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Topics - Dracon

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Other Discussion / How to use an online test to determine IQ
« on: December 11, 2008, 04:36:28 am »
Tell someone to look up an online IQ test, and have them take it. They will surely return to you with a huge score. If they are bragging about it, surely their IQ is below average, and if they printed out a sheet saying they are a genius, they are retarded.
Seriously, !@#$% all of these shitty online IQ tests. I'm so sick of stupid people posting their "IQ" on their signatures/myspaces etc, not realizing how stupid they were to believe the !@#$%. I find that the overwhelming majority of those tests are made by novices who just end up telling you what you want to hear anyway. They make poor questions, and give poor results.
Not only are the online brand of IQ tests of extremely low quality, but IQ test in general are tremendously flawed. There are countless aspects of human mental function that you simply can not even begin to identify through test results. The idea of quantifying intelligence has also always escaped me.
I've always been stubbornly against taking IQ tests. The only one I took was at age 8, and whatever it was, it got me into the gifted education program. I did a few pages of an online IQ test, and I quit halfway through after having determined that it was flawed. I just took a few online recently, though, just to give it a shot. The predictable happened, and every result was something outrageously high, like in the 160-190 range.
I declare that we find the creators of such tests and impale them in public.

Other Discussion / Having sex with two women at once is a bad idea
« on: December 10, 2008, 01:18:07 am »
What a silly little fantasy. Everyone knows that most guys have to put in extra effort to make sure that both he and the girl get off. What the hell are you going to do with two? You wont have enough !@#$% power to get them both off, and you'll either end up disappointing two women. The only other option is to make sure they are bisexual, and if you go down that route, you'll surely end up becoming a forgettable side dish.
Group sex is more logical when the men out number the women.

Other Discussion / I bet your Mom isn't as badass as mine
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:14:30 am »
This came to mind during a discussion about parental protection instinct, and I'm amazed I never shared this story online.
When I was about a year and a half and may sister was about five weeks old, a burglar came into our house (who turned out had robbed my nieghbors and swam in their pool), and he was trying to break into our house. We had this slinding door on the balcony of the second story outside my parent's room in my old house, and my Mom woke up when she heard him busting through the sliding door. When he got through, my Mom jumped out of bed, and slammed into him, pushing him onto the balcony. He put his arm in the sliding doorway (to ensure getting through, I guess) and my mom slammed the sliding door onto his arm, breaking it (it was one of those heavy iron and glass kinds). When she opened it, she accidentally flipped the disoriented burglar off the balcony. Later the Cops caught a "suspicious person" after she called the cops, and she recognized him. Awesome.
Somehow I wish that a burglar could come into my room sometime so that I could do something this badass.

Other Discussion / ITT: Americans don't know !@#$% about geography
« on: August 24, 2008, 05:17:42 am »


Entertainment / EA's strategy
« on: August 22, 2008, 12:02:40 am »
EA's Strategy
1. Buy out promising game companies
2. Force them to rush games
3. ???

It looks like they just bought Take 2.

Entertainment / Stupid, whiney gamers
« on: August 21, 2008, 05:30:59 pm »
Everyone on this site must have been to a LAN party at least once. Any everyone knows, that in every LAN party, there is always one stupid, sore loser. This is the guy that starts jumping off cliffs as soon as he starts moving down on the games ranking chart. He's the guy that spends the whole event WHINING about how he "doesn't care" about losing, when he clearly does.Yes, we all know this guy.
Why does he have to whine about everything? As soon as you get into a Banshee, he'll start screaming "WHO'S THE VEHICLE !@#$%!". What exactly is wrong with this? The vehicles weren't put on the map as decorations, they were put there so that we could USE them. We all have an equal chance at getting one too, except for the rare occasions that one suddenly spawns right over your head. So why whine?
Any tactic is an illegitimate tactic to the whiner. A sniper is a camper, a person in a vehicle is a vehicle !@#$%, and a person who goes up from behind is just a !@#$%. Despite this criticism of any tactic other than just running and gunning, they are usually the ones who resort to !@#$% like screen watching and vulturing.
!@#$% these whiners.

Other Discussion / Seriously McCain
« on: August 04, 2008, 11:09:25 pm »
Maybe more people would want to support you if you put less effort into attacking cakefarts and bragging about being a prisoner of war, and put more effort into making and revealing political plans.

Other Discussion / Actress reveals she is human, industry flips out
« on: July 30, 2008, 12:03:01 am »
Yeah, so, it looks like people are making a big fuss over Keira Knightly saying "!@#$% you" to digital effects artists trying to digitally "enhance" her cleavage. Honestly, I really hate digital enhancement. Not only is it fake as hell, it has successfully created a generation of girls unsatisfied with their appearance. I'm glad people are recognizing this, though, it's not the biggest deal, but it's still nice to know there are women with the guts to flip digital modification the bone. Any thoughts?
Besides, I like the real masculine Keira Knightly we saw in Pirates of the Caribbean >_>

Entertainment / MadWorld will !@#$% your Mom and eat babies
« on: July 26, 2008, 07:53:13 pm »
Has anyone heard of this new game MadWorld? The surviving remnants of Clover Studios have grouped together as Platinum Games, and they are creating a new Wii exclusive called Mad World. As a stylish and ultraviolent game, this may very well be the next No More Heroes.

The Wii is a kiddy console for kids.

Other Discussion / Proposal: Replace Source
« on: July 24, 2008, 03:20:35 pm »
With Chesu.
Have you seen his mugshots? He is in a league of manliness above that of Source.

Entertainment / American comics that don't suck plz
« on: July 24, 2008, 10:45:04 am »
I'll admit it. I'm a manga guy. If you look in my collection you'll see about 100 tankoban in it, and yet American comic from only three or four series. Every couple of months I try getting into American comics, but, I have trouble. I hate Superheroes, and they make up most of what you see at an American comic store. The only exception would be Batman, I guess. Otherwise they can all blow me. The other series that I might like I usually don't discover until after they made a movie out of it (V for Vendetta, 300, Wanted) or something, and they usually last about 5 minutes before they vanish into thin air, while Superhero comics last decades and gut dozens of spinoffs.
So please, give me a current American comic that is less than a trillion years old and has nothing to do with Superness.

Other Discussion / Which sword to buy?
« on: July 11, 2008, 04:16:36 pm »
So I´ve recently come across a bit of money, and I´m thinking of spending it on a high-quality sword. Now, this will be the biggest weapons purchase I have ever made (over $200 D=), so I want to put a lot of thought into it first. Can you guys give me some feedback?
On one side I want to get this sword.

I always wanted a Japanese Damascus sword. Not only that but this is particularly stylish. The black blade and the square dragon-styled hilt are very attractive to me. Oh, and my last straight-bladed Japanese sword just broke down, so this would be a suitable successor. Of course the thing is that relaiable Japanese swords can also be found frequently for lower prices, so I don´t quite know if the slight quality boost would be worth the price tag.
On the other hand, we have this beast.

Now, two things that I´ve been wanted for about two years are a generation2 sword, and a battle-ready Medieval style fantasy sword. You see, the two styles that are neglected as far as power and quality goes are Fantasy and Medieval style swords. To get a decent sword of that style, it is impossible to obtain a new one and pay less than $200, and I finally have that kind of disposable income, so this is an epic opportunity to add some variety to the muscle in my collection. Oh, yeah, and if I get this one, it will be my first sword with a full spring-steel blade. The best steel I´ve had to date is 1050 high carbon.
Regardless of which sword I buy, they will probably be the most powerful swords in my collection.

Entertainment / I´ve never been more offended in my life
« on: July 11, 2008, 04:11:32 pm »
I just watched Battle Royale 2 on Canal Plus Acción. I was horrified.
Shuya is a combination between Peterpanand the asain Rambo. Nice job rapin one of my favorite books, assholes.

Other Discussion / What we need more of is villans
« on: July 04, 2008, 04:03:06 pm »
So I was thinking about why people create fantasy stories, and how they almost always have a standard "hero versus villain" plot. Then I started thinking about the fascination that people have had for that over the centuries, if not millenniums. Then I started to wonder, what if the reason that we are fascinated by that kind of story is that we are deep down longing to live it? And if we are, was it because we were meant to be that way, as in we are "programmed" to fit the Fantasy Hero's archetype? Then I started to wonder why we don't live that kind of life. Clearly the first thing to come to mind was the good ´ol "blame society". In our modern society, we can live safe, structured, and agonizingly boring lives. Everything is made to be as practical as possible. Having an extravegant adventure is not practical, and it is therefore unacceptable in society. What are we missing the most though? We are missing villains. The villains, just like the heroes, must have been consumed by society to live safe, structured, and practical lives. I'm sure there are people that are DYING to have evil empires, commanding brutal armies on horseback. But they aren't allowed to. Even the worthy villains seem to get tired of it, and end up being politicians or something that allows them to be less evil about their deeds. The result is that we are running out of villains, and with no villains, there are no heroes. And that's a bore. Everyone deserves a Ganondorf to thier Link.
Thoughts? Opinions? Accusations of insanity?
Sorry if this sounds a bit... crazy. It sounded really good in my head.

Other Discussion / SPAIN > OTHER EUROPEANS
« on: June 29, 2008, 08:56:36 pm »
Yes. We are now the 2008 kind of Futbol/Football/Soccer. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Spain > You
Party time.

Other Discussion / DESTROY TROY
« on: June 29, 2008, 05:42:14 am »
Yeah, so my YouTube channel occasionally produces specials. I never really put much effort into those, until now. Anyway, I'm planning out a Kill Bill parody with High School Musical characters called Destroy Troy. So far it's in the planning stage. I've decided that the Crazy 88 will be a dance team, and on who The Bride will be. So... uh, I just wanna know if you guys have any ideas for it.

Other Discussion / Sword Baseball
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:57:11 pm »
So my friends and I have been developing a sport called sword baseball. I know it sounds ridiculous, but, were actually somehow making it real. In fact we made a video.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cfDAtJoTgs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cfDAtJoTgs</a>
The only difference is that in real sword baseball (as opposed to the YouTube version) is that we don't kill each other. Instead, we throw the sword down and run opposite of where we came, and the opposition tries to pick up the two pieces of the ball and hit the runner with them.
I actually want this discussion to be half-serious.

Other Discussion / Stop stifling your humanity
« on: June 09, 2008, 07:47:30 pm »
I'm really getting sick of this !@#$% that people do to save themselves a little trouble. People are being quieter and quieter about their thoughts and opinions. Why? Of course contradictory opinions lead to conflict, and by keeping your opinion to a passive (I.E. stifled level), you save yourself trouble. But is that really worth pushing back what makes you you? People act mildly about things they feel strongly about a lot of the times, and you might get on the news if you say something that someone might find offensive. Why can't people deal with opinion? Why do they have to pretend that everyone is on the same grounds by pushing back everyone's personal thoughts by saying "that's just opinion lol". Would life be any fun if all we did was state facts and only share the opinions that everyone agreed with? No! It would suck, and we would all life a pathetic life of mental stagnation. !@#$% this !@#$%. I'm expressing my thoughts whether or not others don't agree or find it offensive or any of that bull. Conflict is a small price to pay for individuality.
Any thoughts?

Entertainment / I just realized something
« on: March 29, 2008, 12:46:24 am »
I was watching the ending scenes of some of my favorite games, and I just realized that the endings of most games have been ruined for me by my family. Sometimes it's dinner, sometimes we have to go, sometimes they're yelling at me me to pick up the phone. One time at the ending of MGS2, it was like they were TRYING to ruin it for me, because my Dad and sister suddenly came into my room in the ending sequence, and decided to bother me. When I told them I wanted to take in the ending, they seriously started to bee asses about it "LOLOL RAIDEN WANTS TO PASS HIS GENES!!!!11", expecting me to laugh along or something. They don't seem to realize that I'm trying to take in some emotionally significant piece of a game. They don't get it because they are non-gamers. What if I started bothering them at the ending of every movie? Gawd. And when I do actually think I'm going to make it undisturbed, it happens. The only endings that weren't spoiled were either uninteresting or occurred when I was locked safely in the bathroom.

Feedback / Bring back these items!
« on: March 26, 2008, 10:20:45 pm »
"Change user title" and "Change another users title" must return.

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