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Messages - Cassyblanca

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Zelda Projects / Re: [Startup Phase] Project GettoGohma
« on: April 21, 2015, 05:33:11 am »
Ohhhhhh, it's Get To Gohma. I kept reading it as Ghetto Gohma. >.>

Hello! New to the forum, etc etc, you know the drill. Could I ask the exact sprites that you would want made?

I dabble in sprite-making from time to time, and the original Zelda is pretty much one of my favorite games. I'd like to help, if possible. Thanks~!
Quick tip, since you're new: be careful when posting. This thread was almost two years old.

Coding / Re: Game engine resources?
« on: March 04, 2015, 06:40:03 am »
The problem with it was, I don't even know how to do that. What could I have been doing wrong? I couldn't find any tutorials on it at the time either. Basically the way I saw it was, it's not working as I'm programming it and C# apparently doesn't require memory management, so I'd rather use that and it work.
Yes, C# does require memory management. While you aren't responsible for allocating, tracking and deallocating memory to the extent that you are in C, you still have to pay attention to the lifetime of your objects and be careful of how many and where you are allocating these. Garbage collector sweeps can be massive sources of performance problems in games.

I'm not talking about improperly structuring your code, I'm talking about taking the dozen or so lines of code from Update and maybe mingling them into the same function as the dozen or so lines of code from Draw, for the sake of simplicity, instead of making a Game class.
I'm sorry but yes, you are talking about improperly structuring the code. Right now, sure, the methods are only "a dozen or so lines." But believe it or not, games take more than a "dozen or so lines" to update, and more than a "dozen or so lines" to perform rendering logic. And if the advice to "stick everything in main()" were followed, eventually the code would be an absolute mess. Encapsulating game logic into its own class is a good practice - the only thing that should go into main should be logic necessary to initialize and clean up the game/application.

If that's bad practice, then fine, but please don't talk to me like that
If the advice you offer is bad, I'm going to call you on it. Because otherwise, somebody's going to see that advice and think "oh, I'll just throw everything in main! I don't need to consider the fact that my code is going to expand later and become a maintenance nightmare!"

Coding / Re: Game engine resources?
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:25:04 pm »
Someone told me that it might be lack of memory management and variables getting rewritten, or something. Idk. That frustrated me and made me quit.
I'm sorry, because I'm about to sound like a bit of a !@#$%. If learning how to manage memory is "frustrating" enough to make you quit, then maybe you should find something else to do because programming clearly isn't going to be a great choice.

I, personally, would take advantage of the simplicity that SFML offers. I would drop the GameCore class and the Program.cs file tight butthole, and just use a simple int main() function to store all that stuff in. Not sure if this is good practice or not, but if you're cut loose from the ties of XNA, it'd be worth trying.
No, it is not a good practice. In fact, it's a very, very bad one. Properly structuring your code is one of the most important things you can do if you want to actually be able to complete a project any more complex than "Hello, World!".

If you actually want to learn to program, whether it's games, software, websites, whatever then you really should learn to do it properly. Otherwise, just use RPG Maker or some other tool that does everything for you.

Zelda Projects / Re: I made a thing.
« on: February 13, 2015, 03:03:00 am »
Oh right. I didn't actually read your initial post other than clicking on your link, so that's why I didn't see about the janky camera. ;)

Zelda Projects / Re: I made a thing.
« on: February 13, 2015, 01:30:43 am »
I run a mac with a Windows virtual machine, so it's hard to test smoothness
Originally I wasn't going to say this, but now that you've said this:

Shame on you for .exe! >:C

Also you could possibly use CrossOver. Would make it a bit nicer to test the Windows stuff than a VM, I think.

What do you mean when you say "states"?
Entities, objects, etc in a game benefit greatly from being represented as finite state machines. The gist of it is, something can exist in a number of "states", such as "walking", "falling", "jumping", "running", "dead", etc. Each state has its own rules for logic.

Also, Mambo Jambo, you've got some issues with your camera being a bit bouncy when going between screens/rooms/what have you. Not just in a tearing sense, but in general bounciness.

Edit Edit
Also, I totally guessed you were doing this when you posted your "mistakes everyone makes" thread. Didn't figure it was GB, but knew it was either Ocarina or Majora's Mask. ;)

Edit Edit Edit

Discussion / Re: Things done wrong in every 3d Zelda turned 2d
« on: February 07, 2015, 12:01:56 am »
Incidentally, a comment on one of your suggestions:

The Adult/Child Link Conundrum
This is one thing that's always bothered me. For aLttP you *can* have an adult link, but he always looks very strange. Link's Awakening however, there's no way to have an adult link. How do you solve this? Well simple- Think of Adult Link Hyrule as a new map; like the Dark World. There are differences in it that allow you to progress certain places you couldn't before. There's no need for crawly holes because in the future they could just simply *not be there*.

There's a problem with this one, I think. And that's whether or not the Adult/Child Link thing should even be implemented in the first place. In Ocarina of Time, it made sense because it was central to both the plot and mechanics of the game. But before you decide to implement adult/child Link forms, you should really think about whether or not you should. Does it really provide any measure of value to your project, or is it just a "feature" that exists because you kind of want to do it and maybe it'll push out you having to do any work on actual, meaningful content for a little longer? It works in Ocarina of Time because it's OoT's expression of the "two worlds" concept that it, Link to the Past and Link Between Worlds were built around. If you add adult/child link at all, it has got to be at least that important to your game. If you're going for the "two worlds" setup, maybe you could come up with a more unique thing between the worlds?

Discussion / Re: Things done wrong in every 3d Zelda turned 2d
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:48:04 pm »
(Edit: By the way, those are a bunch of very good points).

This is less "3D to 2D mistake" and more "something everybody seems to do wrong/forget about when developing a fan game":

Zelda is about the goddamn dungeons and puzzles.
Too many people focus on "Add All The Items!" (here's looking at you, Community Project \o/), among other things, and never even get past a bland walking demo in an empty, uneventful area. Zelda is, and always has been, first and foremost about the dungeons - creative puzzles that have to be solved to progress. The dungeons don't exist so that the player can use the bombs to blow a hole through something - bombs exist because they add a puzzle element for the dungeons. Follow an agile system - design the dungeons, and implement support for items as they are needed in your dungeons.

King of Thieves / Re: We are no longer XNA's !@#$%!
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:32:46 am »
Looking over the repository, you're still distributing somewhat unnecessary files (namely, King of Thieves/bin/* and King of Thieves/obj/*). Additionally, there are DLL files in your repository which.. is kind of a poor place for them (also, the SDL.dll appears in multiple places).

For dependent packages, like MonoGame, why not use a package manager such as NuGet (disclaimer: not being a .NET dev, I haven't personally used NuGet - there may be others that better suit the needs of the project)? I imagine you're all using Visual Studio primarily for the development environment anyway, so it shouldn't be too difficult to set up.

I'm assuming that the XML files in the bin folder are test maps and such. Which begs the question...why are they in your source hierarchy? I understand why the binaries are there (because Visual Studio defaults to having godawful setups and loves mixing binaries and source code), and there's not a huge need to change that if the directories are ignored anyway, but right now if you were to attempt a release build you'd have to manually copy your game data from the Debug folder to a Release folder before you could test.

I'm guessing that these files are either legacy (and should be deleted), or that they're extra data that's being handled outside of the Content Manager in MonoGame. I recommend setting up a directory within the source tree containing such data (as I assume the Content/ directory exists purely as data that should be handled by the content pipeline at build-time), and then using that directory as the working directory during debug (easy to set up in project settings).

Updates / Re: ZFGC Game Jam '14 - NOW OPEN
« on: August 15, 2014, 03:52:00 am »
So, between finals, some recently-arising professional stuff (those of you I interact with outside of ZFGC will know, but don't tell! :D), I'm probably not going to have the time to compete in this. Maybe next time, though!

Updates / Re: ZFGC Game Jam '14 - NOW OPEN
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:38:47 am »
This should prove interesting, I think.

Updates / Re: ZFGC Game Jam '14
« on: July 28, 2014, 08:37:05 pm »
Nope, sorry, going to have to ban you.

Edit: Also, platform restrictions should likely be mentioned.

Coding / Re: Can I get some help.
« on: July 27, 2014, 08:37:58 pm »
Let's assume for a second that for some reason the Mod operator is more expensive in GML.

It's not going to impact the game. Certainly not this one, and still not 99% of games ever created in Game Maker - by the time you've got a computer that this would have a negative impact on, said users aren't likely to run the game at all for entirely different reasons.

Updates / Re: ZFGC Game Jam '14
« on: July 25, 2014, 07:13:26 pm »
So, with this there are some things that need clarifying.

1) Is this a Zelda fan game jam, or is it open to general projects?
2) If it is a fan game jam, what content and how much of it must be created from scratch? (e.g. use of existing sprites/models/audio from the source games or even those provided by the community).
3) Because there are physical prizes, you may want to clarify any details regarding shipping/availability. Where things can/cannot be sent and the like.

Updates / Re: ZFGC Game Jam '14
« on: July 24, 2014, 11:17:04 pm »
I might. I'll totally be shooting for second though - I already have like three copies of Hyrule Historia. >.>

Coding / Re: [C++11] Header-only binding library for Squirrel
« on: July 22, 2014, 09:49:57 pm »
Guess this doesn't count as a project.

Coding / [C++11] Header-only binding library for Squirrel
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:30:57 am »
I don't know how many people here actually use C++ anymore, but in case there are a few of you I figured I'd post this here. I've recently started digging into variadic templates, a change made to template metaprogramming with the C++11 specification - essentially, it's variadic arguments (think va_list), but for templates. Anyway, I've used this, along with lambdas and the STL function object to begin work on a really simple and intuitive binding API for the Squirrel scripting language. Right now, there isn't a large amount of functionality, but the most critical parts are in place.

If you want to take a look, it's on my GitHub.

Coding / Re: Can I get some help.
« on: July 21, 2014, 07:21:20 am »
2.  I did the i-10 to start.  It wasn't achieving what it was supposed to.

You still haven't specified clearly what it's supposed to do or what it is doing instead, except with very vague descriptions. In any case, I spotted my error regarding this part, because I hadn't noticed your i + 1.

3.  Fraction is the amount of full hearts drawn UPTO the current heart.  So, fraction will always be 1 less than the current heart or equal to the current heart if the health is divisible perfectly by 4.  I shoulda renamed it to divValue.  Never got around to it.

divValue is just as meaningless as "fraction." You really need to develop better variable naming practices.

draw all the empty hearts first(as in the total hearts say, 12)
then draw full hearts upto the current heart
finally, draw the final heart which could be quarter, half, three quarters, or full

This is why you need to provide screenshots and an explanation of what you're trying to do the first time. In any case, you still haven't clearly defined your problem, so I'm still shooting at an invisible target with trying to find possible errors in your code.

Coding / Re: Can I get some help.
« on: July 21, 2014, 06:42:55 am »
Definitely need a screenshot to see exactly what's happening, and a mockup of what it should look like.

Some things:

1) Why on earth are you using two separate index variables? 'i' is never used after the first loop, so just re-use it.

2) Looking over your first loop - I'll start by pointing out that I'm assuming you are intending to have 10 hearts per row: rather than doing i-9 (which puts index 10 in the same place as index 1), do i - 10.

3) I'm assuming your second loop (fraction) is supposed to only draw the fractional heart? In which case, you're just drawing the fractional hearts over your full hearts (assuming that's what the first part is).

4) If you're nesting code branches (your if/else statements), use brackets. Yes, your indentation makes it easy for those of us reading it to understand what each one is supposed to tie to, but it can be somewhat ambiguous for compilers and doesn't give people unfamiliar with the GML compiler an easy way of telling if it's affecting your code.

Overall, I recommend you scrap the code, and take some time to work out the logic on paper. Figure out exactly what it is you want to do, and then execute. Again, this may be the effect of making a multitude of changes trying to get it to work, but this looks disorganized to me. And take the time to get some screenshots, because your description of your problem is clear as mud.

Feedback / Re: What Can We Do To Get More Life Here?
« on: April 27, 2014, 01:50:42 am »
The problem with the team was that we never had any dedicated programmers other than myself.  I would love to get 1 or 2 more people on board with consistent coding.  If others want to contribute to code, they may, but it has to be done on their own fork of the repo (this is basically what larger open source softwares do, Linux included).

equally, the development branch should be the most important branch at the moment.

Correct, development is the ONLY branch that people from create their forks and branches from.  Master is a stable release which is merged with development when releases are ready.

Here's another problem. Good coding standards are great and all, but trying to do this with the level of programming knowledge of most of the people that visit this site is going to heavily put people off contributing.

If you want to setup community projects, make them as simple to contribute to as possible, don't get into bs like forking source bases.
I agree with this, though I think forking and pull requests aren't nearly as big an issue as dealing with branches, with regards to people who don't have the prior experience with source control. A better solution I think would be to make master your development branch an set up a separate branch for milestones or release candidates. The fewer steps people have to go through to get their hands on the materials they need, the better.

This is exactly the reason I've been restraining myself from suggesting writing an engine in C++ (again) as well. Most users in the community simply don't have the experience or time to contribute to something being built from scratch. Honestly, I recommend not even writing the engine from scratch in C#, and finding a decent engine (such as Unity, Torque 2D, Construct or even Game Maker - with the first two being free). Yes, it's true that scenes, prefabs, textures and other binary files don't merge well - it's a fact of life with Git. But that's going to be the case regardless of what engine you use - you're going to have merge conflicts with binary files at some point or another (this is why I like Check in/out-based solutions, like Perforce). Using an existing engine will at least give you an easier time of dealing with cross-platform stuff (even (especially?) with Mono, it can be an !@#$% to deal with yourself), and allow you to focus on writing game code rather than engine code.

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