ZFGC CP > Sprites/Tiles

Forest dungeon Tiles

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I don't think there's any need to scrap them, they just may not look EXACTLY as the way you're expecting


--- Quote from: MG-Zero on August 31, 2015, 02:17:54 pm ---Sorry guys, I fell out of the loop on this one.  I like the idea of the different mushrooms, though I'm not sure how to handle the light ones with the current engine features (light isn't something I've really touched on a lot).  I guess I could do it lttp style for now where the room just gets darker when less mushrooms are lit.

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I think that is how it also worked in minish cap. In the temple of droplets there is a room with several torches that you have to activate quickly before they turn off again. When they turn off/on, the lighting of the room goes up or down.

I found them!
I found custom inside tree tiles with corners and stuff so they can be put in a dungeon!
I found them here
And I also found some cool tiles for zora village, goron village, gerudo desert and kokiri forest here

I edited the wall to have the same colour as the minish cap tree tiles, so its easier to edit later one if we decide to use them.

I was thinking we either use this for the whole dungeon, or for the outside and inside of the boss room, making it a big treetrunk that takes you to the top where you fight the boss.

What do you think on this guys?!?

EDIT: I´m curious if the temple is going to be inside a giant tree like the deku tree temple or if its going to be built temple.
If its a temple inside a tree we would use the tiles I just posted. If its a normal temple, we can use the ones I posted on the first post and this ones for the outside and inside of the boss room.

I think we could do it either way. The layout I did most recently seems like it would lend itself better to not being trees, just because of the way the rooms are shaped, but we could use it if we wanted to and I think it'd still work. I like your walls better though. But for the boss room, yeah, trees definitely.

That golden kingdom game is really interesting. If you scroll down, they're using the town tiles from King of Thieves. They're also using my big boxes and I think my Garo sprites, and I thiiiiink the Japanese style building they have if you scroll way down is a recolor of one Leduardo did some of and I expanded, but they may have edited the Shopkeeper's house at lake Hylia themselves. Those tiles might be cool to work in with stone buildings also for the Shiekah Fortress.

I know all the sprites I've done I've hard are free to use, but it makes me wonder, who originally did the town tiles for King of Thieves? Was it King Mob?


--- Quote from: Donotfeedthemax on October 12, 2015, 01:38:33 pm ---I think we could do it either way. The layout I did most recently seems like it would lend itself better to not being trees, just because of the way the rooms are shaped, but we could use it if we wanted to and I think it'd still work. I like your walls better though. But for the boss room, yeah, trees definitely.

That golden kingdom game is really interesting. If you scroll down, they're using the town tiles from King of Thieves. They're also using my big boxes and I think my Garo sprites, and I thiiiiink the Japanese style building they have if you scroll way down is a recolor of one Leduardo did some of and I expanded, but they may have edited the Shopkeeper's house at lake Hylia themselves. Those tiles might be cool to work in with stone buildings also for the Shiekah Fortress.

I know all the sprites I've done I've hard are free to use, but it makes me wonder, who originally did the town tiles for King of Thieves? Was it King Mob?

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I think the tree walls work best, I have been testing them.

I did quite a lot of the temple already, but when it comes to the treetops I don´t know what to do with that! Any ideas?
Its I don´t know what will go bellow the treetops, or if there are walls or not. Max, What do you have in mind?


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