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Author Topic: Contest Format (Read First)  (Read 2639 times)

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Contest Format (Read First)
« on: March 23, 2008, 06:38:55 am »
  • ^Not actually me.
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  • Posts: 9786
Howdy folks! I'm going to run down how contests work real quick; terms, rules, blah blah

There are categories for each contest; for example- Game Design obviously is a contest for game development, Graphics is a contest for artwork, etc

Contests may have a theme for the users to keep in mind while participating. These can range anywhere from "Zelda Fangame" to "Completely unique creation you come up with". We want you to be creative either way ^_^

Rules and Guidelines:
Every contest has a set of rules or specific guidelines to keep in mind while participating, some of which may result in disqualification or a docking of points if they're broken! So remember to pay attention to those. It's also important to note that most typically, guidelines and rules pertain to a specific theme for the contest.

Contests may have requirements for entering; for example- A development contest may require the user to use C#, or something to that extent. Post counts may also be considered for some contests.

Time frame:
Contests need a time frame. Time frames are split up in 2 ways- The time users have to participate, and the time allotted for judging, be it user votes or other methods of voting. It is important to meet your deadline! Missing a deadline means you'll either have to turn in what you have, or be disqualified!

Something new with contests, is the chance to win REAL prizes. Pay attention to what the prizes are when entering!

How do I enter?
Users enter contests by posting in the contest thread. Do not make random comment posts, etc. They will be deleted. If you're going to post in the threads, make sure you're wanting to enter the contest.

Disqualification Policy
Users can be disqualified for a variety of reasons outside of breaking the guidelines of a specific contest, including but not limited to:
- Being banned for forum disruption, or other major forum rule breaking
- Being generally spammy in the contest thread
- Irritating staff, again remember- contests arent a right to every user; some contests have prizes that cost administration money; qualification is at our discretion.
- Attempts to bias the votes of another user by mass-voting or intentionally giving entries top or bottom scores without reason, will be grounds for disqualification and will result in the voting being restarted.
- Votes from suspicious users, duplicate accounts, etc will not be counted. (IE: Accounts with 0 posts, etc).

Thats about it, I think :P
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 11:28:03 am by Mamoruanime »
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