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Author Topic: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game  (Read 6142 times)

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Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« on: December 05, 2009, 05:14:56 am »
King Mob, a user on this website, was creating a fan game called The Legend of Zelda: Shadowgazer. Sadly, this game was cancelled :'( . However, on one of his last posts, he mentioned that he was going to make it into an original game, but I have heard nothing else about it. Does anybody have any news on this "original game". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 09:38:47 am by bradleyshorwith »


Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2009, 05:18:38 am »
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Just check out the stickied thread in the wip board. Any information he's posted about it is in there.
Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2009, 05:19:37 am »
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A Fanboy of A Fangame, this is new.......oh and no I havent heard anything, Really I havent even really looked into it
Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2009, 05:58:16 am »
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I was confused in that the first part of your post involved a new user summarizing and teaching us existing users a history that we have been through ourselves. I was probably reading that too literally though as everyone posting tries to give explanation to what they're talking about. About his "original game" though, he hasn't said anything here more than he has last said, so I wouldn't know.


Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2009, 06:06:13 am »
Wow, that was fast. Thanks for all the help guys! And I am not a fanboy of that particular game per se, I just thought it looked cool. I am also following Ocarina 2-D And I might eventually make a fangame, but I just barely downloaded gamemaker and I know nothing about it yet.
Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2009, 06:39:29 am »
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If you are interested in making a Zelda fangame there are many engines and people who could help you on this forum. I recommend the GM Minish Cap Engine for getting started (although I could have really added better commenting for that). If you use that though, I'll answer all your questions about the features existing within it to a point where hopefully it'd make sense.


Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2009, 06:57:27 am »
Thanks. I think my main problem is not being patient. I probably want to try making a simple zquest before I even venture into something like this. Also, I am not very creative. My brother would probably come up with all the story, maps, etc. I would just make them into a game.
Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2009, 07:06:17 am »
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The users on here who get the most respect for the projects they work on involve them having a little patience themselves; it's a self-control to the "let's put out !@#$% scrambled together to !@#$% in some praise". Getting the little things right and/or taking time to ensure a project's stability and later efficiency make respecting and paying attention to that project and user a lot easier. And people here who ask for help will receive it more willingly if the help asked for isn't a complete shift of burden to those helping to do the project for them.

There are a lot of users here who're creativity-challenged, or rather there are those who just don't prefer being creative in the story or graphics sort of sense but rather in focusing on programming concepts. Using something like Game Maker isn't too difficult and in some ways you can learn the syntax styling of languages such as C++ through it; well sort of, in a general sense.

But yeah, don't worry about all that mess of words I just said. If you have any further questions though, feel free to ask, otherwise make sure to read the rules and whatnot. Also because I forgot to say it before, welcome to ZFGC enjoy your stay.
Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2009, 08:28:45 am »
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Welcome to ZFGC, bradleyshorwith! ^_^

I have used Game Maker ever since it came out, though I haven't had done much programming in the last few years.
I do remember that, when I started, I was all excited about making an RPG as my first game, which was a huge undertaking and of course it failed. :P
I suggest that you start out with something simple just to get more familiar with how GM works.

Make a game where Link must collect all of the rupees while avoiding enemies in order to win. Much like pac man, kinda sorta.
For your first game, you should just be trying to get familiar with GM.
So you don't need a menu, you don't need to make the game super long or anything, don't try for making a huge over world or even use of a sword, just keep it simple.

- Learning how to make objects move.
- Learning how to animate Link properly (this will probably be the hardest).
- Just getting a feel for how GM works and to learn the basics.


- Link character with walking animations for up, down, left, and right.
- Solid wall or block
- Rupee
- Enemy (just choose a simple one like a blob; one that doesn't attack, just moves)
- Rupee collect
- Some kind of background
- Link
- Solid wall
- Rupee
- Enemy
- Game room

That's just an example. If you want to do it or something like it, I should be able to help answer some of your questions and/or make you a few examples.
Good luck! :)

EDIT: (to be on topic, lol)
Oh yea, I also liked Shadowgazer. Very professional game. I haven't seen anything really that makes me think there has been any progress on it ever since it switched to being an "original" game though. And that was a while ago.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 08:34:37 am by FrozenFire »
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Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2009, 06:03:06 pm »
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Actually if you just downloaded gamemaker, I DONT suggest you start off with a zelda game. You need to know alot before making one, and you need to know more to make a decent one. Learning the mechanics and basics would be a good start, but don't be too ambitious on your first projects.

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Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2009, 11:50:04 pm »
Yeah, I'm just doing the tutorials from the YoYo Games website right now. I just finished Catch the Clown. I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Re: Zelda Shadowgazer Original Game
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2009, 12:21:41 am »
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Yeah, I'm just doing the tutorials from the YoYo Games website right now. I just finished Catch the Clown. I think I'm getting the hang of it.

Great to hear. I do suggest that you take Ethelon's suggestions to heart though.
A full length Zelda game is a huge undertaking for ANYBODY to do alone.

Some more really good suggestions and thoughts:

- A game almost always seems simpler until you actually start to make it (trust me).

- Big pictures (like backgrounds) and lots of objects and rooms tend to make the file size of the exe huge. Oh, and mp3's also. So, if you can, try to keep those things minimal. It will make loading and (sometimes) playing speeds faster. Which is always nice.

-  I strongly suggest that you learn to use GML (Game Maker Language) so you don't have to have all that drag and drop crap in the way. Those are nice to start out with, but that drag and drop crap is terribly inconvenient for bigger projects.

- Also, commenting on stuff is very helpful, especially if it's a bigger project. And making sure the comments give good explanations is also a good thing to do.

- When making bigger projects, plan out what sprites you will need, sounds, music, ect. Sketch out the menu and the options. Figure out a story. Sketch characters and enemies. That kind of stuff. These are just examples of course, but you get the idea.

And those are my suggestions. Hope I helped somewhat and good luck with GM. I hope to see a game from you sometime in the future. :)
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