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Author Topic: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown  (Read 96901 times)

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Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #80 on: November 06, 2012, 09:11:57 pm »
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Hell yeah!  I remember playing this a while back.  Always wondered if you were still working on it.  Great stuff.  Wish my XNA talents were that far along.

Downloading the new version now as I don't have it anymore.  Hoping for great stuff.

Great! Looking forward to hear what you'd like me to improve next (:
There was a small patch today, as such the installer is outdated once again.
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Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #81 on: May 29, 2013, 04:28:47 pm »
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Hey all,

thanks to some player feedback from Twitter I recently got back to implement some more new features!

Overview of the changes:
* Character Creation now allows you to change the cloth and hair color of the hero!
* Automatic-Saving System
* Another small Gameplay Speed increase (movement speed, projectile speed, talent cooldowns ..)
* Player-dropped items are now persistent (allows you to for example decorate your home!)
* Redesigned blocking mechanic, buffed shield spec
* Lots of new UI features and tweaks
* New and tweaked items, crafting recipes, sound effects, quests, talents, ..

Installer Download

Latest Patch Notes
Code: [Select]

29 May 2013
* Title Screen: Added easter eggs

27 May 2013
+ Character Creation: Added left-click support to color sliders

23 May 2013
! Character Creation: You can now change the color of your hair and clothes
- Fixed fairy light not working on new characters
- Talent Trees.txt spacing fixes

* Recipes Window:
  Improved scrolling with the mouse wheel with a small recipe list.
  Changed coloring, size and position of the recipe list.

- Character Status & Character Creation:
  Fixed -/+X status points display not resetting once a stat-up/down button
  becomes invisible

20 May 2013
+ Added "Take Screenshot" feature. The default key is 'Print Screen'.
* Fairy: Modified light effect

- Fixed quick action slots with items not working
  as intended. Oups!

* Critical-Mass Ring: Increased item level to 100
* Octorok Mucus Potion:
  Increased crit rating bonus and the amount of rupees
  it is worth

* Heroe's Home: Changed dialog. Link does not talk!
- Skull Shrine: Fixed broken tile

* Whirlwind, Bladestorm:
The sword is now separately tinted, like any other melee attack.

19 May 2013
+ Character Creation:
  It's now possible to create characters with lower-case characters.
  Press [Shift] to create the usual upper-case character.
* Character Creation: Changed maximum character name length to 12 (up from 10).

* Light Arrow:
  Reduced base cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
  Increased minimum projectile movement speed.
  Modified light effect.

* Skull Shrine: Added scripts
* Title Screen: Minor changes
* Heroe's Home: Added script experiment and changed floor tiles

* Mini Zol: Increased damage

12 May 2013
! Added "Critical Block" mechanic:
  When you block there is a "Crit (Block)"% chance to
  increase the amount blocked by "Critical Block Bonus" %.
+ Added "Hyrule Protector Sword" recipe
+ Added "Prismatic Gem" recipe
* Wizard Belt recipe now allows affixes on the Quick Strike Belt

* Protector Sword: Increased weapon speed by 0.1
* Hyrule Master Shield: Increased Block Value by 1
* Enhanced Demonic Sword: Improved damage and added 1 gem socket
* Schottlander Fish Potion: Buffed effect and duration. Drink 'hem fish!
* Various drop rates have been changed

* Shield Breaker: Reduced cooldown by 1 second and reduced mana cost.
* Shield Mastery: Increases Block Value by 15/25/35% (up from 10/20/30).

+ Added "ui-item-desc-box-alpha" setting that controls the transparency
  of the item description box. By default it is fully visible and
  has a value of "255".
  To make the box slightly transparent change it to for example 225.

  Settings can be changed in the settings.txt file in the folder
  [User]\Documents\My Games\The Legend of Zelda - Black Crown\.

Talent Window:
+ Talents that grant the player an "active skill" (such as Bash) are
  marked as such in the UI.
  Passive talents (such as Melee Training) aren't marked in the UI.

Character Details
+ Added "Chance to" category, which includes Crit (Heal) and Crit (Block)
+ Added Kill Count statistic to Miscellaneous
+ Added Block Bonus to Critical Bonus
* Moved Light Radius to Miscellaneous
* Added 100 to Potion Effectiviness display,
  this has no actual effect on the heal bonus.

Flying Damage Display
+ When the player blocks an attack the damage is now
  shown in a slightly lighter color.
- Removed damage color swap option (F11 key).
  Poke me if you really want to configure the colors.

Side Bar
+ The Latern and Fairy now show a different sprite
  when they are active.

* Route of Din (Hell): More red plants, hidden items and sound effects

* Red Plants are now resitant to fire, have more armor,
  but also give more experience and can drop more rare item

4 May 2013
* Merchants: Items are now animated
* Merchants: Fully-stocked merchants now have a more compact view

+ New Item 'Wind Dagger of Hyrule'
* All Wind of Hyrule weapons have 4 gem sockets now

3 May 2013
+ New Item 'Light Hyrule Sword', sold by Tingle
* Hyrule Master Shield: Now grants an additional +40 Block Chance Rating,
  +2 block value and -1 pushing force.

* Protector Sword can now also be found on Mad Gorons.

! Blocking now works from all directions (similiar to Parrying)
! A minimum of Block Value/2 (up from 1) damage is now mitigated upon a block.

* Shield Breaker
  Increased bonus damage to (20% + 10/20/30% per block point) Block Value,
  block point duration by 1 second and reduced cooldown by 2 seconds.

  Additional shield breaker ignores all enemy armor.

* Shield Mastery
  Buffed to increase Block Chance by 5/10/15% and Block Value by 10/20/30%.
  Now requires only one point in Shield Breaker.
  Shield-spec without max-level shield breaker? Sure!

* Meditation
  Increases mana regeneration by 2/4/6/8/10 (up from 1/2/3/4/5) and

* Potion Mastery
  Increases effectiviness of healing and mana potions by 10%/20%/30%
  (up from 5/10/20).

+ Character Details: Added "Reputation" and "Miscellaneous" display
* Character Details: Reordered displays

1 May 2013
+ Added new quest 'Black Key Craft' to Mindo, the Goron.
* First revision of all existing quest regarding their Main/Sub-archetype.
  There could still be some wrongly configured quests.

* Iron Skeleton Boots:
  Removed movement-speed penality and reduced item-level and armor.
+ Quest Log: Added main quest indicator to quest list and quest details.
* Quest Log: Changed quest completion display to show a % sign.
- Crafting Bottle: Renamed rubies into rupees. Thanks for the catch, MythicMagus!

28 April 2013
* Black Gorons Keys are now easier to find,
  can be stacked 10 times and are actually worth
  some rupees.
* Song Scroll 'Nocturne of the Stones' is now easier to find
* Gem Combination Recipes:
  When combining 3x gems of the same color the
  range of possible outcomes now favors better gems.

  Old: [-10, +10] item-level range
  New: [-9, +12] item-level range
+ Character Details:
  Added 'Block Chance' and 'Block Value'

* The Evil Ghost Boss is now easier to spot,
  can respawn mid-game and always spawns at the same location.

* Added red light to second boss area. W-wwhat is that?

* Shield Breaker
  Reduced mana cost and cooldown (by 1 second)

* Shield Breaker and Shield Block now show up
  as 'red' and become unusable when the player can't block.
  E.g. when using no shield or when using a 2-handed sword.

27 April 2013
* Red-Blue Blocks now emit a sound when triggered

* SideBar: Clicking on a shortcut button while having an
  item picked up won't drop the item to the floor anymore.
- SideBar: Fixed mouse-over color of equipment button

26 April 2013
* Slightly increased base movement speed by 0.2
* Increased projectile movement speed
* Increased movement animation speed when running
  very fast (e.g. with Sprint)
* Slightly increased enemy movement speed in Nightmare/Hell
  to counter the improvements (Work in Progress)
* Updated FMODex to 4.44.12

- Fixed pick-up quests crashing the game when
  trying to accept them again after already
  starting them. E.g. the letter

* Pixel-perfectly centered the dialog box around the
  text by moving the box down by one pixel.

21 April 2013
- Fixed display of forced multiline dialog texts;
  such as used by the direction sign post.

9 January 2013
* Changed contact e-mail to tivtag@gmail.com

5 January 2013
- Fixed persistant saving of player-dropped items.
  Now you can safely decorate or store items at your
  home and other places!
  How about a Swords and Armor collection anyone?

  Enemy-dropped items are non-persistent by design,
  as such dropped items that have not been picked up
  will despawn and not clutter the world.

2 December 2012
! New feature: Automatic Save
  By default the game now automatically saves when
  you spawns/change zone or gain a level-up.

  This can be disabled in the settings file by
  changing the 'auto-save' setting to False.

  *looks at Kev* ;)

+ Added a few new tiles, sprites and mini areas
- Fixed rare crash when taking damage after death
- Fixed Song of the Past resulting in a black screen

12 November 2012
- Fixed rare crash
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 06:04:25 pm by Tikta »
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Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #82 on: July 01, 2013, 04:32:39 pm »
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W-wuhuu! TLoZ - BC is the featured project! :-[ XD
What an honor! Here's the wiki link: http://wiki.zfgc.com/Black_Crown

Over the next few weeks I plan to release some information about how the game is developed and the tools I've created.
Maybe even make a time-lapse video of me implementing some new game area, quest or feature?

If you have *any* feedback on what I should work on next to improve the game, you have any problems or just have a question, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks again to the ZFGC staff! XD

As usual, here are the
Latest Patch Notes
Code: [Select]
27 June 2013
* Updated to FMOD Ex 4.44.16
* Character Selection:
  F9/F10 change the release speed of particle effect
  Also don't forget about the existing F1-F4 keys!

25 June 2013
* Tia Woods:
  Added raven talk to the raven. And a blue light
  to the first blue plant.

24 June 2013
* Tia Woods & Blood Woods: Some minor changes

23 June 2013
+ Added Read Me Please.txt
* Improved existing .txt-Files

+ Equipping or using an item now makes a sound
* Red Dye: Reduced item level to 15 (down by 5)
* Lucky Candy: Added item sound
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 04:44:27 pm by Tikta »
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Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #83 on: July 12, 2013, 07:31:10 pm »
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Hi all!

I want to show you some of the tools that I've created to build the game.
Sorry about the large screenshots. Is there a way to make smaller thumbnails?

One questions to all of you:
Should I invest the time to include the tools with the game itself? Would that just encourage e.g. cheating?

If I'd redo the tools with the knowledge that I now have.. then I would make less tools but one tool that is better integrated.

Sprite Tool
Using the sprite tool I create the sprite atlas (many small individual sprites are packed into one large file, as seen in the screenshot) and can create key-frame-based animations.

Item Tool
Every single item is defined using this tool. There are many different properties.

Quest Tool
This small tool helps me create the various quests in the game.

NPC Tool
Friendly and unfriendly Non-Player-Character are created using this tool.

For enemies one also has to define what items they can drop.

World Editor
Most of the creation process happens inside the world editor.
The tile view allows you to set tile graphics on many tile layers.

The objects view allows you to add objects to the game. These include sound effects, NPCs, enemy spawn points, lights, and so on.

The events view allows you define scripts in either Iron-Ruby script or a node-based system.

The waypoints view allows you to create pre-defined paths on which for example NPCs can travel.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 07:33:13 pm by Tikta »
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Wake the Beast
Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #84 on: July 12, 2013, 07:39:16 pm »
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Really digging that NPC tool!
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Landscape Police
Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #85 on: July 14, 2013, 03:58:41 am »
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It looks like a really solid suite of tools there, and I think it'd be a good idea to include them; people might want to make new quests and share them.
Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #86 on: July 15, 2013, 11:17:29 pm »
  • Yeah, I don't even...
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I think htis game has a p good base and potential, I think that it'd look better if everything was in one sprite style so there aren't clashing sprites, and if you are able to or find someone who could help you with that I think it'd make the game much better, since clashing graphics can be a bit of a turn off for a deal of players.
Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #87 on: July 18, 2013, 07:49:40 pm »
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Good point! Personally I don't really mind it that much. But I see where you (and quite a few few more that had the same complaint) are coming from.
Art-stuff is always hard for me, since I am more of a coder ^^'. If any of you want to team up..? I'd sure be up for it! XD

On a side now about what is going on.. right now I am on the finishing steps of the beta version of my first Unity3D game.
I'll try to complete it this weekend, and then hopefully return to more Zelda coding.

There is one more (GUI) tool that I've forgotten:

Sprite Sheet Tool
A simple tool that is used to create sheets of sprites. These are used by the world editor. On each tile layer you have to select the tile sheet it should use.
The tile layer stores for each tile an index into the sprite sheet. All tiles have a size of 16x16 pixels, and can be animated.

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Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #88 on: August 04, 2013, 06:26:01 pm »
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Hey, all.

While I have been slightly lazy with Zelda lately :(..

I finally managed to release the first alpha of my first Unity3D/Boo project: http://tickblog.wordpress.com/2013/08/04/inverse-space-three-d-two-player-tetris/

Source: https://github.com/tivtag/Istdt
Download: http://tick.federrot.at/tetris3d/Istdt.zip

Planning to do some Zelda work again soon ^_^.

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Re: [Game]The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #89 on: February 24, 2015, 08:06:15 pm »
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Hi all,

the game has received some great'n new patches! XD
The main changes are increased game speed, UI improvements, bags as a new equipment type, monster/item/recipe adjustments and a new hidden zone.

Use the Zelda Updater to get the latest updates. ;)

Here are the full Patch Notes:
Code: [Select]
22 February 2015
+ Quest Window: Added Back-Button to Quest Details
* Merchant Window: Ruby Count is always shown while trading with a merchant

21 February 2015
- Merchant Window: Fixed crash when buying an item

* Slightly buffed second boss. You can do it!

15 February 2015
+ Merchant Window: Implemented Equipment Comparison
- Reading a sign post while the sign post text is shown won't reset the text.
  Now for real...

14 Feburary 2015
! New Feature: Equippable Bags
  Bags are a new equipment type with two equipment slots.

+ Crafting Bottle: Added tooltip to Transformation (T) button that
shows what item will be crafted.

* Blue Plants: Drop more items per kill, rare loot chances improved
* Mini Zol: Now can drop Sticky Herbs, improved strength

+ New Item: Deku Bag (crafted)
+ New Item: Sticky Herb
+ New Item: Sharp Leaf
* Fairy Boots: Reduced crafting cost

* Tia Woods: More Zols spawns at night. The slimes are comming!!

31 January 2015
+ Press the [use-pickup] Key (default E) to progress a dialog
  additionally to the Space key.
- Reading a sign post while the sign post text is shown won't reset the text.

* Skeletal Crystal: Another buff! Way worth to craft it now! Good luck!

- Fixed Red/Blue-Block triggers not always behaving like they should

25 January 2015
+ Recipes List: Added keyboard shortcut: Shift + B
+ Character Details: Added keyboard shortcut: Shift + C
+ Character Details: Added game time statistic
* Character Details: Reordered some stat indicators and fixxed a spelling bug

* Reduced crafting cost of (most) buff potions. Happy crafting!

*  Black Ghost Armor, Skeletal Crystal: Minor buffs

24 January 2015
+ New Feature: Equipment Comparison
  Press ALT (or ALT+CTRL with two slot items like necklaces) while hovering over an item
  in the inventory to display the stats of the equipped item instead.

+ Quest Window: Press Delete to move back from the Quest Details to the Quest List
- Quest Window: Fixed quest selection with the mouse

* Tia Woods: Improved the tiles around the key stone at the Hyrule Stone Tombs
* Stone Tombs: Increased monster spawn

* Minor monster stat adjustments

* Slightly increased base movement speed
* Improved some quests texts
* Updated FMODex to 4.44.50
- Fixed some spelling mistakes

24 November 2013
+ Access to new optional/secret zone
* Title Screen, Tia Woods, Blood Woods & Hyrule rivers: Some minor changes

+ New rare select screen music (Thanks to xxxchobitsxxxnl!)

+ New item: Egg of Small Experience
+ New item: Triforce Locket
* Beginner Weapons: Slightly increased attack speed

* Arrow Shower: Increased multi shot count by 1.
* Head Shot: Increased projectile movement speed bonus from 26% to 30%.

* Snake Boss: Is now slightly stronger!

* Slightly increased base movement speed
* Slightly increased ranged projectile movement speed

22 Novemver 2013
* The color sliders on the character creation screen now support
  dragging (hold mouse and move)

* Kokirian Bow, Kokirian Novice Bow: Slightly increased attack speed

* Slightly increased base movement speed
* Slightly increased melee animation speed

19 Novemver 2013
* Kokirian Sword, Kokirian Novice Sword: Slightly increased attack speed
* Kokirian Iron Sword: Increased item level by 1

* Volume Silders:
  Added mouse support
  Changed direction in which the bar is displayed

10 November 2013
+ New crafted item: Kokirian Iron Sword
* Black Ghost Armor: Increased Agility by 1
* Octorok Mucus Potion: Increased Crit Rating by 2,
  reduced crafting cost by 2 mucus

* Various new tiles

03 November 2013
* Improved Error Report dialog
* Updated FMODex to 4.44.24

* Multi Shot: Reduced base cooldown by 1 second

* Hyrule Rivers:
  Added one (1) additional black plant
  Improved some tree top tiles

* Mini Zol: Slightly increased damage and life
* Ghost King: Slightly increased damage, life and exp

* Recipe List:
  Improved mouse wheel scroll speed when the list is still small
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Re: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #90 on: May 13, 2016, 05:55:41 pm »
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after a long downtime the game is available for download again. It now requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1.

Some bad news:
I can't offer you an installer anymore. You can simply extract the .zip Archive to any folder.
There haven't been many updates lately because of my limited time for game development.

Some good news:
The game is now open sourced!

Check out the Atom framework here: https://github.com/tivtag/Atom
And the game itself here: https://github.com/tivtag/Zelda

[Game Download]
You can download the game here:

You can download the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 here:

Latest Patch Notes
Code: [Select]
12 May 2016
* Slightly increased base Movement Speed bonus
* XNA DLLs are included in the package now

5 December 2015
! Updated to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (Download: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49981)

1 April 2015
! Updated to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6

* Updated FMOD Ex to version 4.44.56
- The game now won't crash if the audio device could not be initialized,
  as as when using WASAPI Exklusive mode with another application.

14 April 2015
+ Added additional fairy tutorial that explains that one should invest into active skills first.
* Agility grants more Movement Speed bonus. Swuush!

* Arrow Shower: Increased base number of Multishots from 4 to 6
* Headshot: Increased armor piercing from 30% to 50%

1 April 2015
+ Support high-resolution monitors (1440p+)

22 March 2015
* Slightly increased melee and ranged animation speed.

* Slightly increased starter weapons speed.

28 February 2015
* Adjusted some higher level monster stats and exp values

* Fire Ritual: Increased experience reward from 500 to 1000
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 05:35:21 pm by Tikta »
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Re: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #91 on: July 10, 2020, 06:58:14 pm »
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Hi Zelda fans! Isn't it amazing how long this community has been around? :-D

I have just uploaded a new patch and install package for The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown! :-)
It makes the gameplay smoother, fixes a crash bug  and updated the underlying technologies for modern machines.

The game now requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 to play.

[Game Download]
You can download the game here:

You can download the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 here:

Latest Patch Notes
Code: [Select]
10 July 2020
+ Wuhuu! It's the year 2020! :-)

! Updated to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (Download: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net48-web-installer)
The game now required the .NET Frameowrk 4.8 Runtime to be installed.

* Increased base Movement Speed of the player and enemies

+ Update FMODEx to FMOD Core 2.00.10

- Fire Bomb: Made the skill more crash robust if the sound files are somehow missing. Now it shouldn't crash anymore!

26 October 2018
+ Wuhuu! It's the year 2018! :-)
  The development of this game has started over 10 years ago.
  It allowed me to learn programming in a fun and self-driven way.
  I now have published the source code of the game on GitHub:
  Feel free to take a look and maybe you can also learn something useful from it.

+ I now offer Qi Gong, Nei Gong, Tai Chi and KörperIntelligenz
  workshops for inner peace, inner strength and self knowledge.
  You are very welcome to join a KI-mo workshop:

! Updated to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (Download: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-framework-runtime)
- Fixed Song of the Past crashing the game in some cases

9 June 2016
* Added XnaNative.dll to the package
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Knight of God
The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown refusing to sta...
« Reply #92 on: April 01, 2021, 07:05:59 pm »
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I recently downloaded the most recent version of Black Crown (posted in 2020), and I'm getting a "Microsoft .NET needs to be installed. Would you like to download it?", which takes me to Microsoft's .NET download page for 4.8. But the thing is, I already have the most recent version of .NET installed.
Commander Ridley, at your service.
Re: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #93 on: April 02, 2021, 05:23:08 pm »
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I recently downloaded the most recent version of Black Crown (posted in 2020), and I'm getting a "Microsoft .NET needs to be installed. Would you like to download it?", which takes me to Microsoft's .NET download page for 4.8. But the thing is, I already have the most recent version of .NET installed.

I moved your topic into the main one. One could call that grave-digging given how the last post was in July 2020 but it's relevant to the topic. Unfortunately I am not knowledgeable about the .NET issue you are encountering.
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown refusing to...
« Reply #94 on: April 03, 2021, 07:24:19 pm »
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I recently downloaded the most recent version of Black Crown (posted in 2020), and I'm getting a "Microsoft .NET needs to be installed. Would you like to download it?", which takes me to Microsoft's .NET download page for 4.8. But the thing is, I already have the most recent version of .NET installed.

This is probably requiring an old version of .NET. Considering the original post in the thread is from 2008, you're probably looking at .NET 2.x

EDIT: Try 4.6.1, the original post says thats the version to use

i love big weenies and i cannot lie


Knight of God
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown refusing to...
« Reply #95 on: April 21, 2021, 07:37:23 pm »
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I recently downloaded the most recent version of Black Crown (posted in 2020), and I'm getting a "Microsoft .NET needs to be installed. Would you like to download it?", which takes me to Microsoft's .NET download page for 4.8. But the thing is, I already have the most recent version of .NET installed.

This is probably requiring an old version of .NET. Considering the original post in the thread is from 2008, you're probably looking at .NET 2.x

EDIT: Try 4.6.1, the original post says thats the version to use
I've tried installing it, but I am unable to because I have the most recent version installed, and I'm not sure how to uninstall/replace it with 4.6.1.
Commander Ridley, at your service.
Re: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #96 on: June 08, 2022, 02:39:48 pm »
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Hi everyone, sorry for the late reply. ::)

I recently upgraded the games dependencies to the latest version, such that you can more easily play it on modern computers.
The only dependency you now need to install is the .NET 6 x64 Desktop Runtime. XD

[Game Download]
You can download the game here:

You can download the Microsoft .NET 6.0.5 or newer x64 Desktop Runtime here:

Hope it works for you now. :)
If there is an issue, then you can create an issue ticket on github:

Latest Patch Notes
Code: [Select]

01 June 2022
! Updated to Microsoft .NET 6.0.5 x64

  Please install the .NET 6.0.5 x64 Desktop Runtime or newer (6.*.*):


! Updated platform from x86 to x64. Goodbye old x86 machines! :)

* Moved to new file host: http://www.files.ki-mo.org/zelda/ZeldaBlackCrown.zip
  Please redownload the game. The updater won't be able to download any updates from the old host.

+ Updated FMODEx to FMOD Core 2.02.07

06 February 2021
! Updated to Microsoft .NET 5.0.2
+ Updated Title, Character Selection and Character Creation screens

+ Updated XNA to MonoGame

+ Updated FMODEx to FMOD Core 2.01.07
« Last Edit: June 08, 2022, 02:50:44 pm by Tikta »
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Knight of ERA
Re: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #97 on: July 03, 2022, 09:49:45 pm »
  • Long live the Chaos!!
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Hmm, some of those item icons look familiar.
I was talking to my friend last night, and he was mentioning about how in 1980, he thought the internet would become this amazing place where people from across the world would share ideas. I was telling him about how this project [KOT] has worked, lurching along for years and drawn by different people from across the globe, and he thought it was beautiful. And he was right, it's awesome. :D

Zelda Items Spritesheet album (OUT OF DATE) - (link here)
A Link Across Time project - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Metroid) - (link here)
Boss Keys project (Zelda) - (link here)
Boss Keys project Trello Board - (link here)
Re: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #98 on: October 08, 2023, 07:24:33 pm »
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Hmm, some of those item icons look familiar.

Updated the license file on github and also first page to include you and other spriters.
Thanks again for your awesome spriting work. :)

  • My Personal Aggregation Site


Knight of God
Re: [Game] The Legend of Zelda: Black Crown
« Reply #99 on: March 04, 2024, 05:41:50 pm »
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Sorry for necroposting, but how do I delete a save file? Not very far into the game, and I tried creating a new save file to replace the first one, but it looks like you can have more than one at a time. I don't see a save file in the game's folder, and I don't see a "TLoZ - Black Crown" folder anywhere in AppData.
Commander Ridley, at your service.
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