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Messages - wildex999

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Coding / Re: Test this for me.
« on: December 22, 2014, 04:05:56 pm »
The movements seems to be smooth. The only thing I noticed is that at the end of a jump you seem to "hang" in the air for a noticeable time before falling down. It feels like I'm going up, suddenly have my velocity set to 0, and then start to fall, rather than having it a smooth transition from going up to going down.

I managed to have left/right disabled while smashing buttons once, and after a single jump they started working again. It happened as I was on the rightmost steps.

Discussion / Re: New Multiplatform Zelda Engine & OOT2D Project
« on: June 05, 2013, 11:07:09 am »
I'll believe it when I see it xD

Good luck ;)

King of Thieves / Re: [UPDATE 6/4/13]Code Release
« on: June 04, 2013, 01:22:41 pm »
We're using git, how do you LOSE code? xD
I'll give you complications!
*Deletes all Editor related code files, commits, does a pull request to main*

See, much cleaner xD  :)

Also, this thread have too much text... SCREENSHOTS(Very W.I.P. this does not reflect the quality of the final blah blah blah)
Look, Link can NOT pass through the rocks, it's MAGIC!

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance [demo 15]
« on: June 02, 2013, 10:10:28 pm »
Oooooohhh, secret mini-cave, now I'm curious  XD

Design is a good ting to focus on, you need to program around what you design =P

I would help you record if my computer didn't seem to hate everything GM related -_-

I never actually played the original Zelda NES, so I can't really comment much, but if it had these graphics I would probably play it ;)

It looks nice, keep up the good work. Even if few post, there are probably quite a few who follow the thread ;) (Tho progress updates in recruitment isn't the most read I guess)

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda A Hero`s Destiny
« on: May 29, 2013, 08:11:43 pm »
I tried the demo.

It told me I got a sword and to press c to use, but I never got it to work.
Then I got out of the house and somehow fell down "behind" the house below, I would walk around inside the tiles. I think I jumped over to it or something =/

Then I gave up xD

Its a really buggy demo i was rushing to get a demo out. But in demo 2 all the bugs will be corrected.

and that chest u found was my test chest I used to test the sword but i deleted the contents of the chest so it was just left there.

lol, why did you rush it? Why did you give it out if you knew it was buggy?
Why not take your time to make a good first impression!?!

why do you care? why not leave me alone and let me do what i want!?!

Whoa, whoa...whoa. Whoa.

First off, what Zeldafan provided is a demo, which on this website generally means "great WIP". If it's buggy, well, so be it. That's game development; not every iteration before the final product is going to be stable.

Second, that being said, a certain level of stability really should be enforced for releasing demos. If it's unplayable, I would suggest not releasing a demo until said things are ruled out. I think it's okay to have some bugs seeing as these demos usually are just documented works in progress, but I think it's also important to release it in a somewhat playable/stable state.

I would kindly ask both of you to chill out a little bit. Wildex, your questions are great, but have a slight tone of aggression with the use of "!?!". Zeldafan, you have someone who is legitimately trying to help, albeit in a goofy, less docile way. I would suggest you take his suggestion to heart and work at making better demos! Wildex is trying to make YOU look better by giving you helpful tips.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be aggressive, It's just that I'm bewildered by why someone would rush out a demo, knowing it is full of bugs. A demo is a demonstration of the work. The FIRST demo should be the thing you take your time with, polish and clean up to give not only a good first impression, but also allow for feedback.
Why should someone take the time to give feedback if the author didn't even take the time to fix the most obvious bugs? Why should we care if the author does not?
A demo will have bugs yes, but known bugs should be mentioned by the author if they are hard to fix, fixed if they are easy to fix, and unknown bugs can then be reported to help out the author, thus fulfilling the second point of a demo.

I just could not see any reason for why he should need to rush out a demo.

Just my 5 cents, will stay silent now.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda A Hero`s Destiny
« on: May 26, 2013, 04:16:42 pm »
I tried the demo.

It told me I got a sword and to press c to use, but I never got it to work.
Then I got out of the house and somehow fell down "behind" the house below, I would walk around inside the tiles. I think I jumped over to it or something =/

Then I gave up xD

Its a really buggy demo i was rushing to get a demo out. But in demo 2 all the bugs will be corrected.

and that chest u found was my test chest I used to test the sword but i deleted the contents of the chest so it was just left there.

lol, why did you rush it? Why did you give it out if you knew it was buggy?
Why not take your time to make a good first impression!?!

Zelda Projects / Re: Twilight Legends
« on: May 23, 2013, 09:24:44 pm »
Wait, this is not a game heck? This is actually built from the ground up? 0.o
That is amazing =D

Can't wait to see more =)

Zelda Projects / Re: LttP Zelda Version
« on: May 23, 2013, 11:36:53 am »
Looks nice... Strange, but nice xD

Are you running some filtering on it? I remember this game looking way more pixelated.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda A Hero`s Destiny
« on: May 22, 2013, 08:48:01 pm »
I tried the demo.

It told me I got a sword and to press c to use, but I never got it to work.
Then I got out of the house and somehow fell down "behind" the house below, I would walk around inside the tiles. I think I jumped over to it or something =/

Then I gave up xD

Updates / Re: CMS Changes
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:28:09 pm »
Oh... I always figured Zelda resources was one of the key points of this place, as it goes so well with fan-game development... =/
There are a lot of great resources here.

King of Thieves / Re: [UPDATE 5/21/13]Code Release
« on: May 21, 2013, 10:00:40 pm »
Hm.. I'm trying to compile the code now, but I get stuck with the missing font, where exactly do I have to put it for it to be included? I tried installing it, but that doesn't seem to help.

EDIT: Got it working =) Just needed a restart -_-

King of Thieves / Re: [UPDATE 5/21/13]Code Release
« on: May 21, 2013, 09:29:54 pm »
Looks great =)
How do you plan to do things like solid tiles and animated tiles? =P

King of Thieves / Re: [UPDATE 5/17/13]Code Release
« on: May 18, 2013, 06:56:13 pm »
Never been a fan of "Human readable" formats, but hey, looks great xD

Entertainment / Re: Addressing LTTP GBA's Opposition.
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:27:07 pm »
I have to mostly agree on everything except silly reason #1. It was well known how annoying that voice eventually became in OOT and Majoras Mask, so why did they still add it in LTTP GBA? When they added it in OOT it was new, and interesting.. for an hour or so. But there was no reason to add the same annoying voice into LTTP GBA.

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance [demo 15]
« on: May 12, 2013, 04:06:33 pm »
Love these updates =) Game looks great so far!
You seem to be making a amazing amount of progress each week  :o

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sine Nomine
« on: May 12, 2013, 12:19:04 pm »
That looks really nice =)
You programming this game in Blender? That sounds like... a pain xD

Good luck ;)

Coding / Re: Health Coding
« on: May 12, 2013, 03:38:43 am »
Instead of trying to store hearts as hearts and heart pieces, store heart pieces only.

heartpieces = 10;
maxheartpieces = 10;

And then in rendering you split the pieces into full hearts and heart pieces.

fullhearts = heartpieces % 2; //for 2 pieces per heart % 4 for 4 pieces per heart etc.
if(fullhearts*2 != heartpieces)
 //Then you got one heart that has missing pieces.

Really nice textbox =D Seems very flexible :) Especially like how you can slow it down like that.
Dat Skype sound at 1:09 xD

I'm usually very honest about my opinions ;) I just think that the new style with all the details makes it look... untidy I guess. Link is a bit harder to see on the detailed grass than on the old "clean" grass.

The engine looks really nice, everything seems to be working =)
However, I can't say I really like the graphics style, it looks a bit too dark and detailed to really fit with the 2D zelda style. That's just my honest opinion tho ;)

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