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What makes Black Wolfos too difficult?

His hp is too high
- 1 (50%)
He shouldn't summon so many wolfos
- 1 (50%)
There is too much strategy involved with different forms
- 0 (0%)
He shouldn't attack from range
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2

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Author Topic: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss  (Read 8723 times)

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The Idea Man
SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« on: June 07, 2012, 04:48:49 am »
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Okay, so we all know of wolfos. Here's my idea for a cool boss fight.

Black Wolfos Description
Well... he is the Alpha of the wolfos beasts. He has black fur, bright green eyes, sharp ivory claws about as long as a small sword, and a bushy tail. Other than that, he is overall just a larger wolfos.

Black Wolfos Stats

HP= Medium High, Takes around 20-30 hits to kill
Damage Output= Medium, Deals about half a heart damage per attack
Speed= High, the fastest moving boss in the game. Covers ground quickly due to size.
Weakpoint= Tail, if hit from front takes half damage

Black Wolfos Abilities
Claw Swipe= A quick swipe with either the left or right claws. Blockable.
Claw Crush= raises both hands overhead and stands on two legs before trying to smash you. Cant block
Claw Flurry= rapidly swings alternating claws up to 6 attacks. Run to avoid
Wolf Wind= Shoots out wind spheres to cut you. in patterns leaving a safe opening each time.
Teleport= Sinks down into the ground and comes up elsewhere.
Beast Call= Call forth a white wolfos or 2 wolfos to aid him

Fighting the Black Wolfos
Strategy= This fight would flow like a mix between a Wolfos and the Final Ganon battle from OoT. You would have to focus mostly on dodging fast attacks and when he does a slower attack get behind him either with a roll underneath his legs or by running directly passed the attack. When he raises his arms he can be stunned by your hookshot to make things slightly easier. After the first 3rd of the battle (under roll tail attacking), He enters a more desperate phase where he will alternate between summoning 2 Wolfos or a white Wolfos each time you damage him. To summon them, he must be still, get on all fours and arch his back before howling. This is your chance to attack him. After each summoning, he retreats underground (Wolfos often come from underground somehow) until the summoned creatures are defeated. When he comes up, he attacks as usual and if hurt, he will summon more and retreat. When he has 1 hit remaining, he will Summon 2 white Wolfos, and instead of retreating, he gets near a wall and shoots triple wind blasts at you. These blasts of wind can be nullified by tossing your boomerang through them. Otherwise, you get hit and pushed back a few tiles. Kill the wolfos, use your boomerang to get in close, and finish him like usual.

Battle Summary

Phase 1- Block fast attacks, stun him with hookshot during slow ones and attack his tail
Phase 2- Kill summoned creatures, repeat phase 1
Final stand- Kill summoned creatures, nullify one of three projectiles to get in close, repeat phase 1.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 10:52:14 am by Kienamaru »
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Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 01:43:52 pm »
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Hmm...you've thrown an issue out there that I didn't consider regarding HP.  Generally, the player's attack speed in 2D games is much higher than that of 3D games.  That means we need to take higher health into consideration all across the board for NPCs...

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The Idea Man
Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2012, 02:00:49 pm »
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That's a good thing right?
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Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2012, 02:05:06 pm »
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Yes, I was just making a general comment, nothing related to your design xD  I'm waiting on Max and Niek to post before I say anything.

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The Idea Man
Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2012, 02:06:35 pm »
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Ah okay then. Well I really hope this idea is liked. If not well. Ill try again. I am a think tank after all.
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Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 04:56:41 pm »
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It seems interesting. However I think a 4 phased battle is pretty much, especially for a first dungeon boss. First dungeon bosses mostly have 2 phases. And only the final boss (in this case Ganon) would have 4 different battle stages. I do think that you have to consider that this is the first boss in the game that the player encounters. He probably has 6-8 hearts (depends on with how many we start) at maximum to deal with this guy.

I do like the final stand stage, it does reek of desparation. However I don't know how strong the wolfos enemies are. You should add those in the Enemy Units board. If I remember OOT correct then a wolfos was pretty dangerous and strong, due to being able to block. And dealling with 2 white ones and having to dodge the airblasts, well that is pretty though. My advice drop at least one of the three first phases.

I will hold any further comments untill I know more about the Wolfos units.


The Idea Man
Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 05:31:30 pm »
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Wolfos and White wolfos are up, and the boss post has been modified, a phase taken out. Is this better?
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Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 10:37:33 pm »
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Dude, this is great. I love the idea of a wolf as a boss, but maybe, this would be more suitable to the Shiekah Temple. I mean black is commonly refered to mistery and secrets. The Shiekah are REALLY mysterious. The only thing I dislike. is that you aren't using the hookshot or the boomerang. I'm not saying this because I uploaded antoher boss entry for the Forest Temple, don't go with the wrong idea.


The Idea Man
Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 01:56:48 am »
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Dude, this is great. I love the idea of a wolf as a boss, but maybe, this would be more suitable to the Shiekah Temple. I mean black is commonly refered to mistery and secrets. The Shiekah are REALLY mysterious. The only thing I dislike. is that you aren't using the hookshot or the boomerang. I'm not saying this because I uploaded antoher boss entry for the Forest Temple, don't go with the wrong idea.

Thats because i didnt see an item list. I didnt want to assume the player would have any specific items. It can be modified to include some sort of item. I know that is what Zelda likes to do.
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Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2012, 02:15:23 am »
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Kienamaru, check the doc, you'll find all the items that the player will have at various points in the game :)

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The Idea Man
Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2012, 10:36:18 am »
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that is... odd... checking now. i must have missed it last time i checked...

hmm, its 5 40am... if im staying awake or not i dont know. but when i get up, ill see how i can implement the boomerang and /or hookshot into the boss fight.

MODIFIED- Now includes usage of the hookshot (optional) and the boomerang (mandatory)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 10:53:30 am by Kienamaru »
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Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2012, 09:28:37 pm »
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I have seen your Wolfos entries and combined with this. It just seems maybe a bit to difficult for a first dungeon boss. Don't get me wrong, I am for challenging gameplay. But it could be that this Boss needs some serious tweaking or retooling by the end.


The Idea Man
Re: SUBMISSION (Black Wolfos) Forest Temple Boss
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2012, 10:03:10 pm »
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Well I figured the game would be on the likes of ALTTP with difficulty. Overall you like it but it sounds too hard? What sounds difficult? I'm sure we could do some adjusting. Is his hp too high?
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