I ripped the rolling animation for the boulder!
I need to know a couple of things:
-Is its necessary for him to have arms and legs? Since he rolls at you instead of running (but Gorons do the same thing so...)
-Is other moves I have to do for this guy or are those it?
-How does he appear from the wall? The wiki says this:
They live in the depths of the mountain. They live in walls of carbon-based rocks and come out to attack the player by rolling around. Unfortunately, they're kind of stupid and don't think about where they're rolling before they do it. This typically leads to them rolling off of edges or into a lava pit. When they leave the wall, they leave behind a hole which may contain treasures or act as a doorway. They are 100% invincible to all weapons. However the wind and water cogs can slow down or even reverse their roll. The only way to rid yourself of them is to roll them into a trap, or into each other.
I don´t know if they are like attached to the wall and then burst out leaving a hole, or if they are inside a small cave and they come out.