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Author Topic: Horn of Balance  (Read 612149 times)

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Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1540 on: June 27, 2022, 10:16:28 am »
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Progress report:
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v0.26.57 (20 juni 2022)
* Fixed issue with mp bar not refilling in certain circumstances
* Fixed small tiling depth issue in dungeon 1
* Fixed issue with door not opening after coming back to subboss 1 after defeating boss 1
* Fixed issue with sewers entrance not triggering
* Fixed issue with sewers masking not loading
* Fixed item menu navigation oversight

v0.26.58 (22 juni 2022)
* Fixed Murray talk animation directly after opening the item menu and not having a valid item available under the cursor
* Further implemented setup to add menu descriptions per collected item
* Fixed issue with interaction torches vs fire magic
* Tweaked masking of small torches
* Fixed incorrect cannonball animation speed
* Tweaked walllight animation speed

v0.26.59 (25 juni 2022)
* Tweaked and implemented new sprites for big cannonballs

v0.26.60 (26 juni 2022)
* Demo now limited to only the first dungeon
* Implemented the new boss music
* Implemented some new sound effects
* Recoded and cleaned up credits (= contributers, of content that I can't leave in the final product, have been moved or removed)
* Tweaked and implemented new sprites for tall torches
* Made adjustments so my engine actually plays nice with the new gmlive extension
* Tweaked credits speed and added speedup option
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1541 on: July 03, 2022, 09:28:46 pm »
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Here is an updated version of an earlier screenshot, to show the progress that is being made.
Both the tilework and objects (=doors/pots/switches/etc) for dungeon 1 are now nearly done. Also, the first tester is playing through dungeon 1 to check for stylistic inconsistencies and so forth. Shouldn't be too long now before I'll feel confident enough to send out private build to other testers. Feel free to send me a message if anybody wants to contribute with that.

Once the tiles/objects for dungeon 1 are done, I'll be switching to the next big batch of work. Which will likely be the enemy sprites or the character animations. Depending on how the early sketches pan out.

As for the boss music I mentioned last time: Good news! We now have our very first fully custom piece of music implemented into the game! Along with a few needed jingles. The boss track has a strong opening and a decent tempo so I'm quit happy with the results. And I'm getting a better sense of what questions and information to include when putting out requests / picking composers.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.61 (29 juni 2022)
* Game now tracks various more player stats
* Added visuals for pits to the floor below

v0.26.62 (30 juni 2022)
* Further simplified coding behind the credits sequence
* Added stats screen (as part of the credits) at the end of the game/demo
* Fixed surface memory leak
* Fixed screen flicker when returning to the title page from ingame

v0.26.63 (2 juli 2022)
* Created and implemented new visuals for dungeon textpoint
* Tweaked chest visuals

v0.26.64 (3 juli 2022)
* Added and implemented animation for large fires
* Tweaked some animation speeds
* Fixed some dungeon 1 tiling inconsistencies
* Cleaned up some old coding behind the various torch objects
* Fixed being able to use some items while not yet collected
* Fixed a number of small dungeon 1 tiling oversights
* Fixed itembox button indicators misaligning in specific circumstances
* Fixed positions of two d1 chests being swapped
* Tweaked placements of a few d1 objects
* Expanded starting items during the dungeon 1 demo
* Tweaked allignment for some rotated conditional doors
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1542 on: July 12, 2022, 06:52:20 am »
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A quick week summary:
- Had some more time off from work, so there has been a bit more progress then normal. The dungeon 1 tileset is now fully completed and I'm tackling the last objects next. Need about 5 more sprites for those; two of which will take some extra time because I'll have to get help on them.
- Another enemy has been given a facelift. For dungeon 1 that leaves about 8 more enemies to do next. Including the more complex humanoid enemies which I'll also need an animator to help with.
- Commissioned a length overworld music track from a new composer earlier today. Which is very exciting to hear the results of.
- I'm also in contact with a pixel animator, who's getting a first small commission to see what he can do. Hopefully this will pan out well, so we can finally start making rapid progressing on the character animations.
- Preparing a new commission for the established object/tile artist. Still working out the request details, but I'm considering to have her start work on the next area already.
- I'll probably write up a more wordy progress report soon, to also post on other forums. I'm not actively advertising the game before the first demo is fully done, but it can't hurt to slowly get into the habit of posting more.

Also, here's another screenshot to show the progress compared to an image I shared

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.65 (4 juli 2022)
* Fixed flickering at the end of idle animations on the file select screen
* Tweaked and implemented new sprites for pots

v0.26.66 (5 juli 2022)
* Tweaked sprites and colors of chests (to make them stand out more against the tilework)
* Created and implemented the last missing dungeon 1 tiles:  pit edges
* Made progress fasing out now obselete old dungeon 1 tileset resources

v0.26.67 (6 juli 2022)
* Tweaked HUD coding slightly
* Cleaned up various (now) obeselete tilesets and other graphics

v0.26.68 (7 juli 2022)
* Added some more niche tiles to dungeon 1 tileset

v0.26.69 (8 juli 2022)
* Removed more (now) obselete tilesets (= resources are now also condensed to just a single texturepage)

v0.26.70 (9 juli 2022)
* Implemented new sprites for shallow water
* Fixed room dimensions of one of the dungeon rooms

v0.26.71 (10 juli 2022)
* Added new visuals for destroyed flying tiles snd pots
* Fixed small textbox depth oversight
* Created and implemented new sprites for pressure plates in dungeon 1
* Minor tweaks to the demo after first full dungeon playthrough
* Fixed error in dungeon1 subboss fight
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1543 on: July 17, 2022, 08:50:25 pm »
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Just a quicky update this week. The commission results from last week are in but both require a number of revisions, so I can't show or implement them just yet.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.72 (16 juli 2022)
* Tweaked visuals flying tiles
* Tweaked small allignement issue on menu quest page
* Fixed situation where Murray talks on the journal page without actual text to speak
* Improved guidance and hints in demo's first room (temporarily)

v0.26.73 (17 juli 2022)
* Spend the day on titlepage mockups, and writing commission descriptions and feedback.
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1544 on: July 25, 2022, 12:50:48 pm »
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Just a quick little update that a malicious third-party actor has flagged one of my topics, on a different forum, as IP infringement. The issue is already being addressed, but it is a good reminder that there are all sorts of people out there. And that it can be risky to publicly release information and builds that still contains placeholder assets. Not a big risk or a big problem, but still. Best to be prudent.

As a result I am going to postpone sharing a public demo for a number of months. Or at least until I believe it to be fully ready. I do apologize for this. People interested in private demo's for engine testing and so forth are always free to contact me directly.

Additionally I'm debating with myself whether or not it's also best to make a seperate topic on here as well for all posts going forward. I'm curious to learn what the rest of you think about this situation. :-\

Also, to end on a happy note: got the new title in. How does it look?
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1545 on: July 31, 2022, 08:22:14 pm »
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Here's another quick update to complete the week:
- Had a few days off from work so I was able to make more progress then normal.
- The animator I mentioned earlier delivered good work, so I've asked him to work on the other hero movement cycles next. While I can animate our little adventurer myself (check the attachment) I'm very slow at it. This artist also take quit a bit of time to deliver, but having twice the production speed is still a huge step up from before. XD
- The overworld track is in and ended up as quit the earworm. (Keeping it a surprise for now). Since the next demo won't have an overworld just yet I've been using it as the new title music instead.
- All demo dungeon objects are now fully finished. So that's yet another milestone done.
- As for progress to reach a full demo by SAGE in september.... It´s seeming less and less likely that that's possible.
Completing the music, menus and engine should be doable. Items (=rupees etc), sound effects and enemies might be possible if I really go all in and drop the rest. Character animations are taking way longer than I had hoped, so I don't see that getting done. I'll see how it goes for another few weeks, and then make a final decisions on whether I'll skip the event or try for a showing with placeholder assets.

Code: [Select]
v0.26.74 (19-23 juli 2022)
* Worked with various artists on commissions

v0.26.75 (24 juli 2022)
* Implemented destructable wall and pillar in d1 subboss room
* Implemented destructable lights in d1 subboss room

v0.26.76 (25 juli 2022)
* Edited code behind bow usage, so old and new hero visuals can be switched on/off
* Cleaned up the few forum topics that I maintained to clearly seperate this new project from my old fangaming activities
* Lost and recreated one of the new idle animations
* Further cleaned up now obselete tile resources
* Implemented visuals new hitswitches

v0.26.77 (26 juli 2022)
* Tweaked and implemented first new idle animation (= waving)
* Tweaked and implemented second new idle animation (= stretching)

v0.26.78 (27 juli 2022)
* Recoded and title intro sequence and applied new title visuals
* Implemented recent music into the game
* Added new mini menu directly on the titlepage
* Disabled attract mode (for the forseeable future)
* The credits are now also available directly from the options at the start of the game

v0.26.79 (28 juli 2022)
* Moved options screen from file select room directly onto the title page
* Further refined connection between credits and title page

v0.26.80 (29 juli 2022)
* Fixed issue with missing music after credits
* Further changed the starting menu visuals
* Implemented new visuals for menu cursor

v0.26.81 (31 juli 2022)
* Implemented new (placeholder) credits music
* Updated credits
* Put out new art commission for death screen and some other future plans
* Implemented new visuals for the text engine frame
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1546 on: August 07, 2022, 08:41:11 pm »
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Progress report:
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v0.26.82 (1 aug 2022)
* Further tweaked “Enter Name” and Title page details

v0.26.83 (3 aug 2022)
* Further tweaked visuals “Enter Name” page

v0.26.84 (5 aug 2022)
* Tweaked character movement animation for some directions
* Edited visuals for hitswitches
* Created and implemented new visuals for keys
* Fixed a broken button in the demo dungeon
* Put out new animation commissions
* Put out new music commissions
* Further tweaked visuals “Enter Name” page
* Updated splash screen and game icon
* Tweaked tiling in demo dungeon basement

v0.26.85 (6 aug 2022)
* Updated game installer mode visuals (in case I ever want to enable an installer)
* Tweaked visuals dungeon map page slightly
* Fixed issue with ledge jumping in one of the demo dungeon F1 rooms
* Updated and implemented visuals for new dungeon map, compass and key/chest
* Fixed sound issue when entering the demo dungeon basement
* Alligned character arrow colors

v0.26.86 (7 aug 2022)
* Tweaked and implemented new visuals for bow, arrows and arrow upgrades
* Tweaked and implemented horn sprite
* Tweaked HUD visuals
* Further tweaked visuals starting page
* Replace one of the smaller fonts
* Slightly tweaked item menu visuals
* Music files are now stored inside the executable
* Tweaked visuals ”File selection” page
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1547 on: August 14, 2022, 08:30:07 pm »
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Quick weekly update:
- I've decided not to try to attend SAGE this year anymore. I really wanted to just crunch in order to make it in time, but the harder I push myself the less productive I seem to get so that's going to work. The full public demo with ALL original assets is going to have to wait. (For those disappointed, you are always free to contact me for private demo's in the meantime).

- Having made that decision, and to recharge my energy a little, I've decided to also work on fun things not needed in the upcoming demo. For example: the final boss of the game. I'm quit proud of the final boss concept and coding that's already there. Maybe you've even seen the video of it on twitch from the older demo's. Now image what I could do with an actual artist helping me out.  >:D
The spriter is currently working on the first batch of sprites and it's looking awesome, trust me.

- Also, all music for the demo is now done and implemented. Next I've started working on replacing the various sound effects, though it'll be a while before that is done (without throwing lots of money at the problem).

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.87 (13 aug 2022)
* Worked with artist on walk animation
* Implemented new dungeon music track
* Worked with artist on final boss sprites (=not in demo)
* Did a lot of reseach and planning

v0.26.88 (14 aug 2022)
* Worked with artist on final boss sprites (=not in demo)
* Replace small amount of sound effects
* Did a lot of reseach and planning
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1548 on: August 21, 2022, 09:41:51 pm »
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Progress report:
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v0.26.89 (18 aug 2022) – GML update
* Replaced a few more old sound effects
* Upgraded to the latest GML version

v0.26.90 (19 aug 2022)
* Wasted almost a full day due to new encounter GML debugger bugs
* Tweaked and expanded new final boss spites
* Started work on implemented final boss neck sprites
* Fixed final boss depth issue

v0.26.91 (20 aug 2022)
* Implemented new final boss neck and head visuals

v0.26.92 (21 aug 2022)
* Encountered a very severe bug in the GM:Studio version 2022.6.xx instance_create_layer function. Rolled back to 2022.5.2.13 and that seems to be able to continue development
* Finished work on final boss so everything is tuned to the (first batch of) new visuals
* Put out next animation commission
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1549 on: August 23, 2022, 10:47:39 am »
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Just a quicky update to let you all know that I am now also present on twitter: https://twitter.com/HornofBalance

It's still brand new, so feel free to share any good follow recommendations related to game development.
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1550 on: August 28, 2022, 03:45:11 pm »
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Had the week off so quit a bit of progress was been made over the last couple of days:
- Murray has been redesigned to better fit with the new artstyle. (Still has the same personality though. Some things are just impossible to fix)
- The makeover for the final boss is now halfway done (with the next batch of art to be commissioned soon)
- Implemented new animations. Our hero can now walk, carry around items and transition between rooms with the new assets.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.93 (22 aug 2022)
* Tweaked floor button sprites while pressed
* Implemented new visuals for stunned effect
* Tweaked final boss visual indicators
* Reorganised number of custom sprite resources
* Tweaked HUD fonts
* Money counter now also shows up when collecting something while at max value (to show that you are at max value)
* HUD counters now show green numbers when at maximum
* Counters on equipable items now also turn green when at maximum
* Switched HUD hp and mp bars
* Added option to flip HUD element placement horizontally
* Finished “Enter name” screen edits

v0.26.94 (23-24 aug 2022)
* Created new sprites for Murray and his family

v0.26.95 (26 aug 2022)
* Implemented new visuals for Murray and his family
* Spend some cleaning up the stable unavoidable syntax error warnings as part of using GMLive extension
* Added facial expressions to Murray (during scenes)
* Replace sprites for dark world dungeon treasures

v0.26.96 (27 aug 2022)
* Restructured how new character animations are stored and implemented behind the scenes
* Tweaked and implemented new sprites for walking
* Added some extra debug functions that will help with future .gif creation
* Worked on sprites for walking while carrying

v0.26.97 (28 aug 2022)
* Tweaked and implemented new sprites for walking down winding stairs
* Implemented new sprites for ledge jumping
* Implemented new sprites for picking up items / opening chests
* Implemented new sprites for walking while carrying
* Simplified character shadows: now drawn as semi-transparent sprites, rather then via sprites with color manipulation based on collisions with underlying terrain types
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1551 on: September 04, 2022, 08:37:18 pm »
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Changed the HUD some more. Also, you can see the new item that replaces the book (and will replace the lantern lateron).

progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.98 (31 aug 2022)
* Replace a few more sound effects
* Added better quality versions for a few sound effects

v0.26.99 (2 sep 2022)
* Implemented new visuals for Book of Mudora
* Fixed error in text engine for text longs texts that need to be displayed instantly

v0.26.100 (4 sep 2022)
* Combined lantern light effect into the new translation item
* Reading ancient languages now longer requires you to use the translation item. Just reading while having the item is now enough.
* Cleaned up old book coding
* Updated visuals text engine cursor
* Repositioned HUD item boxes
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1552 on: September 18, 2022, 05:42:18 pm »
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Got a little drained last weekend, so I had to skip the progress report. But now I'm back and making some nice progress implementing the latest art commissions.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.101 (10-11 sep 2022)
* Worked with artists on several new sprites and animations
* Refined “mirror” replacement animation

v0.26.102 (16 sep 2022)
* Tweaked final boss sprites
* Put out new animation commission

v0.26.103 (17 sep 2022)
* Implemented new visuals for falling into abyss and falling to a lower floor
* Implemented new visuals for victory animation on file select screen
* Recoded parts of the code behind drawing the main character on the file selection screen
* Implemented new visuals for victory animation upon collecting dungeon goal items
* Dropped old dancing idle animation (=new game will have 1 less replacement idle animations)

v0.26.104 (18 sep 2022)
* Implemented new visuals for king NPC
* Tweaked and implemented new frames for reseacher NPC
* Tweaked dungeon 1 goal collection scene
* Fixed visual issue with new Murray visuals
* Fixed NPC's not correctly looking sideways while talking to them
* Fixed error after the scene to close off the demo dungeon
* Made progress implementing more new sprites for final boss
* Replaced a few more sound effects
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1553 on: September 25, 2022, 08:50:32 pm »
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Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.105 (23-24 sep 2022)
* Animated (and implemented) growing health/magic bars
* Recoded logic behind gaining more maximum mp
* Fixed error encountered on title menu
* Fixed issue with max health value not saving properly
* Implemented new visuals for wall master style enemy
* Tweaked wallmaster timing and masking to accomodate new visuals

v0.26.106 (25 sep 2022)
* Updated visuals for currency (after lots of experimentation)
* Changed currency values
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1554 on: October 02, 2022, 08:39:41 pm »
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Quicky update as I'm feeling a little sick atm.
Making good progress on character animations this week. I don't want to celibrate to fast but it seems like I've found 2 reliable animators I might be able to work with more in the future (if there agenda's allow it). Also, put out a commission for the first few tiles needed in the overworld.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.107 (30 sep 2022)
* Worked with artists on a few more animations

v0.26.108 (1 okt 2022)
* Worked with artist on another hero animation
* Implemented few tweaks based on tester feedback
* Fixed HUD button indicators not updating directly after switching controls in the ingame menu
* When interacting with locked doors/blocks without (the correct) keys you now get an explaination text instead of the hero starting to push it
* Made new sprites for the early dungeon treasures

v0.26.109 (2 okt 2022)
* Put out new tileset commission
* Worked with artist on another hero animation
* Tweaked existing character animations
* Tweaked dungeon 1 entrance room
* Recoded parts of destructable objects
* Due to popular demand from testers: added option to cut up the banners in the demo dungeon
* Performed minor fixes and tweaks to final boss AI
* Made progress implementing last new sprites for final boss
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1555 on: October 09, 2022, 06:31:17 pm »
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Finally finished the updated final boss and even managed to add in a simple intro phase.
Also, playing around with shaders again to build a replacement screen transition for warping between worlds. The attached gif is of the WIP results, using some screenshots I had lying around.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.110 (7 okt 2022)
* Finished implementing all new final boss sprites
* Tweaked a few minor aspects to final boss fight
* Tweaked masking for grabbing/interacting with action objects (=now need to stand closer to interactable objects, but gives better consistency with action button context text)
* Added additional intro phase to final boss fight
* Added transition between final boss phases
* Added extra signaling to highlight boss final weakness (after a little while)

v0.26.111 (8-9 okt 2022)
* Worked with artist on new character frames
* Figuring out how to better record gifs
* Got back into shaders to develop a replacement screen transition for world warping
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1556 on: October 23, 2022, 08:06:30 pm »
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Took a little vacation last weekend, but I'm back to developing again.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.112 (12 okt 2022)
* Minor visual tweakes to map menu page

v0.26.113 (17 okt 2022)
* Made minor tweaks to new incoming tiles/sprites
* Worked more on the new warp transition effect

v0.26.114 (18 okt 2022)
* Worked more on the new warp transition effect

v0.26.115 (19 okt 2022)
* Implemented new visuals for health upgrades (+updated coding to match new terminology)

v0.26.116 (20 okt 2022)
* Tweaked visuals for health upgrades
* Implemented new visuals for wealth in the menu

v0.26.117 (22 okt 2022)
* Implemented new visuals for magic upgrades (+adjusted text when getting them)
* Implemented replacement sprite for mirror item
* Made progress on the file selection screen

v0.26.118 (23 okt 2022)
* Animated (last) idle sequence
« Last Edit: November 06, 2022, 10:42:21 pm by Martijn dh »
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1557 on: October 30, 2022, 08:07:47 pm »
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Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.119 (27 okt 2022)
* Tweaked content of two dungeon 1 rooms
* Changed normal/rusted floorbutton colors
* Experimented with walk animation to make it feel more intuitive while walking north

v0.26.120 (29-30 okt 2022)
* Updated menu colorpallets
* Wasted nearly a day trying out new shader warp effects – not happy with the results just yet
* Made progress updating the pallet swapper shader to also work for the new hero sprites
* Settled on new tunic color pallets
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1558 on: November 06, 2022, 10:42:04 pm »
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Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.121 (4 nov 2022)
* Implemented latest idle animation
* Finished file selection page setup
* Tweaked idle stretching animation
* Dropped old idle animations
* Added new tunic items
* Recoded setup behind tunics to be able to switch between them, with each now having pro and con properties
* Fixed tiling issues in debug areas
* Made progress implementing pallet swapping setup for the main character

v0.26.122 (5 nov 2022)
* Finished implementing character pallet swapping
* Dropped health alarm sound for diagetic feedback via the character sprite

v0.26.123 (6 nov 2022)
* Tweaked menu color pallets
* Tweaked character tunic color pallets
* Made it easier to read and talk via the action button
* Tweaked file select visuals slightly
* Tweaked walking animation visuals
Re: Horn of Balance
« Reply #1559 on: November 13, 2022, 07:22:12 pm »
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Not sure how many still follow me on here with my Discord and Twitter channels also existing. (Well, we don't know for how long in the case of Twitter I guess  XD). But here is another screenshot of a new animation frame and some hints for new item visuals.

Progress report:
Code: [Select]
v0.26.124 (8 nov 2022)
* Implemented new item visuals for cloak

v0.26.125 (11 nov 2022)
* Implemented item icons replacements for fire and ice weapons (and updated flavortext etc)
* Implemented new item: flintstones (as pre-firerod item)
* Fixed visuals when wearing monocle in the dark

v0.26.126 (12 nov 2022)
* Put out new sprite commissions
* Made ingame cursor colors conditional

v0.26.127 (13 nov 2022)
* Implemented new character animation for replacement warp item
* Tweaked flint usage to prevent flame spam
* Fixed tiling issue demo dungeon
* Fixed world warping so there is even less chance to get stuck in walls (or exploit the game)
* Made minor visual tweaks to the ingame menu
« Last Edit: November 13, 2022, 07:25:01 pm by Martijn dh »
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