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Messages - King Tetiro

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 173
King of Thieves / Re: A silly little update
« on: September 19, 2014, 05:22:09 pm »
Is that XNA and C# I see? :)

Other Projects / Re: [DEMO 17 out] Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:50:11 am »
Glad to see this project is still going on :)

And awesome to see you are returning to NCFC. Do you need any help making the conversion? I would be happy to help.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:38:21 pm »
Hey guys, I'm writing to let you know the game died. I didn't lose interest in it. My laptop that held all the data perished and the data was lost. I thought I could find it on my memory sticks but I couldn't. I tried to rebuild it but life and uni got in the way. But I sit here, thinking about what it taught me. It taught me how the environment in a game is what makes it great.

In fact, even now I use the lessons learnt from this fangame in my first professional indie game, Legena  : Union Tides which I will be bringing back here.

Will I rebuild Chiming Bells or make another fangame? Maybe one day. But only when I feel I could bring a quality even higher than what I did for Chiming Bells? But first, I'd quite like to make a Zelda-like indie game before returning.

The cucco models look amazing! However I don't think the textures look right. They seem...too detailed in comparison to Link and the environment

Keep up the good work though!

Dude this is looking amazing! I am really impressed. Keep up the good work!

Entertainment / Re: Upcoming DuckTales Game.
« on: March 29, 2013, 06:34:41 am »
I have high hopes for this game. It looks amazing and as long as they don't change the gameplay much it's a winner in my eyes.

Though that theme is stuck in my head XD

i can't believe they've already announced gen VI, i'm gonna cum from the excitement, fennekin looks cool as a fire starter, and the new legendaries are very imposing.

In terms of Pokemon X/Y, finally. Finally something mostly new and 3D and stuff. I'm actually excited for this.

that's exactly what i think, don't you feel you're going to cum too? (XD just kidding)

She's a girl, you dumbass.

You do realize that people of both genders can perform that action, right?

Anyway this is shaping up to be quite an inappropriate conversation...

That's totally right, didn't you know that blaze?? i think you should study more

I think you equally need to study how to talk to a woman.

That is all.

-Star used low kick.
-It's supper effective!

Lmao this is why I come back to this forum. It's so awesome that the forum can turn a topic about a new Pokemon generation to about women ejactulation and using Pokemon terms to make a joke.

Man I missed this forum :P

EDIT: All serious, this generation is what I've been waiting to see FOR YEARS

Updates / Re: Return of Project of the Month
« on: January 01, 2013, 07:42:13 pm »
About damn time! Well done MG for bringing it back and making it a 3 month. More realistic.

Do we assume it's the same rules (Like for example if a Project became a Featured Project it can't be a Featured Project in the next period)

Btw, is it only Zelda projects?

Entertainment / Re: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 trailer.
« on: January 01, 2013, 01:27:06 am »
Nail in the coffin for the Final Fantasy series?

We're long passed that.  I think the grave has been dug up, the zombie horse thrown out and beaten.

I dunno guys, there are some FF games which I have seen to be treasures. Then again, the majority of the new games are crap in comparison to the days of old.

And at least it's the end of FF13 right guys?

Coding / Re: Moving along Slopes?
« on: September 05, 2012, 07:50:54 pm »
1. The dark gray square is the character, the light gray triangle is the slope - the character is moving down.
2. Think of the character as being in two halves. The blue is the left side, the purple is the right side.
A. In this scenario, the character hits something when going down, it can't uncollide itself from the slope by
   just moving to the left, so it has to back up. It knows to try to move left because its blue left side did
   not originally collide with anything. However, when moving left, it still has to check if something else is
   to the left.

B. In this scenario, the character hits the slope on just its right side. If the character moves to the left
   it can uncollide with the slope - it doesn't have to go back. If it did go back and to the left this would
   look like it was "stair stepping".

It can only move to the left though if no other obstacle is there.

A diagram is attached.

Ah I see, so A scenario wouldn't trigger a sloping but B scenario would? Or have I missed something?

Coding / Re: Moving along Slopes?
« on: September 05, 2012, 06:02:19 pm »
I am busy with other stuff (I might be able to help out more later but I don't know) but here are two things that I find useful when doing collisions:

2. Checking for two collisions on each side of the object, storing what those were into variables.
  If moving down and you run into a slope on the left side and nothing on the right side, you're going to try to move to the right right. The further collision code then just has to check if it can be outside of what the left side collided with if it tries to move right. If not then it might try to move back and to the right, and if that doesn't work it just moves back.

Breaking up the movement is a no worry at all.

So let me check to ensure I have it right for number 2. If the collision test fails for an exact directional movement, I should check to see if I can slope from either side before attempting to move the player along the slope?

Also, I didn't understand sentence in bold. Could you simplify that in any way?

Coding / Moving along Slopes?
« on: September 05, 2012, 04:20:18 pm »
Hey folks, it's been a while. Alot of stuff has happened. Got a 2:1 at university. Now look for work, been working on indie games etc.

But today I'm stuck. We all remember the irritating moving along slopes problem right? Well finally work on a project where I actually need this in the game, I have spend the last 3 hours trying to fix the problem but with no luck. I've had a look at the various movement engines here at ZFGC including the MC engine to try and understand how it and I'm left confused due to the complexity the engines themselves. Along with the heat, I have been left frustrated. So I've given up trying to solve it myself so I thought I'd ask here again.

Right now the engine is pretty standard. As I've scrapped all my attempts and started the movement engine from scratch again (7th start again)

Code: [Select]
if place_free(x + m,y + n) //(m and n are calculated based on the angle and the distance intend to travel)
x = x + m;
y = y + n;

I'd really appreciate any help. Especially if someone is able to help me solve the problem by explaining how to solve it.

Entertainment / Re: Zeldamotion Kickstarter project
« on: August 04, 2012, 08:57:34 pm »
I'll be keeping track on this project. It's pretty awesome!

Characters / Re: That Dragonite With The Fancy Top Hat
« on: July 14, 2012, 07:03:00 am »
Well that rumour was true! Dragonite was buying Winterwear but there wasn't any photos as proof. But I hear they are walking on some mountains. I wonder if I can get a photo as proof?

Anywho sorry for the delay, I have recently been taken ill. I'll be fine. I'll work on the character more today!

Even more worthy of being on the dragon's mantle.

That Dragonite : One approves of this

And if it helps more, Dragon pokemon are weak to ice. Good work on your characters btw blaze. Are they going to be for a game or something?

EDIT: And That Dragonite wishes for a clean and graceful match

Haha, dude I know dragon pokemon are weak to ice, I've played Pokemon my entire life. And actually, I don't have any "ice-bender". Not yet

EDIT: the King of Gardenia tells me that the winner will get the Gaia Sword. Good Luck

That Dragonite says that will look excellent above the mantelpiece. It shall be the main piece of the living room.

Man, why do I get to play against the hardest ones. :-\

If it helps, I did not intentionally do this. It just kinda happened.

And if it helps more, Dragon pokemon are weak to ice. Good work on your characters btw blaze. Are they going to be for a game or something?

EDIT: And That Dragonite wishes for a clean and graceful match

Characters / Re: That Dragonite With The Fancy Top Hat
« on: July 05, 2012, 09:56:47 am »
Howdy folks, sorry I haven't been updating it lately. Some bad stuff has happened lately. (The family dog was diagnosed with cancer related with a leg lump and so I had to look after it whilst the leg is healing). So I've been delaying game development as well as other stuff.

I will be working on this today though! I do very apologise for the massive delay


Well that Celadon City was a big fat lie of a rumour. It turns out he had taken the ship to Lilycove City in Hoenn. Where he met "That Dragonete With The Pretty Pink Bow". So they spent the day together and there could be something blossoming.

Oh yes...And that stupid boy and his friends had to stop and stare...

(Staff Note : I couldn't find an Edit button for some reason.)

This is so cute ^_^

Hehe I thought it would be! I'm quite impressed with how that turned out.

In other news, That Dragonite has been spending time with That Dragonete. Rumour has it they are looking for a pink parasol for That Dragonete. Whilst he was preparing for the FROSTNOVA DIVISION of course. A gentleman must always be prepared for any scenario. He has been purchasing Winterwear as ice is a Dragon's weakness.

Characters / Re: That Dragonite With The Fancy Top Hat
« on: July 01, 2012, 08:27:22 am »
Howdy folks, sorry I haven't been updating it lately. Some bad stuff has happened lately. (The family dog was diagnosed with cancer related with a leg lump and so I had to look after it whilst the leg is healing). So I've been delaying game development as well as other stuff.

I will be working on this today though! I do very apologise for the massive delay


Well that Celadon City was a big fat lie of a rumour. It turns out he had taken the ship to Lilycove City in Hoenn. Where he met "That Dragonete With The Pretty Pink Bow". So they spent the day together and there could be something blossoming.

Oh yes...And that stupid boy and his friends had to stop and stare...

(Staff Note : I couldn't find an Edit button for some reason.)

Entertainment / Re: 3DS XL Announced, No charger
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:00:47 pm »
*facepalm* not putting in a charger? What the hell Nintendo?

All I can say is glad I'm good with my 3DS. Nintendo have been going mad again

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