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Messages - Takuthehedgehog

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Entertainment / Re: Anyone got the 3DS?
« on: May 27, 2011, 11:06:08 am »
I'm waiting for Nintendo to release something worth playing that I also don't already own, so I probably won't get one until at least the end of the year.

Entertainment / Re: It's Simply a Matter of Time
« on: October 18, 2009, 05:24:05 am »
You're getting too defensive over something a little insignificant like a video game that came out 11 years ago <_<;;
I got a vibe from the way your worded your first reply that you thought I was an idiot or something, which isn't a great when you come back to a forum for the first time in six months and that's the first reply directed at you. You probably didn't even mean it and I just read way too much into stuff...

Entertainment / Re: It's Simply a Matter of Time
« on: October 17, 2009, 06:01:20 pm »
Blah Blah Blah stuff about Majora's Mask sucking.
So basically, you want Majora's Mask to be like every other Zelda game ever. God forbid Nintendo actually tries to do something new, they should just rehash the same game over and over again.

Uh. You play a game that's part of a franchise because it follows a noticeable pattern in gameplay.
And that gameplay isn't there? I could've sworn you go through dungeons collecting items, solving puzzles, and using your sword to !@#$% up a bunch of monsters. Nintendo didn't change the formula, they added to it. That's what sequels are supposed to do. The core gameplay is still there, they just added a timer and three other forms of combat that you don't even have to utilize. The timer shouldn't even be an issue for anyone, you have two and a half hours to beat any given dungeon. There isn't a single dungeon in the entire series that takes two and a half hours to 100%. You can even come back on another cycle to get the stray fairies since you have all the necessary items to get through the dungeon.

You're missing one key point to your argument that somewhat invalidates any possible way it could matter-

The fact that my views on the game are purely personal opinion.
And had you not said things like people only like MM because they played it when it was little I wouldn't have bothered arguing with your opinion. If you're going to argue that my opinion is wrong because I was a kid when I played Majora's Mask, I'm going to argue your opinion is wrong because they didn't actually remove anything from the formula.

Entertainment / Re: It's Simply a Matter of Time
« on: October 17, 2009, 05:23:25 am »
Blah Blah Blah stuff about Majora's Mask sucking.
So basically, you want Majora's Mask to be like every other Zelda game ever. God forbid Nintendo actually tries to do something new, they should just rehash the same game over and over again.

Uh. You play a game that's part of a franchise because it follows a noticeable pattern in gameplay.
And that gameplay isn't there? I could've sworn you go through dungeons collecting items, solving puzzles, and using your sword to !@#$% up a bunch of monsters. Nintendo didn't change the formula, they added to it. That's what sequels are supposed to do. The core gameplay is still there, they just added a timer and three other forms of combat that you don't even have to utilize. The timer shouldn't even be an issue for anyone, you have two and a half hours to beat any given dungeon. There isn't a single dungeon in the entire series that takes two and a half hours to 100%. You can even come back on another cycle to get the stray fairies since you have all the necessary items to get through the dungeon.

Entertainment / Re: It's Simply a Matter of Time
« on: October 16, 2009, 05:44:26 am »
Blah Blah Blah stuff about Majora's Mask sucking.
So basically, you want Majora's Mask to be like every other Zelda game ever. God forbid Nintendo actually tries to do something new, they should just rehash the same game over and over again.

I agree that Majora was a weak villain, but he has like two minutes of screentime when he isn't possessing the Skull Kid. Not much time to become memorable, but Majora's Mask isn't about the villain. Majora's Mask is about the world and people of Termina, and the effect the Skull Kid has on them. Over the three days you learn people's routines and help them overcome problems directly or indirectly caused by the Skull Kid. You come to actually feel something for many of the characters, and feel sad when Anju is back to searching for Kafei, and Kafei is once again hiding behind a mask. I've never cared about the characters in any Zelda game more then in Majora's Mask.

EDIT: Whoops. That's what I get for just reading the article title and looking at the pretty pictures. Irrelevant sentences deleted.

Entertainment / Re: [REQUEST] Majora's Mask Screenshots and NPC Log
« on: April 14, 2009, 06:52:30 pm »
I've heard.. *cough* about *heck* these... things *cough* *heck* *cough* called... emulators? *cough* *heck* *wheeze* *heck* *cough*

>_> Seriously though, use an emulator and take screenshots with the printscreen key.

Entertainment / Re: Final Fantasy VII hits JPN Playstation Network
« on: April 14, 2009, 12:38:56 am »
*played FF7 on his PSP as soon as CFW got a PS1 emulator*


*never played FF7 because it sucks and it's overrated by cross-dressing fanboys.*

How do you know it sucks if you've never played it?

Entertainment / Re: Final Fantasy VII hits JPN Playstation Network
« on: April 13, 2009, 06:23:03 pm »
So glad this is happening though, been wanting to play through it again since I don't own a copy.

You really aren't missing much. And there's much easier ways to get it. I bought my PS1 back in 7th grade for $20-$30. Just grab a greatest hits edition and you're set. you don't have to plug away $400+ on the big black behemoth.
If he wants the PS3 for any other reason besides FFVII, it's a better choice. It's impossible to find any version of FFVII for under $50 nowadays. Ever since Cloud appeared in Kingdom Hearts and SquEnix started whoring the !@#$% out of VII the prices have gone way up.

Entertainment / Re: Final Fantasy VII hits JPN Playstation Network
« on: April 13, 2009, 04:00:36 am »
*needs to go and buy a backwards-compatible PS3 again*
Oh-wait!  lol

Seriously though, I do need to pick up a PS3 again.

You do know that all PS3s are back-compatible with PS1 games, right?
Ya, but I want it with PS2 games too.

a bit off topic; but the reason you can't play your PS2 games *anymore* is because of the open license :s
Open license? I thought it came down to Sony cutting costs by scraping the whatchamacallit that was basically a PS2 inside of the PS3.

Entertainment / Re: Dragonball Evolution was ok
« on: March 28, 2009, 10:40:34 pm »
Well, there's a re-editing of Dragonball/Z coming that will cut some of those extra bits away, or so it should be...
It will. Kuririn's VA said that in the new reedit (Called Dragon Ball Kai btw), Goku dies in the fight against Raditz in episode 2. In Z Goku died in like episode 4 or 5. It's been said that it's pretty much going to follow the pacing of the manga, where the fights were never nearly as long as they are in the anime.

Also, from the twenty minutes of Evolution I've seen it sucks !@#$%, but it might be one of those "so bad it's good" movies. I got two free tickets for AMC when their projector !@#$% up when I went to see Watchmen for a third time, so I'm going to use them so I can see Evolution on the big screen without giving Fox a dime. XD

Entertainment / Re: Futurama: Into The Wild Green Yonda
« on: February 17, 2009, 01:41:33 am »
I'm downloading it now.
Then I'm going to watch it and I'll post what I think.

Sucks that it might be the last that we see of Futurama.
Yeah. Maybe if people were buying the movies instead of downloading them they'd make more.

Entertainment / Re: The Youtube Topic 2.0
« on: February 14, 2009, 11:35:12 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwbGSz_vhX4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwbGSz_vhX4</a>

!@#$% FUNimation, this is quite obviously the greatest DBZ dub of all time.

Entertainment / Re: Deadly Creatures
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:04:07 pm »
A real hardcore gamer only buy games that score 9 or higher.

But a gamer who isn't stupid forms his own opinion on games, rather than always trusting a magazine or a website.

Entertainment / Re: Dragon Ball Z being re-edited in Japan!
« on: February 07, 2009, 05:17:18 pm »
Reconstructing every episode, eh? This is interesting. I wonder if they'll attempt to remove the corniness that each episode had :S. Then again, I watched the english dub only :(. I'm looking forward to seeing this.
It depends on how FUNimation decides to dub it. If they decide they're going to treat DBZ the same way they always have it'll still be corny. If they actually follow the Japanese script for once it won't be. When they redubbed the first two seasons with their in-house cast, they barely changed the scripts at all, so my guess is they'll dub it the way they always have. IF they ever dub it that is. Knowing FUNi and their love to milk the series, I'm sure they'll make some kind of deal with Toei to get the new footage.

Funimation isn't the only one with an official dub... *points at OCEAN of Canada*. You guys seem to forget that Funimations dub sucks ass <_<

Anyway this is pretty neat I think. I'd probably never watch it again, and I'm afraid they're going to throw in a ton of CG... :\
Yeah, but after it finished it's run on TV, the Ocean dub never got a home release. You can only get the first two edited seasons of the Ocean dub on DVD. Ocean hasn't dubbed anything DBZ since the series ended, whereas FUNi has been doing the movies and video games. I suppose if it aired on TV in America Ocean Studios might dub it, but at this point any English dub is speculation. And yes, FUNi's dub sucks ass, but the Ocean dub uses the same exact scripts. :P

Entertainment / Re: Dragon Ball Z being re-edited in Japan!
« on: February 07, 2009, 07:45:19 am »
Reconstructing every episode, eh? This is interesting. I wonder if they'll attempt to remove the corniness that each episode had :S. Then again, I watched the english dub only :(. I'm looking forward to seeing this.
It depends on how FUNimation decides to dub it. If they decide they're going to treat DBZ the same way they always have it'll still be corny. If they actually follow the Japanese script for once it won't be. When they redubbed the first two seasons with their in-house cast, they barely changed the scripts at all, so my guess is they'll dub it the way they always have. IF they ever dub it that is. Knowing FUNi and their love to milk the series, I'm sure they'll make some kind of deal with Toei to get the new footage.

Entertainment / Re: Dragon Ball Z being re-edited in Japan!
« on: February 07, 2009, 01:54:53 am »
Wow!  You get to watch DBZ reruns again!  Lets do something productive!

If you don't care about the subject matter don't post in the topic. Like you said, do something productive instead.

Entertainment / Dragon Ball Z being re-edited in Japan!
« on: February 06, 2009, 10:00:38 pm »


Quote from: kei17
Finally, we got the BIGGEST news ever. The totally renewed DBZ will start in April 5th.

(From Shonen Jump)


20th anniversary of Dragon Ball Z!
The legend of Z will be back with the newest digital technology!!
Starts at 9:00AM in April 5th 2009, on Fuji TV!!

1. More exciting by re-editing!!: The footage will be totally re-edited and HD-remastered!!
2. New opening and ending!!: Both footage and songs will be renewed! The sound effects in the show will also be renewed!!
2. Superb seiyus will gather for the show!!: The show will be re-dubbed by the original casts!!

Edit: This is not from a certain source, but I found the following post on a Toei-related thread in 2ch.
680 名前: 名無しさん名無しさん Mail: sage 投稿日: 2009/02/06(金)
This post says that the number of episodes will be about 100. They will reconstruct the whole episodes.
And They won't redraw the footage in the show. Only some digital effects will be added.

!@#$% YES! Re-edited to shorten the series, redubed by the fantastic Japanese voice actors, frames extended to be widescreen (NOT cropping like FUNimation did, they're actually extending the frames by animating more on the sides), and remastered in 1080p! The re-edited Dragon Ball Z starts airing in Japan on April 5, 2009! This is going to be !@#$% awesome!

Entertainment / Re: Banjo-Tooie in April
« on: January 30, 2009, 04:36:53 am »
Super-sharp HD graphics?

Banjo-Kazooie on the XBLA didn't look any different, did it? I don't suppose this one will update the models either... probably the textures, though.
I think it means that the graphics are "super-sharp" for "HD" or something like that meaning they will look as nice as the BK XBLA graphics but obviously better.
It means it won't look like !@#$% on your HDTV. Play the N64 version on a big HDTV and you'll see what they mean.

Can't wait to play through Tooie again! Unlike the original, I never got all the Jiggies in Tooie. I started playing it a couple years ago, but stopped when the live arcade version was announced. Stop N Swop better not be a cop-out. >:(

Entertainment / Re: The Youtube Topic 2.0
« on: January 16, 2009, 05:57:52 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXeOlcctd9g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXeOlcctd9g</a>

Dragon Ball Z Abridged episode 8! :D Hilarious.

Entertainment / Re: MYSTERIOUS TIMER
« on: January 14, 2009, 07:17:58 am »
There's a Triforce near the top of the clock, so it's obviously the new M rated Zelda directed by Suda51. :P

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