menu pages

pxl_moon (dotyue)

Team Dekunutz
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1518 on: March 30, 2022, 10:19:46 am »
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joined your discord to keep seeing the progress of your game.
i'm curious how the non-zelda sprites will gonna look

~Minish Cap Style~

Minish Cap Beta:Firerod Icon, Majoras Mask:ChuChu, Ocarina of Time:Gossip Stone, Oracle Series:Link plays the "Herpes of Ages", Impa, Wand Maker: HUD
~GB-Zelda Style~
Ocarina of Time: Deku Caca
Paper Mario Style Zelda&Link, Tetra Trackers HUD-Cleanups

Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1519 on: March 30, 2022, 03:08:14 pm »
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Glad to have you. And thanks for the support.

I'll make it a point to show some main character sprites soon.
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