Okay, I didn't know where to put this, because there is no board for miscellaneous content. I saw this was missing from the GDD. It is something everyone expects it to be in a Zelda game and takes it for granted. However the exact details are fuzzy, which became apparant to me while reviewing. However this does not mention any abilities mentioned in the GDD but not described, such as the underwater world traveling.
As the game is in MC style I have made the descriptions also based on the MC version.
Availability: From the start
Description: This is the default action of Link and the player does not provide any input. And Link is not attacked. All other states always return back to this. After a period of time Link will blink with his eyes.
Movement: None
Facing: In the direction that Link was facing in the previous action.
Availability: From the start
Description: The player uses the direction keys to move Link in a specific direction. In addition no other input is given (with a maximum of two keys) and no object in the world is interacted with.
Movement: In the direction that the player is pressing. Which is one of 8 directions (cardinal and diagonal). If the player presses the keys for opposite directions they cancel each other out and the action will result in "Standing". Movement is obtructed by objects in the world.
Facing: In the direction of the key pressed. When the player is holding two keys down it is the direction of the first key pressed.
Availability: From the start
Description: Link rolls for a short period time. It makes Link a little bit smaller and go a bit faster than walking. Link needs to be walking and the player is pressing the R button to start it. Link leaves little dust clouds in his path.
Movement: Is fixed in the direction that the player was facing when the action started. It cannot be changed untill the action ends. Movement is obstructed by objects in the world.
Facing: Is fixed in the direction that Link was facing when the action started. It cannot be changed until the action ends.
Availability: From the start
Description: When there is an object in front of Link that Link can grab and the player presses the R button, then Link will grab the object. THis action ends when the player releases the R button or the object disappears.
Movement: In principle no movement, however the game will line up the center of Link and the object, when the object is smaller than Link.
Facing: Fixed. It cannot be changed during a grabbing action.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link collides with an object that can be pushed in the direction that Link is facing or is grabbing an object that can be pushed and the player moves Link in the direction Link is facing, then the pushing action is started. The object can only move when it is not blocked at the other side. If moving is impossible than Link's face will turn red after a period of time.
Movement: Starts after a time period of the initial start of the pushing action. It is fixed in the direction that Link is facing. The pushing ends when the player no longer presses the R button in case of initial grabbing, the player stops moving or moves in a different direction (in case of a collision). The object will always move a distance of 16 pixels to keep it fixed to the tilegrid.
Facing: In case of grabing the facing cannot be changed. In case of collision the facing can be changed, but it immediately negates the pushing action.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link has grabbed an object and the player pushes the directional key opposite to Link's Facing, then Link will start to pull. If the object can be pulled, then the object and Link will move in the opposite direction of his facing. If the object cannot be pulled there is no movement and after a period of time Link's face will turn red.
Movement: The movementstarts after a period of time and is fixed in the direction opposite of Link's facing. The distance traveled is always in intervals of 16 pixels, after which it returns to the grabbing action. Movement is blocked if behind Link is a solid object.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this action.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is facing and standing in front of an object that can be lifted and the player presses the R button, Link will pick up the object above his head and can walk around with it.
Movement: In the first part when Link is picking up the object there is no movement possible, but the game will line the centers of Link and the object when the object is smaller than Link. When Link is holding the object above his head the movement is the same as walking and standing.
Facing: During the picking up the facing cannot be changed, but when walking with the object the facing changes in the direction of the movement.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is lifting an object above his head, Link is not moving and the player presses the R button again, Link will put down the object in front him in the direction that Link is facing and keeping the object in tact.
Movement:Durring the dropping action there is no movement, except for lining Link up to the nearest multiple of 16 pixels to fix the object to the grid.
Facing: The facing is not changed during this action.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is lifting an object above his head, Link is moving and the player presses the R button again, Link wil throw the object in the direction he is facing at that moment. The object will move independent from Link in an arc motion until it hits something or the ground. If the object is breakable it will break. Otherwise it will stay in the place of landing intact.
Movement: During the throwing action there is no movement.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this action.
Availability: From the moment that Link obtains the flippers
Description: When Link moves on the surface designated as swimming water, and he is not jumping or floating, he will drop in the water and starts the swimming action. This action is the default as long as Link is on the surface swimming water. Link will move as the player presses a directional key. Without input Link will remain in position.
Movement: Without input there is no movement. Otherwise the movement is in the direction of the input similar to walking (and opposite direction input is canceled). When the player is no longer providing directional input it wil take a short time period for actual movement to stop.
Facing: The facing is changed to the direction of (last) movement.
Swim boost
Availability: From the moment that Link obtains the flippers
Description: Link will temporarily swim a lot faster than normal and will come gradually come to a halt in the direction he was facing when he started the boost. This action will last for a period of time.
Movement: The movement is fixed in the direction Link was facing when the boost was started. The speed of the movement gradually drops to a halt, however the direction of the movement cannot be changed until the alotted time passes.
Facing: The facing can be change with the directional keys.
Availability: From the moment that Link obtains the flippers
Description: When the player presses the correct button Link will go from the swimming action that is above the water's surface to the diving that is below the water's surface. Only a shadow will be visible and Link will surface again after a time period as passed. Not sooner or later.
Movement: Is the same as with swimming.
Facing: Is the same as with swimming, however this is not graphically visible.
Ledge jumping
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is colliding with a ledge he can jump of it. The requirements are that Link is facing and moving in the direction of the ledge going down.
Movement: The ledgejumping starts after period of time when facing and moving into the ledge. During the ledge jumping the movement's direction and speed is fixed until Link reaches a landing spot.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this action.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is facing and in the vicinity of a friendly NPC, Link is in the correct spot relative to the NPC's facing and the player presses the R button, then Link wil go in speak mode. All enemies in the vicinity freeze, Link's movement is halted and on screen a text box appears with the information that the friendly has to say. When the information does not fit in the textbox, the player can continue scrolling and reading the rest by the press of the button. The action ends when all the information has been displayed and the player presses the button.
Sometimes during speaking the player is provided with a choice. The directional keys can be used to highlight a choice and another button confirms the choice. And the consequences of the choice happen. Examples are buying, selling and participating in a mini-game.
Movement: There is no movement possible during such an action. (Unless a cutscene event happens)
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this action. (Unless a cutscene even happens)
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is in the vicinity of a sign he can read the information on it. This the same type of textbox as with speaking, but there is no possibility of a selection during the reading. There are some requirements that need to be uphold: 1) Link has to be in the vicinity of the sign, 2) Link has to be south of the sign, and 3) Link is facing north towards the sign.
Movement: There is no movement during reading.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during reading.
Opening chests
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is in the vicinity of a chest he can open it to obtain the contents. There are some requirements that need to be upheld: 1) Link has to be in the vicinity of the chest, 2) Link has to be south of the chest, and 3) Link is facing north towards the chest. When the chest is opened Link will hold the obtained item above his head, a fanfare plays and a text box with the information about the content appears. At the end Link's inventory changes.
Movement: There is no movement during opening.
Facing: The facing is first to the north, but at the end of the action Link is facing south.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link's position is on a surface designated as a pit and he is not floating or jumping, then Link will fall into the pit. At the end of this action Link will sustain minimum damage and be put back to the last free and safe position that Link was not jumping or floating. (In MC's case tall grass, shallow water, ice and trigger tiles are not free positions) After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: There is no movement, except when Link is put back to the last free position, which happens in an instance.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during pit falling.
Availability: From the start until the moment that Link obtains the flippers
Description: When Link's position is on a surface designated as swimming water and he is not jumping or floating, he will drop in. But if he has not yet obtained the flippers he will drown instead of swim. After drowning Link is put back to the last free and safe position he was not jumping or floating, without sustaining damage. Drowning also happens in lava. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: There is no movement during this action and putting Link back is instantanious.
Facing: The facing cannot be change during drowning.
Availability: From the start
Description: As soon as Link touches a flame or something that burns Link, he will get burned. In this state Link will move frantically, cannot do anything else and has his ass on fire. The burning state has damage at its initial point and it leaves Link open to be attacked or bump into enemies. The burning last for a period of time. Changing directions often shortens the time period. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: Link cannot stop moving and will continue to move at a higher than normal speed in the direction he is facing. The direction of movement can be changed.
Facing: The facing can be changed at any moment.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link is attacked with a freeze attack or touches something freezing, Link will go in a freezing state. Damage happens at the initiazation of the freezing. It will leave Link open to other attacks and it keeps Link in the same spot. Freezing lasts a period of time, but taking other attacks and button bashing by the player shortens this period. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: There is no movement during freezing.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during freezing.
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link touches something electrifying or takes an electric attack, then he gets electricuted. In this state Link has an electric aura and flashes from normal Link to an "X-ray bone-viewing" Link. Link takes damage from this and it last a specific time period. During this time Link cannot take more damage.
Movement: There is no movement during this state. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this state.
Damage knockback
Availability: From the start
Description: When Link takes damage from a trap or a regular attack he moves a short distance away from the point of attack. During this short period Link cannot do anything. After it Link is temporarily invincible.
Movement: Link moves in the direction opposite of where the attack came from.
Facing: The facing cannot be changed during this short period.