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Topics - Behemoth5

Pages: [1]
Graphics / [CLOSED] Behe's Kirby Factory
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:17:21 am »
After an incredibly long hiatus, I have returned to the forum full-time. With that fact in mind, along with a decent amount of thought, I have decided to reopen Behe's Kirby Factory. Way back in the early-mid ages of ZFGC, I made a post asking users to request a customized Kirby, sprited by yours truly, based on a picture or elaborate description. I got requests quickly, too quickly in fact. I had schoolwork to do and school to go to, and it cut too much into my time and I had to close it. Now it's summer, and I have plenty of free time. So go now, ZFGC'ers and request away. If I don't have your Kirby to you in 48 hours, you get your money back! (?!)

1) A picture of color and detail must be provided with post.
2) If no such picture is provided, a detailed description must be.

Should this not resolve your confusion, here are some examples I've made for people. The requests begin AFTER the cast of Super Smash Bros. Melee. Enjoy.

You may notice a big increase in skill. >.>

Current List of Customized Kirbys:

Kirby - Name  (Requester)
- Jabba the Hutt (Limey)
- Chao (Taku)
- Mehrunes Dagon (dehvknull)
- Frank the Rabbit (cb)
- goroneater (Neo)
- Captain Planet (MG-Zero)
- Death (zfan/tet)
- Dr. Gordon Freeman (Zidane)
- Naruto (DragonBoy)
- Marcus Fenix (Retro)
- Vincent Valentine (DragonBoy)
- Dr. Zoidberg (REV2K7)
- Ralph (Kesha)
- Altair (piers)
- Solid Snake (Limey)
- Zidane (Zidane)
- TP Link (Norlem)

EDIT: Sorry, mates, but as I don't plan on posting at ZFGC again (at least for a while) the Kirby Factory is as of now closed. Feel free to marvel at the already completed Kirbys. :/

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