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Topics - Obsequious Eye

Pages: [1]
Graphics / So, I thought I should start on a webcomic...
« on: August 22, 2007, 03:30:20 am »
I just want constructive criticism and stuff here, to know what to improve and what to keep. I had to do this with paper, a pencil, a scanner, and the mouse with the GIMP (I need a tablet...).

So, withough further ado, the first (and only asofar) episode of the comic "Random Obsessions":

Coding / PHP Issues [HELP]
« on: August 21, 2007, 07:04:15 pm »
I wrote a code that's supposed to display an image, if it exists, that is triggered by the variable in the url ("c" in this case - which it then labels as $comic). If that variable doesn't exist or has no value, it shows "latest.php", otherwise, it should check "comics/comic[number].png" to see if it exists, then, if it does, it shows it. If it doesn't exist, it simply shows "latest.php" - however, I removed this and put "FAILED" there, because the problem is that it never shows the images. Only "latest.php".

So here's the code for it, I hope someone can find what I did wrong:

Code: [Select]

$ext "png";
if ( 
$comic <= 
$comic 1;

//other stuff was here, but I removed it so you could just look at the php code

if ( !$comic || $comic == "" )
else if ( 
file_exists"comics/comic" "$comic.$ext) )
include (
"comic/comic" "$comic.$ext");


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Entertainment / The Blue Nowhere
« on: April 22, 2007, 12:44:52 am »
Has anyone here read it? It's a murder mystery by Jeffery Deaver. Very fascinating, if you like the genre, read it. Even better, it's about the internet, and killiing using it. This guy named "Phate" believes "all the world's a MUD game, and the people are merely characters" - he thinks he gets points by killing people, and uses hecking and social engineering to do so. Pretty screwed-up character, but a brilliant coder. Anyway, I found it very intersting. Opinions? (if you've read it, that is).

Audio / Some stuff (actually, 1 currently) I'm working on
« on: March 11, 2007, 08:13:37 pm »
This is the theme for some sort of warf or dock, I've pretty much finished it, but I'd like any feedback on it, to help improve it.
Here's a link to the midi: http://www.obsequiouseye.info/Track-1-2.mid

Graphics / My Attempt at a Custom Tileset
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:15:55 am »
Well, recently (actually, for a while, but whatever), I have been working on a custom tileset, and I think I've finally brought it far enough to post and get some constructive comments/criticism. I have tiled ocean water, sand, grass (a background, not single tiles), snow (likewise), walls (cliffs, actually, haven't done sloping ones yet), a cruddy dirt path/road not included in the mockup because I don't really like it, rocks, stone path, tree stump (the failed attempt at a tree, really), and stone houses. Oh, and a dock. Now, without further rambling, the tileset itself:
EDIT: Here is the most recent version:
and now a mockup using most of the tiles:

Comments? Questions? Constructive Criticism? Destructive Criticism?

LTTP & FSA / [LTTP] LTTP Water Tile Animations
« on: December 16, 2006, 09:56:17 pm »
I've looked around, but can't seem to find them. Does anyone have a rip of the water animations from alttp? Thanks!


The Legend of Zelda: Rise of Hyrule

Excerpt from ???Ancient Hylian Legends: Volume IV??? From the Library of Hyrule, Third Establishment.

???A long, long, long time ago, a great sea covered this fair land. This sea had been cause by a great
evil that could not be rectified, and the three Goddesses flooded this land to save its people. Many
years later, the sea was cursed by another evil power. A young boy known as the ???Hero of Winds??? for
his supposed ability to control the wind with a magical instrument called the Wind Waker, improsoned
this evil away, and then left this land, in search of a ???new??? Hyrule. Ever since then, the Great Sea
has been slowly receding, until it is as it is seen now, no more than a collection of large lakes,
and the previous islandic landmasses are now towering mountains. And thus, many people say, the
Great Sea will continue to recede, until the entirety of the ???Old Hyrule??? is uncovered. However,
many people wonder if the Great Evil that caused this land to be flooded still dwells down, beneath
the waves, and if it's exposure again to the rays of the sun will be our very downfall...???


You live in a time period where the Great Sea is about halfway drained. One day, your uncle, whom
you live with, goes missing. What starts with just being a small quest to find out what happened to
your uncle by seeing the Great Valoo turns into a larger one, of finding and retrieving the Master
Sword, then to catastrophic proportions where you have to re-imprison Ganon once again. This quest
will expand through, twist, and redefine three different periods of time, the past, present, and
future, and, as you find out, the only place you can defeat Ganon is in the present. The ending
(which I shall not divulge here) includes a very unexpected plot twist.

Basically, the game revolves around a massive overworld in three differing stages of flooding,
depending on the time. Throughout the game there are temples where you can move forewards or
backwards through time, and then can access different parts of Hyrule. Though not as eerie or
limited timewise as Majora's Mask, there is an aura of doom or foreboding that seems to hang
over you, once you discover that Hyrule is doomed should it ever see the light of day again.

It has three massive overworlds, a myrid of new items, several villages to explore, over 12 dungeons (designed by A.S.), amazing music (by Josef Falkensk??ld), and a complex storyline that will keep you thinking.

Current Progress
I'm not so good at estimating percentages, but let's say around 15% done. Maybe.








Production Team
  • Obsequious Eye - Manager, Programmer, Tiler
  • Josef Falkensk??ld - Music (as of yet, overworld themes)
  • Alluvial Sphinx - Dungeon Design, storyline development (past the base plotline)
  • Open slots (programmer, Spriter)
I will not be putting in credits until the demo because I'm not sure what will stay and what will go, and what new things will be introduced up until then.You may notice a few drastic changes graphicswise if I decided I like something a bit better, or it seems to fit better. However, if you really want to be mentioned now, just tell me, and I'll put that in this post.
People who wished to me mentioned now:
  • Laigonaz - Day/Night Engine


Support banner if you want to use it:

Questions, Comments, and Constuctive Criticism are welcome.

Graphics / O.E.'s sprites
« on: October 15, 2006, 04:52:45 am »
Well, here are my only sprites so far (there are others, somewhere on my computer, but I don;t know where) :

A grand piano (lttp style):

Anyone can use, but please credit (the logo at the top-left is my logo (infinity over pi) and the sprite at the bottom right is me)

Also, I power button I did just a little while ago for AoDC (not sure if if wants anyone to be able to use it if he picks it):

Please do not use this last one, it's for LoZ:RoH that I'm working on...

and that's all for now. Constructive Criticism and Comments are welcome.

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