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Topics - Martijn dh

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Coding / Which is more efficient
« on: January 14, 2012, 09:38:07 am »
So the problem is as follows:
My gamemaker game uses two methods of checking for collisions against solids (I'm talking about the rectangular solid objects only right now) and I'm wondering which is better / more efficient. I have a strong hunch that method 1 is faster, but would like to see it confirmed before I spend a couple of days on changing things back. If anybody knows of a method to check the differency myself (get time before and after lines of code?) then that would also help.

Method 1: Default mask checking.
You'd get something like the code below if used (in a larger movement script). The downside to this is that you need to make a lot of masks ahead of time for every single size you want. All dimensions are multiples of 8, but that still means a lot of sprites. 8x8, 16,8, 32x8, 8x16, 8x32, 8x80, 16x16 etc. I've got around 60+ different rectangular sized sprites in use right now and that's only because I often avoid adding new masks when a combination of older masks can do the same. To limit the number of sprites, the filesize, the loading time etc. I do this reluctantly though because less objects, to check collisions against, the better.

Code: [Select]

// Set depth
if (creator_id.depth_scale = c_Lower) {argument[4] = obj_Solid_Lower_Floor_Unpassable} else {argument[4] = obj_Solid_Upper_Floor_Unpassable};

// Check collisions against solid masking
argument[3] = script_Check_If_Two_Objects_Collide(id, argument[4], round(New_X_Position+Final_xspeed)-x,round(New_Y_Position+Final_yspeed)-y, true);
if (argument[3]!=0)
    // Check if you didn't start in the same object
    if (place_meeting(round(creator_id.creator_id.x + x_correction), round(creator_id.creator_id.y + y_correction - creator_id.height_above_ground), argument[3]) = false)
         // action


Method 2: Imaginary collisions.
Check out the script below. I give the solid object a width, length, depth and offset. Next I use this code below to check if an enemy or object is colliding with it. The upside is freedom to create any shape you want without problem. Very usefull if you want to cut down on the number of objects in the room. The downside, I suspect, is (far?) less efficient collision checking.

Code: [Select]
// WITH (object you wish to check other collisions against)

// argument[0] = object to check if it collides with self
// argument[1] = correct self location on the x-axis
// argument[2] = correct self location on the y-axis
// argument[3] = compare depth_scales [true/false] (OPTIONAL)

// SET:
// argument[4] = instance counter
// argument[5] = number of objects to check collision against
// argument[6] = instance you are currently checking collisions against
// argument[7] = indicator to help check for matching depth_scales

// Returns collision object_id or 0

argument[4] = 0;
argument[5] = instance_number(argument[0]);

if (argument[5] > 0)
    // check collisions with all objects of the given sort
    for (argument[4]=0; argument[4]<argument[5]; argument[4]+=1)
        argument[6] = instance_find(argument[0], argument[4]);
        argument[7] = false;

        if (argument[3] = true)
            if (depth_scale = argument[6].depth_scale) {argument[7] = true};
            argument[7] = true;

        if (argument[7] = true)
            if (collision_rectangle(argument[6].x + argument[6].border_x - argument[1],
                                    argument[6].y + argument[6].border_y - argument[2],
                                    argument[6].x + argument[6].width - 2*argument[6].border_x - argument[1],
                                    argument[6].y + argument[6].height - 2*argument[6].border_y - argument[2],
                                    id, true, false) > 0)
                return argument[6];

return 0;

Anybody have any thoughts on the matter?

Feedback / Video embedding
« on: December 26, 2011, 11:10:50 am »
I'm sorry to say I'm a little annoyed by the lack of embedded videos. Or am I missing something?
Assuming the feature is abscent to save traffic, isn't there a midway solution like one video per post or per starting post?

Check the attachment for the sprites I am currently working with. I'm not sure how long it has been, but FrozenFire made these for me way back when. I FINALLY got around to actually using them. They are still rough though, meaning I still need to seperate the handle (and possible the head) from the rest of the sprite, but that is my concern.

Why I am posting this topic is because the arm's wave motion doesn't translate well in the actual game. They are used for when the character is swinging around a very large flail, but now that I'm partly done with the programming it is clear that the motions are too gentle. It is not noticable enough so I'm hoping someone here could edit them a little. Making the waving stand out more.

Any takers?

EDIT: When I mention the armswinging I'm talking about the last 8 sprites on the strip (just in case that wasn't clear).

Graphics Requests/Archive / [request] custom alttp-styled broken wall
« on: November 04, 2011, 07:15:06 pm »
It's been a while but I have another custom sprite request: broken wall sprites.
They are for a boss fight in the next demo so I'll be adding them to the game as soon as somebody is able to help me.

The video below says it all. The Cukeman enemy from alttp has a rather funny animation when hit.
Could someone help me get/find/rip those sprites while it's electric?

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDisaYKDVaw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDisaYKDVaw</a>

LTTP & FSA / [Solved] Custom magic attack (alttp style)
« on: June 05, 2011, 10:16:19 am »
Hello all,

I have another request for my game: a magic attack to be used with the rod of medu (=stone magic).

With some more work I should be able to release a new demo by the end of next week, but I'm strungling to also be able to include the stone magic. The original plan was to use the magic attack (sound included) from Super Mario World's magikoopa for sprites, but the size was wrong. It should be no larger then 16x16. Also the colors seem really out of place in the style. My editing hasn't helped it much.

I've attached my own attempt at the magic (along with the magic from the ice- and firerod for possible reference). If someone could make me an animation (that DOES fit with the lttp style) to use as stone magic I'd be most gratefull.

Updates / The Dungeon Design Contest has started
« on: April 22, 2011, 06:50:53 pm »

The contest has begun!

I missed it?! - That depends. You can still register to enter till the 29th of April
Till when will it run? - The contest will run til the 31st of May or untill all the results have been send in

For more information read click on the header link.

Updates / The Dungeon Design Contest will start on April 22nd
« on: April 06, 2011, 05:55:03 pm »
Registration is now open!

As promised there will an upcoming dungeon design competition.

When does it start? - April 22nd
Till when can I enter? - You have to register before the 29th of April to enter
Till when will it run? - The contest will run til the 31st of May or untill all the results have been send in

For more information read the connected topic in the contest section of the forum.

Contests / Dungeon Design Contest (using GMare)
« on: April 06, 2011, 03:15:05 pm »
Dungeon Design Contest (using GMare)

When does it start? - April 22nd
How and till when can I enter? - Post here before April 29th to enter
Till when will it run? - The contest will run till the 31st of May or until all the results have been send in

On April 22nd each participant will be presented with a GMare file preloaded with the relevant objects and tileset. No additional resources may be used. All particants attempt to build a dungeon before the end of the event, which will then get graded by the general public. The winning design will be converted into a stand alone game, so we actually see it in action. You'll also receive a little trophy by your name as prove.

Below will be a detailed description on how to build a dungeon, how to add object and so on. Please browse through the text when it is finished. Preferably before starting on your dungeon design. Check the final chapter for details on how to submit your endresult.

Registered contestants:
- Homegrownpwn
- infinitenintendo
- Jetstorm4
- Knighty
- shongshui


How to build a dungeon?

Step 1. Downloading GMare & resources

GMare can be found here: http://gmare.codeplex.com/
Resources can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/?dagrrcudf6amsa6

Step 2. Defining rooms

When building your dungeon you will need to determine how large each individual room will be and where it is placed. To help you can do the following. First create a new layer, called Room Borders, at the default depth of -1000000000. Set your GMare grid to 320x320 and color the borders of the rooms you wish to use. Keep in mind that your dungeon may use no more than 16 blocks of 320x320 pixels. Here's an example:

The example shows that I want to build 3 rooms in my dungeon, using four blocks of 320x320 pixels.
Just a friendly warning: do not make rooms consisting of more then 6 blocks. It may murder the framerate if you are going place lots of objects in them later.

The following is an example that is wrong:

Rooms must always have a rectangular shape. The example above has a room that is a different shape and thus will not be usable.

After you have placed down the blocks to build your dungeon it is time to document the basic variables needed. Give each room a indexnumber starting from zero and create a separate textfile to document the following per room: room index / x / y / width / height

For the example I would have to document the following.

Code: [Select]
// Room information
Index / x / y / width / height
 0 /   0 /   0 / 320 / 320
 1 / 320 /   0 / 320 / 320
 2 /   0 / 320 / 640 / 320

Step 3. Tiling your rooms

When tiling rooms you have to keep an eye out for using the proper depths.

The two depthranges are:
- The upper floor (= all depths between 500 and 600)
- The lower floor (= all depths between 1600 and 1700)

Basically all basic floortiles may be placed within the lower depths. The exception to this is when Link (or any part/extention of Link) can pass under that piece of tiling. In that case the tiling has to be placed within the higher depths. I will demonstrate with the example below.

Upper Layer

Lower Layer

Step 4. Connecting your rooms

You'll want to connect your rooms with doorways, but it is important to understand that you can not just randomly place these anywhere. I'll try to explain and add some examples.

The reason lies in the in-game cameracontrol. When you are walking around in a room nothing outside of that room will be displayed on screen. This means that the camera does not always center on the main character. When you touch a doorway the screen will move in the direction of that doorway towards a new room. Upon arrival the game considers the new room as the current room and it checks if the camera can be centered yet again. If it then can than a nasty screenjump will occur. That's bad room design!

Let's say you want to add a doorway through a vertical wall:
- Place the doorways on both sides of the wall where you'd like to put them.
- Look at the center of your doorways and imagine an line going up 120 pixels and down 120 pixels (also see the example).
- If your line hits any room borders (which are the bright red area's in the example) and the same thing does not happen in both rooms equally then the doorway is not placed correctly. All other situations are fine.

Example 1 (Bad)

In this example I'm trying to place a doorway through a vertical wall. In the second image you can that I have marked the area 120 pixels up and down of the doorways. On the left side of the wall I hit the left room's border. This does not happen on the right side of the wall so my doorway is not placed correctly.

Example 2 (Good)

Here I am once again trying to place a doorway through a vertical wall. The second image highlights an area 120 pixels up and down from the center of the doorway. On both sides of the wall the upper border of the rooms is hit within those 120 pixels. This is fine! It happens, but it happens on both sides so there is no problem. If it would not have hit any borders then it would have been fine also.

Positioning a doorway through a vertical wall is basically the exact same thing. Only instead of looking 120 pixels up and down, you'll need to look 160 pixels left and right.

< I'm skipping the rest of this step to keep things simple. You will not have to worry about changing tiledepths between doors. Nor will you have to place the needed objects >

Step 5. Placing doors

There are currently 3 doorobjects:
- obj_Locked_Door_Small_Key
- obj_Locked_Door_Large_Key
- obj_Conditional_Door

Place these at the center of the doorway where you want them (see example below).
I will need a list of the following information per locked door: x / y / doorindex / small key or large key / opened or locked
I will also need a list of the following information per conditional door: x / y / doorindex / opened or closed

Doorindex = The indexnumber by which one or multiple doors may be referenced. The count starts at 0 and there is separate count for locked and conditional doors. Doors that share the same state (=opened or closed) and are dependant of each other (=open together or close together) should be given the same index number. Each other door should get it's own index number.

Here is an example placement and documentation.

Code: [Select]
// Locked doors
// x / y / doorindex / small key or large key / opened or locked
104 / 264 / 0 / large / locked
104 / 360 / 0 / large / locked
472 / 384 / 1 / small / locked
472 / 240 / 1 / small / locked

// Conditional doors
// x / y / doorindex / opened or closed.
272 / 96 / 0 / closed
352 / 96 / 0 / closed

Step 6. Placing chests

To add a chest to your game, wether it is a large or small chest, first tile the bottom half of the chest into your room like you would the floor. Then place the object obj_Chest on top of it as show in the example below. Finally document the following information per chest: x / y / index / large or small chest / content

Possible chest content:
- Nothing
- Rupee (green/blue/red)
- Key (small* / master)
- Book of Mudora
- Bottle containing a fairy
- Compass
- Dungeonmap
- Pegasus boots
- Glove (silver / gold)
- Sword (default / master sword)
- Shield (default / upgraded shield)
- Tunic (upgraded tunic)
* more details can be found in step 11

Example placement and documentation:

Code: [Select]
// Chests
// x / y / index / large or small chest / content
408 / 200 / 0 / small chest / master key
104 / 464 / 1 / large chest / pegasus boots

Step 7. Placing containers

To add a container to your game simply place the object obj_Container_Creation. Then add the creation coding as seen below. Containers basicly only need three input variables:
- depth_scale: meaning is the container positioned on the upper or lower floor.
- type: what kind of container you want it to be. The possible options are listed inside the creation coding example.
- item_index: what items should be created when the container gets destroyed.

Creation code:
Code: [Select]
depth_scale = <fill in c_Upper or c_Lower>;

type = <fill in one of the numbers below>;
// 0 = vase normal
// 1 = bush lightworld
// 2 = skull
// 3 = small rock light
// 4 = small rock heavy
// 5 = gray square block
// 6 = large rock heavy
// 7 = large rock darkworld
// 8 = large rock light
// 9 = crate
// 10 = bush darkworld
// 11 = vase middle
// 12 = vase large
// 13 = barrel

item_index = <fill in one of the numbers below>;
// -1 = random
// 0 = none
// 1 = small magic bottle
// 2 = large magic bottle
// 3 = small heart
// 4 = single bomb
// 5 = five arrows,
// 6 = green rupee (1)
// 7 = blue rupee (5)
// 8 = red rupee (20)
// 9 = small key*
* Check out step 11 for more information on adding keys

Overview of the available containers:

Overview of the different weights:

Light (no gloves needed)
 0 = vase normal
 1 = bush lightworld
 2 = skull
10 = bush darkworld
11 = vase middle

Heavy (silver gloves needed)
 3 = small rock light
 8 = large rock light
 9 = crate
12 = vase large
13 = barrel

Very heavy (golden gloves needed)
 4 = small rock heavy
 5 = gray square block
 6 = large rock heavy
 7 = large rock darkworld

Step 8. Placing ledges and lights


Link can jump from ledges in a straight line. You will do not have to place objects needed for this, but as the designer you should make sure Link does not get stuck while landing. I will attempt to further explain this with two images.

Image 1:

The locations along the ledge that are marked red indicate bad locations to jump down. Moving in a straight line down from there will result in the character getting suck in the walls. The brown area is equally unsuited because moving down in a straight line will get the player stuck inside the chest or the stairs. Had the chest been positioned 8 pixels lower then the location would still be unsuited, since Link always links a tiny distance away from the wall. Had the chest been positioned 16 pixels lower and the stairs 8 pixels further to the right then it's all good. The green area is what remains and those are the positions where Link can jump down safely without any further adjustments.

Image 2:

Taking the comments from the first image into consideration your room might end up looking something like this (if you want Link to be able to jump done anywhere possible).

Lights (also named "torches")

1. Small torches
These are the lights you could light with the lantern in Alttp. In my game however you currently can't do anything special with it (yet) so adding one would just be for decoration purposes. Simply place the obj_Small_Torch somewhere in your dungeon and you're done.

2. Large torches
These are the larger lights (32x32 pixels), you sometimes see in dungeons, which are also just meant as decoration. Place the obj_Large_Torch somewhere in your dungeon and you are done.

3. Wall lighting
These are the lights you sometimes see attached to walls inside dungeons. Adding them is a small hazzle. First place a obj_Wall_Light on the wall like as seen in the example above. The add the following creation code:
Code: [Select]
sprite_index = sprite_Wall_Light_A;
image_speed = 1/6;
Required_Facing = <fill in c_Left, c_Up, c_Right or c_Down>;

For required facing enter the character's facing when he's looking at the light on wall. If you are placing the light on the left side wall of your room then enter c_Left. Use c_Up for the upper wall, c_Down for the lower wall and c_Right for the right wall.

Step 9. Placing switches and movables

Switches have different means to activate and they are usefull for triggering events, which I'll explain in step 12.

Pressure plates
There are three types of pressure plates:
0. The switch is activate (once) when you stand on it
1. The switch is activate as long as you stand on it
2. The switch alters between an active and inactive state each time you stand on it

To add a pressure plate place an obj_Pressure_Plate somewhere in your dungeon. Next document its location, index number, type and sprite.
Code: [Select]
// Pressure Plates
// index / x / y / type / sprite
0 / 150 / 320 / 0 / 1
1 / 20 / 764 / 1 / 1
2 / 66 / 320 / 2 / 2

There are two sprites to pick from (as seen in the image below). The first sprite is used for a default pressure plate you see under pots and elsewhere. The second is usefull as a more hidden pressure with a simular floorpatern.

Crash switches
A crash switch is an invisible switch that activates when the player crashes up against it using the running boots. To add one of these position an obj_Crash_Switch inside something solid (like a wall, large light or even a master chest) in a way that the player can walk up against it, but not over it.

Next give it the following creation code:
Code: [Select]
index = <fill in the crash switch's index number>;
depth_scale = <fill in either c_Upper or c_Lower>;

And then document all of your crash switches:
Code: [Select]
// Crash switches
// index / x / y
0 / 148 / 320
1 / 204 / 764

Movable objects

When defining a movable object you are given the option to disable each individual movement direction. You can forget about this if you want by allowing all movement. If want however it is possible to get creative.

Example 1: Using events (=step 12) you can use this to create a "pull switch". Let's say the movement object is placed at y = 90 and may only move downwards. When it is moved down to y = 98 you can use that as a trigger for an event like opening a door and/or lock any further movement with that movable object by disallowing all directions.

Example 2: Let's say you want a moveable object / statue in your room with a limited action radius. The object allows movement in all directions, but if  x < 90 then you disable further movement in the left direction. Doing this for all directions allows you to define a nice (rectangular) area for the movable object to stay containt in. Like for instance, the statue may not move off the carpet on the floor.

To add a movable object place down a obj_Movable_Object somewhere in your dungeon. Next document its location, index number, sprite and which directions the object is allowed to move in.
Code: [Select]
// Movable objects
// index / x / y / sprite / allow left / allow up / allow right / allow down
0 / 150 / 320 / 1 / true / true / true / true

There are two sprites to pick from (as seen in the image below).

Step 10. Placing enemies

To create an enemy you will have to place the following object in your dungeon: obj_Enemy_Creation. Next, right click on the created instance and fill in the creation code to specify the enemy parameters. I'll go over the needed creation code per type of enemy in a minute. The symbols <> indicate what values you may (or have to) change. First though there some variables to explain.

depth_scale - This variable tells wether the enemy is positioned on the upper or lower floor. Fill in either c_Upper or c_Lower for the respective floors.
facing - This variables tells which side the enemy should be facing at the time of his creation. Fill in either c_Left, c_Up, c_Right or c_Down.

Enemy creationcodes

Code: [Select]
// parameters
name = "Plant";
depth_scale = <fill in c_Upper or c_Lower>;
enemy_type = 0;
item_index = -1;
active_outside_room = 0;

Stalfos (blue / red / yellow*)
Code: [Select]
// parameters
name = "Skeleton Normal";
depth_scale = <fill in c_Upper or c_Lower>;
enemy_type = <fill in 0 for a blue and 1 for a stronger red stalfos>;
item_index = -1;
facing = <fill in c_Left, c_Up, c_Right or c_Down>
active_outside_room = 0;
*Check out step 12 for information on how to add a the yellow stalfos (= the one falling from the ceiling)

Cyclops Guard (green / blue)
Code: [Select]
// parameters
name = "Cyclops Guard";
depth_scale = <fill in c_Upper or c_Lower>;
enemy_type = <fill in 0 for a green and 2 for a stronger blue cyclops>;
item_index = -1;
facing = <fill in c_Left, c_Up, c_Right or c_Down>
active_outside_room = 0;

Code: [Select]
// parameters
name = "Anti-Faerie";
depth_scale = <fill in c_Upper or c_Lower>;
enemy_type = 0;
item_index = -1;
direction = <fill in any number from 0-360 to set the starting direction for this enemy>;
active_outside_room = 0;

Pol's Voice
Code: [Select]
// parameters
name = "Pols Voice";
depth_scale = <fill in c_Upper or c_Lower>;
enemy_type = 0;
item_index = -1;
active_outside_room = 0;

Buzz Blob
Code: [Select]
// parameters
name = "Buzz Blob";
depth_scale = <fill in c_Upper or c_Lower>;
enemy_type = 0;
item_index = -1;
active_outside_room = 0;

Step 11. Understanding keys

Adding small keys to your dungeon can be done in 5 ways, which I'll explain below.

Default - placing it on the floor
Place the obj_Common_Item somewhere on the map. Then document the location of the object plus the key index you want to give it.

Inside a container
Place a container on the map like you normally would. Then document the location of the container and the key index you want to give it.

Inside a chest
Add a chest and document it like you normally would (as seen in step 6). Next document the location of the chest (again) in the small key overview. This time in combination with the key index.

Held by an enemy
Place an enemy on the map like you normally would (as seen in step 10), giving it it's usual creation coding. Then document the location of that enemy in combination with the key index.

Falling from above
You may make use of keys that fall from the ceiling if the right conditions are met (see step 12). For example when all the enemies in the room have been killed. Do you not have to place an object in your room for this one. Simply document where you want the key to land and what it key index should be.

Each key needs it's own index (so they are one time occuring objects) and you'll need to document where it is located. This is important that there is one seperate listing for the small keys eventhough a key's location may also have already been documented elsewhere. Fragmented / scattered documentation is bad!

Example. If I place a key for each of the 5 possible I would have to document something like this:
Code: [Select]
// Small Keys
// index / x / y / description
0 / 552 / 168 / default
1 / 180 / 180 / inside container
2 / 208 / 766 / inside chest
3 / 344 / 208 / held by enemy
4 / 500 / 504 / falling from above

Step 12. Understanding events

Events have to be coded in scripts, so the contestants will not have to actually do this. You can however (to keep it simple) add a default trigger + event to your dungeon by documenting a line like so:
Code: [Select]
For room <index>: if <condition(s)> then <event(s)>Should your dungeon be the winner then I'll code the events for you using the given instructions. The conditions and events available are listed below. If however you feel a vital event or condition is missing then you should contact me. The conditions are stated as A = B, but you may also use A < B or A != B and so on. If-then-else is also possible.

Available conditions*:
-Entering room
-Chest [index] = opened
-Pressure Plate [index] = active
-Crash switch [index] = active
-Count enemies of type [name or all] = number
-Position [x or y] of Moveable object [index] = value
-Movable object [index] in contact with Pressure Plate [index] = true
-Permanent_condition <index> = value

-Conditional door <index> opens / closes
-Enemy <description> appears at position <x,y>*
-Enemy Yellow Stalfos falls down to position <x,y>*
-Pressure_Plate <index> state = active / inactive
-Crash switch <index> state = active / inactive
-Movable Object <index> allow movement in direction <direction> allow/disallow
-Drop small key <index> down at position <x,y>
-Permanent_condition <index> = value
*For enemies appearing/falling down make sure to also add the creation coding af that enemy to indicate it's type and so on.

Permanent conditions
You've probably noticed that I also listed something called permanent_condition both as an condition and event in the list below. That's a variable name that is stored for your dungeon. This will help you with your events if you want to make an event a one time occurance. Or if you want an event in one room have impact on another room.
To use permanent conditions first define them by documenting them:
Code: [Select]
permanent conditions
index / starting value
0 / false
1 / 0
2 / -7

I'll give some examples of what events can do for your dungeon:

Example 1: When I enter room 3 I immediately want the doors to close and have 3 skeletons and 1 plant appear every time. When all enemies are dead the doors open.
Code: [Select]
For room 3:
if enter room then
  appear blue stalfos at (100,50) , (90,90) and (100,70) and appear plant at (80,80)
if count enemies of type all = 0 then
  conditional door 0 opens and conditional door 4 opens

Example 2: I want the same as example 1 but it should only happen when I first enter the room. Remember: I have already documented that permanent_condition[0] = false.
Code: [Select]
For room 3:
if enter room and permanent_condition 0 = false then
  appear blue stalfos at (100,50) , (90,90) and (100,70) and appear plant at (80,80) and permanent_condition 0 = true.
if count enemies of type all = 0 and permanent_condition 0 = false then
  conditional door 0 opens and conditional door 4 opens

Example 3: Let's say I have a room with a pressure plate and a movable object. The pressure plate is only active if you stand on it, but you need to stand on it to open a door. The player has to move the movable object on top of the plate to open the door.
Code: [Select]
For room 2:
if movable object 0 in contact with pressure plate 0 = true then
  conditional door 1 opens
  conditional door 1 closes

Example 4: Let's say I have a door in room 0 that only opens if I use three switches in three of the other rooms
Code: [Select]
For room 0:
if permant_condition 1 = true and permanent_condition 2 = true and permant_condition 3 = true then
  conditional door 3 opens
For room 1:
if Crash switch 0 = active then
  permanent_condition 2 = true
For room 4:
if Pressure_Plate 0 = active then
  permanent_condition 3 = true
For room 5:
if Pressure Plate 2 = active then
  permanent_condition 0 = true

Step 13. Global dungeon design

This step describes the two minor details to finish a dungeon: the start and end

The start of your game
Please fill in the following form to indicate where the character starts and what stats he should have.
Code: [Select]
Starting conditions
Starting location: (x,y)
Health: (number of hearts)
Sword: (none / lv1)
Shield: (none / lv1)
Pegasus Boots: (none / collected)
Gloves (none / lv1 / lv2)
Bottle 1: (none / empty / life medicine / magic medicine / cure all / caught fairy)
Bottle 2: (none / empty / life medicine / magic medicine / cure all / caught fairy)
Bottle 3: (none / empty / life medicine / magic medicine / cure all / caught fairy)
Bottle 4: (none / empty / life medicine / magic medicine / cure all / caught fairy)

The endgoal of your game
To set the endgoal of your dungeon place the object called obj_Credits in your dungeon. This object is invisible for the player and if they touch it the credits will roll and the game ends. It is possible to make this object visible and use a different sprite, but that is up for you to decide should you win. I'm open for suggestions on that matter.

Step 14. Sending in your submission
< explanation is being worked on >

Feedback / How about another contest
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:10:36 pm »
Event: A dungeondesign contest where I'll turn the winning map into a standalone game
When: Starts mid - late April 2011
Duration: Preliminary plan is for 6 weeks of development

Each participant is presented a GMare file preloaded with the relevant objects and backgrounds from my game. No additional resources may be used. All particants attempt to build a actual dungeon, which is later graded on originality, fun factor and general appeal by the general. I personally will grade it on feasibility. The winning design will be converted into a stand alone game, so we actually play it in action. Should be a fun experiment to pass the time.

At the enddate each participant will return the following:
- The finished GMare file containing the designed dungeon
- A secondary textfile detailing the dungeon for the general audience
The goal is to describe the general working of your dungeon and how you'd like switches and doors to behave.
- Further files aimed towards me giving me the needed information to build your dungeon.
Think along the lines of indexnumbers for a range of different objects and detailing the roomparameters.

I will do my best to describe below how to build your dungeon.


Step 1. Downloading GMare & resources

GMare can be found here: http://gmare.codeplex.com/
Resources can be found here: <will only be available at the start of the event>

< Maybe I'll include more information on how to get started with GMare >

Step 2. Determining rooms

Part A

When building your dungeon you will need to determine how large each individual room will be and where it is placed. To help you achieve this I have include the objects: obj_Room_Block_Large_A t/m D. Set your GMare grid to 320x320 and place up to 10 blocks to make up your dungeon. Here's an example:

The example shows that I want to build 3 rooms in my dungeon, using four blocks of 320x320 pixels.
Just a friendly warning: do not make rooms consisting of more then 6 blocks. It may murder the framerate if you are going place lot's of objects in them later.

The following is an example that is wrong:

Rooms must always have a rectangular shape. The example above has a room that is a different shape and thus will not be usable.

Part B

After you have layed down the blocks to build your dungeon it is time to document the basic variables needed. Give each room a indexnumber starting from zero and create a seperate textfile to document the following per room: room index / x / y / width / height.

For the example I would have to document the following.

Code: [Select]
Index / x / y / width / height
 0 /   0 /   0 / 320 / 320
 1 / 320 /   0 / 320 / 320
 2 /   0 / 320 / 640 / 320

Part C (not manditory)

You may list a name per room. This name will be briefly displayed in the center of the screen if a player enters that room. The game remembers the last name to have appeared. If the character walks into a room with a different name then that new name gets displayed. Nothing happens if a room does not have a name. You can use this to give the player a message when he first enters an area, whenever he enters a new room or when he moves from once section to another section.

Given the example screenshot I have been using I could send along the following information:
Code: [Select]
Index / x / y / width / height / name
 0 /   0 /   0 / 320 / 320 / Shrine
 1 / 320 /   0 / 320 / 320 / Shrine
 2 /   0 / 320 / 640 / 320 / Treasureroom
The result will be that the player will once get a message that he's entered the shrine (assuming he starts in either room 0 or 1). Whenever he enters the treasury he will get a notification. Whenever he leaves the treasury he will get a notification.

And that concludes defining rooms.

Step 3. Building bare rooms
< explination is being worked on >

Step 4. Connecting your rooms
< explination is being worked on >

Step 5. Adding roommasking
< I'm skipping this step to keep things simple. You will not have to do any masking>

Step 7. Placing various objects
< explination is being worked on >

Step 8. Placing enemies
< explination is being worked on >

Step 9. Detailing dungeon conditions
< explination is being worked on >

Step 10. Detailing the start and ending positions
< explination is being worked on >

Updates / Project of the Month - November 2010
« on: December 17, 2010, 07:48:25 pm »
Project of the Month: November 2010
The legend of Zelda: Chiming Bell

Forum Topic

Developer: King Tetiro

Language: Gamemaker 8.0
First Posted: 10 October, 2010
Last Update: 14 November, 2010


Q: Could you tell us a little about your previous experience creating games?

A: Well seeing as half of my game developing experience has been here, Im going to say that I've been working on Fangames. First attempt was meant to be about two worlds tied together by the fabric of magic itself which became threatened when Ganondorf acquired the magic mirror. This attempt died (This was actually my first game). The second attempt is Chiming Bell (first version). And the third is the second version of Chiming Bell. As for the other half of my experiences, me and my team have been developing RPGs. Although we have nothing finished to show, we are always improving them. We've fully completed redesigning the stories and the world itself. The graphics are getting a MAJOR upgrade. Something I wanted for a long time.

Q: What was your drive to create this particular fangame and story?

A: Well that's pretty simple by defining what the game's about. It will show the true colours of the triforce by the end of it.
(Plus I owe it to ZFGC to make 1 fan game with my GM skills now)

Q: Was the use of gamemaker a natural step for you?

A: All those years ago, nope. Now, too damn easy. Good thing Im learning C++ as a challenge (Stuck on an error but waiting til next year to solve it). Im thinking of trying GM's 3D one more time before I consider C++ as my permanent language.

Q: You obviously spend a good deal of time into the project already. Can you describe some of the challenges you've had to tackle to come to this point?

A: Well the most noticable is how to compact the sheer size of the OOT hyrule into GB style. It wasn't easy but I think its done alright. Another problem was getting the damage collision script working. Something wouldnt work properly there til I looked at it another way. The hugest screamer was the pit collision script. I whacked my head on the table once. That hurt. The rest were teeny tiny factors like "calls the wrong variable" or "uses the wrong function" errors. So apart from those 3, pretty easy.

Q: What can you tell us about the new items you are adding? Was it hard to come up with original ideas?

A: Well let's start with the Spring. This idea came from this video (Notice the keyblade front flip attack)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7L0Gmc-VXc (Watch from 2:00 onwards) and the Roc's Feather. I thought it was high time to make a jump that can stun. So the idea of a Spring came to mind. And once I finished the overworld, the Spring will be upgraded to have movement too.

The next is the Gravity Boots. I loved the Hover Boots as a kid. I almost always wore them on OOT. Thing I wished it had was permanent use. Though there had to be a limit to it. So thinking about it like that, I looked at the Hookshot in LTTP and how it's 4 way direction limited it. I used that and activation pads to limit the boots.

The Wingshot is up next. Four words explain what I wanted. Hylian Styled Machine Gun. Yup a Machine Gun. But of course, getting that into a game would be hard. At first, it was meant to be Rito Styled Machine Gun in the first version but as time progress turned to Hylian. I used the Hookshot as the basics for this as for it to be able to power a chain and drag Link from one place to another must be powerful enough to fire rapid knives. That's the Wingshot basics. Still pending whether to make it have limited ammo.

Finally is the Spinner. The problem I found in ALL the 2D zeldas was the time it took to travel the lands. I thought about this for a while. My first attempt tried a horse system to make it work but that failed due to "How to summon the horse" problem. I thought about this and realised it had to be an item. Something like the Bunny Hood (Best item ever! Makes you fast and an outfit for easter!) Now I liked the Spinner except like the Hover Boots, the not permanent thing. Hence the Spinner!

Q: Is there any way for others to help you with your project if they wish to do so?

A: Well at this moment in time, Im needing the sounds from the Spirit Train, the Spinner when attached to the wall, both in GB style. I also need help with thinking up puzzles. So puzzle ideas are appreciated.

Q: Do you have any advice for others who also wish to create a (fan)game?

A: Just keep at it. If someone knocks you down, get up and move on. And put your effort in it!

Updates / Nominations - November 2010
« on: December 01, 2010, 06:39:27 pm »
First up. I will not be doing another PotM later this month for obvious reasons. If anybody is willing to take my place then feel free to step up.

- Projects to vote for will still be pre-selected as usual. Your project will be pre-selected if it has shown some form of relevant progress during the current month. Think along the lines of a new demo, screenshot, video etc.

- Normally selection only applies to the projects in the topics: Sponsored, Completed, WIP, WIP other and Concepts. We now expand the range to also include projects from Templates, Graphics and Audio. The projects also need to have shown some form of relevant progress. There are added rules for them though: they will need to contain more then just one sound/picture or template (whichever applies). It may not be a request topic. Basicly the aim is to only nominate continued projects.

- You now have the option to vote in the poll. (If one is not yet present when you read this, then one will be added shortly). Posting a comment explaining why you voted for one project over another is no longer needed, but it is still highly encouraged. I will obviously do creator's good to read some friendly feedback, but it will also make the difference in case of a tie. If there is a tie and no relevant comments are present then I'll have to favor one over the other personally and I'd rather avoid that.

- Every project to get votes in a month will have earned a place in the Sponsored section for the month that follows. If a project does not get any votes during month then it will not be in Sponsored in the following month. This also happens if the project was not nominated due to lack of progress. The project with the most votes is crowned Project of the Month. The creator will receive a message from me in regard to a short interview and the creation of a PotM topic.

- You all gets the option to vote for multiple projects a month (if they so please). As each voted project moves to Sponsored you could use your votes for moving various interested topics as a sign of support. Or you could vote for just that one topic you really favour for PotM. And if you're always torn up between multiple topic then this is the sollution for that too. Just vote for both. Just remember that each vote hold equal weight. If for you vote for more projects, but really only favor one in particular for PotM then you can always add a comment and explain. It'll make a difference in the case of a tie or it could convice others to vote for your favourite as well.

- Attempts at faul play (like having lots of outsiders come here just to vote for your game) will result in your project getting disqualified. Do it more then once and you are risking a ban.

- Voters must have made a minimal of 10 (meaningfull) posts for there vote(s) to be considered valid.

This month's nominations (you have 5 days to cast your vote):
* I did not go through the concept/graphics/music sections yet because I don't have the time right now. Missing your game? Just reply and I'll add it right away.
Tech demo - Horn of Balance
The Legend of Zelda: Chiming Bell
Ocarina of Time 2D
VBA-M Ripper
Pokemon MMORPG - PokemonCraft
Sonic X-treme GM8
Phantasy Blade - Alpha 4
Mario & Luigi - The Hunt For King Boo
TLOZ: Chaos Rising
The legend of Zelda 3D Flying Rooster
LoZ: The Awakening of a Shadow

Feedback / Resource storage suggestions
« on: November 21, 2010, 12:24:42 pm »
Following up on the discussion in the feedback section.
I'd like to propose two things to hopefully improve the appeal of the site:

1. A change in the set-up of how graphics (and other resources) are displayed on the mainsite.
This is initially a question wether or not this is even debatable and to what length.

2. In case of a negative anwser to question nr. 1 then I have an alternative proposal.

I'd like to get a child forum in the Graphics forumsection, named something along the lines of: Graphics database. I create several locked topics, which serve as categories. Think along the lines of MC/Atlltp/LA/Mock-ups/Other Zelda/Other. There will also be a rules topic. People may create topics in the child section where they present sprites to add to the database. If found acceptable then I add them to the locked topics accordingly.

Graphics must be accompanied by information like:
-Name creator -> in case of custom work, or specificly mentioned
-Location found -> in case of custom work with unknown creator
-Permission asked -> in case of custom work with a known creator
-Credits needed -> yes by default (=when unknown) in case of custom work and no by default in case of rips

Updates / Project of the Month - October 2010
« on: November 15, 2010, 08:20:40 pm »
Project of the Month: October 2010
Ocarina of Time 2D

Forum Topic

Developer: Team Dekunutz

Language: Gamemaker 8.0
First Posted: 06 September, 2008
Last Update: 01 November, 2010



As you've stated, your team will hold out on posting a demo
till it is truly ready. What level of content can we expect
when that time comes?

Hopefully the very best we can offer. We hope to bring out a
very fun and challenging demo. Aiming to make people think
differently about the whole OOT2D concept. Right now we have
the demo slated to go a little past the Deku Tree dungeon. With
extra bonus content.

Are you planning on making any deliberate changes or
improvements as opposed to the original game?

Changes will definitely be made. These are mainly design changes
though. As one would expect, doing a carbon copy of the original
on every level leaves a lot to be desired. So the thinking has to
be shifted a bit, but not ruin the original "feel" of the game.

Improvements have not really been a big focus at this time. I want
to remain as pure to the systems we are copying as possible.

Your game has actually become PotM before. What have been some of
the challenges you've faced since that time?

Various coding challenges. All of which I won't go into detail about.
Because there has been so many. lol The main focus for me right now is
resource management, and keeping the game "slim". Design challenges
are the real issue of late. I have sort of been taking a back seat
to this thus far. Mainly because of the engine upgrade in effect.
I figure when we get to the testing phase of the dungeon, there will
be alot of finalizing going on. Keeping a 2D mindset with a 3D game is
one of the biggest challenges we currently face.

On a similar note. What are some of the future challenges you still
see in front of you?

Plenty of them. lol Dealing with perspective changes on a design level.
Also changing AI for enemies. Like the Octorocks. Since we're using
2D behaviors over 3D behaviors. This will definitely change the feel
of the original. Also maybe introducing certain enemies a bit earlier
within the game, to make it challenging.

Can you elaborate a little on the people on your team and what they have
contributed (or are contributing) to get where you are now?

First off, I'm a pretty picky individual, so to have these guys tolerate
me has been nothing short of amazing. lol Everyone that is involved in this
project are dedicated to making this a quality game. So I definitely
tip my hat off to these guys.

Jeod - He's a C+C guy. He also lends a hand on the spriting side. Giving
us more options and opinions on our graphics direction as a team. He's
very blunt about the WIP work which I enjoy having those kind of opinions
thrown out there, because it makes the quality of the work that much better.

darklink45 - Great spriter, if you didn't know already. He has thrown in
some excellent original enemy sprites. As well as some other miscellaneous
work. I promise you, his Queen Ghoma sprite will knock you off your feet.

DJVenom - Another great spriter. He has contributed some item sprite work,
as well as various dungeon sprites. He's a guy that will pop in and plop
something on the forum, and blow everyone away with it.

Dotyue - A spriting powerhouse. He will keep beating a sprite to death till
it's perfect. He has been everywhere we need sprites. NPCs, dungeon tiles,
menu items, you name it, he's contributed to it. He also plays a big part in
our dungeon design.

Ethelon - He's an ideas guy. As well as a designer. I trust this guy to make
the calls when I've been too busy to do it myself. He's knows the level I'd
like things to be. He also has some art skills.

SinkinDevil - A spriting staple. He has contributed sprites to the project,
as well as C+C to a lot of the graphics work. He's a constant presence within
the team. Constantly helping us with sprites, and sprite refinement.

TomPel - A sprite artist and designer. His work has included interior
work, as well as some dungeon design. This guy can do it all. Part of the
whole that has done nothing but improve everything we do.

Cypras - A programmer. His laundry list of code includes, fairies, NPCs,
ocarina engine, time transitions, rain effects, kokiri particles, and currently
the Deku Scrub enemy.

noseblunt3 - A spriter. He has helped us in the beginning, but has been
absent of late due to personal life. He has set up alot of our earlier
sprite work dealing with Link in MC style. Things like the slingshot,
deku stick, deku nut, and Adult Link animations.

Mamoruanime - A spriter and designer. The driving force behind Dodongo Cavern.
Which looks amazing.

How can other people contribute for your project if they wish to do so?

By just posting on the Ocarina Of Time 2D FSA project board. Whether it be
graphics, code, an idea, or audio, you can bet we will look at it.


What is your role within the development team?

I just help out here and there. I'm not the top spriter, but then again neither is everyone else. We're all pretty much equals in this team. Every sprite we submit is fashioned to be a bit better by the others in the team. It's kinda like a game of catch. Someone throws something into the mix and someone else takes it and makes something better. In the end we're all satisfied with the result, and it feels good to be able to say the graphics have a little of everyone in it.

What are some of the future challenges you see in front of you?

Dedication. As a team we've been motivating each other quite a lot. But as the project progresses it can go two ways: we can either get more motivation by progress, or lose interest and get more involved with our lives. As a team it's like a side job to keep each other on our feet.

What have been some of the challenges you've faced?

I think most of the challenges have been in the programming aspect, but there have been a few graphical obstacles. Like the mirror shield and the megaton hammer. Those two were real tough to perfect in a 2D form, especially in a fitting style.

How do you feel about the project thus far?

I can honestly say I'm glad I could be a part of the team. Ocarina of Time 2D has been a project lots of fans have dreamed of, and together we've been able to pull off a stunning victory so far. I'm looking forward to the first demo release! I want to know what everyone will think of Team Dekunutz's work.


What is your role within the development team?

I do tiling and did a bit of spriting with a few of the menu icons (3/4 is my weak point). I also do alot of design. I focus more on that (design) now because I haven't had too much time to work on tiles or sprites due to a few other projects that came up during X's absence.

How do you feel about the project thus far?

I think it has a huge potential with the team. They're all very capable people, and it's pretty awesome to be able to work with a large team that's good at what they do.


What is your role within the development team?

I was recruited as a spriter to design Four Sword Adventure Style Characters of the Orginal game, but wit time it led me to design dungeons, items and bring in ideas for the game itself like gaming modes and dungeon puzzle or boss encounter design. You could say that i try to bring as much creativity of myself into this OoT2D Project

What are some of the future challenges you see in front of you?

The more and more intruding Real Life that doesn't give me the silence and time to sprite, to bring in Design ideas since everyone has his own ideas

What have been some of the challenges you've faced?

To find the true fitting sprite styles and level designs to be true to the original game and feel true to fsa without being too less or much in size and idea and its still a problem in every part we try to convert, every single room has characteristics which afford new sprited tiles or ideas to be searched in 2D Zelda's and ported into the faced obstacle. but with the help of every member we could overcome every problem until now

How do you feel about the project thus far?

When this project actually reaches the limits of the Kokiri Woods with every aspect that the original had and the fun parts we brought in and the People are pleased with that, then much work will be done. The Future has already seeded for some really cool ideas to make the FSA-Type feeling complete for every Player


What is your role within the development team?

Well, I'm a spriter and a room designer. One of the many :P. At first I worked more on designing the Kokiri interiors, but nowadays I guess I'm leaning more to spriting. I like to help other's when they have some problems with their sprites. I'm getting lazy I suppose :P. At the moment I'm working on a room inside the Great Deku tree. It's a pain in the ass, I can tell you  :D. Many of the tiles must be made from scratch.

What are some of the future challenges you see in front of you?

Well, converting areas to 2D of course. You have to make the puzzles and areas to work in a top-down perspective. Many of the rooms in OoT are pretty spacious. The same doesn't work in 2D Zeldas. The screen mustn't look empty or boring. You have to use a lot of creativity to make the areas work. And of course the custom sprites and tiles :P

What have been some of the challenges you've faced?

Well, the conversion to FSA-style in general was a whole new challenge for me. Haven't played the game or anything, let alone sprited in the style. Luckily it's pretty much just more advanced version of LTTP-style. It's nice to learn new things. Oh, and the fact that real life seems to always get on the way of this project.

How do you feel about the project thus far?

Great actually. Lot of work and time has been put to this. And I'm proud that this isn't even trying to be just a copy of the original. We'll add our own spices in the mix :P
We also have a pretty damn talented team!


What is your role within the development team?

I sprite and animate enemies, bosses and occasionally help with other sprite related things. But I'm trying to do more work now because i haven't been doing much.

What are some of the future challenges you see in front of you?

Trying to finish all that i have started.

What have been some of the challenges you've faced?

Trying to find the time to be more active, and to learn to make to sprite in this style without borrowing too much from other games and port the models to sprites.

How do you feel about the project thus far?

Great, this is a great team that know what they are doing, I feel honored working in this project and I think it will go very far.


What is your role within the development team?

My role within the development team is a programmer. Xfixium and I do the programming for this game. Mainly I work on individual elements for the game and then the team gives advice and I adjust it. When that's finished Xf puts it into the next build of the engine.

What are some of the future challenges you see in front of you?

The major challenges ahead of us are converting the 3D elements in 2D and make it still enjoyable and OOT like. At the moment i'm facing real life time management. Although it's almost summer holidays so i'll be able to get things done.

What have been some of the challenges you've faced?

Time management in real life. Other than that the team is great with getting things done and right.

How do you feel about the project thus far?

I love how this project is going currently. The team is really great at what they do and Xf just leads us all very well. Not to mention that our team can be very random at times which keeps things cool and fun.


What is your role within the development team?

My role in this development team is a spriter but I'm also helping the room designers a little bit.

What are some of the future challenges you see in front of you?

All the enemies that needs to be done, that alone will be alot of work.

What have been some of the challenges you've faced?

Find some time to get something done. We all have busy lifes to keep up with such as school ect.

How do you feel about the project thus far?

It's coming along really good. I think that this project is going to go far just because of the great teamwork we have.


What is your role within the development team?

Dodongo Cavern Extraordinare~

What are some of the future challenges you see in front of you?

Lots of drawererings :(

What have been some of the challenges you've faced?

Lots of drawerings D:

How do you feel about the project thus far?

I like-like it :D


What is your role within the development team?

I'm the minor graphics dude.

What are some of the future challenges you see in front of you?

Honestly at the moment, between myself and the other artists on the team, I can't think of anything we can't tackle!

What have been some of the challenges you've faced?

Coming up with a consistent menu item style. Our current one is pretty satisfying though. :)

How do you feel about the project thus far?

As one of the original creators of The Church of OOT2D back in 2003, it will be nice to see the vision of Daniel Barras come to life. It's a shame he can't be involved in some aspect.

Updates / Nominations - October 2010
« on: October 31, 2010, 07:31:11 pm »
Sorry about the delay. It's still october so we should be okay XD.
Let's go over the rules again real quick.

- Projects to vote for will still be pre-selected as usual. Your project will be pre-selected if it has shown some form of relevant progress during the current month. Think along the lines of a new demo, screenshot, video etc.

- Normally selection only applies to the projects in the topics: Sponsored, Completed, WIP, WIP other and Concepts. We now expand the range to also include projects from Templates, Graphics and Audio. The projects also need to have shown some form of relevant progress. There are added rules for them though: they will need to contain more then just one sound/picture or template (whichever applies). It may not be a request topic. Basicly the aim is to only nominate continued projects.

- You now have the option to vote in the poll. (If one is not yet present when you read this, then one will be added shortly). Posting a comment explaining why you voted for one project over another is no longer needed, but it is still highly encouraged. I will obviously do creator's good to read some friendly feedback, but it will also make the difference in case of a tie. If there is a tie and no relevant comments are present then I'll have to favor one over the other personally and I'd rather avoid that.

- Every project to get votes in a month will have earned a place in the Sponsored section for the month that follows. If a project does not get any votes during month then it will not be in Sponsored in the following month. This also happens if the project was not nominated due to lack of progress. The project with the most votes is crowned Project of the Month. The creator will receive a message from me in regard to a short interview and the creation of a PotM topic.

- You all gets the option to vote for multiple projects a month (if they so please). As each voted project moves to Sponsored you could use your votes for moving various interested topics as a sign of support. Or you could vote for just that one topic you really favour for PotM. And if you're always torn up between multiple topic then this is the sollution for that too. Just vote for both. Just remember that each vote hold equal weight. If for you vote for more projects, but really only favor one in particular for PotM then you can always add a comment and explain. It'll make a difference in the case of a tie or it could convice others to vote for your favourite as well.

New rule:
- Attempts at faul play (like having lots of outsiders come here just to vote for your game) will result in your project getting disqualified. Do it more then once and you are risking a ban.
- Voters must have made a minimal of 10 (meaningfull) posts for there vote(s) to be considered valid.

This month's nominations (you have 5 days to cast your vote):
Tech demo - Horn of Balance
Ode to GB Zelda
Sprite Builder
The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
The Legend of Zelda: The Sage Knight
Zelda Engine with MC graphics
TLOZ: Chaos Rising
Ocarina of Time 2D
LoZ: The Awakening of a Shadow
The Myth of Heroa
[Alpha] Map Editor 0.7a
Super Smash Bros - ZFGC
The Legend of Zelda: Heart of the Master Sword
The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
The Legend of Zelda: Chiming Bell
Leduardo's Custom Tiles

Discussion / Horn of Balance - editor
« on: October 19, 2010, 06:35:34 pm »
Like the title says: I'm looking for someone to build an editor to compliment the Horn of Balance game I'm building.

The game can be found here: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=33701.0

My own attempt at an editor is in the attachment.
Don't mind the messy programming in it as it's not finished. I had planned to add save/load in the upper left corner, tabs in the upper area and scroll bars on the sides of the grid. Also, the 3rd and 4rd buttons (of the four) haven't been programmed either.

Since I'm giving up on building the editor myself, I'm opening up the opportunity for someone else to give it a try. The engine is already being build so you can see what it is getting used for. The editor creates files with data that are input for the engine. Programm it in whatever language you like. Take as long as you like. Give it your own spin if feel it would benefit. We'd obviously need to get more indepth but this is the jist of it.

I do have a couple of requests to the creator though. I want it to be decent and get programmed in well defined segments. It will take time to implement and I too want to know my efforts will be well spend. I want it to be open sourced so I don't have to worry about progress ending abruptly. Finally the editor obviously comes second to the engine in that the editor supplements the engine and not the other way around. (Just something I wanted to mention to scare off young kids thinking grand schemes ;) )

LTTP & FSA / [Solved] Electrocuted Link
« on: October 01, 2010, 02:30:24 pm »
Hello all,

It's been a while since I made a general request, but that's fixed now. Although it's more of a request for information at first.
I'm looking for the sprites of Link getting electocuted alttp style (what I already have is attached) and I have two questions.

1. Am I missing any sprites? Possibly other facing directions or parts of the animation?
2. And if so, who can help get the missing images?


Updates / Nominations - September 2010
« on: September 23, 2010, 08:29:56 pm »
Let's go over the latest rules first. (Since I'm not going to override 4Sword's info topic I'll just post them here)

Updated rules:
- Projects to vote for will still be pre-selected as usual. Your project will be pre-selected if it has shown some form of relevant progress during the current month. Think along the lines of a new demo, screenshot, video etc.

- Normally selection only applies to the projects in the topics: Sponsored, Completed, WIP, WIP other and Concepts. We now expand the range to also include projects from Templates, Graphics and Audio. The projects also need to have shown some form of relevant progress. There are added rules for them though: they will need to contain more then just one sound/picture or template (whichever applies). It may not be a request topic. Basicly the aim is to only nominate continued projects.

- You now have the option to vote in the poll. (If one is not yet present when you read this, then one will be added shortly). Posting a comment explaining why you voted for one project over another is no longer needed, but it is still highly encouraged. I will obviously do creator's good to read some friendly feedback, but it will also make the difference in case of a tie. If there is a tie and no relevant comments are present then I'll have to favor one over the other personally and I'd rather avoid that.

- Every project to get votes in a month will have earned a place in the Sponsored section for the month that follows. If a project does not get any votes during month then it will not be in Sponsored in the following month. This also happens if the project was not nominated due to lack of progress. The project with the most votes is crowned Project of the Month. The creator will receive a message from me in regard to a short interview and the creation of a PotM topic.

- You all gets the option to vote for multiple projects a month (if they so please). As each voted project moves to Sponsored you could use your votes for moving various interested topics as a sign of support. Or you could vote for just that one topic you really favour for PotM. And if you're always torn up between multiple topic then this is the sollution for that too. Just vote for both. Just remember that each vote hold equal weight. If for you vote for more projects, but really only favor one in particular for PotM then you can always add a comment and explain. It'll make a difference in the case of a tie or it could convice others to vote for your favourite as well.

This month's nominations:
Tech demo - Horn of Balance
Ode to Zelda GB
The Legend of Zelda (Remake)
The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
Pokemon MMORPG - PokemonCraft
The Myth of Heroa
[Alpha] Map Editor 0.7a
Sonic X-treme GM8
Final Fantasy ~no name~
The Legend of Zelda: The Awakening of a Shadow
OOT2D Map Project
Zelda Custom Tiles

Updates / Project of the Month - September 2010
« on: September 01, 2010, 06:09:00 pm »
Project of the Month: September 2010
OOT2D Map Project

Forum Topic


Language: ---
First Posted: 22 June, 2010
Last Update: 09 October, 2010


What made you first want to start undertaking a large mapping project like this?
I never actually intended to make a map this large, I started by just making the Kokiri Forest area because when TRM was around his screenshots of the area made no sense, all the houses had south facing doors and this didn't seem possible to me. After my first attempt at the area, I realised it wasn't. I had several attempts at this location and only actually hit my final version of it about a month ago, several years after I started. It was actually Alex_Xela who encouraged me to create other areas which had not been done yet, for example the Lake Hylia area which I created next, was thanks to the screenshots provided by this member. I suppose I owe a thanks to Alex_Xela for this project going beyond the first area. After this I just felt like I needed to link to two areas, in came Hyrule Field and my project had begun. I started making areas one at a time after this.

What were some of the hardest parts to get right and why?
Hyrule Field was by far the hardest part to get right, for the simple reason that the area is so big, and there are so many open spaces. In LTTP there are not many open spaces and the areas always seem busy. I had to shrink the field and make it seem busy, whilst still keeping it large enough to travel along with Epona, and to fit Lon Lon ranch in. As you may have noticed I had to resize the field to fit the ranch later on.

Another hard part to get right was the way the map fits together. In LTTP they failed at making their map fit together, purposefully having cliffs that go nowhere or just change at a different section of the map. According to the initial maps of OOT, they failed at this too. There were overlaps and obvious errors. I have been trying to make the entire map fit together perfectly whilst still resembling the areas we all remember playing. This is very difficult to do.

Are there more locations from OoT you intend to map, aside from the overworld?
Yes, and no. After the overworld I will have no project, so I will need to move on to something else, but what that might be I do not know yet. I have always fancied the idea of mapping the Deku Tree, as well as Zoras Domain. Of course when you get into mapping the dungeons you have to start planning for all of the things that move etc, and it becomes significantly more complicated. I would need to load up a ROM and be playing it as I mapped it, so I will have to work that one out nearer the time.

Do you have any further plans for your work in the future? Like turning it into a game either with or without someone else's engine?
This is an interesting question, I could program my own game engine and actually make a game out of this yes, and I would hate for such a huge project to simply go to waste. At the same time though this was never my plan for the project, it was simply just fun. If I finish the project and get bored then who knows? I find the very reason I have got so far with this project is because I look at it in modules, one area at a time. If I start planning ahead then I create expectations for myself, and probably wont meet them. So for now, I will just be finishing the overworld, but its a big world and I have plenty of spare time, so we shall see.

Of course in the mean time it is an open project, and I welcome anyone that might wish to use the maps as part of their project, or change parts of it to improve it. Of course I am determined to keep the original entirely custom with mine or Nintendo's sprites, so I won't be changing sprites in it for other peoples. If anyone created an engine to play this map I would love to see it.

Updates / Nominations - August 2010
« on: August 22, 2010, 08:24:54 pm »
Time for the next PotM. I might be busy next weekend so voting starts a little early this month.
Also, we may change some things about the voting process soon. Me and 4Sword are still swapping idea's. Think along the lines of: also letting graphics/sounds compete, letting people cast more then I vote and/or moving all voted topics over to Sponsored for as many months as people vote for them. Feel free to share your opinion on that if you wish to (and also vote obviously). I'll let everybody know as soon as a final decisions have been made.

Anyway, here is the list of suitable projects for voting:
Legend of Zelda: The missing piece
Legend of Zelda: Horn of Balance
Majora's Mask remake using UDK
Project Jaruno

Personally I vote for the Majora's Mask remake. What is already done shows great skill and detail. My only concern for this project is continuation as it seems to place the bar a little high, but I am looking forward to seeing more regardless. Some mock-up gameplay images would already be a great endresult in itself so hopefully it can make it that far at least.

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