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King of Thieves / Re: Demo 2!
« on: February 13, 2016, 04:54:12 pm »
This is sweet! I'm excited that we're in Hyrule Town now and and the barrel hiding feature popped up.

So, right off the bat, I feel like the HUD is kind of crowded. It might be better if the magic bar was above the hearts instead of below? Or maybe even in the bottom left, I just felt like I wanted to brush things out of the way of me seeing the town.

One of the other things I noticed is that the music loops a beat or two before the end, the last measure is one and two and three and... So it's a slightly jarring loop. I probably noticed that every loop, but also I've listened to it one thousand times before when I was writing it XD

I also didn't quite like the sword on the spacebar. If we're going left hand for movement and right hand for actions, when you've got your right hand on the arrows, you can't hit the spacebar, so your sword gets on your left and and you don't have that logical division of actions anymore, and you have to devote more of your brain's processing power to thinking "I need to attack! How do I attack? Which hand?" Instead of it being more subconscious like firing arrows.

I also had a pretty big handful of glitches. My framerate was pretty bad, if this was someone else's game I don't know if I would have kept playing for as long as I did, it was a little difficult to move around because everything was pretty laggy. I had a much better feeling with the old demo, if I recall correctly.

So, my first playthrough, I killed one snake, then got in the barrel and snuck past the dark link guy into Old Town Hyrule. But when I took the barrel off, I was invisible. So I tried swinging my sword, and I saw the sword, but I was still invisible then I got stuck in one spot and couldn't do anything.

My second playthrough, before killing any snakes, I talked to the man on the bench. After speaking to him, Rumpelstiltskin disappeared and a snake died. The snakes kept respawning infinitely, though. I went into the slum market and there were three or four snakes at all times, they never stopped. After killing a handful though, the cutscene with Ingo started so I followed him into the shop. I think the next scene went well, I tried to steal the fairy dust and got caught, then went to the boss battle. I kept shooting the clones of Rumpelstiltskin, but it didn't seem to have an effect and they eventually killed me. I didn't encounter any major glitches in the boss battle. After a while it seemed like they kept reappearing in the same place they just were, but that might be one of those coincidences where in a string of random numbers it's possible to have 20 fives in a row because randomness allows for that.

I also had a lot of problems with the spin attack. Every time I swung my sword, it charged a spin attack and I had to go through that pantomime before I could swing my sword again. I'd also be stuck facing whatever direction I was facing when swinging my sword until I spun around by pressing the sword button again. It'd be cool if you could rapidly swing your sword, like in nintendo's gameboy Zelda games, but everything was really slow for me.

My next playthrough, I just wandered around town looking for tiling errors and feeling the spaces out.

Tiling errors I could find in this playthough:

The Tavern in the slums, there's half of something purple to the left of the poster on the wall. The bottles aren't there yet either, dunno if they were supposed to be.

Ingo's shop, there's a floating corner of a dresser, you can see it in TomPel's screenshots.

Bottom left corner of the courtyard, south of Blind's Vault entrance. The East/West roof meets the North/South roof and there's a black blob. Also that grassy path is above the player.

Old Town Northwest courtyard, the building next to the bookshop is missing the door tile, it's just a wall framed by a doorway.

There's no way to leave the cafe in Old Town? I couldn't get out (was just wandering in the darkness to the right of the cafe) and decided that was a good stopping place for now.

King of Thieves / Re: NCFC Demo!
« on: February 12, 2016, 05:57:48 pm »
Whaaaaaaat. Canceling my haircut.

King of Thieves / Re: NCFC Demo!
« on: January 07, 2016, 11:13:51 pm »
Still super psyched!

About NPCs, a while ago you mentioned you had something lined up for writing dialogue, what was that if you don't mind my asking? Would it be something I could help with?

Concept Art / Re: [Submission] Goron Village
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:25:18 pm »
So, just to keep updated- I've still been fussing with the village design about once a week. It's been fighting me, looks like the only way to get this to how I'm picturing it is a ride on the struggle bus.

Weirdly, my computer has abruptly died at 20-30 three or four times Ive been working on this. Curse? Probably.

Anyway, it's still (slowly) chugging along. I'd really welcome others' creative input on designing this, I'm probably at least calf-deep in a rut of my own ideas and I think somebody else collabing on this one could really help.

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: December 23, 2015, 09:58:24 pm »
Haha, that's an easier name to call you anyway : )

Also, I just watched the video. The "what the hell is this" thing is a small tree, I think XD
You could replace them with statues or make really small saplings, depending on how closely you wanted your MC edit to resemble the original.

Graphics / Re: Spritonic´s sprites
« on: December 22, 2015, 05:33:10 pm »
What. You're too fast. Slow down. XD

You should do a sped-up video of you tiling some areas, I think you did one before too? But I want to watch you and learn how you do this so quickly, and it still looks fantastic.

But yeah, looks great. I like the colors you chose for the church, it really pops and works well with the rest of your palette.

King of Thieves / Re: Does anyone remember...
« on: December 18, 2015, 11:48:47 pm »
One thing we discussed 'bout pickpocketing that I thought would be important was having the thought bubble pop up when you're close, like kinstone fusion in minish cap. So that way there wouldn't be "hey pickpocket me" bubbles floating around all over the screen cluttering it up. Also I think it'd feel more natural, to have to get close to someone to scope them out and see if you can get them.

The other discussion we had was about having talk and pickpocket on different buttons (spacebar for talk, the contextual action button for pickpocket). The situation in questions was "I want to talk to someone but not pickpocket them", slash also I don't like the idea of having to walk around an NPC to get to their "talking side". We've always been able to approach an NPC from any side and talk. Pickpocketing makes sense to just do from behind, but talking from only the front, or only front or side doesn't sound that great.

Another thing to bring up, this might as well be the place, NPCs that stand in one place and pivot to face different directions randomly are lame. Especially for pickpocketing. I know it'd be more work to have all the NPCs in town have their own routes they follow, like Majora's Mask, but I think it's worth it. It could be simple, like they just walk in a circle around a fountain or go down the street and back, but I don't like the dudes who just pivot randomly. It made pickpocketing harder in a not-fun way in the demo.

Also, something we never discussed is how the rewards for pickpocketing would be decided. Is it going to be each individual who can be robbed has a prize? Or would it be more random? Presumably you can pickpocket the same people multiple times, perhaps after you leave the area and come back. Anyway, what I thought might be fun is occasionally when you pickpocket someone instead of rupees or a heart or whatever you might get, you get a message that says "you deftly swipe a handful of... lint?" Or "all that was in his pocket was gum. And it's already been chewed?" We could easily come up with like a dozen or two funny messages to put in there sometimes.

Concept Art / Re: [Submission] Goron Village
« on: December 09, 2015, 06:06:23 pm »
Haha, yeah, it's at the very top of my to-do list, I've just been a bit busy for diving back into it the past couple weeks. I'll get out a couple more drafts soon!

Also, is there a reasons we've got Goron village prioritized over lake Hylia and Zora's domain?

Friendly & Neutral / Re: [Submission] Birds
« on: December 09, 2015, 06:04:46 pm »
Ones that are all white would be cool too, like doves. Also, let's distribute them around not at random, but if we use several colors, have them be different varietiea in each area. Brown in the forest, grey like rocks in the mountains, etc.

Friendly & Neutral / Re: [Submission] Birds
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:36:36 pm »
Nice idea. They could also be used to sort of subtly point out places Link can climb, if there are ever any that aren't super obvious.

It might be good to recolor them to browns and or blacks, and remove their head crests so they aren't as tropical, they might fit better into normal Hyrule that way.

Music / Re: [Submission] Hyrule Town
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:06:33 am »
Okay, messed with a few little things (a couple bass notes here and there, upped the tempo by like one or two bpm so not really at all).

But mainly, I added in a third part/melody. It wasn't flowing very well as an ABC structure, so I did ABAC, so like the first melody repeats between the second melody and the third melody. This makes the loop like a minute long, so very much on the long side, but again, I'm thinking for Hyrule Town where the player will be spending the most time, that might be good.

I wasn't super original with the third part, it's basically a main Zelda theme, but I kinda like that it tags in with the main theme. The build to it might be a little clumsy though, and I'm thinking now that maybe the clarinet instrument should do a harmony and let the strings do the main melody, so I'll listen again tomorrow and see how it feel about it.

The third section I just added begins at about 58 seconds, if others would like to give it a listen and give some feedback on how the transition to that goes.

Also, if my laptop ever dies and FL Studio closes, that's the final version of the song because I have the demo version and you can't save projects, you have to do everything in one go XD

Music / Re: [Submission] Goron mountain theme
« on: December 08, 2015, 03:48:29 am »
Haha, I want to hear it in a minor key! Spritonic, an easy way to transpose it into its minor is to select all the notes and drag them up six half steps, like six squares in the grid (sorry if you already knew that, don't know what your music theory knowledge is). I feel like it would be super ridiculous sounding. Do iiiiiit.

Music / Re: [Submission] Goron mountain theme
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:14:48 am »
Mix sounds alright to me, although the vibes or marimba or whatever only in the right ear bugged me, since that's the most constantly going thing and there's nothing to balance it out in the left ear, it was kinda nagging. I felt unbalanced listening to it :p  I'd say try centering it or panning it back and forth from right to left.

As for the song itself, it's a great rendition of Goron theme, more of a OoT feel than TP- although the two are almost the same, TP's has a slightly less cheery, Caribbean feel. I'm pretty sure the first note in the vibes melody there is lowered a half step or two, which changes the way it feels a whole bunch.

I bring that up because there's a big difference in tones that the different games' music conveys. With the more major melody, OoT has a much brighter tone when you're in Goron village. It feels like a party. TP feels much more foreboding and less friendly, and we should consider what kind of tone we want to convey in our game. You've got a great mix of the song, but it is a bright, cheerful mix. It might be worth looking into a way to alter it a bit to seem more desperate, standoffish, etc., to emphasize the tone of the Goron section.

Concept Art / [Submission] Hero's Shade concepts
« on: December 07, 2015, 11:03:27 pm »
I did these a while ago but never posted them. I think my thought was "I'm gonna get back to this and do some more," but that never really happened so I figured I'd put this up here. Anyway, we should start thinking about what the Hero's Shade looks like at some point. He's kind of a difficult one, because he should look at first like he could be a bad guy, but once you realize he's an old incarnation of Link you should be like, oh, his appearance still makes sense. His past is that he was the hero, and (presumably) after defeating Ganon or something, he kept living his life, probably as a knight of some sort. He's been brought back since Ganon is up to more shenanigans.

I was trying out various helmets from Darknuts and Iron Knuckles and such. It's probably pretty apparent that I like the scarf thing- I thought it looked pretty dope in Hyrule Warriors and wanted to carry it forward. I also played a little with the idea of his sword being broken, which would be kinda cool I think. I steered away from a straight up skull face for some reason, but I feel like that could work too.


Music / Re: [Submission] Celestial clock theme
« on: December 07, 2015, 07:31:16 pm »
I don't know if it was just my download or what, but when I listen to the second version, it's super distorted to the point where I can't really tell how it should sound. I don't know if the distortion happened when you rendered it into an .ogg or if it's something to do with the upload or download or what. Does anyone else get that in their download?

From what I could tell, it definitely seems very intense now, hard to tell if it's too much so or what. On your end, how does it loop? It seems like once it reaches the end, it very sharply gets quieter on the loop, like you can easily tell when the track ends and starts over because it isn't smooth. I couldn't really tell for sure because of the distortion and the program I was using to play it, though.

EDIT: Sorry, the distortion was actually my bad, I just realized how pumped up I had the volume on the media player. Although I will say that the steep jump in volume you have at about 1:14 is super prone to distorting, that other instrument that comes in is fairly loud.

Would you be okay if I tried to recreate this with a few tweaks also? If you could send the FL Project file that'd be sweet too.

Sprites/Tiles / Re: Hyrule Town Interiors
« on: December 07, 2015, 07:22:24 pm »
Here, the artwork for those three can be found down on this page:


We'll have to put those into frames though, I think they're designed to go into stained glass windows. Pretty much any item or NPC could pretty easily be turned into a statue, just change the colors to stone colors. I think it'd be great if many/most of the art had jokes to go along with it, but let's not rely too heavily on references to other games.

It would also make sense if most of the art (other than Ansel's photos) was focused just on Hyrule Town and the Royalty and stuff. That would suit the personality of the rich folks in town, and would make Ansel's pictures from around Hyrule sort of groundbreaking.

Sprites/Tiles / Re: Hyrule Town Interiors
« on: December 07, 2015, 04:49:51 pm »
Oops, missed the Gallery. My first question is why is there a bed? Is it art?

I think it might be a little small to fully facilitate the sidequest with Ansel- when he takes his pictographs they'll be displayed on one of the walls, or perhaps all around the gallery, but among other art.

I think this space would really benefit from having other art- statues/sculptures, some paintings (there's some paintings of Valoo, Jabun, and the Deku tree that they made for Minish Cap but never used, I can try to find those for you). Maybe some weird installation art would be funny.

Another thing is you can put pretty much any sprite on a pedestal (or potted plants might work well), and there can be a funny disruptive plaque implying that it's art with a deep meaning. Like a plant labeled: "The Futility of Nature. Seed and Water on Soil."

Anyway, the walls look good and those frames work well for the photographs that eventually get taken.

Sprites/Tiles / Re: Hyrule Town Interiors
« on: December 07, 2015, 04:41:03 pm »
What might be confusing is that there are sort of two tailor shops in Hyrule Town. The one in old town is where Link goes to get his nice clothes, where he picks up the bracers. I did forget to mark that one on the map, my bad. It is in the central square, across from the cafe, just southwest of the Postage and Trading company.

The second tailor shop is the cobbler/tailor shop, in the slums. It's run by Bob and Ester, and you did start designing that one. However, we thought that design could be improved, I don't remember but I think some of the comments were that it looked too big and nice for a struggling business in the slums (like, maybe Bob should have one shelf of shoes, not five, maybe Ester should be selling fewer clothes and not have so many mannequins, maybe a less opulent carpet, perhaps a smaller store, etc.

So yeah, the tailor shop is done, but the cobbler/tailor for the slums still needs a little work.

Music / Re: [Submission] Hyrule Town or Field maybe
« on: December 06, 2015, 11:13:33 pm »
Sweet, thanks for the feedback. I agree, Shane, about it not being adventurous enough for the field, it'll be Hyrule Town then, I'm glad you guys are psyched about the melody. DarkLink, it is indeed in C#, which is weird since I started writing it in Bb minor, but it morphed and gained a major feel :p

Anyway, yes, the guitar was weird. Check out this .ogg attachment, I redid it with Minish Cap soundfonts so it sounds like it's straight from that game now, and there's no flat guitar. We'll probably stick with these instruments for the game.

I'll probably play around with adding a third section over the next few days. Although I've got a few job interviews coming up so that might take precedence :p

Music / Re: [Submission] Celestial clock theme
« on: December 06, 2015, 10:59:02 pm »
The tic-tock theme is brilliant, I love that part. I think the first 7 seconds could go, the choir builds very slowly after 7 seconds, letting the tick-tock retain center stage until about 14 seconds when Ganon's theme is the main bit. Perhaps the duuuuum duum, the first two notes from Hyrule Castle theme ALTTP could be put in here and there or so.

It's a great, tense sound as it is and creates a fantastic atmosphere for the scene it's in. It might be just a little flat dynamically, though. It builds, but builds to nothing, so I think it could use more melodically. Fantastic for a first go, though. Do you do other music?

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