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Author Topic: 8th of December is not christmas.  (Read 11373 times)

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Forum Dragon
Re: 8th of December is not christmas.
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2008, 10:22:03 pm »
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...it doesn't warrant a month-long build-up any more than your birthday or Easter does <_<

The season of Lent would like a word with you.

Lol. :P

My family mostly celebrates the 'commercial' end of Christmas.. we're by all means not christian, but we're festive. For us it's sharing appreciation for each other, having a nice meal and enjoying each other.

Same here and it isn't a month long build up( a build up would suggest more lights are added as the day comes closer), but there is enough work behind it that you want them to be out there for people to see for as long as possible. Also, the month of December is so busy with school exams, shopping, etc. That you are lucky if you can wait to put them up 5 days before Christmas.   

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Re: 8th of December is not christmas.
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2008, 10:30:10 pm »
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bah humbug
/bah humbug

But srsly TDJ, lighten the !@#$% up. It's a frigging international end-of-year holiday, god forbid people make their houses look nice to lighten things up a little. Decorations, that is, fairy lights here and there, make you feel warm- don't deny it. It's nice when everything's grey, it makes things bearable. And don't pretend to feel sorry for Mr. Man in the decorated house because he's stressed about buying presents- for all you know he could easily be happy. People help eachother buy presents. But I do agree, Christmas songs suck balls.

So stop complaining about Christmas- you're going to get tons of presents/money that you're going to be happy with. Be a good boy, or you'll get a piece of coal (read: someone will punch you in the face) You have no right to complain about Christmas when it means nothing but fun for you.

To conclude: The shitty aspects of Christmas are tacky decorations plastered all over about one in 1,000 houses, of which one in 1,000 of those are actually completely terrible. The other aspect is the commercial whoring of it. At your age, you should know to ignore that !@#$% if you're above it and not throw a hissy fit over it. Most people don't put decorations up until at least the start of December, and hey, you know that month-long buildup that's completely pointless? It's called Advent. Maybe you should learn about !@#$% before making baseless rants next time.

Although I don't really think I'm looking forward to Christmas this year, for heaven's sake, let people have their fun.
Christmas might have turned into a shitty commercial holiday, but not for everyone.
Christmas might be this one period where everybody pretends to be happy just because "IT'S CHRISTMAS", while usually they would rip each others heads off. But it's not like that for everyone.
For a great deal of people it is a holiday to celebrate the end of the year, with your family and the ones dearest to you. Tell me what is WRONG about that.

You're complaining about 26 days of peace and happiness. What the...

But I have to admit, if anyone puts up Christmas decorations as early as September, or, well, in general, 1st of December, I'm definitely the first to be annoyed.
It's starting earlier every year. I don't want to be singing Christmas carols in July one day. xD
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Re: 8th of December is not christmas.
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2008, 10:39:46 pm »
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I enjoy Christmas itself quite a lot (it's Boxing day I dread, some argument between one of my extended family members and one of their children always breaks out <_<), but it's one of those things that gets thrust in peoples faces too long beforehand if you ask me, and seems to be the only holiday which does so. I'm well aware of 'advent' (Heh, as 'not true to the religious purpose of advent but who gives a !@#$% about that any more since christmas is practically an atheist holiday nowadays anyway, woo' as those calenders are, they were good before you realised how stupid they were), but like Lent who the !@#$% cares any more?

To be fair my whole 'angst' over this was sparked by one of those Men dressed as Santa riding through the street on a car made to look like a sledge. These don't usually come to around the 15th minimum down here, which made me realise: Christmas is happening earlier for some reason. After being exposed to the radio at college playing christmas songs practically none-stop for two hours before-hand (I didn't even know they WERE that many christmas songs!), my patience is fast running out.

I have no problem with people being 'happy', but 25 !@#$% days of it is a bit much, come on. It's like the streets of town are grinning idiots who just sit there giggling to themselves. It means the day itself loses any real value and becomes all "Yay presents...Yum dinner...that was nice, time to sleep". The decorations aren't wonderful at all if they are up for a whole month beforehand!

Sure, when the decorations go up it's all "Oh wow the tree looks great" but 25 days later they have become part of the furniture which is just boring :P

You know what, !@#$% it, I'm probably just being as big a troll as Swiftu at the moment.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 10:53:36 pm by TheDarkJay »
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