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Messages - Sinkin

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Graphics / Re: Reworks (and some bonus art)
« on: April 13, 2024, 04:57:35 am »
Absolutely love all of these, definitely makes me want to draw pixelart again, hope to see more soon!

thanks for the credit btw :,)
I definitely think you should! You are amazing at it.

And more stuff is on the way, along with some art from my own game.

Graphics / Reworks (and some bonus art)
« on: April 11, 2024, 12:25:38 pm »
I got a bit nostalgic over this place and wanted to do some reworks on my old art from my time here. I tried to find as much as I could here, aswell as on my parents old computer. Managed to find some art but far from everything. If anyone have anything saved, shoot me a PM here or a DM on Discord.

The first thing that I wanted to rework was a map from the old community project KoT. It was the grocery shop, where the original vision is still here but more logical and, well, better. (Might need to add some more ice to the walls)

The second thing I wanted to revisit was an edit that I made from Leduardos King of Red Lions sprite. The edit is based on an edit Xfixium made. This is still a little bit of an wip, need to finish the waves on the right version.

The third thing is some art I did last year, some custom OoT 2D sprites. Heavy wip.

I have more things coming and I hope this will spark some creativity here!

(Zunari sprite made by Darklink45)
(Octoroks sprite made by KingMob)

Graphics / Re: LTTP resolution BoTW Mockup
« on: March 19, 2024, 03:41:48 pm »
It's nice to see my old work is still being used! God, I miss this place.

Graphics / Re: Pixel dump [10 years of pixel art]
« on: August 30, 2021, 07:49:41 pm »
I'm still alive. Still placing pixels.

Graphics / Re: Pixel dump [10 years of pixel art]
« on: May 31, 2020, 07:42:35 am »
A little bump for a Gohma. 

Don't know where I want to take this piece, still a heavy wip. Might redo it completely, but we'll see.

Graphics / Re: Pixel dump [10 years of pixel art]
« on: May 22, 2020, 05:52:34 pm »
I really like the detail on these. Very well done.
Was the entire game intended in this spriting style?
Yes, it was. I was trying to go for a more “colorful but dark” type of style, hence the shading that I used on the icons. My inspiration was the artwork for OoT in terms of feeling.

Graphics / Pixel dump [10 years of pixel art]
« on: May 20, 2020, 10:04:10 am »
I still lurk here and I still do pixel art. Just realised that I have been doing pixel art for 10 years now. That's crazy and I'm still learing a lot of new stuff.

So here are some 32x32 item icons for a fan made Zelda game that is cancelled.

The icons with the red background are edits and those with a gray one are done by me. Feel free to use them but don't forget to give credit.

I have more stuff to post soon-ish~

Graphics / Re: I still do pixel art, but not as much
« on: December 03, 2017, 10:18:47 pm »
Aaaah, nice pointers. The shading is really off actually. It’s nice to have some fresh eyes on this tho, but the tree needs to be remade completely.

And aren't those flowers from this image? https://i.pinimg.com/736x/13/11/78/1311781da76a73bd1422f625fd842822--pix-art-game-ui.jpg

Yep, they are. Got a permission from the artist a long time ago to use it for my old fan game when I had some serious issues to sprite smaller things haha, but I chucked them in as placeholders just to see the whole scene. They will definitely be remade to fit the overall style a bit more  :)

Aaah ok. For the tree why not try and mimic the leafs from the image? I think those leafs are made with a method similar to the last one in this image:

(spriting trees can be a pain, I've tried many times with different methods and failed lol)

Edit: that bug thing looks awesome! Reminds me of a Tektite. (Why did you remove the image of the wall with the tree?)

Thanks for the tip, but I want to try my own hand at the tree design, I think the new one is a big improvement from the old design.

I removed it because the more I looked at it, the more I saw things that bothered me that I need to fix, so I replaced it with a Tektite I made instead  :P

Graphics / Re: I still do pixel art, but not as much
« on: December 03, 2017, 07:43:37 pm »
Aaaah, nice pointers. The shading is really off actually. It’s nice to have some fresh eyes on this tho, but the tree needs to be remade completely.

And aren't those flowers from this image? https://i.pinimg.com/736x/13/11/78/1311781da76a73bd1422f625fd842822--pix-art-game-ui.jpg

Yep, they are. Got a permission from the artist a long time ago to use it for my old fan game when I had some serious issues to sprite smaller things haha, but I chucked them in as placeholders just to see the whole scene. They will definitely be remade to fit the overall style a bit more  :)

Graphics / I still do pixel art, but not as much
« on: December 03, 2017, 09:59:11 am »
It's been a while! And I still do pixel art, but not as much as I used to.

So as a warm up I did this quick little mock up. I want to keep my focus on Zelda related stuff so I can make art in this style and maybe have enough art to turn it into a project some day. Who knows?

A new and updated artwork is coming!

Feedback is always nice  :)

Zelda Projects / Re: Zelda - Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: April 27, 2017, 06:02:59 am »
Team Dekunutz may have made an official announcement about their version but I don't recall it.  Xfinium stepped down as leader in 2013 and it just seemed to disappear after that.
Yes, as a former member from that team we did come out with a statement in the developer thread here at ZFGC. The reason why we stopped working on it was that people had other things to do and the personal life came first.

Anyway, if Link.57 wanna use the resources from Team Dekunutz's OoT 2D, we did release the last build of the project in our developer thread. It contains every sprite, tile, code and so on. Don't forget to give credit to our members if you use anything.

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: March 16, 2017, 01:08:34 pm »
It will probably look better if you fuse your sprite with this Skyward Sword Bokoblin.
(I forget who was the creator of this sprite, just found it on my computer)
Oh my, those are mine haha, made them back in 2010  :-[

Anyway, I think you can make the Bokoblin a little bit bigger, if you look at the screenshots and art of it you can see that his body is kinda shaped like a pear. You can also see that he got a more hunching pose with his legs far apart kinda like a sumo stance. 

Just got a message from the retailer that the console and my copy of BotW was waiting for me, so i sent my brother to pick it up for me since I'm not home until late afternoon tomorrow! But I'm pretty hyped and I have to keep my eyes away from any website that can spoil anything about the game until i get home haha

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: February 16, 2017, 08:31:21 pm »
Your spriting skills are getting better, great to see! Just made a quick edit of your Link sprite. Do what ever you want with it.

Updates / Re: NCFC 2016 Booth Registration is Open.
« on: September 14, 2016, 09:41:30 am »
Yeah, what monsters for trying to protect their own creative content.
They are the worst kind of monsters as well! Damn you Nintendo for protecting your IP's!

On a more serious note, c'mon guys. There are a lot of creative minds here on this forum and I'm actually surprised that there are so few original projects on this site. I've been over at the TIG-forums and wow, the projects over on that site is crazy. I would love to see that kind of creativity on this site as well. So, don't be mad at Nintendo for protecting their own content, I bet you guys would be pissed if someone tried to leech on your content as well.

EDIT: I'm not pointing any fingers haha. Since I've been working on fan games as well, but I came to a realisation that hey, if I can come up with cool and original stuff that could make a fan game good and come somewhat close to making it feel like the real deal, then why not make something completely original and actually get my name out there in the industry. I can say that making an indie game is so much easier now then it was a couple of years back. Now we got Steam Greenlight, Kickstarter, Indiegogo and such.

Graphics / Re: FSA Ganon MC style
« on: September 04, 2016, 09:36:31 pm »
I attempted Yuga-Ganon in MC style too. (If you ever decide to make levels for each game, you already have nearlly all the Ganons XD) That makes 6/9 Ganons in total.
I gave the FSA Ganon a shot.

Sprites/Tiles / Re: KOT Enemy Sprite Topic
« on: August 07, 2016, 01:14:16 pm »
Looks more like a Stal-Poe...
It's a mix between the two. The sprite is based on the old artwork for KoT, but if there is a new piece of artwork that's been approved then we'll go with that.

Sprites/Tiles / Re: KOT Enemy Sprite Topic
« on: August 06, 2016, 05:42:47 pm »
Found it.

Sprites/Tiles / Re: KOT Enemy Sprite Topic
« on: August 05, 2016, 10:57:31 pm »
Didn't we already sprite the Poes at one point? For some reason I remember we had a Poe sprite, maybe it was for Juan the poe, or maybe I just saw somebody had made them independently and I'm mixing it up, lol. Does anyone else remember seeing those before I spend a ton of time looking for something I'm just imagining?
I think you reffer to the one I a couple of years back? If had it on this computer I would've attached it but I guess it may be somewhere on this site.

Sprites/Tiles / Re: KOT Enemy Sprite Topic
« on: July 01, 2016, 05:21:13 pm »
Oh wow, that one is really old haha. Can't believe that's from 2012, I'm getting old. I did a quick rework of it, only the head though. I think I went a bit too far with it, but I might continue on it buuuut here it is.

EDIT: Oh also, head is still a little bit rough, so I will get into that later if have more time to spend on it.

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