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Author Topic: [WIP]Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: The RPG  (Read 2175 times)

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[WIP]Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: The RPG
« on: April 12, 2007, 04:54:26 pm »
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Story Synopsis

A kingdom once revered as the pinnacle of civilization is conquered and forgotten over the course of one fateful night.

 By the hands of hatred and jealousy over a forbidden love, man is forced to start over it's evolution from the beginning.

 Though all seems lost, a new hope is born from a mother's sacrifice.

Driven by her destiny, Usagi Tsukino must battle an ancient evil so vile that it is the enemy of anyone and everyone, anything and everything. She must grow from a lazy, flaky, average girl into a heroine fighting for all of humanity. Her mission is to secure the lost kingdom's Mystical Silver Crystal, the source of all energy throughout the universe, and unveil and protect the kingdom's princess.  Usagi's journey will be hard, but she will not be alone. Fate deals her a hand of fortune and entrusts her with friends and guardians to help her along the way. Though they may argue and turn against one another throughout their struggles, their bond can never truly be broken. Only by accepting their past lives will they put a close to the dark events that led to their reincarnation so they can truly live again.

As Usagi learns of her past, she must solve it's mysteries and battle a cruel twist of fate for a brighter future. In her darkest moments, Usagi is saved by a mysterious jewel thief known as Tuxedo Mask, also looking for the Mystical Silver Crystal. Who is he, and why does Usagi's heart race whenever he is near?  Blinded by love and enduring the weight of the world on her shoulders, will she be able to fulfill her destiny?

It is only through strong faith, firm will, and deep love that she will succeed.

This is the story of the pretty sailor-suited Soldier of Love and Justice, Sailor Moon.

I. About
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: The RPG is a massive project I've been working on, recreating the entire story (mostly the manga's story) of Sailor Moon, from the beginnings during the Silver Millennium to the formation of Crystal Tokyo, as well as a new chapter involving new heroes who take on a new, more powerful enemy than any the Sailor Soldiers have faced. Additional playable characters will be also available, including Mamoru and possibly Luna and Artemis (among others who will remain a secret.) Although the game is based on the manga's story, I've been taking creative license to add and change many things to better suit an RPG.

II. Release Date
*I hope to have the game completed within a year from now, so estimated release date is around late 2008 to early 2009.

III. Story
As earlier mentioned the game spans all six arcs of Sailor Moon, the Dark Kingdom Arc, the "Alien" Arc (it was exclusive to the anime, but it's being included as a side quest), the Dark Moon Arc, the Infinity Arc, the Dream Arc, and Sailor Stars Arc, and an original arc written completely by myself. Most of the side stories (movies and specials) are being included as side quests.

IV. Graphics
Graphically, the game is being composed of graphics remade from PSSM: Another Story that was released for the SNES in Japan, and original graphics made from scratch.

V. Music
The game will feature mostly original songs, with a select few music tracks from the anime, musicals, and live action soundtracks of Sailor Moon. There will also be voice acting for scenes and battles, done by my cast of voice actors and actresses.

VI. Gameplay
The game won't be linear, you'll have a lot of time to explore and the game won't "force" you forward much. There will be a lot of mini games and sidequests to refresh the fun when you want to take a break from regular gameplay.

VII. Battle System
The battle system will be turn based and very similar to PSSM: Another story though instead of Crystals ( a maximum of 12) to use attacks, like seen in PSSM: Another Story the Soldiers will have MP. The battle system will also be active time. As the characters mature they will learn new battle techniques (quite a few original). Equipment can also be found and bought throughout the game, unlike in PSSM: Another Story.

VIII. The Team
Chains of Fate - Leader / Developer / Spriter / Tile Artist
Jeanine - Spriter
Melichan - Spriter / Artist
Yelm Zero - Tile Artist
Meimi - Artist
tini - Artist
John Yamashiro / Overcoat - Composers


  Tsukino Usagi
Name Meaning: Moon Field Rabbit
Birthday: 30 June
Blood Type: O
Family Members: Father (Magazine Editor), Mother (Dedicated Housewife), Shingo (Fifth Grade)
Sign: Cancer
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
Hobby: Eating cake
Favorite Subject: Home economics
Worst Subject: Math, English
Has Trouble With: Dentists, Ghosts
Strong Points: Fawning, Crying
Dream: To become a bride

Sailor Identity: Sailor Moon
Weapon: Rods, wands
Usagi, just your average 14 year old in the eighth grade with typically demanding parents and an annoying little brother, Shingo. Clumsy, and a bit of a crybaby who likes nothing more than to eat sweets, sleep, read comic books, play video games, and watch anime, not a girl you would think to be a champion of justice. Long ago she was princess of the moon, destined to take her mother's place as Queen. Usagi goes through many transformations where her Soldier powers grow stronger, giving her many different attacks and transformations.

Mizuno Ami
Name: Ami Mizuno
Birthday: 10 September
Blood Type: A
Family Members: Father (artist), Mother (doctor)
Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Least Favorite Food: Hamachi (fish)
Hobbies: Reading, playing chess
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Worst Subject: None
Has Trouble With: Love Letters
Strong Points: Calculating
Dream: To be a doctor

Sailor Identity: Sailor Mercury
Weapon: Swords
She is very intelligent, and is always studying and telling others to study more. She's at the top of her class, and not only is she very intelligent, but she excels in other areas, too. She's unbeatable at chess and is quite a swimmer. Her dream is to become a doctor, like her mother. She and her mom live together in a condo. Ami is very shy and demure, and she embarrasses easily. She was the second Soldier to be found by Luna.

Hino Rei
Name: Rei Hino
Birthday: 17 April
Blood Type: AB
Sign: Aries
Favorite Colors: Red and Black
Favorite Food: Fugu
Least Favorite Food: Canned asparagus
Hobby: Fortune telling
Favorite Subject: Ancient Writing
Worst Subject: Contemporary Society
Has Trouble With: Television
Special Skill: Meditation
Dream: To be a head Shinto priestess

Sailor Identity: Sailor Mars
Weapon: Daggers
Rei has quite a quick temper, and is certainly not slow to respond to situations. She can seem very snobbish at times, letting her ego get in her way. She is incredibly independent, and very aggressive. However, she is also very energetic, sympathetic, and fair. Although she's very strict with Usagi, it's because she really cares for her, and she only wants her to become strong.

Kino Makoto 
Name: Makoto Kino
Birthday: 5 December
Blood Type: O
Sign: Sagittarius
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Food: cherry pie
Least Favorite Food: none
Hobby: Bargaining
Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Worst Subject: Physics
Has Trouble With: Airplanes
Special Skill: Cooking
Dream: To be a bride, to own a cake shop, and to own a flower shop.

Sailor Identity: Sailor Jupiter
Weapon: Staffs
Makoto seems very optimistic almost all the time. Often, the only times when she doesn't seem as optimistic are times when she is lamenting about a failed love relationship. Of all the Soldiers, Makoto seems to have more energy and courage than most. She is always willing to fight for things that she believes in, no matter what. She is definitely a fighter! Makoto is also very sincere and honest. She is a very dependable friend, and always takes the responsibility of caring for and protecting her loved ones.

Aino Minako
Name: Aino Minako
Birthday: 22 October
Blood Type: B
Sign: Libra
Favorite Colors: yellow and red
Favorite Food: curry
Least Favorite Food: Shiitake
Hobby: chasing after idols
Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Worst Subjects: Mathematics, English
Has Trouble With: Mama and police officers
Special Skill: playing
Dream: To be an idol.

Sailor Identity: Sailor Venus
Weapon: Whips, chains
Minako is very cheerful and optimistic. She can always be counted upon to bring smiles to everyone's faces in any situation. She has a nice charm about her, and is seems to be a peace-maker within the group. She never has major arguments with other Soldiers and seems to avoid conflict. She is very socially active - she is involved in volleyball, and goes to idol auditions often.

Tenoh Haruka 
Name: Haruka Tenoh
Birthday: 27 January
Blood Type: B
Sign: Aquarius
Favorite Color: gold
Favorite Food: salad
Least Favorite Food: natto
Hobby: Driving
Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Worst Subject: Modern Language
Has Trouble With: Confessing
Special Skill: Racing
Dream: To be a racer.

Sailor Identity: Sailor Uranus
Weapon: Space Sword
Haruka is extremely strong-willed and independent - she is very dedicated to her cause, willing to risk her own life as well as that of her soul mate for her cause. She is one of the most serious of the Soldiers, but also one of the most eccentric. She seems to enjoy her time alone, within her own private world - such as when she is running or driving. She is also extremely likable, though very detached.

Kaioh Michiru
Name: Michiru Kaioh
Birthday: 6 March
Blood Type: O
Sign: Pisces
Favorite Color: Marine Blue
Favorite Food: Sashimi
Least Favorite Food: Kikurake
Hobby: Collecting Cosmetics
Favorite Subject: Music
Worst Subject: None
Has Trouble With: Sea Cucumbers
Special Skill: Violin
Dream: To be a violinist.

Sailor Identity: Sailor Neptune
Weapon: Deep Aqua Mirror
The changeable, impressionable nature of Pisces is represented by her mirror, which reflects things around it. Michiru is completely absorbed in the tasks that she chooses to undertake, such as her skills as a violinist, her duties as a Soldier, and her maternal care of Hotaru. Sailor Neptune's role as a Soldier seems to be as more of a follower... she doesn't initiate battles, but rather follows the others into battle to perform her duty. While she is a brilliant woman, her personality is much more sensitive, intuitive, and emotional. Pisces tend to seek a soul-mate, and Michiru has found hers in Haruka.

Meioh Setsuna
Name: Setsuna Meiou
Birthday: 29 October
Blood Type: A
Sign: Scorpio
Favorite Colors: Dark Red
Favorite Food: Green tea
Least Favorite Food: Eggplants
Hobby: Shopping
Favorite Subject: Physics
Worst Subject: Music
Has Trouble With: cockroaches
Special Skill: sewing
Dream: To be a designer.

Sailor Identity: Sailor Pluto
Weapon: Garnet Rod
Setsuna is one of the most calm characters in Sailor Moon. As a Soldier, she is usually the one who keeps the coolest head. She seems detached from much of the action, but is actually quite involved, though often reserving her appearances for the times when she is needed the most. She rarely voices her opinions about things, having a very reserved personality. She seems intensely focused on her work as a Soldier, which is a valuable skill for one who must guard the gates of time! She takes her job very seriously. She is passionate about whatever she does, and never takes half measures. She even risked her life to stop time in order to aid the mission of the Soldier.

Tomoe Hotaru 
Name: Hotaru Tomoe
Birthday: 6 January
Blood Type: AB
Sign: Capricorn
Favorite Colors: Purple
Favorite Food: Japanese buckwheat noodles
Least Favorite Food: milk
Hobby: Collecting lamps
Favorite Subject: World History
Worst Subject: Physical Education
Has Trouble With: Marathons
Special Skill: Injury treatment
Dream: To be a nurse.

Sailor Identity: Sailor Saturn
Weapon: Silence Glaive
Hotaru is more serious and logical than she is light-hearted (like the inner Soldiers often are). She takes things very seriously, and is always dependable. She is very independent, and has few close friends. However, she is extremely loyal to those close to her. She seems rather pessimistic and usually down, but it is unclear whether this entirely her personality, or due to other circumstances in her life.

Tsukino Chibiusa
Name: ChibiUsa Tsukino
Birthday: 30 June
Blood Type: O
Sign: Cancer
Favorite Colors: Red and Pink
Favorite Food: Pudding
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
Hobby: Collecting Rabbit items
Favorite Subject: Manual-Arts class
Worst Subject: Language arts
Has Trouble With: House-watching
Special Skill: coaxing
Dream: To become a lady.

Sailor Identity: Sailor Chibi Moon
Weapon: Rods, wands
Chibiusa is very eager to learn. Although she can sometimes seem very obstinate, she does have a tender side that she hides behind her Cancerian crab-like "shell." Like her mother, she is heavily guided by her emotions. Most of her action are based on feelings. She is very loyal to those that she loves, and will do everything within her power to protect them, even if this means sacrificing herself. Her domestic side is more apparent than Usagi's. Although she is not quite as organized as her mother, she is still young and learning. She enjoys cooking, as evidenced on several occasions.


Website and Forums

Our website is available here:

Check it out for extended character information and a large list of the game's features!

Our forum is available here:

« Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 08:28:00 pm by ChainsOfFate »
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